Life in a Communist Totalitarian Gulag, USA Style By James Reed

Sidney Powell, who fought the good fight on electoral fraud, but never had her day in the corrupt courts, courts who dismissed cases without hearing evidence, which is how I define “corrupt,” has concluded that the United States has become a communist totalitarian regime. That is something of great significance to Australia, and we should be very afraid of our future existence, since we will be essentially defenceless against the might of China. People trying to warn about these dangers should be encouraged to continue the fight, not beaten down, as she, and many others have been.

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The Nasty Problem of the Covid Spikes, Ouch! By Brian Simpson

Images of the Covid-19 virus show that it is a kind of sphere surrounded by spikes, looking like some sort of mini-explosive device, that blows up ships. Now, it appears that it is these spike proteins which cause the blood clots we all fear, from research by the famous Salk Institute. What follows is from Natural, and I cannot verify that it is true, but, what is truth nowadays?

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A Trained Monkey Could Do Well as President, Too By James Reed

America is sure interesting as a study in political absurdity. Take head clown of the great clown show, senile Joe Biden, the false president. His Deep State minders do not permit non-approved questions; compare that to Trump where almost everything was on the run. That policy by Biden’s controllers denies Biden’s agency, naturally enough for an old senile man, and raises the possibility of having a real monkey as president. Say, is there a movie about that, or did I first think it up? I am not thinking of Planet of the Apes, which is what we basically now have.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Thursday that her team at times tells President Joe Biden not to answer questions from reporters.

Psaki made the remarks during an appearance on CNN’s podcast “The Axe Files with David Axelrod.”

CNN Senior Political Commentator Axelrod brought up an incident from earlier this year when the president was put on the spot by CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins about whether a provision to raise the minimum wage to $15 would be part of the pandemic relief bill that was signed into law in March.

The president at the time was unaccompanied by his communications team and answered the question.

Axelrod asked the press secretary how she manages scenarios where Biden takes impromptu questions from reporters.

“He was right, but it must have given you a lot of heartburn and [made you] ask yourself, ‘Why are we allowing him to roll around in the hallways doing impromptu interviews?’” Axelrod asked.

“He takes questions nearly every day he’s out [with] the press,” Psaki said.

“That is not something we recommend. In fact, a lot of times we say ‘don’t take questions,'” Psaki told Axelrod, noting that at the time, she had finished work for the day and the president was on his way back to his residence.

She continued, “But he’s going to do what he wants to do because he’s the president of the United States.”

The president has only held one formal press conference, which took place 65 days into his presidency on March 25, after mounting pressure from critics and journalists. Biden waited longer than any other president in four decades to hold the formal briefing.

By contrast, his 15 predecessors held solo press briefings within the first 33 days of their respective presidencies. Former President Donald Trump took questions after 27 days in office, while former President Barack Obama held a formal press conference 20 days into his first term.

The president gave his first prime-time address on March 11 but took no questions afterwards.

Photographs taken during his first solo press conference showed that he consulted notes that assisted him with key policy points and data, and appeared to show numbered images of reporters attending the event.

The president took answers only from a list of reporters whose outlets and names were listed and numbered on a cue card. Biden took 31 questions from reporters, notably ignoring those from Fox News and The New York Times.”

This is what one gets when an election is stolen, then nothing is done about it.

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Hi, Ho, Digital Dictatorship, Here We Go! By Brian Simpson

First, it was news of China seeking to control the entire internet, then maybe all oxygen molecules, now it is Beijing Biden’s turn to play evil James Bond hyper-villain, with a biomedical research facility modelled on DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which also sounds like it is out of a James Bond movie, only more sinister. The idea is to merge national security and health in exciting New World Order ways, to knock over disease and outbreaks of violence before they occur. Now, how might that technology get abused? Well, it bleeds oppression form the very start.

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Bill and Melinda and Jeff and Who Knows Who Else! By James Reed

There was a prize of a cheap bottle of plonk for the journo who had the best hypothesis about the breakup of the Gates, generously given by the Bullpen editor, and we all frantically typed away to make our deadlines, cigar smoke in the crowed office making it hard to see the screen. My guess at the time was that it had something to do with Jeffrey Epstein. All the elites worth eliting seem to have rubbed shoulders with this guy. As far as I could find from my team of trained monkeys searching the internet, rewarded with half a rotten banana each, no record of a visit by Bill to Jeff’s magic island, Treasure Island. But there were meetings at Jeff’s New York mansion, one going late into the night. Oooooooooooh!   Oh, I won the prize, a half a bottle of metho for this outstanding contribution.

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Glen Loury Critical Race Theory: “Criminal” By James Reed

Ivy League, which always reminds me of poison ivy, Professor Glenn Loury, who just happens to be Black, has given both barrels to the teaching of identity politics at university, seeing it as  a criminal derelict of the duty to encourage rational conceptions of the self. People become identified with their race, or genitalia, which is self-limiting of the highest degree. Good to see the Left cop it from the good prof.


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Dr Fuellmich et al. Against the Covid Establishment By Brian Simpson

Medical expert, Dr Fuellmich and his team of 10,000 medical experts and an army of over 1,000 lawyers, have commenced legal proceedings against the World Health Organization and world leaders for crimes against humanity, relating to all the components of the Covid plandemic. The case is an international human rights case, invoking the Geneva Convention, the Nuremberg Codes, and much else., a newspaper covering this from a Euro-perspective has an excellent summary of the case. This is a very unique law suit, given its complexity, and its attack upon the entire Covid establishment.


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Biden: He is not Called “Senile” Without Good Reason! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The actual details of the recent story that Joe Biden told are not too important; what is significant is that he got it so wrong, he was either lying, or more likely, talking off the cuff, his mind lost focus due to his senility. He is useful since he probably is not aware of what he signs, as if that matters. Yet Donald Trump’s health was challenged at every point, but here is senile Joe, on open display. It is all about how the elites can spit in the face of the dispossessed majority, who ask: please spit some more, only harder!

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No Evidence of an Armed Insurrection! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Julie Kelly goes into detail about exactly what weapons were found on those arrested on January 6 in the peaceful protest, that senile Beijing Biden, said to be president, has proclaimed as the greatest threat to the nation since the civil war. Yep, greater that even World War II, the Nazis, 9-11, the Cold War, you name it. One would have thought that each protester had a mini atomic bomb in their back pack! Instead, some personal self-defence weapons, no guns or explosives. It is the Weapons of Mass Destruction scam, all over again.

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Disassembly of Our Constitutions By Ian Wilson LL.B

Question of law: is it legal and/or constitutional to appoint a public body of people restricted by race? At first blush, that would seem to conflict with anti-discrimination legislation, but there are exceptions in the various legislations, and exceptions can always be legislated for, and as the enacted law is more recent than the anti-discrimination law, it will hold if constitutional. So is a race-based law, constitutional?


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A Mathematical Refutation of the Mask Ideology By Brian Simpson

Here is material from Dr Mercola on the mathematical arguments that have recently been advanced by computer modelling, that the risks of contracting live viruses of Covid-19 while maskless in the outdoor air, are small. This needs to be understood alongside the argument that most masks are ineffective, not being of the right type (dust masks), or not being replaced regularly to avoid contamination.

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The Pollution of China By James Reed

The climate ideology from the Left, from Princess Greta Thunberg, to Beijing Biden, is that the West is responsible for the climate crisis, and must be punished and deconstructed. China, being non-white and communist, is divine, and can do no wrong. In short, China good; West, evil. This is so, even though China’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2019 exceeded the US, and the rest of the developed world combined. The Left sees no problem here, naturally, as China good; the West, evil. Evil racists produce the most damaging carbon dioxide emissions, worse that cow farts. Down with the evil racists! Done with us! Take away our government benefits! Wait …what!!!

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Former Judge Speaks Out on Transgender Agenda By Mrs Vera West

The UK government is looking into expanding ever-more hate crime laws, and the Law Commission is talking to various groups, with the aim of adding them to the already comprehensive list. A former judge, Charles Wide, has criticised the present consultation process, which is largely restricted to specific interest groups, not the wider community, or those who may not want any such expansion. The results will be a further restriction of free speech, which is what it is all about in the beginning; first start with race, and then work the way out to include all things of the Left. Thus, those who say things like only women can menstruate, covered in another article, will ultimately be burnt at the stake. Think the Middle Ages, only to the Left. In fact, future historians may view the Middle Ages as an Age of Enlightenment compared to the 21st century, a true Dark Age.


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Bill and Melinda Split By Mrs Vera West

I have done search to try and find something that might be useful here. Info Wars speculates, but it does not seem that there is anything political about it. Bill would be one tough guy to live with so it is expected. Melinda will haver plenty of money, enough to buy fish such a whiting for every meal if she so desires.

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Mask Psychosis By Brian Simpson

Mrs West has an article, I think going up today, on VP Harris and her hubby kissing through masks. We hypothesise that this is another form of mask psychosis. We are not the only ones,  as this cult of the mask has now led to critics from the Left saying much the same thing.

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Of Course, Women are Not the Only Ones to Menstruate! By Mrs Vera West

One is not permitted to say things that were regarded as common sense even a decade ago, such as women are the only ones who menstruate. A society that abandons common sense realities cannot survive, and nor should it.


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The Woke CIA, China’s Dream By James Reed

A good John Nolte article, slamming the woke, politically correct CIA, which is becoming also a self-parody. They are becoming useless for real work, such as dealing with the threat of China, but prefer to fight White supremacism, meaning all white Trump supporters.


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Talking about Insurrection By Chris Knight

While the Democrats and false Prezzy Obama, I mean Biden, are raving about white supremacist insurrections, and white racists under every bed, the Left are getting down and threatening key figures such as Portland city Mayor, Ted Wheeler, who once was soft on the Leftist terrorists, but now is talking of doing something, what, we do not know. And, there comes the death threats, but veiled, and not as clear as Leftoids usually are. Could the message have been recorded by a Leftist who had consumed too many drugs? The voice certainly sounds the worst for wear.

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Kissing Masks? By Mrs Vera West

The working hypothesis at this blog is that the mask ideology, apart from being an insidious form of social control, is also some sort of psychopathology, as even some from the Left have started to say. Kamala Harris and hubby kiss through the masks … it just makes you wonder about that couple, but we live in a weird world, and one that is getting weirder.

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Would Today’s Police Murder Jesus? Yes, According to a Leftoid By James Reed

According to Leftist Rosanna Arquette, if Jesus was alive today, the police would murder him because of the colour of his skin. From her paradigm, Jesus is probably Black, an African-American. But, in reality, Jesus is beyond race, so I would expect that he would probably appear as the race of the viewer, a Black to a Black, and a White to a White. Since Jesus transcends race, no silly Leftist feminist actress, the police would not kill Jesus merely because of his race. He would most likely be “murdered” for his theology and critique of this evil society, such as abortion. But, that is all a figure of speech, since Jesus has already died for the sins of the world, and does not need to do it again.

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