Beer and Cash for a Vax! By Mrs Vera West

This is what happens before Covid-1984 vaccination become compulsory, the carrot, or in this case, a beer and cash, before the big stick. As usual, the US is leading the charge on this vax-by-bribery scheme, and it is diabolically clever, to target the sheeple where they are most vulnerable – their love of beer! I can even think of few alcoholic bloggers here – and I am looking at you James – who just might get all vaxxed up merely for the offer of alcohol. Shameful!

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Biden’s Radical Tax Program? No, Just Senility By Chris Knight

You can go to the link in the Zero article and hear Beijing Biden actually say that anybody making less than $ 400,000 will not pay a single penny/cent of taxes! Of course, this was just a way of saying that everybody earning under $ 400,000 will as usual face the main tax burden of the nation. Or, it was just senility. Or, both.

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Terrorist Nation ‘R’ Us! China Sees Oz Backing “Terrorists” By James Reed

Things are hotting up, and getting a bit nasty. China is now accusing little old Australia of supporting those China has defined as terrorists. Technically that makes Australia an enemy, doesn’t it? And for a militarily aggressive power bent on world conquest, guess where that will lead?

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The Neo-Con’s Hatred of WASPs By Chris Knight

I often wondered why George W. Bush was so stupid. Then we have Biden, and I stopped wondering. Bush’s latest comments are directed against the founding ethnic group of America, WASPs. It is not clear what this war-wondering neo-con man wants, but his vision of the West will lead to it being a diverse, chaotic cesspool, with inevitable collapse, and a “Red Dawn: invasion. If lucky, the cleansing fires of a nuclear holocaust could occur first, since eternal wars are one defining point of the neo con, and con is the word, world view. This time Russia is more than prepared.

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When the White Riots Rain Down By Chris Knight (Florida)

Jim Goad is always good reading, if you do not mind a few F-bombs, and what are they between friends? Anyway, a Black woman gave a two-hour rant about the police, then killed one. Isn’t that as bad as the Floyd/Chauvin case? But, nothing, not a spark.  Of course there should not have been, but it shows the double standard operating here.


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The Real Insurrection: It’s from the Left! By Chris Knight (Florida)

With the Biden propaganda, to wage war against conservative Americans, the January 6 peaceful protests were said to be the greatest threat to the nation since the Civil War! All by people with no guns or explosives, only a few personal defence weapons, that were not used, while Deep State agents murdered in cold blood an ex-service woman, Ashli Babbett, who was left to die. The agent’s name was never released. Anyway, there is now some discussion of insurrection by the Left. First, a summary from the Dissent Right:

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Who Do You Think is the World’s Greatest Threat to “Democracy”? By James Reed

People from feminist Professor Wolf, to our lowly American correspondents, Chris Knight, and Charles Taylor, have been saying that America has gone down the totalitarian road, but now there is a global poll, indicating that the US is perceived as a greater threat to democracy than even China and Russia, which shows how low the US has gone, in months! In fact, the US might even blend into the Chinese regime, Blade Runner style, with Beijing Biden leading the way, as far as a senile old man can lead. The philosophy will then be the classic one of: better red than dead. Those with any grain of honour left should proclaim; better dead than red, and that wish will probably be granted!

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For the Religion of Climate Changeism: Time to Eat Worms! By James Reed

The drive to ban red meat off the bone is on, with the replacement being, among other things, worms! This is yet another example of the Masters of the Universe getting their jollies off by humiliating the masses who they see as asses, or maybe even lower life forms, like … birds. They eat worms, don’t they and love it too! But the paradox here is that the people who will do this are so dumbed down that they are not really “sport.” In the Predator movies, the evil aliens there do not hunt down the weak, only those who might put up something of a fight. Our elites are too pathetic to have that sense of honour of the sportsman! In say, an MMA cage match, they would wish to fight disabled children. Even then, the opponents must be bound and gagged, which is what is happening now.

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The End of Maths in California By Brian Simpson

Go woke, go broke, applies not only to businesses who embrace the mass cult of political correctness, but also learning. The insane equalitarianism of the communist mind, naturally revolts against the elitism and intellectual excellence that creates civilisations. It wants to tear it all down. But, once it does, and Darwinian forces return with a vengeance, these kind do not survive, since their existence is dependent upon a functioning system to feed them. No self-reliance here. I say this often at this blog.


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A Frantic Bid to Hide Electoral Fraud! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Maricopa county audit, Arizona, is moving ahead, despite Democrats doing everything they can to stop it. Now why would one want to stop an audit when there is, they proclaim, no electoral fraud? What have they to hide? Electoral fraud anybody?

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The Woke, Diverse US Military Versus the Iron-Clad Chinese War Machine! By James Reed

America’ military have as its main goal, to embrace cultural Marxist ideology, and put into practice the ideologies of the radical Left. China, while communist, is not woke and diverse, but fiercely nationalist, and is determined to win any war. My money, with heavy heart, is on them to win, if there would be any winner at all. Given how degenerate the US, and the rest of the West is, it probably does not matter much which way things go. I look towards Heaven now, not the materialist satisfaction of earth, because, it is going, going …gone!

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Yeah, Eat the Rich Baby! By James Reed

Here is news to warm the hearts of every uni socialist cub: the world’s wealthiest 1 per cent produce more carbon dioxide than the poorest 50 percent! That makes sense, since the poorest people, like me, eat worms, while the rich buggers drive dirty big cars, fly in huge planes, go to Mars and the stars, and make wars for profit, and drink fancy wine, flown across the world, and huge steaks. Really, if the socialists decided to go easy on poor whites, an easy target, and get back to dismantling Big Tech, Big Gov and Big Pharma, I would not cry, no, I would not shed a tear. They might like to do something for the working class too, as the old Left did.

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Naughty Bill, He Should Have Kept to Programming! By Mrs Vera West

So, as expected, the Bill/Melinda Gates divorce is due to sex, Bill chasing other women. It is what these bored, rich men do, as power gives the pathway to sexual conquest. It always has. But, there will be a price to pay, not that money matters to this guy.

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A Communist Club? Do Women have Vaginas? Help!!!! By James Reed

The universities are insane. Exhibit one; students are launching a communist party club at Columbia University. Has the 20th century death toll of 100 million people from the communist experiment been lost on them? And, a law student somewhere else said that women have vaginas, and now faces disciplinary action. A madhouse indeed!

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Electoral Fraud: Slow Train Coming By Chris Knight (Florida)

An update for Australians, on the US electoral fraud issue. Remember it is important, because when the US collapses, you guys will be choice pickings for you know who.

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Conservative Wins in UK Elections? By Richard Miller (London)

My go-to site for on-line conservative optimism and hope is Dr Steve Turley.  British trained, he rejoices in conservative gains in regional and municipal elections. That struck me too as being positive. But, then I started reading other sites, and the black pill was taken yet again. James Delingpole, in particular, takes this apart. I guess it is important to give the audience “hope,” even if illusory, since otherwise they do nothing.


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Controlling the Universities By James Reed

This is, I think, a good start to dealing with the problem of the universities, which I see as the source of much of the rot in society. These places were fully taken over by the Left in the 1960s, and now push themselves to absurdity level, as shown by entire blogs now devoted to this issue. Much of the cultural war ammunition comes from these woke, morally broke, politically correct cesspools, funded by the tax payer. The metaphor is, digging our own graves, or having someone dig one for you, then you cover yourself.

However, Viktor Orban, prime minister of Hungary, has begun to fight back with a restructuring of the control of the universities. It will be a long battle given that the Left are now entrenched with tenure. Still, we will see where it leads. I still believe that a more radical reconception of higher education is needed and that the university itself is totally inappropriate to the needs of nations today. Selling education is little more than a form of prostitution, and Australia is big on that, something that would have dismayed the nationalists of the past, as weak as they were. The following material is not supportive, but does give some basic information, about what god old Vik is up to.

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No Western Culture Please, We are Chinese! By James Reed

Consistent with Chinese rampant nationalism and militarism, school libraries are being culled of Western books that might promote veneration of the West. That would include not only the classic literature, such as Shakespeare, but even more lowly works such as about Bill Gates, which in isolation is not so bad. But instead of this kiddies will be drilled with collections of the speeches of Xi Jinping, to mold them into being better little communists. It is Chairman Mao, all over again. I suggest that the ban extend to all Western science and technology as well, that China loves to pinch. Let them, as the band Fleetwood Mac once sung, “go their own way.”  

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It’s in the Sperm! By Mrs Vera West

It was once proclaimed that there was no transfer of information from the environment to the DNA, and thus not being of an inheritable basis for the characteristics of future offspring. Not so, the science of epigenetics claims. Sperm, for example, are affected by environmental conditions, and may transfer information, especially adverse health effects.

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Yeah, Eat the Rich Baby! By James Reed

Here is news to warm the hearts of every uni socialist cub: the world’s wealthiest 1 per cent produce more carbon dioxide than the poorest 50 percent! That makes sense, since the poorest people, like me, eat worms, while the rich buggers drive dirty big cars, fly in huge planes, go to Mars and the stars, and make wars for profit, and drink fancy wine, flown across the world, and huge steaks. Really, if the socialists decided to go easy on poor whites, an easy target, and get back to dismantling Big Tech, Big Gov and Big Pharma, I would not cry, no, I would not shed a tear. They might like to do something for the working class too, as the old Left did.

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