Racial Cosmetic Discrimination is a Human Rights Issue! By James Reed

It is clear cut; cosmetics in stores tend to favour women with light colour skins. There is a lack of the good stuff for other women. The only reason I can think of is, well, nobody thought much about this. Something must be done. Can President Harris help our ladies on this one? Where does she get her cosmetics from? Can she share some of her stash? Help a gal out? What is the United Nations doing about it? So many questions, so few answers.


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Joe Rogan on Vaccine Obsessions By Mrs Vera West

Joe Rogen is a famous internet personality with a cult following. He has been roasted by the Covid-establishment for daring to say that healthy young people may not need the vaccine. Yikes!


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Mask Madness! By Mrs Vera West

It is not as bad at the moment in Australia as the US, but mask fetishism has definitely been a defining feature of the Biden presidency. He even wears a mask during Zoom conferences, perhaps to scare off electronic viruses! World leaders must think that he is a goose. Anyway, for today, here are the hot news items in the Covid never-ending saga.


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Matt Easton: Why Weapons Bans are Mean! (Disclosure: The Left Are Mean!) By John Steele

Matt Easton, of YouTube Scholargladitoria, applies reasoning to the weapons banning issues, not just guns, but swords and medieval things. Yes, as in our state of Victoria, an array of martial arts and melee weapons are banned, now even various axes. Easton shows that the same arguments can be applied to other things people own such as dogs. Dogs sometimes harm people to. What Easton does not consider is the politics behind this. The Left want to ban dogs that could defend people too. So, they will bite the bullet of his argument, being prepared to ban private property itself, but not their property, which they protect. There are no limits to the evil and madness of the Left.   


The March of Vaccine Passports By Richard Miller (London)

The Fabian strategy of gradualism, which in this case is very quick gradualism, is being employed with the vaccine passports. First it will be for travel, as detailed below for Spain. Then it will be spread over the rest of society, like jam. It will never end once the elites get on this totalitarian treadmill. Give it a few years, and even the word “freedom” will disappear from dictionaries. No use for it.


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Those Who Control Biden By James Reed

I did not miss this one; Biden is nervous about taking an extra question, indicating that his controllers might punish him. And, if I can find it, there is another beauty where undisclosed minders said that Biden is no good before around 11 am, as it takes time for his meds to work! It is on the Geller site, somewhere. Yet every aspect of Trump’s health was scrutinised by the Left, while Biden is a virtual walking zombie, under remote control!


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The End of the Jury System By Michael Ferguson

It is certainly troubling times, and an endgame for conservative principles, especially jurisprudence. This is well argued in a vdare.com paper by journalist Lance Welton, examining the race-biased Chauvin trial. The future will be grim for all such cases. It may still be possible to argue out civil and commercial matters not touching on race, but anything controversial is basically cactus. I have been warning about this end of the rule of law for some time, but now it is becoming pretty obvious. I don’t agree with him on his points about women, and he does contradict himself on this, but overall, there are some challenging points.


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No Fly Lists: War Against the Right By Charles Taylor

America First identity, Nick Fuentes has been put on the No-Fly List by the Federal anarcho-tyranny for attending the January 6 rally against the stolen election. The No-Fly List was created after 911, supposedly to ban potential Islamic terrorists from getting on planes, since they tend to blow them up. The list had “sleeper” potential, since anyone the Deep State did not like could be planted on the list, no questions asked, or at least answered.

Fuentes had attempting to board a plane to Florida where he was to speak at a conference about the same sort of political repression and oppression that he has been subjected to, but was stopped by authorities. This is not surprising since Fuentes has been banned, since attending Trump’s January 6 rally, from most Big Tech, such as Facebook, and has even had his bank account frozen! Clearly a human rights violation, yet the Biden administration lectures China about human rights, and as usual, Trump does nothing, having allowed the Deepers to even murder one of his supporters Fuentes may ultimately have to seek political refugee status in China or Russia, but he will not be able to fly there, of course!

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Will Whites Support a Globalist American Empire that Picks Fights Abroad and Wars Against Them at Home? Is that a Rhetorical Question? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The answer, in my opinion to this question posed by James Kirkpatrick, is definitely: yes, since whites already do so embracing ethno-masochism and white pathology. Sure, there is a sizable resistance, but not the majority. The Great replacement is not opposed, but supported by liberals and normies, who see this as the new moral normal. I know this is black pill stuff, but really, if the 2020 election can be stolen without any significant protests, what hope is there? Imagine if Trump had done this to the Democrats, the Left would be so destructive that they would now be splitting bricks to break. That is how it is, a shameful lack of survival will power, probably due to the crash in testosterone, maybe more, perhaps over-consumption and the world weariness of the West.


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It Began as Anti-White Racism, but is Now a Full-Blown Attack Upon Civilised Society By Charles Taylor (Florida)


The latest trend in the zones of rioting, is for communists to attack not just whites, but Black businesses. We saw some of this in 2020, but it has now escalated. As documented below, US police are now leaving the force in droves, so law and order may be a thing of the past, even with the move to defund police. There may be no police left to defund.

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Toddling Toward Face Masks By Brian Simpson

It could be worse; in some US states, mask fetishism is so great that toddlers must wear face masks. I will do an article on the scientific flaws of this, but for one thing,  toddlers have a job to keep their pants up and nappies on, and hands out of their poo, let alone keep on a face mask.


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Here Comes the Crime of Ecocide By James Reed


This is a worry, but we could see it coming; environmental crimes, and the parallel to genocide, ecocide. I can see the opponents of the West, most being elites within the West itself, using this against the West. The academic lawyer class will be falling over themselves. Look what has been done with the laws that the elites have. With more power will surely come greater tyranny, not greater responsibility, as Spider-man seems to think.

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The Stolen Election Update By Chris Knight

I do not know where this will go, since it is inconceivable that Trump could replace Biden, even if Biden went on national television and confessed to cheating. Even then he would be replaced as senile. But, for the historical record, this is worth pursuing.


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Cancelling Newton By Brian Simpson

I am not surprised to read that woke cancel culture is now going after Sir Isaac Newton. What will be interesting is if Albert Einstein is on the list. I suppose so, since all the greats of the West will be cancelled at some point, since that is the idea of the cancellation/deconstruction system anyway.


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At Long last, the MSM is Talking about Hunter’s Laptop By Michael Ferguson

There are all sorts of revelations on the  Hunter Biden laptop, but Trump never got to debate this, being told by the moderators to be quiet, which he obediently did. For people who have not been up with this, here is a great summary of the whole sordid deal. And, Hunter is apparently under investigation over lying in a gun application, but, he will get off, since if they can steal entire elections, what does one more lie matter?


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Corporate Tax Rise? By Charles Taylor

Although I can see some benefits in increasing corporate tax rates, in practice it will not matter much, since most of the Big Boys pay little if any tax anyway, right across the West, given the way the tax laws are structured. Good tax accountants and lawyers will get them through. So, it is all academic. Bezos will have nothing to lose as far as can see.


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Incredible Floating Metal By Brian Simpson

This is good, and a departure from the usual monster stories about Dr Frankensteins and technocrats. Imagine a buoyant metal. It clearly would be extremely useful in maritime affairs, making unsinkable boats. Wouldn’t it be nice if science’s energies went primarily into projects like this?


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Covid Vax: Nothing to See Here By Mrs Vera West

I am sure that there is nothing to worry about, and all will go well. Anyway, better paralysed than Covidded.


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Aussie Journos Lay into Beijing Biden! By James Reed

It is good to see that Andrew Bolt and James Morrow are getting stuck into Biden, seeing him as basically undermining the West. Yes, that is just what communists do. And wait until Harris comes in when the top-level drugs can no longer keep Biden even half functional. Approaching near infinite socialism!


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Trust Me, I am from the FBI By Chris Knight

This is one organisation which Trump should have cleaned up while he was in power, but he did nothing. Now, it has fully morphed into a Left-wing secret police organisation along Soviet lines. It was getting ready for the January 6 “insurrection.” How did Trump not know with the resources of the secret service? Can the guy do anything? Probably better that he just eats himself to death now, blissfully dying of a cardiac arrest.


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