Grammar is Racist! By James Reed

We all knew it when studying English grammar, or at least before this was stopped in the 1960s in favour of free expression and winging it. Just pure white supremacism behind every oppressive adjective! At least the kindly Left are moving now to cancel the English language, so that we can get back to real fundamental communication, like that depicted by Samuel Beckett in his novel How It Is, where people crawl through a universe of endless mud, and communicate by jabbing each other with can openers (the old pointy blade-opening types), totally metaphorical and symbolic of course.

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Children are an “Environmental Hazard” for Biden Nominee By Chris Knight (Florida)

Biden works with some very interesting people who have expressed what may be called eco-fascist sentiments, like the classic line that people are pollution, in the form that children are an “environmental hazard.” In a sense, everything is an environmental hazard, including the environment itself, its own worst enemy, working by natural selection. If that is thew game Nature plays, why should we care?

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Covid Vaccinated, but Still Dying By Brian Simpson

It would be a real downer, to get the vaccine, then expect go back to normal, working, partying hard at the night clubs on the weekend, then dying. Apparently, as incredible as it seems, it happens, showing that the world today is a mighty strange place.

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Maybe the Depopulation Thesis is Not So Crazy By Brian Simpson

The claim is made in the Natural article below, that a study has shown that when pregnant women are given Covid vaccinations during their first or second trimesters, they suffer an 82 percent spontaneous abortion rate. That did not strike me as correct at first reading, so I had a look at the primary source, as we are heavily research-based at this blog, as far as resources permit. The article’s abstract is below to view, which, perhaps contrary to the writers does seem to support the Natural claim. So perhaps Mike is right about the long term consequences of this plandemic, if this is correct, about which we take no position on. The disclaimer is made that the criticisms made by Natural of the article in question and writers are solely their responsibility and we here are merely reporting news in the public domain, without necessarily endorsing these claims. As the claims are important, there is a public interest in doing so.


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The Left Celebrates 100 years of the Joyful, Jolly, CCP! By James Reed

The mainstream and dissent media have focused upon the CCP celebrating 100 years. What was not covered was how the Left in the West was also joyful about their God making it to the century. The CCP has its agents everywhere in the West, right through to the top of the White House. The universities are full of agents, and are basically a branch of the CCP. It will be mighty interesting to see how things play out in the coming war. It probably will be easier to surrender now and avoid the Christmas rush!


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Scientists Now are Calling for an Inquiry into the Origins of Covid-19; They Took Their Sweet Time! By Brian Simpson

An international group of scientists have published an open letter calling for an investigation into the origins of Covid-19. That is all well and good, but they have taken their sweet time. This should have been done last year when there might have been a chance of getting some of the needed information. The CCP would be pretty incompetent, which it is not, if it left anything to be found now. All evidence today will be indirect, and not conclusive, but highly suggestive. We know they did it, even though it is going to be hard to prove it. It will be harder to seek some sort of punishment for the CCP who always play hardball, and have shown nothing but contempt for the West. Anyway, more reason to fight hard in World War III, for the 20 minutes it lasts.

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How Would You Feel as a Foreigner? Wouldn’t You Want to Murder People with a Knife, Too? By Richard Miller (London)

Following the knife massacre in Würzburg Germany, the Würzburg mayor Christian Schuchardt sent out a letter to residents which tried to explain why such a person would kill three women and injure five others, because, well, “how would you feel today as a foreigner in our city?” Yes, that makes perfect sense; feeling out of place must always be a good reason to go on a knife rampage. Unless you are white. Then, even making an unarmed peaceful protest “justifies” the Deep State thugs shooting you in the neck, as an example, a sacrifice to the glob commo regime, as Ashli Babbitt in the US was. It is just like the story covered at this blog the other day about a BLM guy getting a suspended sentence after smashing the glass window into a (white?) toddler’s face, because everyone was a bit stressed. Did that work for white people getting out for walks during Covid lockdowns here? The UK system smashed the metaphorical glass windows in their faces too.

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Updating Covid Vaccine Injuries and Deaths By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola has just published a handy dandy summary of Covid-19 vaccine injuries and deaths. Here are some extracts for your consideration and judgment. What is interesting and informative here is that there is discussion about the injuries and how people are coping, or not coping in the US. On a slight tangent, suppose you did have an adverse reaction to a vaccine in Australia? Then can you get compensation? I did not know until I consulted the friendly

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Say Her Name; Ashli Babbitt By Chris Knight (Florida)

It took Trump long enough to ask: who killed Ashli Babbitt? You know, the ex-service woman who was unarmed and pushed through a window in the Capitol Building, then executed in cold blood by a Deep State
agent.  But, better late than never. Now Trump, she died for you, what will you do for her memory? Fight for justice? As John Wayne said, “that will be the day.”

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China Gets Ready for World War III; So Should You! By James Reed

Have you been to one of those all-you can eat serve-yourself, serve-you-right eateries, where the next day is spent on the loo because nobody washed their hands, and people over the day coughed all over the food, so that there were more bacteria than food? Well, this article is like this, with bits and pieces about China getting even more aggressive. Now that Trump has been removed, they are set to take out Taiwan. Authorities say after that they will invade whoever they want. Australia is doomed in my opinion.

Australians are going to regret allowing the globalists at the time in both parties post World War II to pursue a Great Anglo Saxon Replacement program instead of getting nuclear weapons. Imagine that the British actually tested bombs in Australia, and we never got any to plant in missiles around our northern coast, being colonial cucks! We were never the lucky country, but the funky country, a nation of dupes. In the face of coming oblivion, hard truths need to be faced. What did the people at the time do to oppose this? Nothing, they lived from day-to-day, and could not face potential threats for future generations, just like today. Most minds are still back in the Stone Age. The same today, when the sort of threat I now detail cannot be taken on board. But, let the mainstream media tell the story now. I rest my case and am glad to be as old as I am.

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But What Vaccine Should I Get? Does My Bottom Look Bigger with What One? By Mrs Vera West

As I have said, I am willing to get 16 Covid hexes, I mean vaxes, every day of my life, what is left of it, but, the real question is what one to get, with the abundance of richness offered to us. Just consider these mixed messages from the federal government, the doctors and other players. The question is: what is the policy on AstraZeneca for the under 60-year-olds? I don’t know. Just consider all this if you want to be confused as me:

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Some Theoretical Limits to the Transhuman Agenda By Brian Simpson

There is an interesting video by Bill Gates, where he was asked about the limitations, at present of AI. He gave a surprisingly black pill answer, that while AI is good at many things, it lacks a world view perspective, and cannot read a book, understand it and give an interpretation of it. Gates cites a book, Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust, Kindle Edition (2019)

by Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis. This also develops the limits theme, that the boundary has not yet been reached. Thus, AI does not understand the simple physics of a ball rolling down a declined plane, as recent New article details.

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Potential Cyber Pandemic By Chris Knight (Florida)

Thoughtful people are now speculating about the “next big thing” that the globalists will unleash to bring in, finally, the Newest New World Order. They already have social control over the masses that the slave owners of the past could only have dreamt off, but they, being criminal psychopaths, which is probably offensive to criminal psychopaths, will never stop, until they are stopped, by God and/or Natural forces. Assuming that they are human in some form, and not fully demon, they are finite powered beings and can come unstuck. It is an arguable theological point whether demons can be defeated by unaided human resistance, but God will surely intervene at some point? That does not mean that the good guys, us, necessarily win on this Earth, but at least the bad guys get to go down too. It’s something.

Yeah, the next big thing could be a global cyber-attack. It might sound good for the globalist Great Reset, but it could take them down too by the principle of over-extension. Hopefully.

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Beyond Conspiracy? By James Reed

Nobody loves conspiracy theories as much as me, since so much of the events of the world is explained by them. Politics is about human agency, so people lusting for power will plan, and done in secret, that is a conspiracy. But, it need not be under the covers. It is also possible, as in the 2020 stolen election, things can be hidden in plain sight, but people are programmed not to see, and not to think.

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The Delta Virus and the Vaccines By Brian Simpson

Not to agree, disagree, or take any position of health or medical questions, but as a matter of public debate, I think that still exists a bit doesn’t it(?), here are some views on the Covid Delta variant and the Covid vaccines. Is it right? That is not for me to decide; I just report the news, not make it! At the end of the day, we all have to evaluate things for ourselves, in the light of all available information. If the statistics cited below are correct, and I have seen no refutation, some explanation is needed.

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This Alone Should Have Thrown the Election! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Email evidence now indicates that the Biden campaign pressured Facebook to censor Trump before the 2020 election. And what did Trump do about it? He should have gone berserk, using every resource at his disposal. But, he was too busy playing golf. Anyone ever wonder how the West ended? All that blood. sweat and tears, for nothing in the end.

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Why America is Irreparably Broken; Toddler Smasher Walks Free! By Charles Taylor

As documented below, BLM rioters are being let off, regardless of the crimes, even smashing toddlers. However, the Beijing Biden regime is pursuing the January 6 peaceful protesters, and those imprisoned are tortured and suffering human rights abuses. In another time the people might have legally arisen against this, as the system apparently fears, but the Dark Lords need not worry, as nothing is going to happen, not a squeak.  We have pressure valve Trump to thanks for this, probably one of the greatest political cowards in history. If only he would just fade away. But, it looks like they are not going to even prosecute him now, so he still has a Deep State use, to drain opposition. Truly a disappointment, at the West’s darkest hour.

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The CCP Wuhan Lab By Brian Simpson

The US House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, convened without a Democrat input, surprise, surprise, and it heard that it was highly likely that the Covid-19 virus arose at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and that the Chinese military were running the lab. Dr Fauci declined to attend.  And the refusal of the Democrats to investigate the role of the CCP is not surprising either since Covid-19 give them the 2020 election, so what is there to investigate?

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The Orwellian Blueprint By James Reed

Here is fine material from, which relates the tyranny which is happening now, to the world described in George Orwell’s novel 1984. Orwell, who knew the communist mind well, having his own sympathies, was pretty much spot on. However, our world in many respects goes beyond Orwell in that he did not anticipate many of the bio-socio-cultural agendas that are now normal, and accepted as “normal,” or at least not opposed, by the majority of people. The technocracy, and transhuman agenda are more along the lines of Brave New World.

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Reparations for Black Billionaires Too? Homeless Whites Can Just Die! By Chris Knight

I almost passed over this one, that the first Black billionaire was advocating reparations for slavery. Then I read the fine print, which said, and I will quote it in anticipation: “Johnson also insisted that cash payments to recipients should not be limited to only certain income levels. The super-rich, including Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, and LeBron James, should also get paid. They know what to do with great wealth, he says, so their use of it would be considerably more advantageous to black Americans.

The billionaire went on to slam those who say that wealthy blacks or successful black owned businesses don’t deserve reparations.

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