Mike Adams’ Apocalypse – And Mine! By Brian Simpson

I do not follow Mike Adams here to the idea that this is “the end,” but I still am pondering his material. Joining the dots, if the Covid vaccines are as dangerous as he and others quoted at his site, and that of Dr Mercola, then there is a case for the extinction scenario, or at least the collapse of civilisation one, what we have called the I am Legend scenario, after the 2007 zombie movie where the collapse is vaccine-caused.

Some material discussing the collapse of civilisation is given in the links below. Still, as far as we know, the elites do not have a mass of robotic slaves to replace humans yet, nor is life outside earth practical, with terra forming Mars some way off. So, what gives if there is a drive to extinction? Surely it could only be mass psychosis, a nihilistic urge for self-destruction coming from too much power and too much affluence. But, if we go, they go too! I do not mind so much losing everything, if the evil ones go down with the ship of civilisation.

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Better to be Silent on the Covid Lab Leak Issue than to be “Racist”! By Brian Simpson

“Racism,” fear of being “racist’ is the dead albatross around the neck of the White Race, primarily the Nordic sub-race, since no other race has this sort of knee-jerk Pavlovian guilt complex. Just say the word and some people will fall to the ground frothing at the mouth, rolling in pseudo-pain, attention-seeking in their virtue signalling. Look at me, look how racially aware I am of my intrinsic original sin of whiteness! How trendy! How cool! Any non-white crime that needs to be covered up, just yell “racism” and one is expected to fall to one’s knees in silence. This is white pathology on steroids!

Thus, it has been proposed that the Chinese lab leak hypothesis is “racist.” Ok, let it be “racist.” If it is true, then a racist statement is true, so anti-racism is false! It is self-refuting! Quick, retreat to the safe space at uni!  

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What Comes Next? Cyber Attack and Lights Out? By John Steele

Various internet sites are speculating about a coming cyber-attack which will bring down the internet and grid, so it must be a global thing. I am cautious about this one, since it has the potential of destroying those who aim to use it for their nefarious ends. But, we need to be ever-vigilant, for after 2020, anything is possible. Certainly, the globalists are working on something big, to push us over the edge. They had better be careful they don’t fall over with us, poor dears! Now, get ready for the mother of all URLs:


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All White People are Racists? Dream On! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is becoming more common than previously for virtue signalling white academics to proclaim that “all white people are racists,” and that “whiteness is racism.” The proper response here, is to close down the universities, and sack the academics, but that is not going to happen before the coming collapse, since these crazies are still useful to the system.

But, I think that this knee-jerk cry of “racism,” is starting to tear pretty thin, and as Whites come to face increasing oppression as they become minorities across the West, as part of the Great Replacement plan, and there may well be a backlash. Still, if there is truth to the thesis that Whites have been the creators of much science and technology, and in fact made modernity, it will be interesting to see how the system keeps going with the White genocide agenda. It would be too bad if it all metaphorically blows up in the elites’ faces, so to speak, like those cartoon cigars. Anyway, Dr Turley’s turn:

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A Real Plague: Rats and Mice By John Steele

I have heard it argued by cat lovers, that the rat and mouse plague in the eastern states, soon to spread nationally, is due to culling of feral cats, by crazy environmentalists. No doubt a decrease in cat numbers has had a part to play, but these plagues happen periodically. It is a serious threat to farmers’ livelihood, as well as to the health of residents. The monsters are wrecking entire houses!

Clearly, this is a real national emergency, that exceeds states’ capacity to act. The federal government needs to get active immediately. As the material below indicates, the vermin are set to invade the cities, with the potential for millions of dollars’ damage. A poison campaign needs to get under way, now! Yes, I know some cuddly native animals will die. But, you can’t make omelettes without breaking a few eggs, and if the feds do not move faster, there won’t be any eggs either!

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Australia: On the Backs of the Sheeple! By James Reed

Of course, we should always treat surveys with a healthy degree of scepticism and critical awareness, but, the surveys still could be right, and as realists we need to take that on board. The Australia Talks National Survey has some disturbing news for our side of the Covid debate, with the majority of people accepting lockdowns and restrictions of freedom. And, apparently 54 percent of those surveyed were fine with the government making vaccines compulsory. Of course, our side of politics will reject all of this, with our eternal belief in “we, the people,” using various rhetorical strategies, but, like the gay marriage debate, maybe this is so, social conditioning is strong for most sheeple. It makes opposition difficult indeed, given this level of social conditioning and brainwashing.  But, opinions can change, especially if adverse effects are going to be as severe as those authorities quoted at this blog believe. We will see.


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Greenhouse Gases Not So Bad, in Fact it’s a “Gas”! By James Reed

I had in mind the Rolling Stone’s song Jumping Jack Greenhouse Gas when typing that, but the point can be made, that the existing climate change models have over-estimated the warming effects from greenhouse gases, thus throwing out projections of temperature increases. The assumption has been made that in the pre-industrial era, the atmosphere had less soot, but ice core samples indicate that this is not so. The research does not show that global warming is not occurring, and about that I have strong opinions, but it does show flaws in present models. Ok, I like that. As Micky Jaggard would say: “it’s a gas!”


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Woke Postage Stamps in Spain! By Richard Miller (London)

We do not get much English language news about what is going on in Spain, but what we do get is hilarious. Like this story about the attempt to be woke by the Spanish postal service in issuing stamps with different skin-colour tones. The problem is that the darker the stamp, the lower the price, which is easily seen as racist. And if it was the opposite too, also racist. And if the same, well, that is White supremacy! With woke, one is damned if one does, and damned if one does not.


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Steaming Hot News: Covid-19 as a CCP Job with Cover-Ups! By Brian Simpson

Here is the latest on the Covid-19 lab creation hypothesis, from a mainstream source. This was a conspiracy theory only a month or so ago, but now information is getting the reception it should have had 12 months ago. No doubt the intellectual suppression has served its purpose. British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen, claim that  they  have had “prima facie evidence of retro-engineering in China” for a year, but were ignored, facing a wall of silence. Still better late than never, and even now, it will be useful to establish the lab release hypothesis, as fact. Then we need to ask, how, accidental, or the deliberate release of a bioweapon? The role of the US in funding the gain-of-function research in Wuhan needs to be examined under an electron microscope.


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China Laughs at Their Clown, Beijing Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Fox News tells the story, but it is more of the same, America continuing to be a cuck, weak, pathetic, and China laughing at crippled Uncle Sam, which makes sense. As the good men continue to do nothing after the stolen election, go ahead and laugh at this disgrace.


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It’s Official: The Concept of Open Borders is Flawed! By Richard Miller (London)

On the one hand, the British Home secretary has admitted that the concept of open borders is “flawed.” However, Patel seems to have instantly contradicted this claim with a deal for mass migration of economic skilled migrants, especially from India, surprise, surprise. In my opinion it sounds somewhat better than the present anarchist policy, but we have heard this all before. Immigration is part of the globalist religion of the age, and can no more be rejected by the elites than the will to power could be. It gives so much to the elites, satisfying so many agenda, while delivering delicious short-term profits.


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The Mythology of Recycling By James Reed

I have always thought that recycling is a waste of time, since consumer society is so vast, what is the point? Wouldn’t it be better to have less consumption and goods that lasted? A change of life styles, for the better? Of course not, materialism and the quest for affluence and comfort,  this age of affluence, the great utopian dream of modernity, is accepted by almost everybody! Recycling makes the consumers feel good about themselves. And, as detailed below, at least in the US, much of the recycling is done by shipping rubbish to China. How is that ecologically sane? One would have thought that this would make more sense done locally, but no, it is globalism, all the way down.


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Investigating Wuhan, at Last By Brian Simpson

I will have more to say about the lab leak hypothesis, based upon more recent material, but in my quest to supply Australians with the latest information, that is not being reported elsewhere, here is more from the good Dr Mercola:


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Covid, Enough to Drive One Mad, or Very Ill By Mrs Vera West

The topic not receiving the consideration it needs, is the longer-term psychological effects that the Covid plandemic has generated. There is evidence that there could be severe mental health consequences of lockdowns, that have not yet been felt. Psychologists will have plenty of work in the decades to come, especially dealing with present day children and teenagers.


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The Case Against Diversity By Chris Knight (Florida)

Greg Johnson, at Counter-Currents.com has given a concise case against multiracial and multicultural diverse societies. Sure, the horse has bolted now, as part of the elites plan for the Great Replacement, but just in case when this ends there is still a world worth having, let the remnant not make the same mistakes again. Diversity in short, is a social acid, breaking down traditional societies, and values.


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Why Did They Come in the First Place Do You Think? By Paul Walker (Former Canadian)

While bloggers here slog it out every day reporting on the negative effects of the plandemic, there are a few short-term benefits, slowing down to some extent the immigration invasion.


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Covid-19, Conversation Killer! By Mrs Vera West

Laugh, or weep, Covid-19 has changed the world, even though the actual disease itself has the mortality of a flu. It is the moral panic which has produced so many social effects, so that psychologists and sociologists will have their work cut out for them for years to come!


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FBI’s Media Leak Strategy By Charles Taylor

There have been calls from leading conservative intellectuals to close down the FBI because it has become so corrupt. Here is some more evidence in support of that thesis.


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Big Tech’s Aid to Communist China By James Reed

It is no coincidence that at a time when Western Big Tech is censoring traditionalist values and commentaries, not only on older issues such as race and immigration, but now health issues, such as Covid-19 concerns, it moves ever closer to support for communist China. That is because these mega-corporations have a totalitarian structure themselves, and naturally gravitate to like entities. In short, they are made of the shame stuff as the CCP, not traditional Western civilization, and thus are our enemies! Oh go ahead Zucky, kick me of your stupid A$$book, see if I care! My fans/fan, will follow me elsewhere!


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Updating Covid Vax Adverse Effects By Mrs Vera West

Here is an update on Covid-19 vaccination adverse effects and deaths, for those who still care about life, death and disease.


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