Dr Fauci’s Amazing Emails By Brian Simpson

Sometimes if the emails are too long, Covid guru Dr Fauci doesn’t read them. Yes, not even skimming them. He is just so busy changing his mind on … many things. But, emails he has received, now out in the open, as free as the coronavirus, tell a tale that may lead to much trouble for the good doctor.


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More Cringe Moments from Creepy Joe! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

After making remarks about a woman who had her legs crossed like a lady, false President Biden is back to worrying about little girls and their ice cream. Yes, this guy really loves … ice cream!


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Time to Investigate Covid Guru Dr Fauci! By Brian Simpson

The mainstream Covid narrative is unwinding, not the vaccine cult yet, but the origins, with the lab hypothesis suddenly gaining respectability. With that comes the question of responsibility, and on the US side, Dr Fauci is someone that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), believes should be investigated.


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The End of the Classics By James Reed

When an ivy league university like Princeton decides to end students taking Latin and Greek, to get a classics degree, to address “systematic racism,” you know that the end of traditional education is nigh.  When one hears about “systematic racism,” one knows that it is really saying that the path to an easier ride for minorities will be given. Personally, at this late stage of the game, I do not care, since the universities have long ago fallen from traditional standards and values. So, let them fall further into the dust! We must build outside of their crumbling walls.


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Vlad the Lad to Press Senile Biden on US Human Rights Abuses By James Reed

Pseudo President Joe Biden, who has pursued a program of destroying ordinary Trump supporters as a show of Leftist force, is likely to get a serve from Russian real President Putin on the human rights violations of the January 6 peaceful protesters. Really, the US, who was found in a survey discussed at this blog to be regarded as a greater threat to democracy than even China, has no high moral ground, if it ever had one. That Trump is silent about these human rights violations, totally discredits him. A traitor and buffoon, who deserves time behind bars, which may be coming. Trump definitely needs to be in the Washington prison, not his followers. 


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Fear the Spike Protein, the Pointy End of Covid! By Brian Simpson

We have been covering the potential dangers of the spike protein of the Covid-19 coronavirus, like the arms on a water mine that sinks ships. Here is more information, detailing how the spikes alone could be causing an array of longer-term ill-effects.


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The Bill Gates/Epstein Connection By Mrs Vera West

Here boys, I will handle this messy one, being used to cleaning up after … kiddies! In the material below Dr Mercola goes into depth about the increasing amount of information about the relationship between Bill Gates, and the late not-great child sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein. Grim reading indeed, but it does reveal the mentality of the ruling elites, who see themselves as above morality. And, what a tangled web they weave, with their interconnections.


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Good News! Good News! Natural Immunity and Lasting Anti-bodies By Brian Simpson

The latest research indicates that people who have had mild Covid-19 infection, will have long-lasting anti-body protection. This stands in contrast to the vaccination regime, where the experimental vaccines may require multiple doses, maybe forever. With possible adverse effects, I would rather take my chances with the disease.


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Stop the UK Invasion! By Richard Miller (London)

I was not there with the protesters, but with them in spirit. There needs to be more of this. Much more.


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On the Communist Manifesto By James Reed

Thanks to John Steele for this one, John being a reader of martial artist, James LaFond. Here LaFond re-reads the horrid Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels, and comments on how far the agenda has got for the US. It is almost in.


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The Great Covid Origins Debate Begins, at Last By Brian Simpson

The lab leak hypothesis, dismissed by the mainstream media only months ago, is “back on the menu, boys!” Even the Australian Financial Review, May 29-30, 2012, p. 14, carries an article, “Lab Escape Could Pip the ‘Bat Jump’ Theory.” The bold type proclaims: “[A lab leak] has hardly been investigated at all … information has simply not been available.”” In December 2019, the few remaining free investigators, noticed that the coronavirus outbreak was dead close to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where scientists were working on corona viruses. No, the majority of scientists said, it could not be, it must have arisen from the wet markets, pretty dirty places at the best of times. The science journals did not publish research which cast doubt upon this. However, one letter in The Lancet, condemning the lab leak hypothesis was organised by a scientist of an organisation which had funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology! Whoa, massive conflict of interest, but that is science for you!

Fast forward to earlier in May 2021, and the journal Science published a letter from 18 top epidemiologists and geneticists, calling for an independent inquiry. The lab hypothesis is the simpler explanation, given that the infected bat population, and intermediary host has never been found. Further, as had been pointed out by the early critics of the zoonosis hypothesis, Covid-19 was well adapted to infect humans, so well, it looked like it had been designed that way! Let’s ask Covid guru, who was in on ground zero of this, Dr Fauci.

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Beijing Biden’s Anti-White Racism By Chris Knight (Florida)

False president Biden has recently said that “Terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today.” Taken literary, this is insane, since it was not white supremacists who were burning down America, and assaulting, and murdering people in 2020, and even now. Robert Spencer, who is Jewish, and runs a tremendous site exposing all the lies of the Democrats, sums up the agenda here, so it is good to hear the word from someone else for a change:


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The Grim Mathematics of Mice! By Brian Simpson

For all those farmers fighting the rat/mouse plague, here is the real reason why there are so many of the blitters. It is simply exponential growth in breeding rates. Rats and mice are known in genetics as having a “k” evolutionary selection strategy, where there is not much investment in one individual, but multitudes are produced. As detailed below, the breeding capabilities of rats and mice are …frightening! With enough food, there can be a plague from merely a few breeding pairs, or just one male and a couple of females. Even a basic male and female combination, with unlimited food will lead to the problems we now have. I say, poison away, and if cuddy creatures bite the dust, too bad! Our rural industry must not be allowed to be further eaten by vermin. We have enough in our governments already!


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The Myth of Bottled Water By Mrs Vera West

Nowadays everywhere you go, people, especially the young have their bottles of commercial water. It is thought to be healthy. But, is it?


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Why the UK is Insane! By Richard Miller (London)

These stories are starting to get a bit stale, but are still evidence of how crazed UK society has become. Nothing has brought out the madness, and badness, as much as the Covid plandemic.


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Secessionism Catching On By Chris Knight (Florida)

Since the events of the stolen US election, we have been advocating secession in the United States, to break up the monster that this once noble society has become. Secession is radical decentralisation, and some libertarian economic types like it too. Here is some great material from Mises.org, putting the case for secession. It is a sane and sustainable form of social existence, that brings society back to human scale rather than the abomination that it now is.


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Society Melts; Cities Disintegrate By Chris Knight (Florida)

With the breakdown of America, an advanced study of what will likely happen in the rest of the west, once great cities such as Detroit, Baltimore and Chicago, have been transformed into crime-laden cesspools. A friend in Baltimore reports that most crimes against Whites, such as assaults and robbery, are not even being investigated now. The cities, like parts of France, are definitely white no-go zones, and are falling into disrepair. However much liberal whites give lip service to the dark gods of the age, they still engage in white flight from white fright, like the hypocrites they are.


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Anyone Still for a Coup? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The time for talking about a US coup is long past re the stolen election. In fact, it would not have been a coup at all if Trump had acted when he should have. But now the entire military are Leftist clones of Hillary Clinton, so just forget it. Why General Flynn would make such remarks defies comprehension, since the Biden regime will use this as more proof that the Trumpers need imprisonment, if only they did not need these people for food and basic resources! If Flynn had advocated a general strike to bring the system to its knees, all legal, he might get somewhere. Talk of a Myanmar coup is detrimental to freedom.


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What about Natural Covid-19 Immunity? No, Can’t Profit from it! By Brian Simpson

The issue of natural immunity is being side-lined in the present Covid vaccine debate. According to Professor Marty Makary with the John Hopkins School of Medicine, over half of the American population already have natural immunity to Covid-19. So, why the frantic rush to vaccinate the entire population? Surely natural immunity is preferable to a vaccine, but admittedly, less profitable.


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Covid Lab Leak: Once it was a Conspiracy By Brian Simpson

The lab leak hypothesis was regarded by the mainstream media until recently as a Right-wing racist conspiracy. But, a few brave souls defied the convention, and now when the critical analysis is beginning, some media outlets are moving quickly in reverse. This is an instructive lesson in the inadequacy of the mainstream media, which in serving the establishment narrative, loses all critical faculties.


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