Covid Vaccines and the Kiddies By Mrs Vera West

There are minority opinions that children are many times more likely to die from adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccines, than they are from the Covid-19 virus. Still, this is but another human sink to tip vaccines down, so the system goes for it. Babies are in line for it, eventually.

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How Could Hand Sanitizer be So Cruel? By Brian Simpson

“Americans purchased hand sanitizer in droves early on in the COVID-19 pandemic.

But doctors say overusing hand sanitizer can be dangerous, especially for children, because a toxic chemical is some hand sanitizers could be absorbed through the skin.

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The Covid Back Story …for Those Who Came in Late By Brian Simpson

In the material below Dr Mercola gives the back story to the Covid plandemic. What is not being disclosed, yet, in the mainstream media, is that according to  confidential documents uncovered by the U.K.’s Daily Expose, Moderna, together with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), sent mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill December 12, 2019. At that time there was no coronavirus posing a threat to human populations. So, why did this happen? A Covid-19 vaccine candidate was proposed prior to the plandemic? Did time travel and backwards causation occur?

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The Young are Embracing Socialism By James Reed

If things are not bad enough, polls indicate that the young in the West are embracing socialism. Getting free stuff has a lot to do with it, but the schools, full of Left-wing teachers have made the education system into Left-wing brainwashing centres. It is grim.

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Deny that Xi Jinping is God and be Tortured! By James Reed

This is worth taking on board, given the likelihood of China war approaching. Uyghurs, in Chinese concentration camps who deny that Xi Jinping is God are tortured and “disappeared.” It will be interesting to see what happens to the Australian population when it to faces invasion. Extreme? As I have documented in previous blog pieces, I am not the only one predicting this. And items like that below do not give one confidence in a peaceful and kind future.


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Globalism as Mussolini Corporate Fascism! By James Reed

Academic Joel Kotkin has made an interesting observation, an argument, that what we are seeing most clearly in the US, is the melting together of Big government and the corporates, notably Big Tech, to form a system of government much like Mussolini-style fascism. I think there is merit in this. The Great Reset is very much along fascist lines, but merging aspects of communism as well. So, I think what we are seeing is a mixing of the worst elements from communism, capitalism and fascism into a system that I call, Satanism.

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Walls are Needed to Protect the Would-Be Migrants from White Supremacism and the Racist Society! By James Reed

This story is a variant of the knock down argument about complaining migrants, if you don’t like it leave. Thus, if the US is a racist country, as the Left say it is, then all the more reason to build a wall to keep people from down south being subject to racism! Of course, the Left are aiming for complete racial replacement of Whites, so the issue will not arise in the future. No white racism if there are no Whites. Makes sense.

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The Gangs of Sweden Now Knocking off Cops! By Richard Miller (London)

Police being killed by gangs happens regularly in both the UK and US. Sweden, despite its gang violence has not had police killed by gangs, but that has now changed. This has shocked the establishment, who have seen it as an outrage. Never mind all of the innocent people that have already died from escalating gang violence.

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Let Them Keep Their Slang! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

White people are being warned not to appropriate African American Vernacular English, under pain of being regarded a racist. Now that is something I am comfortable with. I have no intention of using African American Vernacular English. Young whites who do so, deserve the eternal damnation of “racism,” as far as I am concerned. See, look how enlightened and woke I am; woke from ongoing insomnia, produced by psycho-political warfare.

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At Long Last, Republicans See the Immigration Problem By Chris Knight (Florida)

It seems that given the failure of the federal system to protest America, the states are moving to do something, which is grand. Thus, Texas will build its own wall. It makes sense, and the sooner these states break away from the evil and corrupt USA the better. They need to get moving before the political contamination gets too toxic and overwhelming.

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Trump has Actually Done Something! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I am amazed! In less than the space of a week, Trump has actually asked, who killed Ashli Babbitt, and now there is news of him suing Big Tech, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. It is about time, and he should have done this when he was banned during his presidency. In fact, he should have declared martial law. But, he did not, and the rest is history as America crumbles to socialist dust. But, maybe her will get some more money if he wins, to enjoy the fall.

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US Colliding with Dante’s Ninth Circle of Hell By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Below are some thoughts, that are more concise than what I can produce detailing the plunge into a state of hell on Earth that the US is entering. All the horrors are listed, so for those who came in late, hang up your coats, read, and lament the fall of America with me. Any one of these problems has the potential to sink us, but we have them all. It is an overload of pathologies.

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The Battle for Taiwan By James Reed

The Chinese state media, nothing more than a mouth piece for the CCP, have released a three-stage plan for the invasion of Taiwan. First will come the ballistic missiles to take out key defence installations. Then cruise missiles to take out anything missed. The naval vessels get in on the fun, blasting away. Finally, the invasion. The CCP mouth piece does not detail what happens to the people, but given China’s track record, we don’t have to guess. I wonder what the invasion plan for Australia is, or do they just walk in, maybe with red carpets laid out by local socialists? Certainly, the new class in the universities will welcome their leaders. But, they will go the way of all useful idiots who think that they can profit by selling out to totalitarianism.

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US Election Security Breach, all Known by the Authorities By Chris Knight (Florida)

A security breach of the registered servers occurred in Arizona on November 3, 2020, of the US election. The breach was known by the authorities but they kept in secret. So why should one have any faith in electoral integrity?


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The Left Openly Want to “Burn It All Down” and Always Have By James Reed

The executive director of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA), Harsha Walia, described as “a community organizer and campaigner in migrant justice, feminist, anti-capitalist, abolitionist, and anti-imperialist movements” in her profile at the left-wing Intercept, commented on a story about the wave of church arsons sweeping Canada by saying “Burn it all down.” There was shock! Horror! from conservatives, even though the Left have been saying this and worse since the 1960s revolution. In the colour revolution of 2020, the Left, BLM and antifa got down and really did burn it all down. US conservatives watched on, sometimes placing their soft hands over their plump raspberry lips in shock. Trump munched anxiously on another cheese burger. I borrow my stuff from Charles Taylor now, who is even more black pilled than me.

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Is China Planning to Attack Pearl Harbor? By James Reed

This claim is worth reporting, although I think that it is unlikely and that rather than openly attack Pearl Harbor, China is on the verge of attacking Taiwan. The CCP said that it is only a matter of time, not if, but when. Still, the views of Japanese State Defense Minister Yasuhide Nakayama need to be carefully listened to.

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Breaking with Jared? Broken by Jared? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is what Trump calls false news CNN giving its bs spin on the alleged split between Trump and Jared Kushner, who has done his damage. It is a pity that Trump was dopey enough to take this guy into his team, and have him sink him, but, that’s low IQ Trump.

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What Goes Around, Comes Around By James Reed

Dr Steve Turley does a good job in this video outlining all of the BLM monuments and artwork that are being destroyed, not that this good and lawful. But, the point he makes is that since BLM and antifa established the precedent of tearing down statutes of their opponents, it is natural that some point there will be a backlash.

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Door-to-Door Covid Sales By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Beijing Biden regime will be having door-to-door outreach, much like the pesky religious folk who come to your door and refuse to go, to get more Covid jabs. I imagine that most people who are presently unvaccinated will not change their minds. Vaccinated, Me? Sure, got it done a few weeks back, thanks. Door slams.

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Science as the Servant of the Globalist Left By Brian Simpson

One thing the Covid plandemic has shown is that mainstream science cannot be trusted as being unbiased and objective. It is ridden with politics. All Left wing, as shown by the suppression of the Wuhan lab release hypothesis for the origins of the CCP virus. It was done so as to not offend China.


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