Round Plants in Square Holes! By Mrs Vera West

Here is a little break from heart-breaking politics, to learn that plants grow better when planted in square holes. I did not know that. Try it next time you plant a tree or something.

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Box Tickers Ripping off Aborigines! By James Reed

It is shocking that white people, and I mean whites as depicted by Aboriginal communities, pretending to be Aborigines to fraudulently get benefits, are getting way with this. These cheaters should be called “racists,” on every street corner, and hang their white heads in shame. And, prosecuted. Somebody must do something about this racism, and soon. Fair suck of the sav mate, this is not fair dinkum!

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The War Descends to the Suburbs By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a little story about how the coming US anarchy is right here now, on your very street in most multiracial suburbs where BLM and antifa rule the burbs. The problem is mainly in the blue states, and is good reason to get our now, even if that means living in a tent in a red state! The Republicans must abandon the use of the colour red. I suggest using gold instead. Red is clearly a better colour for the Demon-rats, giving them unity with their supreme Leader, the CCP.

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Mass Immigration, Always a Wage Leveller By Brian Simpson

Here is an interesting debate, as Central bank governor Philip Lowe has said that  high immigration has contributed to the country’s weak wages growth. As I see it, mass immigration is loved by the elites precisely because it does decrease wages, for increased supply of labour, and a reserve army of the unemployed, less drive for wage increases. The neo-classical ideological economists, the equivalent of wizards of old will bs to deny this, but simple logic shows otherwise. Just imagine an economy at time T1 which has X number jobs. Even if migrants did create some jobs, as you increase the numbers, say to billions, the increase even hypothetically drops and disabilities rise. Eventually people are falling over each other, suffocating on immigration.


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The Gathering Storm Clouds By James Reed

While surfing the net, a slight breeze was enough to blow me over to, not a bad site at all, and one switched on about the coming crisis. So just in case readers think that there is too much male angst on the blog, let’s hear it from the ladies, although Mrs West is doing a great job, when health allows. I believe in covering all bases.

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The Great Covid Experiment; The Joy of Being a Lab Rat! By Brian Simpson

Historical update time. So much is happening, with Australia getting lock downed, then the lockdowns getting locked down, and the hyper-lock downs getting in turn, locked down, that forced into our kennels, then steel filing cabinets, we lose track of the big picture, because, as Saint George Floyd put it: “I CAN’T BREATHE!” Thankfully the good Dr Mercola has this neat summary of what is going down in the Covid New World Order, to keep us sinking too deeply down the rabbit hole.


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Creeping Sharia Law By Richard Miller (London)

This story is from Texas, which is surprising, it would be something expected in multicult Australia, but a court decides to allow a divorce to be heard according to Islamic law rather than US law. Clearly, an appeal to a higher court, less woke, is needed, and I think is occurring.


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What Sitting President of the United States Would Actively Fight an Election Audit? A Corrupt One! by Charles Taylor (Florida)

Now why would Beijing Biden want to stop an election audit? If the election was the fairest in history as the Democrats say, what is there to hide? It is indeed yet another expression of guilt by the crooks.


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The War on Meat By Richard Miller (London)

The war on meat in the UK, and elsewhere continues, all under the guise of climate change. It is, in my opinion based upon bogus “science” but that is not stopping the elites. Here is a survey of what they are up to.

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The James Reed Plan for Universities in Distress: Close Them Down Now! By James “Razor” Reed

Thanks to my brother in Adelaide for emailing me this one. I am glad my nephew is finishing off his STEM degree soon, at an undisclosed university, and will get out of the university system before it falls down around his ears.  That vice chancellors get over a million dollars a year is simply a joke, and an even bigger joke is when to make budgets balance, over a hundred staff must be laid off. This is not to say that I have any sympathy for university staff, as I would sack the lot, but I would not discriminate, and senior staff like vice chancellors would go first. There is a lot of valuable land that universities have that could be made into housing villages for … I don’t know … the refugees, how does that go?

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After Taiwan Falls, China Works its Way Down By James Reed

I have been stating in many articles at this blog, that once Taiwan falls, there will be a movement by China south, threatening nations such as Japan, and ultimately Australia. This position has been supported by the Japanese, but has also been stated more recently by the admiral in charge of intelligence for the Pentagon’s Indo-Pacific Command, Rear Adm. Mike Studeman, the top intelligence officer, or J-2, for the East Asian command. Will Australians take note of this, or will they continue to bury their heads in the sand, and suffocate?   


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Forests Need Foresters, by Viv Forbes

Green extremists plan to convert Australia into “tree heaven”. They will bully this through, no matter what the cost.

Huge areas of forest are already converted to “locked-up-land” – national parks, world heritage areas, Kyoto protected trees, remnant vegetation, aboriginal reserves, wildlife habitat and corridors etc. Many lock-ups are so large and so poorly managed that they have become extreme bushfire hazards and a refuge for wild dogs, cats, goats, camels, pigs, lantana, groundsel and other weeds and pests.

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Young People Do Not Need to Shield from the Covid Virus: UK Study By Brian Simpson

A large UK study has found that apart from children with pre-existing disabilities and illnesses, most children have a very low risk of illness or death from Covid-19 and do not need a “shield.” This is contrary to the present Covid New World Order mania of putting a syringe in every shoulder, however young.

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Leaked from the Lab … The People Believe By Brian Simpson

How times change! A new survey has found that the majority of Americans now believe that the Covid virus was leaked from the Wuhan lab. The Big Tech system had throughout 2020 pushed that this was a fringe conspiracy theory, showing that they are not to be trusted, pursuing their own agenda, not that of fair and open public debate.

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Covid Vax Misery Update By Brian Simpson

Here is my weekly update on Covid deaths and injuries from the US, based upon data directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). There are now over 9,000 deaths across all age groups. Some medical critics believe that this is a highly conservative figure, and the real figure is many times higher, as covered in another article today at the blog.

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New York Times Censors Book About Censorship, Proving Book’s Point! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The New York Times has refused to put a book which is critical of its politics on its bestseller list, even though Amazon has done so. The book is about the present culture of censorship and cancellation, so the author, Michael Knowles, Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds, is spot on.

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Bioterrorism by Injection? By Mrs Vera West

While not necessarily endorsing the conclusions of bioterrorism by injection, if physician Dr. Peter McCullough is right in his factual claims, then he may well have a case for such an extreme view. First, he sees a campaign of fear in the pre-vaccine stages, with lockdowns and draconian restrictions of freedom. In the second post-vaccine phase, there are the dangers of adverse effects, which he believes are substantial. He believes that there is an agenda behind this, that will be revealed, or uncovered soon.

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The Minds of the Feminists By Mrs Vera West

Here is an incredible story from Vienna, where the feminists took the side of the migrant over the female victim, showing clearly that race and ethnicity trumps sex and gender in the Leftist universe. Read on for the insane details.

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The Trump Anti-Big Tech Law Suit By Ian Wilson LL.B

The Left are not giving any chance to Trump’s First Amendment challenge to the evils done to him by Big Tech, maintaining that private corporations can do as they please. There is a counter to this offered by leading constitutional lawyer Alan Dershowitz. But even so, Trump’s law suit opens the flood gates to others trying further legal challenges to Big Tech, especially the states. And, Big Tech could be sued via new state laws. This constant litigation is going to begin to drain them, and may be one way of cutting them down to size.

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Is China a Fragile Giant? By James Reed

James Rickards, who has extensive practical experience in China makes a counter the position that China is invincible. On the contrary, it has its own weaknesses and collapse is possible. For one thing, it is highly dependent upon the bicycle economy of exports, and its own militarism could undermine that. It is also facing demographic catastrophe within ten years.

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