Communist Deprogramming Underway! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The following material from American, a great site, whose very name makes me sad with nostalgia, but perhaps it is just irony, details how Maoist communist brainwashing of the January 6 peaceful protesters, defined as terrorists, are underway. It reminds me of the dreadful movie A Clockwork Orange. That was weird for the time, the 1970s from memory, but is very dated now, that is how far down the track of tyranny we are.

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Ban Guns for Humans, Give Them to the other Primates! By John Steele

Left wing actress Mia Farrow tweeted a little while back that humans should not have guns. Well, maybe; humans could be argued not to be worthy to have many things given the evil that is committed. But this is not an ideal Left utopia, and there is a need for guns, otherwise the strong will rule by the law of clubs and swords. And clubs, Mia, can be had from any tree, so forget about controlling clubs.

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The Covid Industrial Complex of Profits By Brian Simpson

While working on the Covid issue for this blog, I always wondered about just how much profit Big Pharma was making from the whole plandemic. When I hear that there will need to be multiple vaccines, well that brings out the cynic in me, especially after reading articles like this one, that predicts 9.7 billion doses by 2025. That is a lot of loot, US $132.3 billion!

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Pelosi’s Fantasies Refuted By Chris Knight (Florida)


Nancy Pelosi knows a good thing when she is on one, and is milking the January 6 peaceful protests for far more than they are worth. Here is Jewish conservative intellectual Robert Spencer, who produces fantastic material, taking this mischievous thesis apart, piece by ugly piece. He is in agreement with our view that January 6 was not white supremacism, but protests about the stolen election. A few people with misguided T-shirts that were deliberately misinterpreted, proves nothing.

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Attacks on Trans People are Attacks Upon Science Itself! By Mrs Vera West

When I last read of someone comparing themselves to science, it was Dr Fauci, Covid guru. But, readers will no doubt be interested to know that attacks upon trans people, which would no doubt include feminists of the second generation concerned about trans people in women’s sport, are also attacks upon science. Really, after climate change, Covid and the transhuman stuff, I am getting mighty tired of science, but that is just little old world weary me. Anyway, in the balance of fairness, here is the case against the conservatives, just so you know.


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Beware of Snooping Doorbells! By James Reed

In our wondrous computer surveillance dystopia, one has to be careful of spying electronics, everywhere, including doorbells!

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The Great Swindle By Chris Knight (Florida)

This, next to the stolen election,  is the crime of the century, with criminals having stolen almost half of the unemployment befits that have been churned out over Covid. Suckers are us!


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The Communist Chinese New World Order By James Reed

The communist Chinese takeover of America is stunning, details of which are given below in an alarming Natural article. Australians should be terrified about the future, as America is set to fall. Then Australia goes, and all the hobbies that preoccupy some people who should know better. Here is a strong piece by Mike Adams on this; I do not necessarily endorse everything, especially about guns which give sensitive  me an ear ache, but it is food for thought.

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The Endless Pit of Depravity By James Reed

Some fragments from an article tracing the great decline into depravity, a metaphor also used by Roosh v in another article I covered. I have only dealt with the worst bits, and we have added our own in the pages of this blog today.

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The Mysterious PRIOR Adaption of the Covid-19 Virus By Brian Simpson

Using a computer analysis of the molecular structure of the Covid-19 virus, Australian researchers have found that the virus is highly adapted to attack human cells, and not as readily animal cells, which is contrary to the “it came from the bats” school of thought. So, where did it come from? Have an educated guess.

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The Evil State By James Reed

There is incredible out-in-the-open stuff coming from America, where we get to see behind the scenes, of the common evils of the state, how its machinery is used to destroy its citizens.

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Why is This Not an Insurrection? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Just as when the Left have previously invaded the Capitol Building white ant nest, it is never an insurrection, and a threat to the United States of Soviet America, since it is done by communists, in the name of the new green god of climate change.

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On the Great White Replacement By Chris Knight (Florida)

The decline of whites across the West, especially the US, is accelerating. Some comments about this plight will be given. First, let’s hear from Jim Goad, for this worst week ever, which is every week.

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The Managed Terror of Modern Life By James Reed

Roosh v pretty much sums up what life is now like for an increasing number of us. Sure, there are those libtards tucked away in the green leafy suburbs thinking that they are safe. Don’t worry, the system has you in its sights too, not today, but it is coming. Just watch how they are doing it in America to see what is in store. In the end the Left cannibalises itself.

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The Thin Edge of the Coming Thick Covid Edge By Brian Simpson

Covid jabs are now compulsory for aged care and quarantine workers. Doctors will be able to give the AstraZeneca vaccine to under-60s, and the federal government will provide a no-fault indemnity scheme for GPs who administer COVID-19 vaccines. Why is that needed given that the vaccines are so safe, as we are told? Puzzling indeed, surely one of the unsolved mysteries of the universe, right along there with the nature of dark matter and energy.

Clearly, they are not reading Dr Mercola!

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Wuhan Virus Data Removed; Nothing To See Here By Brian Simpson

This is but one more piece of the Wuhan lab release hypothesis, namely that Chinese researchers had removed details of the genetic makeup of early samples of the coronavirus, first submitting the material in March 2020, then withdrawing it in June 2020. Now why would they want to do something like that? Once more, highly suspicious, viewed with all the other evidence. It seems to be data scrubbing. I hope someone kept a copy of the data.

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Distrust of Big Tech and Big Government By Brian Simpson

This is the third (?) blog piece up today dealing with the tyrannical aspects of the present globalist social order, in particular, Big Tech and Big Government. A US poll has revealed that 63 percent of those surveyed thought that Facebook had too much power, and even more, 68 percent thought that the government had too much power as well. It will be interesting to see the poll results in a few years when the Biden regime has gone fully berserk and wrecked everything.

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Data Fetishism: A Communistic Religion By Brian Simpson

I had not exactly thought of it like this, but the present day computer cult of Dataism, where if it can be computed it must be, and data is king, is a form of central control every bit as communistic as anything to come from China, inevitably leading to central planning and control. Indeed, one of the core objections made to central planning by libertarians like Popper and Hayek, is that central planning lacked the co-ordination ability due to the amount of information being too complex to calculate. Rapid advances in computing, such as quantum computing could change that.


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Pelosi’s White Supremacy Fairy-Tale By Chris Knight (Florida)

Not only are the Democrats on a rampage maintaining that the January 6 peaceful protests were an insurrection, but the shrillest of Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, is linking the January 6 events to supposed wide spread white supremacism, which all ties up with the Beijing Biden war upon white conservatives. It is the equivalent vilification of enemies used in wars to dehumanise them, and to justify the torture and human rights abuse of the January 6 prisoners, let alone the cold blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt.

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Mainstream media Now Saying Covid Vaccines Riskier than Promoted by Advocates By Mrs Vera West

In another  blog piece I discussed the Canadian sacking case, where a doctor who said, much of what is now being said in the mainstream media, has sacked. Here is one mainstream media article which puts the case that Covid vaccines are riskier than advertised. So, what possible justification is there for sacking individuals?


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