Straight from the Mouth of Dr Daszak! By Brian Simpson

This has been reported and quoted extensively on many sites, but here it is for you now, as EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, who collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on research funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, says that there was manipulation of “killer” SARS-like coronaviruses carried out by his “colleagues in China.”  The National covered this:

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Here Comes the Super-Hero Vaccine! By Brian Simpson

This is probably one of the agendas behind the mRNA vaccines, to push the boundaries, rapidly, on human genetic manipulation. Now the transhumanists Dr Frankensteins, in all their myriad forms, are coming out of the wood pile.

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Are We Indigenes Yet? by Viv Forbes

No human race evolved in Australia - several different races walked, paddled, sailed or flew here over the past 60,000 years. Some displaced earlier arrivals, others mixed with locals. Some left rock art distinctly different from that of later arrivals and some destroyed or hid evidence of earlier tribes. Some were cannibals, most brought domesticated animals with them and all hunted native animals, sometimes to extinction. None can claim any moral superiority.

Visiting fishermen from Asia and exploring mariners from Europe added to the gene pool in this vast land. Negroid tribes were isolated in Tasmania when rising seas formed Bass Strait and others found refuge in the rainforests of North Queensland. Now a few claimed descendants of a few of these many tribes are seeking special constitutional recognition as “indigenes” and a “voice” to Australian Parliaments. This divisive proposal will do more harm than good.

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All the Covid Genes You Ever Need! By Brian Simpson

All of the genes necessary for the present Covid-19 virus were available at the Wuhan Institute of virology. That alone does not prove that the Covid-19 virus was constructed there, but it could have been, and is another piece of evidence to be reviewed with everything else.

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Early Career University Sex Workers! By Mrs Vera West

More craziness from the academics. Here is one who thinks that students should do sex work to get their way through university! The tragedy is that many are forced to, getting useless degrees and student debt, and their minds contaminated with woke nonsense. However, the metaphor of the universities as great houses of prostitution, intellectual prostitution, is not lost on me. That, these cesspools indeed are!

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The Great Replacement Right Across the West By Richard Miller (London)

This article from caught my eye, as it sums up what I have been writing about at this blog. It is good to see that one’s thoughts are not alone on such dark topics, so to speak. The Great Replacement of Whites, as an act of revenge for creating the modern world, is going on right across the West now. Here are the thoughts of a Venezuelan migrant who has seen the follies of multiculturalism.

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Whoa! The Great History of Racism and Transphobia! By Mrs Vera West

The present ideology is that racism is a product of modern White Western civilisation, and transphobia as well. Not so, here is material from the mainstream media refuting that, with an historical analysis. Of course, if one follows the Leftist strategy as defining “Whites = racism/transphobia” this does not follow, but by an arbitrary definition, anything can be established, such as “Leftists = mental illness.” See, easy, as Bertrand Russel might say, all the benefits of thief over hard work!

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Knock, Knock, Knocking on Kamala’s Door By Chris Knight (Florida)

Wow, Queen Karma wants the faithful to go knocking on peoples’ doors, and harassing them to get the jab! Next, will be the armed forces, now fully vaccinated on woke, smashing down doors, and stabbing those inside multiple times with syringes, like in the shower scene from the 1960 movie, Psycho, or the later satire in one of the National Lampoon movies, the banana scene. Maybe it could be arranged to have background music playing as well to add to the humiliation!


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The Tragedy of Utopian Thinking By James Reed

Pathological altruism of Whites is the subject of this video linked below, which is well worth viewing. It mentions Left wing women who ignored reality, believed the ideology and got raped and murdered, by their cherished subjects. This is not a “told you so” approach, but a warning, but I doubt even when heads are being severed, as occurred in one case discussed, that the Left would wake up, any more than people in a doomsday cult come to their senses in time, mindlessly drinking the poisoned Kool Aid. Only natural selection can solve the problem, and solve it, Nature will, but not the way materialist consumer slugs will want.


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The Plague of Wokeism By James Reed

I preferred the terminology “political correctness,” which could be easily traced to the writings of Chairman Mao, where correct ideas come from, the answer being, those he says are correct, praxis, bs like that, the Party partying on. Anyway, wokeism is about the social control of the Left, and it is spreading simply because Leftist power is spreading. That’s my simple take, but here is more for those wanting sophistication.

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Maoist Courts of America By Chris Knight (Florida)

Maoist show trials have come to America, with the peaceful Trump protesters of January 6 being forced to recant and express political guilt. It is exactly what was done under Chairman Mao in the Cultural Revolution in China, and it is here now. No doubt the Leftist elites have been working away for years, waiting for the right moment to uncork all of this tyranny. And it is here now. Sorry, my computer had indigestion, crashed for a moment, did a recovery, and lost the URL. But, trust me, it is all out there somewhere, and we are not academics anyway, worrying about footnotes and references.

“My lawyer has given me names of books and movies to help me see what life is like for others in our country. I’ve learned that even though we live in a wonderful country things still need to improve. People of all colors should feel as safe as I do to walk down the street.”

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Biden Violates His Oath of Office, Threatens US Citizens with Nuclear Weapons! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Beijing Biden has implied that those patriots concerned about defending freedom from tyranny, the sort which incidentally the communist Democrats embody, will need F-15 fighter jets and nuclear bombs. Some Dissent Righters have interpreted this as saying that Biden would use nuclear weapons against conservatives, but his actual statement does not imply that, but perhaps the Deep State monsters behind him would.


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Hillary Knew! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Hillary Clinton knows many things, and she is certain that everything Donny Trump has said is racist, racist, racist, meaning, I don’t like it, take it away from my royal nose, it smells! Make me president, not Harris! How can Biden be president when I am less mentally challenged, just the occasional head shake and collapse (still there on the internet)? Anyway, according to a leaked State Department cable from 2009, Clinton expressed concerns that the Wuhan Institute of Virology, could lead to “biological weapons proliferation.” But 2009 is a bit of a way back, and Hillary has trouble remembering to use the right email server, so serves us right!

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Masks Will be Forever and a Day! By James Reed

Well, we get to see the famous Covid masks again in Sydney, with the latest outbreak. Some officials are saying that this is the new normal and that mask wearing will become much like wearing clothes in public. It probably does not do much, or what is proclaimed to do, but it is all sociology, creating a new Covid community, and group thought is what counts in the Covid New World Order.


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YouTubular’s Outrageous Covid Censorship By Mrs Vera West

Here is an example of how Big Tech is crushing debate on most things. The idea goes to stop false news by Right wing, never Left wing, cranks. But the term “Right” like “racist’ now means anyone they want to silence. Thus, Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA vaccine technology, got censored by YouTube on its false news agenda, even though Dr Malone is the most qualified person on the planet to comment. What this clearly shows is that YouTube is censoring any comments it deems politically inconvenient. Trump should have acted against them, and the Australian and European governments need to act now. But, gutless they are, so I won’t hold my breathe.

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Warning, Warning, Covid Vax Heart Inflammation By Brian Simpson

Here is today’s update on the Covid vax heart inflammation issue. Note that this appears not to be an issue in Australia, due to our small population sample. Not much of interest happens here, and if we are to have a blog at all, and report news, we have to think global, where the action is. Now the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA, will place a heart inflammation warning label on fact sheets for COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. I do not know the policy for Australia. But,  that is really kind of them, and am sure all Americans will appreciate it, including those left behind. The warning is too late for the dearly departed.

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The Dangerous Wokeism of the Beijing Biden Regime By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Beijing Biden regime is undertaking what has been called a “cold civil war” against its political opponents. In reality it does not need to do this to maintain power as white conservatives, the most passive group in all human history, made soft by consumer affluence, pose no real threat yet, as we saw from the stolen election. If the deplorables let that go, they will take almost everything, including gun rights, as seen in Australia.  Yet, maybe that is why the Democrats are zeroing in for the kill now, just as at present all the New World Order agendas are in over-drive. Following the lockdowns and the stolen election, the elites now are confident about being able to achieve 2,000 percent of their original program. I imagine they sit in lush board rooms, dreaming up additional things to do since beating the masses has been easier than injecting a baby with a Covid vax. All the candy has been stolen long ago.

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Bill Gates On How to Avoid a Climate Disaster (sic) By James Reed

“Bill Gates has a new book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need, Paperback – Large Print, 1 January 1900. I cut and pasted that directly from, so what do you think about the date of “1900”? Why would an error like that be let go? Out of curiosity I went to the US site, and got the correct publication date of February 16, 2021, so I have no idea what is going on here. Anyway, Dr Mercola, quoting Indian intellectual Vandana Shiva, gives a solid refutation of the book, saving us getting hot and bothered, and most importantly, having to buy it. I don’t want to give Gates even my dirty socks. But he can have the covid vaccine waiting for me, back. Enjoy Bill!


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The Hypocrisy of Amazon By James Reed

Amazon, like all of Big Tech, is censoring whoever it wants, all in the name of freedom from discrimination, violence gasp, racism. Blah, blah. But when it comes to merchandise celebrating murdering cops, it is given a pass. Maybe there could be a legal remedy here if the rule of law still has some existence.

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The Dangers of the Covid Social Engineers By James Reed

Another great article at, the libertarian site, discussing how dangerous social engineering has become, as seen in the Covid lockdowns, which were based upon fear, as a number of authorities in the UK have disclosed, and also the brute power of the state, as seen in the Covid police, at their worst in the UK and New York.


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