Has Sweden Finally Shown Some Common Sense? By Richard Miller

     Credit where credit is due, after criticism Sweden for years, I finally find the Swedes being something more than vegetables. As for the coronavirus pandemic, they are taking the relaxed approach, not getting paranoid, banning people seeing their boyfriends or girlfriends or transgendered people, and so on:

“Sweden is perhaps the only country that is not demolishing it’s people’s means of making a living in order to fight the coronavirus pandemic.  Their approach is much different, and they are still thriving while we are all suffering in what could very well be the beginning of another Great Depression. Sweden has not closed its borders or its schools; neither has it closed non-essential businesses or banned gatherings of more than two people. Their economy is still going strong, and people can still eat regularly.  While the rest of the world, including the United States, imposes severe totalitarian restrictions on people’s lives and remove their source of income, Sweden is taking a more relaxed approach in response to the coronavirus outbreak, according to CNBC. The Public Health Agency’s lead epidemiologist, and a key figure in Sweden’s national response to the coronavirus, is Anders Tegnell. He told CNBC that although his country’s strategy to tackle the virus was different, the aim was the same. “My view is that basically all European countries are trying to do the same thing — we’re trying to slow down the spread as much as possible to keep healthcare and society working … and we have shown some different methods to slow down the spread,” he told CNBC Monday. Sweden is relying on the public to adopt voluntary controls, such as staying home when sick, to slow the spread of the coronavirus.  Their people are still enjoying life because of it too, and there’s little panic and economic stress to the public.  This approach should have been the one all countries adopted, considering the virus will spread and no one can be locked down for months without harsh repercussions.

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Censoring a World Leader By Paul Walker

     In these crazy times, here is where censorship over the coronavirus has gone, with Facebook removing a post by the president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro:

“Shortly after Twitter removed a post about the coronavirus pandemic by Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, Facebook followed suit also removing the president’s post from its platform as well. TechCrunch reports that Facebook has appeared to stray from its general policy of not fact-checking politicians and removed a post by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro relating to the coronavirus pandemic. On Sunday, Bolsonaro shared a post stating that “hydroxychloroquine is working in all places,” to treat the coronavirus, Facebook removed the post to prevent the spread of “misinformation that could lead to physical harm.” The company said in a statement to TechCrunch: “We remove content on Facebook and Instagram that violates our Community Standards, which do not allow misinformation that could lead to physical harm.” Facebook says it specifically prohibits false claims relating to cures, treatments, the availability of essential services and outbreak locations. The removal of the post was first reported by BBC News Brazil. In the video which was removed Bolsonaro had been speaking to a street vendor and stated that “They want to work.” Bolsonaro also added that “medicine there, hydroxychloroquine, is working in all places.”

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Now its Do It Yourself Home Abortions During Corona Lock down By Mrs Vera West

Not to worry those who might need an abortion over the lock down; at least in the UK, and probably coming soon to Australia, is do it yourself abortion kits:

“The UK government has bypassed parliament to enact emergency measures that will allow women to perform abortions at home during the coronavirus pandemic. The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, has approved a “temporary” change to the nation’s abortion laws, allowing women who are within the first ten weeks of their pregnancy to take abortion pills at home. Under the previous law, women were required to have an in-person consultation with a doctor before being allowed to terminate a pregnancy. The updated law will allow doctors to send women two pregnancy terminating pills, mifepristone and misoprostol, following online or telephone consultation. The law will last for up to two years, or until the end of the crisis. “We are updating our guidance so women who need an abortion up to ten weeks and can’t access a clinic can use abortion pills at home,” said a Department of Health and Social Care spokesman per The Sun. “This will be on a temporary basis and must follow a telephone or e-consultation with a doctor,” the spokesman added. The update to the law was celebrated by one of the country’s leading provider of abortion services, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), which wrote: “This service will not only support the thousands of women that would usually attend one of our clinics, it will also protect our staff and the many other people these women could come into contact with.”

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Now, the Banning of (Some) Sex! By James Reed

     I have been waiting each day for the political class to move at banning sex in some way, as it seems the next “just have to do it” thing to do as part of the present crisis:

“Victoria has banned couples who do not live together from seeing each other to slow the spread of coronavirus. The state imposed a 'stay at home' order from midnight on 30 March until midnight on 13 April, with a few exceptions such as shopping or exercising. One resident asked on Twitter if she was allowed to visit her partner at his home. Police Minister Lisa Neville replied: 'You cannot visit your partner for social reasons.' Asked if a social visit was allowed, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said in a press conference: 'That's not work, that's not care-giving, that's not medical care, that's not shopping for the things you need when you need them, and it does not comply with the rules. People should not do that.' The strict rule also means that single people who connect on dating apps have no way to meet each other. The rules are different in New South Wales where couples are allowed to visit each other at home. NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said visiting a partner counts as 'care' because it is vital for mental health. He said: 'I would put that under care, absolutely, mental health, that's under care… we need to look after each other.' The Victorian government website reads: 'Every interaction with another person carries the risk of transmission and should be avoided.'

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How Many Died in Wuhan? By Brian Simpson

     The argument that the coronavirus is just a flu, or is instead much deadlier, would be decided by death rates. There is some evidence that many thousands died at Wuhan:

“Wuhan locals claim coronavirus has killed 42,000 people in the city alone, more than ten times the national figure claimed by Chinese authorities. The killer bug, which originated in Wuhan in China's Hubei Province has claimed the lives of 3,300 people and infected more than 81,000. Of those, 3,182 deaths were reported in Hubei Province. But residents in Wuhan claim 500 urns have been handed out to grieving families every day from seven separate funeral homes all serving the city. This means the ashes of 3,500 people are distributed every 24 hours. The homes - in Hankou, Wuchang and Hanyang - have told grieving families that they will receive the ashes before April 5, the date of Qing Ming festival where people tend the graves of their ancestors. This means that 42,000 urns could be distributed in that 12-day period. Earlier reports stated that the Hankou premises received two shipments of 5,000 urns in just two days, according to local media. It comes as the province relaxed its two-month lockdown of 50million people.”

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From The Coronavirus Pandemic to World War III By James Reed

      What is Trump up to activating one million of the military reserve? It is hard to see why this is needed unless something utterly terrible is about to unfold, such as social breakdown, and/or World War III. Just imagine what Joe Dementia will do if he gets in, and he will not even be conscious of what he is doing, operating on instinct, not reason, like some sort of programmed insect.

“On Friday, with little fanfare, President Trump signed a new executive order that activates one million military reservists, bringing them back to active duty. This “national security & defense” executive order is entitled, “EO to Order the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty.” It begins by citing the coronavirus pandemic and the state of emergency which has already been declared: By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.),  and in furtherance of Proclamation 9994 of March 13, 2020 (Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak), which declared a national emergency by reason of the threat that the novel (new) coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 poses to our Nation’s healthcare systems, I hereby order as follows: It goes on to describe how the, “Army, Navy, and Air Force, at the direction of the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Homeland Security with respect to the Coast Guard” are authorized to activate one million reservists, calling them back to active duty. Ponder for a moment what events are taking place that would require the President of the United States to activate one million military reservists. For starters, this executive order obliterates any last shred of the narrative that, “this is just the flu.” No flu has resulted in a million soldiers being called to active duty. The real reason for this call-up is that Trump and the Pentagon know the coronavirus is just the opening salvo in a new world war that was initiated by China to crush America and achieve world domination. The one million reservists are being activated because the Pentagon expects battlefield casualties on a large scale. Because that’s what happens when your nation gets invaded by a foreign power. And in case you didn’t think things were serious enough already, the Pentagon just ordered high-level staffers into a deep underground military bunker in Colorado, something that never happens from “just the flu.” You need to listen to JR Nyquist, because he knows what’s about to happen. If communist China carries out the very plans its military leaders have openly bragged about for decades, America may soon be invaded by communist Chinese troops, likely aided by UN troops who are seeking to overthrow Trump and occupy America.”

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Blaming China By Peter Ewer

     China is working hard to deny any responsibility for the present coronavirus pandemic.  Of course, the politically correct thought police here in the West are working hard too, to make it “racist” and hence beyond the pale to speak of the “Chinese virus.” Anyway, China misled through release of incomplete and misleading data early in the piece:

“Dr. Deborah Birx on Tuesday said that medical experts failed to understand the seriousness of the coronavirus because of incomplete data coming out of China. “I think the medical community interpreted the Chinese data as that this was serious but smaller than anyone expected,” she said. “Because I think probably we were missing a significant amount of the data.” Birx spoke about the experts’ relationship with the data during a White House press briefing on Tuesday evening. She acknowledged frankly that when she saw early data from China reporting only 50,000 cases of the virus among the 20 million people in Wuhan, China, and the 80 million in Hubei province, she felt that the threat was similar to that of SARS, which had 8,098 cases globally and 774 deaths. The devastation hitting countries like Italy and Spain and South Korea gave the experts much more complete data, helping them draw models that were far more alarming. “Let’s see if we can do much better than that,” President Donald Trump said during the briefing, pointing to the models predicting 100,000 to 240,000 deaths in the United States. Trump noted that the virus was also more contagious than expected. “I think the one thing that nobody really knew about this virus was how contagious it was,” he said. “It’s so incredibly contagious, and nobody knew that.”

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Gun Control Defies the Laws of Supply and Demand! By John Steele

     You can be sure that if a collapse of the world was at hand, then the last act of the system would be to disarm we the people. I recall my father telling me that during World War II, whether this was law or not, when it looked like the Japanese were set to invade Australia, the local cops went about to collect guns from every one who had them. The guns were put in holding cells, because there was a concern that people might fight back. I see no reason to disbelieve the old guy, so I was not surprised to read that in the present day, as more citizens are wanting guns, the authorities just close it all down:

“Victorians have been banned from purchasing guns after permit applications increased amid fears of the coronavirus pandemic. Police Minister Lisa Neville said at a press conference on Tuesday the number of people attempting to access firearms and ammunition had doubled. The minister and the National Cabinet decided to pause the sales of firearms and ammunition for sporting or recreational purposes. They fear an increased amount of weapons on the street would be dangerous as tensions rise and firearms may be stockpiled or accessed by criminals. We're responding to an increase in demand for firearms and ammunition across the country by doing what we can to protect licensed firearm owners and dealers as well as the broader community,' she said. 'We sincerely hope that Victoria Police does not have to issue one of these on the spot fines, and people do the right thing. 'But for those that don't, they will be dealt with.' The minister said the fear of domestic violence figures increasing as the state shuts down was another factor behind the pause of firearm sales. The ban will exclude farmers, rural landholders, professional vermin control staff and armed guards as their jobs are considered essential and require them to have access to firearms. The Queensland Government have banned firearms dealers from remaining open as they have been declared 'non-essential services.' In Western Australia, a similar regulation has been implemented but primary producers, professional pest shooters and Indigenous people practising native title rights to hunt are allowed to access firearms and ammunition.” 

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Is a Light Year Enough for Social Distancing? By Brian Simpson

     Everyone is practicing social distancing, the new “safe sex” of our age, for those who remember what things were like in the AIDS panic back in the 1980s. But, social distancing must be done, if not yet at the point of a bayonet, then at least for now, at the point of an on-the-spot-fine. That being so, is the present distance enough? Should it be over four times as much? Certainly, a light year, the distance light travels in a year, would do the trick, in principle, but, hey, this is a pandemic, and there is no room here for light-heartedness, pun intended.

“Lydia Bourouiba, an associate professor at MIT, has researched the dynamics of exhalations (coughs and sneezes, for instance) for years at The Fluid Dynamics of Disease Transmission Laboratory and found exhalations cause gaseous clouds that can travel up to 27 feet. Her research could have implications for the global COVID-19 pandemic, though measures called for by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization call for six and three feet of space, respectively.  “There’s an urgency in revising the guidelines currently being given by the WHO and the CDC on the needs for protective equipment, particularly for the frontline health care workers,” Bourouiba told USA TODAY. Bourouiba’s research calls for better measures to protect health care workers and, potentially, more distance from infected people who are coughing or sneezing. She said current guidelines are based on “large droplets” as the method of transmission for the virus and the idea that those large droplets can only go a certain distance. In a Journal of the American Medical Association article published last week, Bourouiba said peak exhalation speeds can reach 33 to 100 feet per second and "currently used surgical and N95 masks are not tested for these potential characteristics of respiratory emissions." The idea that droplets "hit a virtual wall and stop there and after that we are safe," is not based on evidence found in her research, Bourouiba said, and also not based on "evidence that we have about COVID transmission."

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Burn the Litter OR Feed the Wildfires By Viv Forbes

     The Federal Government has set up a Royal Commission, originally about Bushfires, but now mainly about getting more power to the federal government. Here is the link to info on the enquiry:

     The Saltbush Club has made a submission entitled:

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Lock Down or be Shot Down! By Paul Walker

     How far can anarcho-tyranny go? On the spot fines are nothing when the state can simply shoot you, on the spot!

“Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has warned he would order the country's police and military to shoot dead anyone "who creates trouble" during a month-long lockdown of the island of Luzon enforced to halt the spread of the coronavirus. "Let this be a warning to all. Follow the government at this time because it is critical that we have order," he said in a late-night televised national address on Wednesday. "And do not harm the health workers, the doctors ... because that is a serious crime. My orders to the police and the military, if anyone creates trouble, and their lives are in danger: shoot them dead." "Do not intimidate the government. Do not challenge the government. You will lose," he added in Filipino and English. Duterte's warning came after residents of a slum in Manila's Quezon City staged a protest along a highway near their shanty houses, claiming they had not received any food packs and other relief supplies since the lockdown began more than two weeks ago. Village security officers and police urged the residents to go back to their homes, but they refused, a police report said. Police broke up the protest and arrested 20 people, the report added.”

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Now is the Time to Ban Breathing! By Brian Simpson

     It is the same kind of reasoning employed in a whole range of policies in the modern liberal state; something causes a problem, so ban it. Take firearms for example. The same causal principle lies behind the present social distancing measures: locate the cause, then ban it. And, in many cases that makes sense. But now consider this:

“The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 may spread through the air in tiny particles that infected people exhale during normal breathing and speech. Until now, experts have said that the virus, called SARS-CoV-2, doesn’t spread through the air in that way, but rather through relatively large droplets released when people cough or sneeze. Those droplets can contaminate surfaces or objects and infect people who touch the surface and then touch their faces. Large droplets are still a means of infection, but researchers now say that tiny airborne particles may also carry infectious virus. “Currently available research supports the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 could be spread via bioaerosols generated directly by patients’ exhalation,” researchers from the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine wrote in an April 1 report to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. If the coronavirus is airborne, that could help explain why it is so contagious, and can spread before people have symptoms (SN: 3/13/20). As of April 2, more than 1 million people worldwide are confirmed to have COVID-19, with nearly a quarter of those cases in the United States, according to tracking by Johns Hopkins University. More than 50,000 people have died worldwide, including more than 5,600 people in the United States. Wearing surgical masks can cut down on the amount of virus that infected people spread, the expert panel says, citing an unpublished study from the University of Hong Kong. The letter does not address whether wearing a mask will protect the person wearing the mask from catching the illness (SN: 3/27/20). How much virus a person must breathe in to get infected isn’t known. The report also notes that genetic material from the virus was detected more than two meters (six feet) away from patients’ hospital beds. That finding could indicate that physical distancing by at least two meters may not be enough to limit spread of the virus. Whether infectious virus could be carried that far or if the genetic material is from dead viruses isn’t yet known.”

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Price Gouging is Just the Beginning By James Reed

     I was in my friendly neighbourhood supermarket, where a guy older than me, probably from WWII, lost it, being upset by regulations. “Why did I fight for this country?” he lamented, not being able to get all of his goods, and having to pack stuff, and numerous other pointless things. I said to him that it was not the staff’s fault that this was happening and that we little people are all victims. And, down the track supermarkets will probably close, so people will face mass starvation. Maybe before then we will not be even able to pay for food:

“Shoppers have accused Coles and Woolworths of “price gouging” even as supermarket shelves are being emptied by shoppers panic-buying amid fears of a looming shutdown and tens of thousands of job losses. Disgruntled shoppers on the hunt for supermarket essentials took to social media in order to air their frustrations about high prices and missing specials. “Why are there no specials in your stores at the moment - normally aisles are full of special offers but nothing- is this not price gouging while people are struggling with making ends meet?” posted one user about Coles. Another posted a photo of broccoli advertised for $11.50 per kilo. Broccoli is typically priced around $5 per kilo. Some users said they paid $5 for half a head of cauliflower, and others said they saw lettuce going for up to $8 a head. Another also said Coles’ prices were not only high, but stock was low, and asked what supermarkets were doing to help the country. The lack of specials did not go unnoticed by shoppers, with one saying there was “not one special on the shelves” and accused Woolworths of “profiteering”. A spokesperson for Woolworths said that there were multiple factors behind the price rise of produce, such as the drought and bushfire seasons impacting supply. “Due to pressures throughout the horticultural supply chain caused by drought, unseasonal weather and an unprecedented spike in demand, we're currently seeing an impact on the availability of some fresh fruit and vegetable lines,” the spokesperson said. “This has led to higher wholesale costs for some fruit and vegetable lines across the market and we're working closely with our growers to help manage this as best we can. “We understand the uncertainty facing households right now and remain focused on offering quality Australian grown food to our customers at competitive prices.” A Coles spokesperson told Yahoo Finance that the drought had hit Australian producers hard. “We are seeing upward price pressures across many agricultural categories as a result of the sustained drought across many of our producing regions. “In the case of produce, much of what our hard-working supplier partners are harvesting now was planted during tough drought conditions,” the spokesperson said. This is particularly true of vegetables such as leafy greens, broccoli, beans and corn. Meanwhile, “extreme hot weather” during Christmas and January saw the volume of tomatoes, capsicums and cucumbers impacted. “Our suppliers are enjoying more favourable growing conditions over recent weeks and we are confident that vegetable volumes will improve.”

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The Surveillance State Forever By James Reed

     Things have changed, for the absolute worst, and it is likely that the surveillance state will be forever, since the psychopathic global elites who rule our local elites, whatever the merits of all the present restrictions, are not likely to want to give up power. It will be just a depicted in the film version of The Lord of the Rings, where all of the bad guys wanted the ring of power, a symbol, of, naturally, power. His guy would know:

“Governments around the world are using high-tech surveillance measures to combat the coronavirus outbreak. But are they worth it? Edward Snowden doesn’t think so. The former CIA contractor, whose leaks exposed the scale of spying programs in the US, warns that once this tech is taken out of the box, it will be hard to put it back. “When we see emergency measures passed, particularly today, they tend to be sticky,” Snowden said in an interview with the Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival. The emergency tends to be expanded. Then the authorities become comfortable with some new power. They start to like it. Supporters of the draconian measures argue that normal rules are not enough during a pandemic and that the long-term risks can be addressed once the outbreak is contained. But a brief suspension of civil liberties can quickly be extended. Security services will soon find new uses for the tech. And when the crisis passes, governments can impose new laws that make the emergency rules permanent and exploit them to crack down on dissent and political opposition. Take the proposals to monitor the outbreak by tracking mobile phone location data. This could prove a powerful method of tracing the spread of the virus and the movements of people who have it. But it will also be a tempting tool to track terrorists — or any other potential enemies of the states.

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The Welfare State Set to Topple By Brian Simpson

     With all of this free communist welfare money being splashed around like there is no tomorrow, where will this lead? Why the collapse of the welfare state, naturally, with Finland being one of the early cabs off the ranks:

“One of the world’s best-funded welfare states is starting to crack as the fallout of the coronavirus triggers mass unemployment. Finland’s system of jobless benefits can’t cope with the sudden surge in demand, the country’s biggest unemployment fund, YTK, said. There are more than 300,000 Finns who suddenly find themselves without work, either through temporary layoffs or outright job cuts. A large chunk of them may have to wait until next year to get their first benefit payment, YTK said. Money’s not the problem, Managing Director Sanna Alamaki said in letters to members sent through April 1. It’s “that the benefit applications can’t be processed and, consequently, money can’t be paid out quickly enough,” she said. YTK is expecting “a flood” of more than 100,000 applications through April. That’s double the number it would process during an average year. Even if it triples staff, people would still face a three-month wait for their jobless benefit, YTK said. That exceeds the legal limit of 30 days. Finns, along with their Nordic neighbors, rely on a generous welfare system to ensure that those who drop off payrolls still get some form of monthly support. When that safety net starts to crack, it risks upending the social model that underpins the high levels of trust in government typical to the Nordics. The fund, which represents 20% of wage earners in Finland, called on the government to help, and asked that it provide subsidies to companies laying off workers so that they still get paid through the payroll. In a letter to members, the fund said more than 270,000 members are at risk of losing their jobs. That compares with the 187,000 people who were unemployed in February, according to official statistics.”

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How Low Can Anarcho-Tyranny Go? By James Reed

     None of this is in Australia yet, and hopefully we will never get to this level, not merely of simply shooting those who do not do what the state dictates, but the abandonment of fundamental legal protections, such as trial by jury, as has been done in Scotland:

“The new legal powers sought by Scotland’s devolved law-makers undermine ideas of justice in place for hundreds of years, according to the Scottish Criminal Bar Association. The new Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill grants sweeping powers to Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish Parliament, and makes dramatic changes to the criminal justice system. Among a long list of changes, the Bill seeks to:

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Where Has All of this Money Come From? Where Will it Go? By James Reed

     This is quoted from Rite-On as at March 19,  2020, and   no doubt there have been a  few increases since that date. Question:  where did the money come from?  Did they borrow from the World bank; the IMF or other Banks?  Which of these or any other sources had such amounts available?  Can anyone help? Or is it all going to be just put on the tab, of endless growing debt?  The economic impact as at 19 March 2020 in USD;

•    The United States, announced a $1 trillion economic package that will include $500 billion in direct payments to taxpayers. The U.S. is also planning $500 billion in loans for businesses. The Federal Reserve announced it will create an emergency lending facility to help the country’s short-term credit market.
•    Canada will spend an initial $18.6 billion in support to families and businesses affected by the outbreak. The country also pledged about $37 billion in tax deferrals to help Canadians and businesses survive the economic trouble.
•    The European Union said it would use up to $41 billion for measures to counteract the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis. Meanwhile, the European Central Bank announced it will buy up to $830 billion government and corporate bonds and other assets in a bid to calm the continent’s financial markets.
•    In the United Kingdom, the government announced $398 billion for loans and guarantees. Smaller businesses will be granted access to cash grants of more than $28,000 to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.
•    German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that her country is facing the worst crisis since the end of World War II and said her government will do “whatever it takes” to keep its businesses afloat. The country pledged unlimited cash to businesses hit by the crisis.
•    In France, a country severely affected by the coronavirus outbreak, lawmakers pledged around $50 billion in immediate aid for businesses and employees hit by the pandemic which is expected to shrink the French gross domestic product by 1% in 2020.
•    In Austria, the government announced it will spend up to $42 billion to secure jobs and support businesses. The government will provide up to $10 billion in guarantees and warranties, more than $16 billion in emergency aid and more than $10 billion in tax deferrals.
•    Spain said it will support its economy with a 200 billion euro (about $219 billion) aid package. The country will pay benefits to workers temporarily laid off and will suspend mortgage payments for those affected by the crisis.
•    The Netherlands will provide up to $22 billion to businesses as part of an emergency package in an effort to help workers and lower the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
•    Italy, the country most severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic in Europe so far, has adopted an emergency plan of $28 billion to support its economy. The measure is necessary in order to soften the blow taken by a society forced to shut down in a national quarantine.
•    Portugal will also spend $10 billion on an emergency package. About $5.6 billion will be used as fiscal stimulus, $3.2 billion for state-backed credit guarantees and about $1 billion for social security payments.
•    Norway will offer companies at least $9.7 billion in funding in order to guarantee loans and bond issues to support business and the economy. Also, payments of payroll taxes can be postponed.
•    While no specific measures have yet been announced for Ireland, the country pledged more than $3 billion earlier this month to fight against the health crisis and support sick pay and business affected by COVID-19.
•    Sweden also launched a coronavirus crisis package of more than $30 billion. The country is looking at paying for sick leave through the months of April and May and supporting the cost for temporary redundancies during the crisis.
•    Denmark also released $30 billion for banks to lend to businesses during the pandemic.
•    Australia’s government announced it is lowering interest rates while also injecting about $56 billion (this has since been increased)  into the economy, Reuters reported.
•    In Japan, the government passed a $10 billion package earlier in March for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as self-employed workers affected by the coronavirus. The government on Thursday formed a panel of ministers to examine a broader package to help the economy.

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What NATO Allie Turkey is Doing By Richard Miller

     So, what is Turkey, a member of NATO doing during this time of crisis? How is it helping?? Why, by pushing possibly coronavirus infected people into Greece, because that is what demographic warfare is all about:

“Several days ago, a boat from the Coast Guard found a boat full of migrants trying to reach a Greek island in the eastern Aegean. The ports prevented its entry into Greek territorial waters, resulting in the Turkish coastguard coming at some point to accompany, as is customary in such cases, the boat with migrants back to Asia Minor. When, however, the Turkish landing crew approached and saw the boat with the migrants, it turned 180 degrees and drove away at high speed. The Greek ports remained in the maritime area to prevent a new attempt to enter the boat into Greek territorial waters and to the surprise of their Turkish counterparts. Their question was resolved shortly after they saw another Turkish Coast Guard approaching and surprisingly found that its crew wore the well-known biological warfare uniforms in our day from the coronavirus. They then came to the realization that the first Turkish limb had been removed because it recognized how immigrants – identified by the Turkish authorities – were infected with the virus on board the boat. My case was told by a very credible source who, due to a high position, is able to know firsthand. It seems unbelievable, however, that the Turkish state has consciously orchestrated an informal biological warfare against Greece. Obviously, he expected that – as in the past – so in this case, if the boat had arrived on the Greek island, the immigrants would have been driven, even temporarily, to a hospitality center. Since then the measures for new entrants were still not as stringent as they are today, it is possible that the coronavirus was being “sponsored” by the Turkish state into the immigrant center. Fortunately, this informal attack was repelled, and the good news is that it has helped to tighten up the measures for migrants who manage to reach a Greek island.

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Billy Gates Lets it Slip By Peter Ewer

     We are all speculating regarding the present coronavirus freak-out, about what comes next. What is the less-than-hidden agenda, which must be bad and New Wold Orderly. Bill at the Gates may be able to help us here:

“On March 24 Bill Gates gave a highly revelatory 50-minute interview (above) to Chris Anderson. Anderson is the Curator of TED, the non-profit that runs the TED Talks. Anderson asked Gates at 3:49 in the video of the interview – which is quickly climbing to three million views – about a ‘Perspective’ article by Gates that was published February 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine. “You wrote that this could be the once-in-a-century pandemic that people have been fearing. Is that how you think of it, still?” queried Anderson. “Well, it’s awful to say this but, we could have a respiratory virus whose case fatality rate was even higher. If this was something like smallpox, that kills 30 percent of people. So, this is horrific,” responded Gates. “But, in fact, most people even who get the COVID disease are able to survive. So. in that, it’s quite infectious – way more infectious than MERS [Middle East Respiratory Syndrome] or SARS [Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome] were. [But] it’s not as fatal as they were. And yet the disruption we’re seeing in order to knock it down is really completely unprecedented.” Gates reiterates the dire consequences for the global economy later in the interview. “We need a clear message about that,” Gates said starting at 26:52. “It is really tragic that the economic effects of this are very dramatic. I mean, nothing like this has ever happened to the economy in our lifetimes. But … bringing the economy back and doing [sic] money, that’s more of a reversible thing than bringing people back to life. So we’re going to take the pain in the economic dimension, huge pain, in order to minimize the pain in disease and death dimension.” Right after that, at 34:14, Gates talked about how he sees things rolling out from there. “Eventually what we’ll

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Yes, We have No Seeds By John Steele

     I remember my grandmother telling me about the Victory Gardens people had during World War I and II. Well, many people are turning back to that, but there is one problem: seeds:

     I have heard that the hardware shops in Oz are restricting the sale of seeds. This does not surprise me, since this is already being done by the monopoly sellers in America, and whatever bad that happens there, always migrates here like … well a plague:

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