Anarcho-Tyranny Update By Charles Taylor

     Despite anarcho-tyrannical moves to restrict personal movement, and personal everything, the coronavirus continues to spread across the US, with New York receiving, what the mainstream media calls an “apocalyptic surge” in cases. Sure, some dispute this, but my view is to be cautious, this is not a time for bold denial of anything, but to carefully watch the territory, guarding one’s supply of beef and beans.

     Still, this crisis has pushed the buttons putting the system into pandemic paranoia  mode, with this case from Chicago being now typical of what the system is doing, and will do:

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The killer flu outbreak is to blame for a 42 per cent spike in deaths across England and Wales, statisticians claim

Published: 02:16 AEDT, 28 February 2018 | Updated: 03:36 AEDT, 28 February 2018   

Government figures reveal 64,157 people died in January - significantly higher than the death toll of 45,141 recorded in December. It is the highest number since records began in 2006 - and only the second time it has breached 60,000. 'Circulating influenza' was blamed in the report, released today and compiled using data of deaths from each region. It showed deaths were higher than levels recorded during the Swine flu pandemic in 2010 - considered the worst outbreak in recent years. The Office for National Statistics report showed a similar trend in deaths was seen in all nine regions of England and Wales itself. It read: 'Circulating influenza is likely to be a contributing factor in the high number of deaths registered in January 2018.' Some 10,011 deaths were recorded in the South East, followed by 8,625 in the North West and 7,110 in the East of England. At the other end of the scale, 3,503 people died in the North East in January, 3,945 in Wales and 5,401 in the East Midlands. Latest figures show the flu outbreak has killed at least 271 people, but this is likely to be an underestimate because it only counts for confirmed hospital deaths.

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Apocalyptic Meditations By Paul Walker

     Here is some essential home viewing for people contemplating the coming economic collapse and the breakdown of the rule of law (police and armed forces get infected, desert their dessert in the desert, etc)

    And here is the case put that this pandemic is serious and will get worse; remember this may not be true, but we need to be wise and listen to all points of view because our side is divided on this issue for the moment, but as Willy the Shake said, “the truth will out.”

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Social Distancing as a Way of Life By Chris Knight

     The question needs to be asked about the longer-term socio-psychological and bio-evolutionary effects of social distancing, and social isolation, if this corona bug crisis spills into months, years, decades, centuries … for according to neo-Darwinian, humans will start evolving into solitary non-social creatures, maybe even eventually reproducing asexually/vegetatively, like aphids and many plants, if the right random mutations occur, and they always do.

“For those wondering how long they'll have to be in quarantine because of the COVID-19 respiratory disease, the question for those in the US may not be how long, but how many times. Work posted on the medRxiv pre-print server Tuesday by a group of researchers at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston suggests that multiple targeted periods of "social distancing" of various kinds will likely be necessary for the US before any vaccine is found for the disease. There's a tension in fighting COVID-19: So-called herd immunity needs to be built up, which requires that the disease be allowed to spread to some extent, for without exposure, that immunity will never be built. But the disease must not spread so much that it overwhelms the US's medical resources. In "Social distancing strategies for curbing the COVID-19 epidemic," authors Stephen Iissler, Christine Tedijanto, Marc Lipsitch, and Yonatan Grad of the Chan School write that "a single period of social distancing will not be sufficient." Paradoxically, going into an intense quarantine with nothing to follow it can actually be counter-productive. Without repeated intervals of distancing, "there was a resurgence of infection when the simulated social distancing measures were lifted" in the model scenarios they ran. The authors found that a resurgence could happen even after especially arduous periods of distancing, such as a 20-week period of social distancing. "The social distancing is so effective that virtually no population immunity is built." Instead, the authors argue interventions need to be made multiple times over a period of time, called "intermittent distancing," at intervals that depend upon the state of the health care infrastructure at any moment in time, meaning, how much load it can absorb of critical care cases of the disease. "Intermittent social distancing can maintain critical care demand within current thresholds," they advise.”

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Without Rule of Law; On Home Defence Security When TSHTF/TEOTWAWKI By John Steele

     The Canadian Prepper site, run by a guy who is non-white and highly intelligent and articulate, so take that Leftoids, has dealt with the situation of social breakdown arising from situations that societies are now in.

Check out his “Urban Survival Strategies.” In fact, everything at his site is good for people new to the wild and woolly world of apocalyptic collapse. Since people will have more time on their hands, here is a solid hour or two’s viewing on the Tube, maybe having a few stiff drinks while viewing:

China’s Organ Harvest in the Plague Years By James Reed

     We have been covering the issue of China’s forced organ harvesting when material comes available, such as this:

“Chinese state media recently boasted about a successful double-lung transplant operation to treat the Wuhan coronavirus, the Epoch Times noted Wednesday, amid growing evidence that the Communist Party is harvesting the organs of religious minorities and political prisoners to sell on the black market. In February, state propaganda outlet Global Times reported that a Chinese medical team “successfully carried out the world’s first double-lung transplant” for a patient suffering from the coronavirus, describing it as a move of “great significance in reducing critical cases.” “The transplanted lungs were donated by a non-local patient after brain death and transported to Wuxi by high-speed railway in seven hours,” the article notes. As noted by the Epoch Times, a Chinese American newspaper associated with the persecuted Fang Gong religious movement, the fact that brain-dead donors with all the matching characteristics, including blood and tissue type, were available just before the surgery was performed seems uncannily convenient. A majority of China’s organ transplants reportedly come from harvesting those of non-consensual “donors” who belong to persecuted religious minorities such as Uyghur Muslims and Falun Gong practitioners.

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Biden and Rape By Mrs Vera West

     America must be getting used to the absurd becoming normality, as presidential candidate Joe Biden faces his latest rape accusation, and his team are in damage control:

“Former Vice President Joe Biden, the frontrunner for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination, is facing a new sexual assault allegation from a former congressional staffer. Tara Reade, who came forward last year to accuse Biden have inappropriately touched her in the 1990s, revealed earlier this week during an interview on the podcast of New York City blogger Katie Halper that there was more to the story. According to Reade, while working as a staff assistant in Biden’s Senate office in 1993, she was asked by one of her colleagues to deliver a “gym bag” to the senator. When Reade caught up with Biden, she alleges, he pressed up against a wall and proceeded to kiss her. “It happened all at once, and then… his hands were on me and underneath my clothes,” Reade told Halper, elaborating on the alleged assault in detail. And then he went down my skirt and then up inside it. And he penetrated me with his fingers, whatever. And he was kissing me at the same time and he was saying something to me. He said several things and I can’t remember everything [that] he said. I remember a couple of things. I remember his saying, first, like as he was doing it, ‘Do you want to go somewhere else?’ and then him saying to me, when I pulled away, he got finished doing what he was doing and I, how I was pulled back and he said, ‘Come on man, I heard you liked me.’ That phrase stayed with me because I kept thinking what I might have said. And I can’t remember exactly if he said ‘I thought’ or if ‘I heard.’ It’s like he implied that I had done this. “For me, everything shattered in that moment,” she added. “He wasn’t trying to do anything more. But I looked up to him. He was my father’s age. He was this champion of women’s rights in my eyes and I couldn’t believe it was happening.”

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The Coronavirus Loves the Elites Too By Brian Simpson

     Here we do not wish ill health upon anyone, but I note that many elites have caught the corona virus, the latest being British prime minster Boris Johnson:

     Boris himself is of the view that things will get worse before getting better, that there is more misery to come:

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Should the Media be Shut Down Too? By James Reed

     It is not all bad; I am delighted by what this present bug crisis has done to the evil universities, who still exist, but are largely on-line, where they have minimal mischief, largely chattering amongst themselves. Why, academics were so scared for their lungs, that students could not believe how fast they ran to their homes to lock down with their bottles of fine wine. Anyway, let’s move on to closing down the mainstream media now for even more peace.

“"You're actually sitting too close," President Trump remarked at a press briefing. "Really, we should probably get rid of about 75, 80 percent of you.” Trump was only partly joking. The White House Correspondents Association had asked its members to sit one seat apart at press briefings, but at a time when most businesses have been shut down even when they offer far more space to customers and employees, the sight of crowded press briefings is still surreally hypocritical. Governor Jared Polis delivered his press briefing on social distancing surrounded by a huddle of other Colorado officials, including a sign language translator, and tightly packed reporters facing him. That’s not unusual. Governors and mayors have announced the shutdown of countless businesses for the sake of social distancing in the same format that is the opposite of social distancing. The exemption for the media from coronavirus rules extends beyond these strange scenes. When Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an order effectively shutting down most New York non-essential businesses, the list of essential organizations exempted from the order included hospitals, power plants, pharmacies, farms, banks, supermarkets, and the media. One of these items is not like the others. The essential businesses provide necessary services that allow people to function.

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How Will a Consumer Soft Generation Survive Hardship? By John Steele

     Bernard Salt is someone that James Reed has been criticising for years, on the immigration issue, Salt being a big Australia kind of bloke. But, apart from that he does some thoughtful pieces like this one which talks about something few in the MSM ever get to: the softness of the present generation comparted to those who struggled through the Great Depression.

“We modern Australians are not a hardy people, and have not been collectively subjected to truly harsh times such as war or depression. In some ways it is harder for us to manage adversity because we are the product of prosperity. But manage adversity we must, and we will. Let us now ensure that we learn the lessons and work to create a stronger, safer and more resilient Australia.”

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The New Public Gathering Rule By James Reed

     Here is an interesting article giving us a vision of the future, about three weeks’ time:

“I have a grim message for you from the future. About three weeks into the future, to be precise. My wife, our two daughters and I stepped off the plane in Los Angeles earlier this week as if emerging from a dream — or was it entering one? The reality we walked into seemed nothing like the one we had left in New York a few hours earlier. In our home neighbourhood in Brooklyn, friends had become strangers, and strangers had become threats. Our usual Sesame Street existence — in which a life of shared outdoor space turned every walk along the brownstones into a string of impromptu conversations with neighbours, crossing guards and shopkeepers — had descended into a lonely and menacing dash for essential supplies. People would cross the street as they saw you approaching. Regulars at our local cafe, when it was still open, would shout at others in line to keep their distance; parents in the park would usher their kids away from you with surgical-gloved hands. Everyone was a threat. Anyone could kill. After a string of cancellations and last minute re-bookings, we finally made it onto one of the last flights out — a hasty emigration brought forward by circumstance, all of our belongings left behind indefinitely. The plane was empty. When an airport worker at LAX started yelling at us to bunch closer together, two by two instead of single-file, I realised the coronavirus did not seem to represent the threat it did in Brooklyn. Fifteen hours later, as we disembarked in Sydney, it did not seem to exist at all. It's too late for New York, but not for Sydney. Like the background noise of an airplane safety demonstration, we were given vague instructions by quarantine officers to self-isolate for two weeks, handed a Department of Health fact sheet, then released into the wild. We stepped outside to be transported back in time, to New York three weeks ago. Schools and businesses were still open, beaches were packed (later that day Bondi closed and further shutdowns were announced), and people mingled — perhaps in denial of the new reality headed their way.”

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Birmingham and the Great Replacement By Charles Taylor (Florida)

     American Renaissance has begun a series of articles about the Great Replacement of whites by everyone else in the West, by authors Gregory hood, Henry Wolff and Paul Kersey, who are vets in this most terrible field of research. Here is some material on Birmingham, and I dread reading the next depressing piece:

“People used to call Birmingham, Alabama the “Magic City.” Today, it’s the Tragic City. Massive steel plants sprang up after the Civil War, and Birmingham grew rapidly in the first half of the 1900s. In the 1960s, however, it became a key battleground in the Civil Rights movement, with Martin Luther King leading desegregation efforts. Civil rights campaigners got what they wanted: Birmingham desegregated. Today, it’s a majority-black city with poverty, bad schools, and high crime. Although we usually associate industry with the North, Birmingham used to be the largest iron- and steel-producing area in the country. Many workers in the furnaces were black, but the city was segregated: Blacks and whites lived in different neighborhoods. King and other civil rights organizers launched a campaign against segregation in 1963 that was a huge public-relations success. “But for Birmingham,” said President John Kennedy at a White House meeting to plan what became Civil Rights Act of 1964, “we wouldn’t be here.” Today, American schoolchildren learn about Birmingham, Eugene “Bull” Connor, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference’s campaign in 1963. They don’t learn what happened afterwards. Between 1960 and 2000, the city’s population dropped by 38 percent; the decline has just started to level off. In 1971, a federal judge ordered integration for Jefferson county’s schools. Many whites seceded from the county and established their own school districts. They are now some of the best in the country. In contrast, just one in five students in Birmingham City Schools are proficient in reading or math. Most qualify for free or cut-price lunches. Fewer than 2 percent are white.

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On Chaos; Words of Wisdom from India By Chris Knight

     With writers dealing with the theme of social chaos, to prepare readers for what might be coming, I found these words of wisdom, worth sharing here:

“Would most humans kill other humans if there were no punitive authority? That is a fascinating question, but inessential to the column for now, though it will be interesting to ask yourself what are the crimes you will commit if you are absolutely sure you will get away. What is relevant for the moment is the fact that just a handful of criminals, sadists and other deranged people are enough to create a riot. The rest can hug, it doesn't make a difference. The real reason why there are violent riots in India is in our romanticism of chaos. Chaos trains all Indians, from birth, to break rules on public property and to misunderstand that as democratic freedom. A nation born out of civil disobedience never had leaders of stature who deeply believed in civic order. It is the same chaos that lends a righteous edge to disruptive and illegal street agitations, and to a politician so disrespectful of the law that he had the courage to overtly threaten agitators that if they did not clear the way in three days, there would be violence. And it is the same chaos that creates an impotent police force.

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The State at the End of its Tether: Londonistan By Richard Miller

     London’s non-white mayor, Sadiq Khan, insisted that the crowed “tube” system posed no coronavirus risk, back on March 3 2020:

    Today, Londonistan, knife crime capital of the UK, has its police searching for coronavirus hate crimes, the latest politically correct thing on the elite’s list:

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President Biden and the End of Life on Earth (Not Even a Tiny Lizard will Survive!) By Charles Taylor

     As my daughter just said to me when looking at my over-the-top headline, I don’t care Dad, at least I got out of doing my exams because of coronavirus. But, beyond that and economic collapse and all that we have on the horizon, this new threat, the Biden threat is set to devour everything, like a Hollywood monster movie from the 1950s:

“Joe Biden has taken a commanding 25-point lead in close counties where in 2016 Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were within 10 points of each other, a poll released Saturday revealed. The Fox News poll shows Biden ahead with 57 per cent support to Trump’s 32 per cent in close counties – defined by the poll as counties where Hillary Clinton and Trump were within 10 percentage points of each other in 2016. The former vice president also has a 49-40 per cent lead over Trump in the national head-to-head matchup, according to the first Fox poll taken after Biden became the assumed Democratic candidate. When looking at swing states overall – which were a considerable factor to Trump winning in 2016 – Biden’s lead shrinks to an eight-point margin. Although the primary election has been derailed due to the coronavirus outbreak this month, the last elections held March 17 cemented Biden’s position as the front-runner and presumed nominee after he won all three states participating – Arizona, Florida and Illinois. Bernie Sanders has still not dropped out of the race yet, even though it’s virtually impossible for him to best Biden at this point as he’s more than 300 delegates behind his establishment competitor. It is still unclear how the rest of the primary elections will pan out as the nation deals with adapting as several states have gone on lockdown and thousands have been diagnosed with coronavirus. The timing of this poll, taken March 21-24, is encouraging for Biden considering it was conducted during a time when Trump’s approval rating skyrocketed in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. This could be a signal that the rally behind Trump during this time might not translate to votes in November. Biden also has a massive boost in support, according to the poll, due to his pledge to choose a woman as his running mate – 63 per cent of voters approve of his promise.”

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Chinese Coronavirus a Disease of Civilisation By Chris Knight

     The coronavirus is a disease of globalisation, argues Yale University historian of pandemics, Frank Snowdon in an interview published in the Wall Street Journal, something which we here fully endorse, and have been in fact saying for some time. Globalisation, globalises disease, leading to civilizational breakdown:

“The coronavirus is threatening “the economic and political sinews of globalization, and causing them to unravel to a certain degree,” Mr. Snowden says. He notes that “coronavirus is emphatically a disease of globalization.” The virus is striking hardest in cities that are “densely populated and linked by rapid air travel, by movements of tourists, of refugees, all kinds of businesspeople, all kinds of interlocking networks.” Respiratory viruses, Mr. Snowden says, tend to be socially indiscriminate in whom they infect. Yet because of its origins in the vectors of globalization, the coronavirus appears to have affected the elite in a high-profile way. From Tom Hanks to Boris Johnson, people who travel frequently or are in touch with travelers have been among the first to get infected. That has shaped the political response in the U.S., as the Democratic Party, centered in globalized cities, demands an intensive response. Liberal professionals may also be more likely to be able to work while isolated at home. Republican voters are less likely to live in dense areas with high numbers of infections and so far appear less receptive to dramatic countermeasures. … Coronavirus is far less lethal, but it does shatter assumptions about the resilience of the modern world. Mr. Snowden says that after World War II “there was real confidence that all infectious disease were going to be a thing of the past.” Chronic and hereditary diseases would remain, but “the infections, the contagions, the pandemics, would no longer exist because of science.” Since the 1990s—in particular the avian flu outbreak of 1997—experts have understood that “there are going to be many more epidemic diseases,” especially respiratory infections that jump from animals to humans. Nonetheless, the novel coronavirus caught the West flat-footed. It’s too early to say what political and economic imprint this pandemic will leave in its wake. As Mr. Snowden says, “there’s much more that isn’t known than is known.” Yet with a mix of intuition and luck, Renaissance Europeans often kept at bay a gruesome plague whose provenance and mechanisms they didn’t understand. Today science is capable of much more. But modernity has also left our societies vulnerable in ways 14th-century Venetians could never have imagined.”

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A Corona Storm in a Tea Cup? Or a “Corona Cyclone”? By Brian Simpson

     As I usually preface these articles, we are lacking rock solid evidence about the epidemiology of the coronavirus, and this is making it difficult for public health officials, and even Right-wing fringe dwelling conspiracy theorists like me, to get a handle on things. However, one study has presented evidence that the death rates are over-blown:

“The death rate of coronavirus may be half of what world health chiefs expected it to be, according to a study. International researchers compiled data on coronavirus cases in Wuhan, the Chinese city of 11million people where the deadly disease emerged in December 2019. They found that, overall, the number of people who died after getting sick with the coronavirus was 1.4 per cent. In comparison, estimations by the World Health Organization in early March said 3.4 per cent of diagnosed patients had died. And the true figure is likely to be even lower because so many people are believed to be going undiagnosed. By comparison the death rate of flu is around 0.1 per cent. Coronavirus patients often don't know they're infected – as many as eight out of 10 could have no symptoms in the early stages of an outbreak, according to one study –because they get such mild signs that they don't think anything of it. The study, which has not yet been reviewed by scientists, comes as more than 9,300 people around the world have died and more than 224,000 have been confirmed to be ill. The study, led by Professor Joseph Wu of the University of Hong Kong, was focused on the city of Wuhan, where the first cases of COVID-19 were reported. Professor Wu and colleagues from Harvard University used published data on 425 early confirmed cases and 41 fatalities in Wuhan. But they wanted to get a bigger picture of how many people in the city, which is in the Hubei province, had the disease but showed no symptoms. Hospitals had been overwhelmed in Wuhan and milder cases were unlikely to have been tested. The team used a range of global data sources to estimate the full number of cases within Wuhan by taking into account the location and timing of cases outside of the area to work out how many people could be expected to have had it. By studying real-life patients they found the average time from the start of symptoms – a fever or a cough – to death was 19 days, on average. It ranged between 16 and 24 days.”

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The Great Coronavirus “Hoax”? By Brian Simpson

     The position of most of us writers on the coronavirus, and we have read much of the alternative coverage, is that it is too soon to say for sure whether of not this is a manufactured crisis, a bioweapon gone rogue, or just a natural evolutionary development, with a virus species jumping. Therefore, it is wise to cover all the bases and to give voice to a much information and points of view as possible. One thing to keep in mind is that many have noted that there will be severe economic ramifications, which could be a crisis, manufactured or not, more severe than the GFC. And, the world will never be the same:

“National borders can be expected to harden where, for decades, they had become increasingly porous. Nations facing contagion from abroad sealed or semi-sealed their borders. This, I suspect, was not simply health quarantining but animated by a turning inward, a desire or instinct for national identity. Governments that recently fostered the idea that their citizens were Europeans rather than members of distinct nationalities drew a line around the people who knew they were indeed a people. Italians in lockdown didn’t sing the EU anthem on their balconies; they sang patriotic songs about Italy. For worse and for better, this pandemic will stoke suspicion of foreign peoples and lands and will give extra force to increasingly persuasive arguments that nation-states are the most effective bulwarks against arrogant encroachments on self-government. COVID-19 will also change the way we regard China, which since the Clinton presidency has been treated less as a strategic rival than as a trading partner. Now we will see it as a tyranny responsible for a scourge laying waste to our economy, jobs, wealth, and well-being. We will be less tempted to subordinate recognition of its malignancy to wishful thinking and commercial desire. Others foresee revolutionary change. It certainly seems likely that some of what is to come will be shocking. The phrase, “things will never be the same,” is usually either a truism or an exaggeration, but on rare occasions, it is apt. We may be at such a moment now. No one has ever seen an economic slowdown as quick as this, nor a behavioral volte-face as sudden as the whole world’s switch to social distancing.”

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From “Coronapocalpyse” to Communism By Paul Walker

     I have assembled below a mass of articles and news items which I think have a common thread. Rather than put extracts from all of them, I think that the URLs are pretty self-explanatory. We have the new social distance rules, that have closed down gyms, restaurants, you name it.  I was told off by an ethnic gentleman in the post office today for being a few nanometres too close. Soon people will be carrying tape measures, and electron microscopes, to settle disputes, and in America, guns, of course. This social distancing stuff is right throughout the West, with Germany, for example going to the next step and banning public meetings of two or more people. Question, will this eventually apply in private households and make sex impossible? This a restriction on civil liberties greater than anything ever seen before in the modern West, and the powers that be want even more power, and more social control, with no public debate, it just happens:

“The Justice Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as the coronavirus spreads through the United States. Documents reviewed by POLITICO detail the department’s requests to lawmakers on a host of topics, including the statute of limitations, asylum and the way court hearings are conducted. POLITICO also reviewed and previously reported on documents seeking the authority to extend deadlines on merger reviews and prosecutions. A Justice Department spokesperson declined to comment on the documents. The move has tapped into a broader fear among civil liberties advocates and Donald Trump’s critics — that the president will use a moment of crisis to push for controversial policy changes. Already, he has cited the pandemic as a reason for heightening border restrictions and restricting asylum claims. He has also pushed for further tax cuts as the economy withers, arguing that it would soften the financial blow to Americans. And even without policy changes, Trump has vast emergency powers that he could legally deploy right now to try and slow the coronavirus outbreak. The DOJ requests — which are unlikely to make it through a Democratic-led House — span several stages of the legal process, from initial arrest to how cases are processed and investigated. In one of the documents, the department proposed that Congress grant the attorney general power to ask the chief judge of any district court to pause court proceedings “whenever the district court is fully or partially closed by virtue of any natural disaster, civil disobedience, or other emergency situation.”

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Depressionary Economic Crash By James Reed

     The Great Depression 2.0 is a coming, and we all need to move to level three of preparation, that is for the economic crash:

“The shock to the global economy from COVID-19 has been both faster and more severe than the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC) and even the Great Depression. In those two previous episodes, stock markets collapsed by 50% or more, credit markets froze up, massive bankruptcies followed, unemployment rates soared above 10%, and GDP contracted at an annualized rate of 10% or more. But all of this took around three years to play out. In the current crisis, similarly dire macroeconomic and financial outcomes have materialized in three weeks.

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