How Will a Consumer Soft Generation Survive Hardship? By John Steele

     Bernard Salt is someone that James Reed has been criticising for years, on the immigration issue, Salt being a big Australia kind of bloke. But, apart from that he does some thoughtful pieces like this one which talks about something few in the MSM ever get to: the softness of the present generation comparted to those who struggled through the Great Depression.

“We modern Australians are not a hardy people, and have not been collectively subjected to truly harsh times such as war or depression. In some ways it is harder for us to manage adversity because we are the product of prosperity. But manage adversity we must, and we will. Let us now ensure that we learn the lessons and work to create a stronger, safer and more resilient Australia.”

     Australia has ben transformed, not only ethno-racially from a country of the ANAZCS, Anglo-Nordic warriors and bushmen and farmers, to a postmodern Asianised over-urbanised society, with consumerist material values. It is post-Christian and post-tradition. That is where there is a problem, because the present crisis and the coming economic collapse which will be inevitable, will severely test a generation who cannot for a minute stop texting, whose main exercising is typing meaningless texts, and who would not know how to hunt, or grow food. Thus, it is sad, but not surprising, that suicides are already occurring and Trump said that there will be more deaths from suicides than the virus itself:

“Even a pandemic can’t shock the media out of its blinding hostility to President Trump — witness this week’s absurd press eruption after he warned of a likely rise in suicides. “People get tremendous anxiety and depression, and you have suicides over things like this when you have terrible economies,” Trump noted at a briefing, adding that he believes the isolation many Americans face thanks to social distancing will also lead to more mental-health issues. There’s nothing incorrect — or even controversial — in those remarks. (Though Trump, sigh, went on to be more dramatic.) But media outlets that would normally echo any concern about higher mental-health risks proceed to be outraged. The New York Times ran multiple pieces that called Trump’s claims “baseless” — despite its own past coverage. “Increase Seen in U.S. Suicide Rate Since Recession” the paper reported in November 2012, summarizing a study from the medical journal Lancet that found the suicide rate rose four times faster from 2008 to 2010 than in the eight years before the Great Recession. “The finding was not unexpected. Suicide rates often spike during economic downturns,” the story noted. The year before, in “Study Ties Suicide Rate in Work Force to Economy,” the paper cited similar statistics, noting the rate “has generally ridden the tide of the economy since the Great Depression, rising in bad times and falling in good ones, according to a comprehensive government analysis.” The Times wasn’t alone in “debunking” Trump. ABC News reported: “Experts also say that there’s no evidence to suggest that the suicide rate will rise dramatically because people are stressed from losing their jobs” — near the top of a story that, nonetheless, later quoted an expert as noting, “The general fact that President Trump cited is, in fact, true that when economies contract suicides do go up.” An Associated Press fact-check called Trump’s claim “baseless” and insisted suicide rates might “diminish”: “The even higher suicide rate seen during the Great Depression of the 1930s fell sharply with the onset of World War II.” Non-sequitur much, AP? Back in the real world, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline has reportedly seen incoming calls triple. Much of the media would rush to contradict Trump if he announced that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow. At a time of national crisis, it’s beyond pathetic.”

     This will be a time of the revival of Darwinism as whatever happens, the soft cosy life of consumer bliss is gone.



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