The Incredible, Fast Disappearing Rights of Australians By James Reed

     It is not too difficult to come up with a list of the many rights which past Australians enjoyed, but which have been taken away from us by the political class to serve their New World Order masters. Everyone has their personal  list, but at the top must be the destruction of the Federal system by the High Court of Australia, and the centralisation of power in Canberra. This drive for centralism began immediately with the High Court’s opening, and has continued to the present day, making the states completely dependent upon Canberra. Thus, Feds were easily able to force all states into the 1996 gun grab by using the financial threat. However, the Founding Fathers never intended for the states to be politically gutted in this way. As one of the leading law papers has said about this:

“Our contention in this paper will be that Australia’s High Court, in deciding federal distribution of powers cases over the last century, culminating in the recent Work Choices case, has created an end product that looks not unlike one of Herbert’s misleading cases, although of course the High Court’s intentions have been something other than simply the reader’s amusement. Such a contention, we readily acknowledge, will come as no surprise to those familiar with the constitutional jurisprudence of the superior courts of other countries. The Australian High Court has been by no means unique in its ability, over time, to interpret the Constitution in a manner widely at variance with the intentions and expectations of its founders.

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Navigating the Bermuda Triangle By Mrs Vera West

     The largely Black population of Bermuda have rejected same sex marriage and their parliament has now repealed the same sex marriage law: 

     Predictably enough, the Left are outraged about this and have demanded good old fashioned imperialist action to keep the Bermuda Triangle, well, rainbow coloured:

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Letter to The Editor - Such a separatist agenda is ‘counterproductive to achieving genuine reconciliation and ‘has produced much misery among remote Aboriginal communities'

To THE AGE          Bill Shorten’s announcement (‘Labor supports Indigenous “Voice to Parliament”’, 13/2) that, if elected to power, the ALP will legislate to create such an entity ‘as a first step’, involves an irresponsible and dangerous campaign for the constitutional division of our nation. We should remember the 2002 warning of former minister for Aboriginal affairs, Peter Howson, that such a separatist agenda is ‘counterproductive to achieving genuine reconciliation and ‘has produced much misery among remote Aboriginal communities.’

     He also pointed out that ‘the reconciliation some presently pursue has become a weapon to wield against the traditional concept of Australia.’ Shorten’s proposal is not in our national interests and appears to be a sneaky way of getting around public resistance which he defames as ‘scare campaigns’. History shows (France in 1789, Russia in 1917) that foolish idealism leads to disaster.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Treason is Their Day Job By Chris Knight

     The great memo is out, and here is what Natural had to say, in part about this “treason” by the Deep State to keep Trump out of the White House:

“The shocking revelations uncovered in yesterday’s release of the FISA memo reveal a pattern of treason among top officials at the FBI and DOJ, warns  Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona. The FISA memo documented how the most powerful law enforcement elements of the United States government were weaponizedunder President Obama to illegally spy on Republican political targets. A secret FISA warrant application that gained approval for the spying operation was fraudulently engineered, relying largely on a fictional “dossier” of salacious lies that was largely funded by the Clinton campaign.

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Now African Migrants Want to Deport the PM! By Paul Walker

     Should our politically correct prime minister, Mal Turnbull be deported for anti-migrant comments and policies? What universe are we now in? 

“An African community leader has called for Malcolm Turnbull and Peter Dutton to be deported from the country for their comments on Sudanese crime in Melbourne. South Sudanese Community Association spokesman Richard Deng said he was sick of government leaders exaggerating the threat of youth crime in Victoria. ‘Peter Dutton and Malcolm Turnbull, you need to be deported,’ Mr Deng told a crowd of several-hundred at a rally in Melbourne on Sunday. ‘We are all Australians ... if you do not stop what are you doing, we are going to send you back to where you come from.”

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South African Farm Murders and Race hate By Eric Borr

     Journalist Katie Hopkins was in South Africa reporting on racially motivated crimes for Rebel Media. She was hospitalised for a seizure, but upon release had her passport taken away and now is likely to be charged with the politically correct crime of “spreading racial hatred.” All that for reporting on how the South African authorities are openly permitting murders of White farmers. Even exposing this now amounts to “racism,” which shows the direction the white genocide programme is proceeding.

Objective University Research! By Mrs Vera West

     Now that’s objective university research for you:  shutting down research which does not support the politically correct status quo: 

“A researcher barred by Bath Spa University from studying people who regret having undergone gender reassignment says the university is trying to “bully” him out of taking it to court over the decision.
James Caspian, a psychologist specialising in therapy for transgender people, was told his subject was “potentially politically incorrect” and risked triggering attacks on social media. Caspian said he tried to challenge the December 2016 decision in court, but was advised to use the university’s complaints procedure first.

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The Battle for Australia By Paul Walker

     Following on from the usual politically correct outbursts over Australia Day, we have the first indication of movement at the front. Labor Part elites are suggesting that a referendum be held on January 26 on the Republic and Aboriginal recognition: 

“Anthony Albanese has called for referendums on the republic and indigenous constitutional recognition to be held on a January 26, as a way of creating a national “platform of unity’’ and ending ¬divisions over the date of Australia Day. Mr Albanese, who was deputy prime minister in the second Rudd government and rival to Bill Shorten for the Labor leadership after the party lost power in 2013, used a speech at a citizenship ceremony in his Sydney electorate of Grayndler to suggest how January 26 could be kept as Australia Day, with the support of indigenous people, by holding ballots on two major issues confronting that ¬national identity.

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Happy Invasion Day! By David Williams

     Just tap “Invasion Day” into Google and be truly amazed at the spectacle of the cultural war which you will see, with hatred and bile against traditional Australia, a plenty:

““F--- Australia, hope it f-----g burns to the ground,” Invasion Day organiser Tarneen Onus-Williams said. “If you celebrate Australia Day, f---er, you’re celebrating the death of my ancestors. “All you fellas with the Australian flag should be so embarrassed with yourself, it’s embarrassing. It’s embarrassing that you celebrate people’s deaths, the people of this land’s death. You make me sick to my stomach.”

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Letter To Senator Bernardi

     Dear Senator Bernardi,
Thank you for your ‘weekly dose of common sense’.  I note your comments about Bitcoin and other ‘cryptocurrencies’, but what really took my attention was your comment that:

“Already around 83 per cent of all global transactions are digital in nature. Cash usage is in steady decline and it won’t be long before there are calls for cash to be withdrawn from circulation”…
“We have already had some government ministers say the $100 note should be withdrawn from circulation. That is just the beginning…
 “There are appealing incentives for government to abolish cash. Currency has associated printing and storage costs. It cannot be tracked and can be used for illegal activities.”

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Diversity Leads to Anarcho-Tyranny By Brian Simpson

     We are discovering that diversity in societies is not a blessing or a strength, but a curse. This screams out to us from the daily headlines, but the fact was well known to the ancient thinkers, as this excellent article reminds us: 

“In his Politics, Aristotle realistically observes that diversity resulting from immigration without assimilation was a frequent cause of civil war and breakdown of civic solidarity within the Greek city-states…The importation and enfranchisement of foreigners, whether by democrats or tyrants, was also a common method to subvert the political process, destroy the constitution, and subjugate the citizenry. The archetypal example of this was the powerful and diverse Sicilian city-state of Syracuse, which was long ruled by a string of tyrants, making for a useful contrast with the homogeneous and free city-state. 

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Shutdown the Government? A Truly Wonderful Idea! By Chris Knight

     At the moment the US government is supposed “shut down,” as the Dumbocrats use their fiscal voting powers to create more problems for Donald Trump:

     Fortunately, on this one, at least, Trump seems to be holding his ground, and working on an alternative strategy to get the money bills passed:

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Letter to The Editor - Traditional cultures around the world warn of the danger of ‘the headless man’, the quasi-automaton cut off from divine guidance

To THE AGE          John Warhurst wants us to ignore ‘furphies’ (‘Ignore republic-debate myths’, 26/1), but he ignores some of the best arguments in favour of our monarchy. Firstly, it is embedded in sacred tradition and fundamentally works for good on the people as a whole by encouraging us to ‘lift up our hearts’ and raise our vision towards the higher worlds and the divine creator and sustainer of all. A republic, by contrast, is too mundane and earth-bound. It is not, incidentally, ‘the people and society’ rather than the monarchy that have given us our rightly prized constitutional stability: both have.

     Secondly, Warhurst ignores the profound way in which our monarchy is linked to our history, so that its very existence causes us to be mindful of the legacies we inherit from our ancestors, whose wisdom and industry need to be considered and honoured by each subsequent generation. Traditional cultures around the world warn of the danger of ‘the headless man’, the quasi-automaton cut off from divine guidance. Communist totalitarianism is an example and it grows out of republics.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Fighting for Australia Day By James Reed

     Australia Day is coming up, and as usual the ever-angry politically correct are screaming for the day to be removed. Then they will work their way along their massive list and remove every aspect of old Anglo Saxon Australia, because that is just what a hostile elite do with their spare time. By way of update, here are some recent articles detailing what is being said about Australia Day, and by whom:

     I don’t think that I could sum up our perspective on this debate better than a recent letter written by our noble Deputy Director, Mr Louis Cook:

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Letter: We are under no obligation to recognise so-called ‘first nations’ – Aboriginal history and culture can be honoured, but not at the expense of national unity

As a native-born Australian proud of my British ethnicity, I happily agree with Fred Chaney (‘They were first, and they survived – we should listen’, 17/1) that ‘the original inhabitants’ of this continent have ‘a special place within the nation’ which is ‘unique’; but this does not mean that their descendants have any right to be regarded as ‘first nations’ in today’s Australia.

     On the contrary, and despite Chaney’s claim otherwise, they are indeed ‘just another ethnic minority’, entitled to ‘equal citizenship’ but not to favouritism in regard to their constitutional position. Those ‘first nations’ (a dubious phrase coined in our own times for special pleading with questionable motives) have been extinguished by history and are no more.

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Immigration Melts the Pot By Chris Knight

     The Australian people are more passive and apathetic than they should be about immigration, given the social harms that it produces. All criticisms are washed away by the government by saying: “we have border control!” Well, we do not, when tens of thousands of legal migrants arrive in Australia, to compete with locals for jobs, and if they create any jobs, they take more than they make.

     In the US, people support overall lower legal immigration, and want the rate capped at 500,000 per year, instead of the current annual rate of 1.3 million:

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Christian Faith Set to Become a Hate Crime! By James Reed

     Throughout much of the Middle East, it is downright dangerous to openly profess belief and faith in Jesus Christ:

“Egypt, Jordan, Syria and the Palestinian territories are amongst the most dangerous places on earth for Christians, according to a new report. Although Christians claim the area as their Biblical heartland alongside Israel, persecution and discrimination, especially in the past 15 years, means they now constitute no more than three to four per cent per cent of the region’s population, down from 20 per cent a century ago.

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Letter to The Editor - Better to be poor and free than wealthy and corrupt

To THE AGE          Your scornful description of the decision of the British people to leave the European Union as ‘nativist populism’ (15/1) ignores the big issues behind it: the protection of the monarchy, the retention of national identity, the resumption of a great legal tradition and a return to greater liberty. It is shocking but not surprising that certain powerful individuals and groups are doing everything possible to annul the Brexit result. Other members of the EU had their votes to leave overruled by political chicanery. It is to be hoped that British character and integrity will prevail against it. Better to be poor and free than wealthy and corrupt.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - A constitutional monarchy is the best guarantee of national wellbeing

To THE AUSTRALIAN          Rebecca Weisser is right to say (‘Look, Mr Keating, they are fleeing their republics’, 15/1) that ‘republics are less stable than monarchies precisely because they are not bound by tradition.’ She could have added that tradition is based in reverence for the sacred and that, without that reverence, public morality wanes and ruthless unselfishness grows.

     Australia, as a nation, as a people, needs, more than anything else a renewed awareness of, and respect for, the holy. Not a return to antiquated dogmatism, but a profound reform of the spirit. Yes, this is mysterious, but it is also the truth. We must shed the post-Enlightenment prejudice that logical reason is humanity’s best guide to building fruitful community. It can neither explain why the universe exists nor inspire the human heart nor satisfy the longings of the human soul. A constitutional monarchy is the best guarantee of national wellbeing.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Intermarriage of Aboriginals with persons of other ethnicity suggest that there is a gradual merging taking place

To THE AUSTRALIAN          In opposition to Fred Chaney’s claim (‘They were first, and they survived - we should listen’, 17/1) that Aboriginals should be recognised as ‘first nations within the nation’, that is no longer true in present time or acceptable to the majority of Australians who will not tolerate any proposal that might lead to dismemberment of our constitutional unity as the nation of Australia.
Also questionable is his assertion that the ‘collective identities’ of these ‘first nations’ have survived here.

     The considerable intermarriage of Aboriginals with persons of other ethnicity, as well as the dubious definitions of ‘Aboriginality’ promoted since the first Whitlam government (allowing part-Aboriginals to be viewed as Aboriginals), suggest that there is a gradual merging taking place of different ethnicities, which is good for national harmony.

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