The View of Putin’s War by Israeli Intellectual Yuval Harari By Richard Miller (London)

Hugh Fitzgerald reports on the view of Israeli intellectual Yuval Harari, that Putin has lost his war, whatever happens in the Ukraine. How so? The war is over the existence of the Ukraine people, and Putin has denied, in true communist form, that this ethnic group exists. However, the war has united the Ukrainian people was never before, reaffirming their sense of ethnic identity. “Putin won’t be able to hold it… There is no chance. With every passing day, he sows more and more seeds of hatred between Ukrainians and Russians — who didn’t hate each other before. They were family. This is hatred for generations. By his own hand, he is ensuring there is no chance of them uniting.” That is certainly true, but Putin is not really concerned about niceties like peaceful co-existence, since he intends to conquer the place by force of arms, and presumably maintain order at the barrel of a gun. Just the way the old USSR, which he misses, did.

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The Vax and Miscarriages: An Unfolding Tragedy By Mrs Vera West

One of the lesser discussed topics of Covid vax injuries is that of miscarriages. The mainstream narrative holds that there is no problem here, and there has been a gung-ho push to vaccinate pregnant women and everyone else, to increase Big Pharma’s profits. The successful Freedom of Information request, which both the FDA and Pfizer opposed in court, but lost, has yielded many revealing documents, including “Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports” describing events reported to Pfizer up until February 2021. This showed that more than 150,000 serious adverse event reports within three months of rolling out its COVID shot. Equally as revealing is Table 6 of the data on pregnant and lactating women who received the shots in the first few months of the rollout, which began December 11 2021.

Table 6 states that of 270 “unique pregnancies” that were in vaccinated mothers, “no outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies.” Hence there were 32 pregnancies with known outcomes. According to the Pfizer report, there were 23 spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), two premature births with neonatal death, two spontaneous abortions with intrauterine death, one spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and one pregnancy with “normal outcome.” Hence of 32 pregnancies with known outcome, 28 resulted in foetal death. Even one foetal death should have sent alarm bells ringing, but the watch dog, the FDA, was asleep at its post, and still is. as documented below, there are unofficial reports of a spike in miscarriages across maternity hospitals, who are loath to implicate the sacred vax. “There are 3,604 reports of spontaneous abortions, miscarriages, stillbirths, and neonate deaths on the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) through December 10, 2021. These include thousands of miscarriages and early pregnancy losses shortly after injection of experimental gene-modifying mRNA COVID vaccines; reports of babies that abruptly stop growing, or experience a stroke in utero; of malformed babies; a baby dying from an inflamed placenta; and a baby born fatally bleeding from its mouth, nose, and lungs. A surprising number of these reports note that there was no autopsy done and admit “no further information.” It’s as if public health doesn’t want to know what caused these babies to die.” That is an under-statement.

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Muscle Mass and Longevity By John Steele

Dr Mercola at a now deleted post, summarises evidence that resistance training, that is in short, lifting weights, is a core part of muscle-centric medicine. This field of medicine sees many diseases such as diabetes as based upon skeletal muscle insulin resistance. Resistance training unlike cardo training produces optimal results for longevity, and aids in disease prevention, as muscles interface with the immune system. As well, skeletal muscle is the regulator of your metabolism, and the basic site for glucose disposal, and a way of managing blood sugar levels.

It is never too late to engage on resistance training, after a doctor’s check-up of course. Dr Mercola is 67, and has a video where he deadlifts for, I think for reps, 370 pounds, and he says that he has now lifted 400 pounds! But one does not need to do that, or go to any extremes. Nor do I think do older people need an expensive gym membership, where they will feel out of place. The idea is to do body weight training such as push ups, chin ups say from a safe bar or sturdy tree branch, and squats. An old duffel bag full of rocks can serve for many exercises, such as arm curls. One is limited only by one’s ability to improvise. Every exercise one needs to do is covered on YouTube, just plug into the search engine “body weight training.” Every second day I do body weight squats in a continuous set of 500 reps usually numbering 2,000 reps. I also do calf raises, up to 10,000 reps, and I am 75! But after the medical ok, start off slowly because injuries are easy to get from going too heavy too soon, or doing too much. Just the other day, something went in my right calf muscle and I had to rest it for a couple of weeks. So, beware, train safe!

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Media Mind Control By Chris Knight

Public trust in the media is at an all-time low. The concentration of media power into six US companies, and even less in Australia, has meant that not only are inconvenient stories suppressed, but whole areas of concern are declared out of bounds. Immigration is one issue, for both the US and Australia. In general, anything that might challenge the Left-globalist agenda is not considered news. The Covid mandates and lockdowns are real hit-home examples as well. The adverse effects from the vaxxes, stories of vaccine injuries, did get some minor coverage, but mainly to hose down concerns. The narrative was that yes, adverse effects occur, but it is much worse without the vax, as we are dealing with a new Black Death. Clearly this is not true, as for everyone except the elderly and immune compromised, the survival rate is in excess of 99 percent. Again, the agenda is to support Big Pharma, who is tied up with the transnational investment companies who own it all. Hence the present drive to censor the internet, so that no opposition to their tyranny can exist at all.

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More on the Depopulation Agenda of Destroying Food Resources By Michael Ferguson

Shoot to kill operations of cattle are under way in Cape York. Cattle have wandered into national parks and the rangers who own surrounding land are not usually given any warning or time to round up the cattle. KAP member for Hill Shane Knuth has said “The department needs to communicate with landowners, who are rarely notified and often held up by government bureaucracy, sometimes waiting up to 50 days before they can obtain a permit to collect their branded cattle from national parks.”

“Cattle are continually shot before landowners are given permission to enter parks to muster their cattle, which is a huge economic loss to the region.” “It is quite obvious that this Government wants to drive pastoralists out of the region, so they can lock it up to meet their environmental agenda.” And that is spot on comment since the environmentalists have a general hatred of farmers, even though these urbanites still like to eat food.

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Fauci: You Use Lockdowns to Get People Vaccinated By Brian Simpson

Covid king Dr Fauci has said that you use lockdowns to get people vaccinated. That is certainly true; the Melbourne lockdowns almost drove people to the brink of insanity, equivalent to a self-funded solitary imprisonment, with some people being locked down in high rise flats, perhaps having even less freedom than those in solitary confinement in prisons. Sadly, many committed suicide. Of course, they would be open to being jabbed by an experimental vaccine, just to be able to breathe the “free” air again.  But this all shows the sinister nature of the whole thing.


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The Dark Side of the Dalai Lama By James Reed

Here I was thinking that the Dalai Lama was a pretty good guy. But there is evidence, as documented below, that the Dalai Lama sold out the people of Tibet to Mao's CCP. When in the West, the Dalai Lama was funded by the CIA, and given specific training in propaganda (information warfare). But even without that the history of the Lamas was one of oppression of the ordinary people, not some sort of spiritual support: “From a purely secular point of view, this doctrine must be seen as one of the most ingenious and pernicious forms of social control ever devised. To the ordinary Tibetan, the acceptance of this doctrine precluded the possibility of ever changing his or her fate in this life. If one were born a slave, so the doctrine of karma taught, it was not the fault of the slaveholder but rather the slaves themselves for having committed some misdeeds in a previous life. In turn, the slaveholder was simply being rewarded for good deeds in a previous life. For the slave to attempt to break the chains that bound him, or her, would be tantamount to a self-condemnation to a rebirth into a life worse than the one already being suffered. This is certainly not the stuff of which revolutions are made.”

That puts Buddhism in a light much different from what I once thought. So, the pessimistic view of human nature, as one tainted by original sin, proves correct once more.

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World Food Crisis: By Evil Design By James Reed

Svein Tore Holsether, head of agri company Yara International, believes that the world is heading to a global food crisis as a result of the Ukraine War. Russia and the Ukraine export around a quarter of the world’s wheat and half of its sunflower products, such as seeds and oil. Suspension of this vital food resource will have an inevitable impact upon food reserves. Increasing gas prices are also resulting in a rise in fertiliser costs, and some farmers cannot afford fertiliser and are going ahead planting, hoping to get some yield. “For me, it’s not whether we are moving into a global food crisis – it’s how large the crisis will be,” said Holsether.

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Church of Cowards: Matt Walsh By James Reed

  1. B. Mathews, “American Churches are Killing Christianity,” discusses Matt Walsh’s latest book, Church of Cowards. A Wake-Up Call to Complacent Christians. Walsh says what we all know, that the mainstream churches are compliant in the acceptance of woke liberal doctrines and the gender agenda, so as to not be in opposition to the ruling ideology of the day. There is much more to be concerned about, such as the watering down of traditional doctrines of original sin, which has a profound political ramification of showing that all proposed utopias will self-destruct, including contemporary affluent materialism, let alone globalist communism. Of course, notions of hell and judgment too, have been watered down as this seems “discriminatory.” In short, the church has surrendered to liberal globalist culture, as well illustrated by the public ravings of the Pope, who always echoes the latest woke issue. It will be a battle to regain tradition, and perhaps Christians may need to go back to the early church model of home groups to preserve the faith.

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Naomi Wolf: Pfizer Knew of the Vax Dangers By Chris Knight (Florida)

Naomi Wolf was once known as a feminist writer, but in recent years she has become a Covid mandate and vax critic, seeing what has happened as the formation of biofascism. Wolf made the claim during an appearance on the “War Room” podcast, telling host Steve Bannon about the findings of Team Five, that Pfizer was well aware of the dangers of its mRNA vax. The   vaccine suppresses lymphocytes,  the white blood cells, if not destroys them. “So this could explain why people who have been vaccinated … are the ones who are getting sick. They’re the ones who are getting COVID, [and] the data’s showing it. I’m not laughing because it’s funny, I’m laughing because it’s surreal.”

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The Collapse of the Health Care Systems Due to the Vax: Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche By Brian Simpson

While the main argument, up front, for the covid mandates was to prevent the collapse of the health care systems, Dr Geert Vanden Bossche believes that exactly the opposite is true. He sees the vaxxes as suppressing innate immunity, and do not prevent infection or transference of the disease. Increasing numbers of the vaccinated are now being hospitalised, and Dr Bossche says: “This will lead inevitably — and I am not a doomsday preacher — but this will inevitably lead to a collapse of our health system. It cannot be otherwise.” And, when this happens will the guilty be brought to justice? The problem here is that the entire system went into vaccine frenzy, so it is difficult to find any part of the system not contaminated.

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Liberal Left-Wing Elites Want to Destroy Our Social Fabric and Society: Legal Philosopher By Richard Miller (London)

Dutch legal philosopher, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, has spoken to Tucker Carlson about the riots in Sweden.  She rejects the false news pushed by much of the mainstream media that the people involved are white Right wingers. She sees the riots as a product of unfettered mass migration. “These riots happen very often. There are dozens of areas in Sweden, all over Sweden, where the police virtually lost all control. And that is with or without Koran burnings. And there's a very simple reason for that … probably up to 80% of the [migrants] there come from radically different cultures, first and foremost, Africa and the Middle East.” Just wait until the migrants become the majority a few years down the track as part of the Great Replacement.

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The Origin of Cancer By Mrs Vera West

This is interesting, for mainstream science, while considering cancer as a genetic disease, is now recognising environmental and metabolic factors as well. It seems that all three factors operate in a feedback loop as cancer develops. Merely focusing on genetics is difficult given that there can be millions of mutations. Instead, the approach suggested by Professor David Wishart at the University of Alberta, is holistic, focussing on all three aspects, especially the metabolic component. "If we understand the causes of cancer, then we can start highlighting the known causes, the lifestyle issues that introduce or increase our risk. From the prevention side, changing our metabolism through lifestyle adjustments will make a huge difference in the incidence of cancer."

I think that the natural health folk have been saying this for a long time.

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J. K. Rowling Compares Transgender Wokeism to USSR Ideology By Mrs Vera West

Harry Potter author, J. K. Rowling has been critical of the transgender agenda, and in turn has been cancelled from many of the events involving Harry Potter. This is ironic as she comes firmly from the Left, but third generation feminism is being replaced by a fourth, which is centred around transgenders. Rowling has too much money to worry much about the cancellation, but no doubt for famous people this must sting. She quoted Czechoslovakian President Václav Havel in his 1978 essay The Power of the Powerless who wrote: “Ideology is a specious way of relating to the world. It offers human beings the illusion of an identity, of dignity, and of morality while making it easier for them to part with them… it enables people to deceive their conscience and conceal their true position and their inglorious modus vivendi, both from the world and from themselves. Individuals need not believe all these mystifications, but they must behave as though they did, or they must at least tolerate them in silence, or get along well with those who work with them. For this reason, however, they must live within a lie. They need not accept the lie. It is enough for them to have accepted their life with it and in it.” That pretty much sums up the Left.

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US Bioweapons, Bats, Coronaviruses and Vampires … According to the CCP! By James Reed

This one goes back a few weeks, but is still juicy. The CCP Global Times has written that Covid-19 may have originated in America because Americans like vampire movies, and so, may have experimented with bat coronaviruses! A novel hypothesis, but one which ignores the vast amount of evidence that has accumulated indicating that the US helped finance gain-of function research at the Wuhan Institute of virology, and that Wuhan was ground zero in the outbreak. As well, this hypothesis admits that Covid-19 was lab created, which goes against the initial hypothesis pushed by the CCP, that Covid-19 arose naturally as a species jumper. Consistency, please!


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Biden: Let Them Eat Cake … No, Nothing! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This goes back a little way, but is still relevant. Joe Biden gave a speech stating that there will be “real food shortages,” but gave no suggestion of what could be done about it, other, perhaps from literal belt tightening. “The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia; it’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries, as well. Including European countries and our country, as well.” That makes no sense at all, as sanctions are supposed to hurt the other guy, not be unilateral in effect. It is like having a nuclear hand grenade, that blows up the thrower as well as the target.

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Cancelling Russian Culture the USA Way! By Chris Knight (Florida)

In times of war, this is what is done; the enemy becomes dehumanised and the Great Satan. Thus, as Putin has observed, even Russian high culture such as composers Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Sergei Rachmaninov are cancelled, in the same way he said it had cancelled “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling. Well, maybe even worse, as Rowling can still reply to her critics, while Russian culture is silenced, and the music no longer plays. How exactly this all helps the war effort is unclear, showing I think a high level of cultural paranoia.

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The Lies of Joe Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Not only does the mainstream Leftist dominated US media give Joe Biden a free pass for all of his senile moments, but they do not have the common decency to pull him up on obvious lies. Thus, Biden has claimed that supporters of President Donald Trump killed five police officers during the violent January 6 protests on Capitol Hill. About the only thing here was that Biden got the number right. U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died a day after the attack, but his death was determined afterward to be by two strokes. And, in the weeks after the attacks, four Capitol Police and Washington Metropolitan Police officers died by suicide.

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Bill Gates Helped Communist China Improve Their Nuclear Reactors … Because that’s What Globalists Do! By James Reed

The super-elites have a commitment to the rise of communist China, all the while enjoying the creature comforts of the West, especially the US. Thus a passing news story revealed that in 2011 a company that was cofounded by Bill Gates called TerraPower, began working with the Chinese National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) on a “next-generation” reactor. While on the face of it, the project appeared to be civilian based, which is problematic enough, the technology was effective at propelling ships, including military vessels. Gates claims that the project was to help reduce carbon emissions, rather than supply a military technology.


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The First Person in the World to get a Heart Transplant from a Genetically-Modified Pig has Died By Richard Miller (London)

Sad to hear, of course, but the first person to get a heart transplant from a genetically modified pig, has died. I suppose in this situation where the person was facing inevitable death, it was worth a shot, but there are many factors counting against success, including a heart from another species, and one genetically modified as well. Who knows what could go wrong, here? Also, as a Christian I wonder about the ethical ramifications of this direction in medicine. Is this what god really wants? Maybe not.

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