The Republican’s Great Diversity Fluff Up By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We have been covering the failure of the “red wave,” that was supposed to sweep Republicans to power in both Houses. It did not occur, with many blaming Trump. But, beyond that one needs to look at the candidates, many diverse, and as woke as a poke. The Republicans, and Trump included, constantly put up candidates who hardly held to conservative values. For those interested in the details, here are the gruesome details.


“The results of the 2022 midterms hang in the balance, but a few things are clear. The GOP proudly touted minority outreach and all its non-white candidates, but this diversity push didn’t pay off. Many of the non-white candidates favored by GOP consultants (cf. U.K.) lost winnable races, and the GOP’s modestly higher minority support (probably not due to these candidates anyway) didn’t translate to victory. Diversity isn’t a strength for either the GOP or America.

The GOP earned rare praise from the leftist Mainstream Media for its diversity push this year. By the party’s own estimate, it fielded at least 67 non-white candidates for House races. The New York Times said this put the party on the “path to diversity” [Dozens of Candidates of Color Give House Republicans a Path to Diversity, by Jonathan Weisman, New York Times, October 11, 2022]. Jason Riley, the Wall Street Journal’s Professional black conservative, predicted that a more diverse GOP was a “nightmare scenario” for Democrats [The GOP’s 2022 Midterm Slate Is More Diverse Than Ever, October 25, 2022]. Just a few days before the election, lady GOP strategerist Sarah Chamberlain warned that the diverse slate of candidates was “bad news for Democrats” [Most diverse slate of Republican candidates is bad news for Democrats come November, Fox News, November 2, 2022].

The GOP didn’t just run a host of non-white candidates. It also invested heavily in minority outreach this cycle. The party spent millions on Outreach Centers in black, Asian, and Hispanic communities that provided an array of services, including assistance to help immigrants naturalize so they could vote. Assisting future Democrats to naturalize is a pretty stupid idea, but then again, we’re talking about the Stupid Party here. “We’re having a permanent presence and having a permanent conversation in Spanish, in English, about the values that the Republican Party brings, which are very much in line to the values that generally you hear from Hispanics,” Georgia Republican official John King said earlier this year [Republicans have invested millions in nonwhite voter outreach ahead of the midterms, by Stephen Fowler, NPR, August 31, 2022].

Maybe King, Riley, and Chamberlain should have a “permanent conversation” with white voters to find out what they want.

The GOP did have some success with minorities last Tuesday. Republicans earned record high support among Hispanics at 39 percent. But numbers elsewhere didn’t really improve. An NBC poll found that Republicans did slightly worse among Asians this year (32 percent versus 34 in 2020) [Asian Americans favored Democratic candidates in midterms, exit polls say, by Kimmy Yam, November 10, 2022]. Greater Hispanic support only seemed to translate into wins in Florida, where the party made significant inroads in historically Democrat areas in South Florida, but not elsewhere [GOP hopes of huge Latino gains realized in Florida but less evident around the country so far, by Eric Bradner, CNN, November 9, 2022].

Thus in Texas, Republicans won just one of three Texas congressional districts where they fielded a Hispanic candidate. In the 28th district, incumbent Democrat Henry Cuellar won by 13 points. In the 34th district, much-touted special election victor Republican Mayra Flores lost by 8 points. Only Monica De La Cruz prevailed in the redrawn 15th [ GOP makes history in South Texas congressional race, despite other losses, by Monica Madden, ValleyCentral, November 10, 2022]. The results poured cold water over notions that Hispanic South Texans are ready to jump ship to Republicans [The wrestling for Latino voters intensifies after mixed results in South Texas, by Suzanne Gamboa, NBC News, November 9, 2022].

It may make sense to run Hispanics in Hispanic plurality areas. But Republicans also ran non-whites in white districts with mediocre results. Four non-white candidates did worse than any hypothetical white candidate.

  • Herschel Walker

University of Georgia Black football star Walker easily won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate based on Donald Trump’s endorsement. Few conservatives or Republicans seemed to think Walker was a problem, despite his inability to form coherent sentences and articulate policy positions. Then came a series of embarrassing scandals involving love children and allegations that he paid for abortions [Second woman says Ga. Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker paid for abortion, by Stephen Fowler, NPR, October 26, 2022].

Despite these setbacks, Walker still forced a runoff against Democratic incumbent Raphael Warnock. But he ran well behind Brian Kemp in the gubernatorial race. An Establishment squish hated by Trump, Kemp still decisively beat Stacey Abrams by 8 points.

The Georgia GOP Establishment could’ve run any white candidate—whether David Perdue or Doug Collins—and easily won the Senate race. Now it goes to a runoff, where Walker’s chances are uncertain.

  • Yesli Vega

A sheriff’s deputy and district supervisor in Prince William County, Vega was the Republican nominee in Virginia’s 7th congressional district. She heavily touted her “Latina” heritage, despite the white majority district being only 9 percent Hispanic. Vega received a large boost from the conservative movement through an appearance at CPAC and praise from conservative media due to her race [Virginia’s Yesli Vega boosts national profile with CPAC appearance, by Meagan Flynn, Washington Post, August 5, 2022]. She emphasized her support for a no-exceptions abortion ban, presumably federal, in a blue-leaning district filled with white moderates. The district was thought to be a likely Republican pickup, but incumbent Abigail Spanberger won reelection by more than 4 points.

  • George Logan

Logan was the black Republican nominee for Connecticut’s 5th district (previously home to Editor Peter Brimelow). It’s the lone district in the blue state that Republicans could have won because it barely leans Democrat. The district is more than 70 percent white and only 6.5 percent black. Yet the only choices in the district were two black candidates. Logan lost a nailbiter to incumbent Jahan James. Perhaps if Republicans had picked someone who looked more like the district, they could have won.

  • Jennifer-Ruth Green

Green was the black Republican nominee for Indiana’s 1st district, a highly prized possible pick up. Green received praise from conservative media because she’s a black veteran [Jennifer-Ruth Green’s Surprising Flight Plan to Win in a Democratic District, by Adam Wren, Politico, October 7, 2022]. The district is represented by a white Democrat, Frank Mrvan, and is more than 70 percent white, but it does have a sizable black population of just under 20 percent. The area leans D+3. But despite the national backing, Green lost by more than 5 points.

Now, some non-white candidates were solid and/or won their races. John James, who has run for U.S. Senate in Michigan twice before, was elected in Michigan’s 10th congressional district. The area is 88 percent white but only barely leans Republican. The black Republican won by an extremely narrow margin over his Democratic opponent. James is not a solid immigration patriot by’s standards, but it is fair to note his victory.

John Gibbs, on the other hand, is a certified immigration patriot. The black Republican ran in Michigan 3, which is solidly Democratic because of redistricting. He lost his race due to the newly redrawn borders. It was previously represented by Never Trumper Peter Meijer, whom Gibbs defeated in the GOP primary. If the 3rd had remained solid red, Gibbs would’ve probably won [John Gibbs: New Third District leans left, but it’s not unwinnable, by Doug Reardon, Fox 17, October 26, 2022].

One of the bright spots for Republicans from Tuesday: pick-ups in New York. But with the exception of one Hispanic Republican who won his race, the state party ran white candidates against tough Democratic challengers. Three of the white Republicans won and added seats to the Republican congressional caucus [Republicans pick up 3 New York House seats with Long Island sweep and defeat of DCCC chair, by Joseph Spector, Politico, November 9, 2022].

More proof that white voters call the shots: Ron DeSantis’ shellacking of Charlie Crist in Florida. DeSantis pulled 65 percent of the white vote: 72 percent of white men and 58 percent of white women. Compare those totals to 2018 when he barely squeaked by Andrew Gillum. In other words, mobilizing the white base—what calls “the Sailer Strategy”—still rules.

Tuesday’s results should teach the GOP that its diversity outreach is overrated. The white vote still matters far more. About 73 percent of midterm voters were white. Even historic gains among Hispanic voters couldn’t offset declining support for Republicans among college-educated whites [David Shor’s (Premature) Autopsy of the 2022 Midterm Elections, by Eric Levitz, New York, November 10, 2022].

It would be far better if the GOP saved its money on offering naturalization courses to immigrants and focused on white suburbanites. It would also be a smart idea to run competent whites to represent whites rather than fielding clowns like Herschel Walker.

A more diverse GOP isn’t the path to victory. A GOP that gets more of the white vote is the only way forward.”

“It may be the worst feeling, watching democracy destroy your civilization while you can do nothing and most people seem to celebrate it. In a dying society, you can either accept the decline or deny it and go on to have a vapid but at least relatively unobstructed life.

However, that time has come to an end, because it seems that the people who are living these normie inertia lives are constantly paranoid. They fear any opinion other than theirs because they know that only people who are neutered and controlled by the ideology can keep the illusion that it is real.

For that reason Election 2022 provoked a lot of tension. If there was a Red Wave, things were going to change and this threatens those who base their identity on their ideology being “good” when in fact it usually achieves “bad” and leaves a mess for others to clear up.

But the Red Wave broke on the shores of demographics. Looking at the NBC exit polls tells us the story:


In a White people election, you would have had a Red Wave. With every other group except American Indians, you get a Blue Wave. Then we ask why two-fifths of White people voted for the incompetent incumbents and we see that this depends on other demographic factors, starting with age:


Whites over thirty years of age voted for the Red Wave. The young ones — the people who have relatively recently come out of those Drag Queen Story Hour elementary schools, privilege-critical high schools, and struggle sessions colleges funded by government grants — responded to the Biden student loan forgiveness and other propaganda.


Then comes the stunner: the people voting Leftist are the ones receiving the government benefits because they are below a comfortable middle class income. These are the people dependent on the system. No wonder Democrats want to crash the economy, start a world war, and impoverish everyone.

In other words, now we are seeing the crisis of the 1960s — diversity (immigration, affirmative action, civil rights) and socialism (entitlements, centrally controlled economy) — having had over a half-century to eat away at what WASP America produced.

The Republicans are never going to win an election again. True, more minorities voted for Republicans this time around, and more women did, but we can all see the writing on the wall: what worked in 90% White America will no longer work. The new audience is OK with the third-world plan.

A few key takeaways:

  • Symbolic issues like abortion did not work (as predicted. Most people see taking away things that they already have as bad, and most young people want sexual liberation because they hope for the promise and have not yet seen the sad reality. To Christians, abortion is a large emotional issue, but not to swing voters. On the other hand, it galvanizes the Left and brings them out in droves, in addition to their normal dead, non compos mentis, drunk, and illegal alien voters.
  • Pandering to minorities did not work. The non-Whites who are coming over are a tiny group … These came over because they have seen enough of the world to notice that conservative policies work and Leftist policies destroy.
  • Freedom does not resonate hard as an issue. Most people now have grown up in an environment where having the “wrong” opinions gets your life destroyed. They are familiar with this. They fear that too much freedom will cause further fragmentation of our fragile unity.
  • Function works, but simply being on the winning team does not. While certainly irregularities are rife in the Pennsylvania election, Mehmet Oz was not likable and had a history of being perceived as a scam artist. This causes Republicans to stop voting.
  • Non-White candidates did not do so well. Like me, most Republicans do not want to vote for the diversity takeover, nor do they trust affirmative action candidates. We want historical America, starting in the 1980s and rolling backward, which means that pioneer Western European stock …  or outright diversity. Our brand is Western European; our success occurred under these people. Voters of many different races recognize this.
  • Big Government continues to win because people are hurting and afraid of losing benefits. No conservative has ever articulated the idea that if we go to a barebones government, the cost of living will fall and all these benefits will be unneeded. Almost none of them dare to go to even the Newt Gingrich level of radically cutting services, but in reality, all entitlements are socialism based on wealth transfer from the succeeding to the failing and therefore wreck civilization.
  • Dissatisfaction alone does not motivate voters; they need to see something better in tangible form. Stopping immigration is a big issue because people can see immediate effects. Ending the debt spending might also be one, since inflation is gutting us. What was the Republican plan to fix this? It is intangible if not absent.
  • Ideology is ringing hollow, which is why the Democrats who were big on signaling and low on results did not do so well:

Ms Abrams, who narrowly lost to Republican Brian Kemp four years ago, will finish well behind him this time. Mr O’Rourke lost his race to Republican Governor Greg Abbott by a larger margin than he lost to Senator Ted Cruz.

People who have tangible plans to improve things turned out better, even when that was staying the course, as in the case with Hochul and Abbott. If you want to remove something, have some idea of what replaces it and why it benefits people. Voters look locally, starting with their checkbooks, then their streets, then neighborhoods, and only after that city and state. People pay attention to the last things that shocked them or inspired them, and most of these are everyday details not big picture stuff.

  • RINOs had their day. Ron DeSantis ended any hope he had of taking the presidency because he was OK allying with the NeverTrump style people who want to go back to lapdog Republicanism where no one challenges the status quo. People want fighters on the national stage, and this means fighting the culture war starting with ending the bleeding wound of immigration, globalism, and diversity, all of which are the same thing: the slow conversion of the West into the third world in order to make humanity “equal.”
  • Stagnation has set in. Democrats held the line with some vote fraud, but had no big win. Democrats did not inspire joy-joy feelings in the population, although they could count on the diversity vote. Republicans catered to the wrong audience, having believed what their enemies say about them and consequently believing that Christianity is the core of conservatism. It turns out that making stuff work — trains run on time, economy functioning, foreign policy not insane — matters more than symbolism.
  • Ukraine featured in the forefront of the minds of many. No one wants WW3; the proxy war the West is fighting against Russia looks to be fighting this war to a stalemate. Republicans signaled hard on ending war, but most Americans do not want Russia-China nearer to Europe. Our proxy war is popular and those who attempt to be pro-Russia out of some misguided apprehension that Russia is “traditionalist” are the Useful Idiots of a new generation, and this drove away a number of conservatives and swing voters.
  • DR3 or accusing the Left of being “the real racists” does not work. Most Americans realize that everyone is racist and most people dislike diversity. Defending diversity in any way joins with the Left. Those who are skeptical of the “diversity is our strength” mantra will win; those who try to make diversity work will lose.

In the meantime, our voters have also become cognizant of two salient facts:

  1. Leftistsmust be viewed as a cult. Even without central command, they all push for the same stuff in an attempt to be popular among their group, and nothing energizes them more than the thought of smashing down the Right and tearing apart the civilization it creates. They are pathological, and they cooperate across the public-private barrier to create a nexus between media, deep state, and mega-corporations. Explicit anti-Leftism is needed more than an attempt at bipartisan compromise.
  2. Vote fraudcan be expected as the norm in any area with highly diverse populations. Not only are these areas Leftist on the whole, but they have less law and order and less competence because there is no shared culture, since diversity abolishes culture and replaces it with permissiveness. We can no longer expect honest, functional elections in these areas.

The Left wants you to lose faith. Realists say that voting is just one step in the process, and some of these steps must occur simultaneously. When we are feared outside of the voting box, we are taken seriously in the polls and tallies.

When we develop a culture of self-reliance and rewarding the good, this gives people an option to the socialist “everybody wins, but only a little” that is symbolically important to Leftists but loses its lustre over time. Culture beats ideology. Conservatives need to unite on something more than … capitalism.

We face destroyers. They want you to have no belief that good can come about so you let them continue wrecking everything. When they are sitting in the ashes, they will not even notice because their inner lives are dysfunctional like those of people in third world nations. They will just jockey for power incessantly.

The far-Right also wants to lose faith. “We won’t get out of this by voting” seems tough and decisive so lots of people embrace it, but the fact is that we will not get to the next stage until we have exhausted this one, even if we invent culture, arm ourselves, and prepare for secession on the side.

This is why the Dissident Right exists. We recognize that everything coming from the root of equality is toxic and must be destroyed, and that the only way to present this is honest and straightforward: we offer you a barebones society with lower costs, more meaning, and less constant neurotic blather produced by politics.

Instead of d*cking around with compromise with the Left like the mainstream Right does, or trying to make a version of the Left like the remains of the Alt-Right are with “Christian Nationalism” and neo-Nazism, we go for the root. We must end equality and establish homogeneity & hierarchy.

That opinion may be the one remaining controversial political view and as such, it has power. It is what all of them fear. Their fear is what created their ideologies in the first place, so when they experience fear despite the ideology, it loses its grip even as they double down.

For Republicans to win any elections, they are going to have to run on a platform of making things better by systematically and quickly destroying everything the Left has done. We are here to transform America, and when that works, we move on even further into Right-wing living.”




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