Why green energy is not green at all By Viv Forbes

"Green" policies are destroying the natural environment and changing local weather.  This is part of a futile U.N. scheme claiming to improve the climate of the world.

All green energy degrades its environment.

Take wind power.  Wind turbines steal energy from the atmosphere and must affect local weather.  Turbines are always placed on the highest ground and along ridges to catch more wind.  Natural hills already affect local weather by causing more rain along the ridge and a rain shadow farther downwind.  Wind turbines enhance this rain shadow effect by robbing the wind of its ability to take moisture and rain into the drier interior.  Promoting more inland desertification is not green.

Climatists also plan to defend Australia with offshore wind turbines — using bird-slicers to protect Australia from hang gliders, cruising pelicans, seagulls, eagles, and the occasional albatross.

Solar "farms" prefer large areas of flattish ground.  They steal solar energy from all plant life in their solar shadow.  This deprives wild and domestic herbivores of sustenance.  Neither kangaroos, cattle, emus, parrots, nor sheep thrive in solar energy deserts.

Green energy is very dilute — thus, large areas of land are needed to collect wind and solar energy.  Even more land is cleared for the ugly spider webs of power lines and roads needed to collect green energy in dribs and drabs and conduct it to cities, where it is needed.  But for most of the time, every day, these expensive assets produce nothing useful.

Already there is a petition circulating in Australia calling for ugly, destructive power lines to be put underground to save farms, forests, wildlife, and scenery.

What a good idea.

Let's bury the noisy, bird-chopping wind turbines, too.

Wind turbines and solar panels soon wear out and have to be replaced.  Some have already reached their use-by date.  Most of this "green" debris cannot be recycled.  To calmly bury that complex toxic waste of plastics, metals, steel, and concrete is not green at all.  Soon chemicals will be leaking into the groundwater and water supply dams.




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