Biden Administration Hands Space War Superiority to China and Russia … Easier to Just Surrender Now By James Reed

Thomas Lifton, is right, this is insane, but insanity is the defining characteristic of the Biden administration. Dropping out of the testing of anti-satellite missiles in simply a form of surrender, perhaps a death wish, certainly it indicates the the US elites are on the side of the CCP as their minds have been eroded by leftism.

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The Solomons-China Security Pact … but Not Secure for Us! By James Reed

Australians should be extremely worried about the communist China-Solomon Islands security pact, which will see the CCP establishing naval vessels on the island. How about nuclear weapons pointed at every Australian city? And, with this existential threat, we have the Greens  saying that such concerns are “racist,” as if that abused word kills the debate. These useful idiots also want Australia defence spending slashed. They effectively surrender to the CCP now. Anything here taken as electoral comment: written and authorised by K. W. Grundy 13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.


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Bad “Social Credit” in Italy By James Reed

Italy is moving to catch up with communist China in bad “social credit,” to be completely distinguished from Douglas social credit, which is exactly the opposite, and is in fact the antidote to it, like an anti-venom is to snake poison. And, poison it is, as a new app, “Smart Citizen Wallet,” is already active in Rome. At present citizens are rewarded for doing largely “green” woke activities such as recycling, using public transports, and managing energy well.  Privacy Network, an Italian tech company that specializes in digital privacy, stated on  their website that there are serious legal, ethical, and social implications of such apps. “These practices, if poorly developed or used, can lead to serious limitations on, and violations of, citizens’ rights and freedoms, as well as discriminatory practices, which are also achieved through technological means, such as ‘social credit’ systems (or social scoring).” It is the thin edge of a mighty thick wedge, that will bring in a full-scale CCP style “social credit” system of control. And, once it is in one test case, it will be transplanted to other countries, moving like a plandemic.

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Siccing the CIA on Trump: Corruption Unlimited By Charles Taylor (Florida)

By Charles Taylor (Florida) the corruption and evil are slowly coming out, but, what can be done? A recently released CIA memoranda has revealed that technicians behind the Alfa Bank hoax also tracked Donald Trump’s movements to devise another collusion conspiracy theory. It involved both the mining of proprietary information and sensitive data from the Executive Office of the President (EOP) and the apparent surveillance of Trump’s physical movements; yes, cyber-stalking. If this was done to Obama when he was in office heads would have already have rolled, but, hey it is Trump and conservatives, so the ruling Left can ignore it. No crime done by the Left deserves punishment in the weird inverted world of Leftist politics.

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Woke Maternity By Mrs Vera West

It is happening in the UK, and will be seen here in Australia soon. Midwives are being discouraged from using common traditional terms like “vagina,” because it may trigger transgender patients. Instead, they will have list of preferred terms. I am too embarrassed to mention any more, but the details are below for the strong at heart.

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Jabbed, Then Falling from the Sky, Like Icarus By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is the next problem with the jabs. It is one thing for our favourite sports stars to collapse on the field, clutching their hearts, and their legs convulsing in the air, if they are lucky. But what if the pilot of the plane you are in at 30,000 feet, and co-pilot have heart attacks? Time to grow wings and learnt to fly, or take a parachute with you. And, it is already starting to happen.

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Whoa! at Least it Will be Over Quickly … Russia has Satan II Missile Ready to Roll Boys! By James Reed

It is just as well that I have nothing left to live for, have sought forgiveness for my sins, and am happy to die. I mean to say, if I was in Europe right now, and had things like a family, friends and the trimmings, I would be worried.  Then so should Australians given an On the Beach (1958) scenario from fallout. After all, the insane US establishment wants war with Putin, but he has weapons that they could only dream of, since all US energies have been put in woke causes like the Great Replacement and white genocide. Weapons like the Satan II hyper-nuclear missile, capable of destroying a place as big as say New South Wales, or Victoria.

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