Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR), is the technology now being promoted by Bill Gates, and numerous other technocrats, for gene editing in genetic engineering, to transform life itself. While gene editing is not new, CRISPR is based upon the discovery ten years ago, that that RNA can guide a Cas protein nuclease Cas 9 to a targeted DNA sequence, and to target only that one specific sequence, making it a much more precise, and potentially power genetic engineering tool. Thus, the technocrats are busy at work, promoting this use in everything from vaccinations, to applications in agriculture, and the World Economic forum is excited about these prospects. Yet, the ramifications, and possible adverse effects are not being considered in the corporate rush, as the financial elites fall over themselves, to cash in and make a profit, as usual. These technocratic measures make more man-made plandemic, a certainty: