Chaos is coming, according to many sources, both Left and Right, with a comprehensive summary by Veiko Hessler. So even though we are facing the prospects of planned societal collapse, so that the Great Resetters can put in place their diabolic agenda, this must be fought. But what is the “solution,” for time is running out? Will people spontaneously organise in time? Maybe, the power of the individual is a wonderful thing. But, probably we need organisational structures to match the globalists. That is difficult given that things are run on a shoe-string by conservatives. There is no equivalent of say Leftist communist George Soros, financing things on our side. Don’t think Musk is going to part with his lollies; he is one of the globalists. So, there needs to be finance to get alternative conservative movements going as cultural political forces. Yet, most individuals simply burn out because they are forced to survive on a minimum contribution. If one wants “solutions” to these compounding and converging wicked problems, those on our side with the lolly need to share some for the cause. But, I suppose they think that is a bit “socialist,” even though it seems to me to be common sense cooperation, and the money is for the cause, not personal enjoyment. At the end of the day, if we lose, at least we will know why, it was the Scrooge McDuck factor.