If Joe Biden Wins, Then What? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Professor Paul Gottfried has given a dystopic view of America’s post-2024 election future, if Joe Biden wins, or if the zombie president that replaces him beats Trump or DeSantis. What it will mean is the end of all hope of turning things around with an election, although I suspect that such a hope has long gone. Whether the conservative population adopts a more radical stance is anyone’s guess, but I suspect that cultural decadence and the loss of manhood are so great now, that conservatives will just wither on the vine. The Democrat election fraud system has not been challenged, or even accepted as existing by most Republicans, and that is a bad sign. Trump or DeSantis, may just go through the motions, and the repeat of 2020 will be seen again. I see this as inevitable, but the wild card is World War III, and we do not know how a few hundred nuclear missiles exploding in America, or a widespread EMP could change people’s point of view.


“One might think that Joe Biden has done so much to ruin this country that by now he’s made himself unelectable. The problems caused by his administration, most recently the collapse of our southern border, have become so overwhelming that his partisans are having trouble changing the subject. In a recent poll, 62% of respondents think Biden is mentally unfit to serve a second term; 72% don’t want him to run again. The corruption of Biden and his family in selling favors to foreign governments has become a downright embarrassment; the cover-up by the surveillance state and Biden’s cabinet officers has not made the scandal go away. Although most Democrats may still vote for Biden, his support among independents is waning, and recent ABC-Washington Post polls indicate that even the very controversial Trump, despite his negatives, could beat Biden in a two-way race by 6 points. With the surging throngs of illegals now pouring across our border, it may be exceedingly hard, or so it might seem, for Biden to make headway against these figures.

Despite Biden’s daunting, largely self-inflicted problems, his political career may still not be over. According to RealClear Politics, our president would tie in a race against Ron DeSantis with each receiving 42.5 % of the electorate. Biden would do slightly worse in a race against Donald Trump but could still count on winning over 40% of the vote.  We’re always hearing that the Dems don’t have a strong bench if forced to replace Biden. But this may not be entirely true. There is one obvious replacement for Biden, namely Michelle Obama, who according to a recent Gallup poll has won the honor of being the most admired woman in the US for the third time in a row.  


In an article in The Hill we learn why Michelle’s nomination would provide the Democratic Party with a promising opportunity to win the presidential race. Michelle and her husband are still the pampered darlings of the media and can claim a large fan base quite independently of the current administration. Finally, Michelle and Barack enjoy the kind of “Camelot” aura that that once surrounded Jack and Jacqueline Kennedy. 

Although self-identified conservatives would not likely vote for this candidate as president, she would easily capture the Democrats’ core constituencies: blacks, feminists, LGBT enthusiasts, and government workers. Michelle would likewise be able to pick up independents who lean left on social questions. She might even be able to stay with the progressive programs of the Biden administration, which still resonate with the left. LGBT rights, critical race theory, a welcoming immigration policy, climate change legislation, and further antidiscrimination laws can all be given a new look once divorced from an apparently failed presidency. Michelle could then supplement her policy stands with attacks on “MAGA Republicans,” whether or not Donald Trump turns out to be the Republican candidate.”



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