Death by the Modern Diet By Mrs Vera West

The modern Western diet is killing people, but it was not always so. Previous generations, who ate red meat, vegetables, and much less carbohydrates, did fine and did not have the metabolic diseases of modern sheeple. In fact, probably eating grass would be healthier than most of the so-called food people force down their throats!

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Bring in the Zillions of African Computer Programmers to Pay Boomer Pensions! By Richard Miller (London)

As the EU elites keep saying, Europe needs billions, if not trillions of Africans, all vastly more skilled that even the best educated Europeans, to pay for boomer pensions. That’s the spirit, everything must be geared around boomer pensions, boomers being the most sacred of all groups.

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The Mega-Rich Avoid Tax Like the Coviddy Plague! By James Reed

Given, as shown below, that the mega-rich are paying no tax at all, I would support some way of nailing them. But a wealth tax is almost certainly going to be abused, with contrary results. The answer will be to undo the tax loopholes the accountants of these rich sharks, swim through. That will be work for any little fishy.

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Why Do We Dream? By Brian Simpson

Psychologists have struggled to explain why humans, and perhaps other mammals dream for as long as there has been psychology as a supposed science (but I doubt it is). Before that, dreams were thought to have some connection to the spiritual domain, and maybe they still do. Then there was Freud, who saw sex in everything.

But now, a study published in American Academy of Sleep Medicine, puts the case that dreams are a memory processing event, often linked with anticipation of future events, and how the person might cope with them. In short, dreams are a type of testing ground of the mind. That makes more sense than the unsubstantiated ruminations of Freud.

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Only Nazi White Supremacists Slap Mighty Macron! By Richard Miller (London)

The lame stream media have been desperate to push the narrative that the man who slapped French President Macron, a president who has posed with half-naked Black gang-banger types, is a Nazi. Proof, well the slapper had a copy of Hitler’s book. Is that proof of anything, because the local community library also has a copy, as does every university in the UK, and definitely France, I would suppose! It is too much for the establishment legacy media to acknowledge that this could have been an over-the-top protest, and there is much to protest, for France, as the generals’ letter of a few weeks back, is sinking into the mud, rather quickly.

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The CDC and Covid-19 Vaccine-Caused Heart Inflammation By Brian Simpson

Well, well, well, the CDC is set to have an emergency meeting about Covid-19 vaccines and heart inflammation. We have been told that this adverse reaction is super-rare, so why an emergency meeting? What makes this adverse effect, over other “rare” ones, so important? What’s up, doc?


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Sweden Gets Some Guts, at Last? By Richard Miller (London)

It is surprising, but as Sweden sinks into the dust of national death, the Nordic sheeple, the last of their kind before total genetic elimination, Nordicide, think that maybe the military should do something about the one-sided civil war in their country. Of course, nothing will happen, as it is planned that way, which is the essence of anarcho-tyranny, striving every day for the Great Replacement. The ruling elites derive much erotic sadistic satisfaction from this.

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Sympathy for the “Devil” of White Supremacy? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As with all of these shock! horror! polls about white supremacy, the idea is to give a high re-definition of the term, so that the maximum number of Whites can be vilified, which is what the lame stream media now specialises in. So, if you want to preserve your heritage and you are White, that is the ultimate sin, but any other race can do it with no problems, it is just defined as multiculturalism. How is it possible for the Great Replacement not to be true, it just jumps out and punches you square in the nose like a mangy antifa punk?

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A Conquered Nation, Under Tyrants By Chris Knight (Florida)

Gregory Hood has given a good survey, as he always does, of the cancer eating away at America, at an advanced stage of pathology, but one also present right throughout most of the West.

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Carbon Dioxide Continues to Rise Showing that Either We are Doomed, or Climate Change is Bunk – Pick! By James Reed

As the Antarctic cold snap blasts Melbourne, I write this in my unheated flat, not being able to afford heating (no wood fire of course), rugging up in old sleeping bags from opp shops, and downing vast quantities of alcohol, which helps greatly. But, carbon dioxide levels have reached the highest level since readings begun. Isn’t the case that the apocalypse should be happening just about now? Or will it be in, let me see, eight more years, I think the rebellious Extinction folk said? I wish they would make up their minds. Well, forget it, if that was so, nothing can reverse this, let alone considering China now producing more industrial flatulence than the developed world combined. I don’t believe in global warming, but if I did, there is no reason to change our life style, and it would be pointless anyway. Let nature take its course, I say. Don’t worry, it is all going to work out just fine, as in the end, everything comes out in the Darwinian wash. Worst case scenario, party on, eat red meat, drink red wine, and be merry without ever being “red.”

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America Falls from Democratic Grace By Richard Miller (London)

I can tell you personally, that America is a bit on the nose here. Everyone I know thinks that the election was stolen, even those who dislike Trump, like me. This sentiment is reflected in a recent survey, where in over 16 nations and regions, not a single one believed that the United States is a good example of democracy. On this, they are correct:

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Greens promote a Blackout Agenda by Viv Forbes

Solar power fails every day from sunset to sunrise as well as during rain, hail, snow or dust storms. No matter how much land we smother in subsidised solar panels, they will still fail.

Wind power fails often and unpredictably, sometimes for days, especially in quiet cold winter weather. It also shuts down during cyclones, heavy winds or icy conditions. No matter how many hills we uglify with their subsidised roads, transmission lines and bird-slicers, they will still fail.

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Should Sperm Cells and Ova be Vaccinated as Well? How about Trees? The Ocean? The Evening Breeze? The Planet Mars? By Brian Simpson

Whoa! Babies are now getting vaccinated, along with pregnant women! Since we obviously need sources, sinks for the vaccines, never ending sources, what else can be vaccinated? We must keep the profits up! Could the vaccines just be tipped down the sink? Could trees and plant life be vaccinated? Forget about science and common sense. Why, how about the bats that did not cause this, don’t they deserve a jab too, and fictional characters too, like Batman, just for being annoying and thinking he can beat Superman? Then, I am surprised Elon Musk has not said this, but we could send tonnes of vaccines to Mars in his super hero rocket ships. Yes, that makes sense too.

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The Myth of Solar Panels By James Reed

The crazy Greenies in advocating alternative energy as the big answer to the so-called environmental crisis, do not consider how much energy it will take to transform over into the said green economy, or the toxic wastes produced. Just take solar panels for example. Go for it Forbes, old son, let ‘em have it!

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This is How the War Will be Lost By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Why would any White person want to fight for a society that spits on them? I wasted my time serving, but that was the old America, not the Biden cesspool.

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Creepy Joe’s European Creep Show! By Richard Miller (London)

Why do you Yanks (and I love you, even given the old war against the mother country) send your riff raff over here to us dignified British? Biden is here and he can’t keep his hands off old Boris’ wife! If he was “friendly” with Boris, I would not have a problem, and would in fact celebrate it.


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White Hate Crime Update By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In the spirit of reporting, born of the Saint George Floyd saga, here is an update, from the other side. Oh, no white street protests, or anything much.


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Media Lies! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is yet another media lie that has come unstuck. If the media lie about simple events like the Lafayette Park incidence, then how much else have they lied about? Well, the Covid origins for one thing. If that, then what about vaccinations as well? Why should I trust anything coming out of their traps?

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So What if Proof of 2020 Presidential Election Fraud Develops? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

After the Covid-19 origins exposure, conservatives are now thinking about what if the 2020 US election was shown to be stolen. Well, that had been shown at the time, and evidence assembled by states such as Texas was not even considered by the courts. So, what would happen if Biden gave a speech, with cackling Karma Harris, where he openly gloated about stealing the election? Why, like now, nothing! The deplorables will continue to lay down and be kicked to death, some perhaps, in acts of ethno-masochism, asking to be kicked harder, faster, faster … After all, their fellow patriots are being tortured and suffering human rights abuses in Wash-up-ton, District of Corruption, without protest. Trump says nothing.

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Maoism and Critical Race Theory By Chris Knight (Florida)

A Chinese woman who lived under the tyranny of Mao has compared what is happening in the US, with the Maoist Cultural Revolution. In fact, what we are seeing in the West, has been cultural Marxism in motion since the 1960s. Once the cultural domain is won over, then the economic structure will be communised, which is the exact opposite of Karl Marx, but, that’s Marxism for you, very flexible!

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