The Asianisation of New Zealand By Bruce Bennett (former Kiwi)

As with Australia, Asianisation relentlessly continues. New Zealand’s racial transformation may now be a rapid as Oz, with a quarter of the population being Asian in 20 years. It is probably that now. And, how will the Maori feel about things in say 2050, when the majority of the population is Asian? Things are going to be mighty different then. Anyway, the socialists will be happy to see the white race sink into the larva. Then it will be their turn.

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The Gentle Art of Baby Tossing! By Chris Knight (Florida)

We have heard of dwarf tossing, which is terribly racist, but baby tossing, well who knows it could become an Olympic sport one day! Surely real babies don’t have to be used, which is cruel with robots being fine.

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The White World Ear-Marked for Destruction By Brian Simpson

Here is Paul Craig Roberts’ take on the present attempt by the globalist elites and their demonic followers to destroy the West, the once white world. Nothing new, but it is good from time-to-time to hear the lamentations from someone else. Variety is the spice of life.

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On Creating Killer Coronaviruses By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We here at this blog are not in a position to affirm or deny all the specifics of the following claims by natural, but it would be foolish to dismiss the claims that there was a plan to develop bioweapons. But, the details need to be carefully investigated, if that is still possible. Anyway, here is one published take   on this:

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How are Covid Things in Mongolia? By Brian Simpson

Mongolia, which looked like having a fairly sane response to the Covid freak-out, now has high vaccination rates, but fresh Covid outbreaks. Is it the Chinese vaccines that they are using, or something deeper?

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Nothingness in Words, Enclosed By James Reed

An Italian “artist,” has made some big money from sculptures which do not exist, this being some sort of existential presentation. I believe “artist” John Cage (1912-1992) had a musical piece of sheer silence called 4’ 33”, and Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) aimed for minimalism in drama, with one play, Breath, (1969), being only about 35 seconds long! At this point all art has self-deconstructed. Time to bury it, if there is anything left to bury!

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Biden’s Use of the N-Bomb! By James Reed

I was interested to see that Joe Biden has dropped the N-word many times, but Trump, never. So, why are the Left not eating Biden alive for it? Obviously, the Left have no consistency beyond the will to power, and Biden is a useful old fool at the moment, who signs anything put before him.

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Finland’s Coming Civil War By Richard Miller (London)

As with much of the West, social disintegration from the acidic, corrosive effects of immigration, diversity, and multiculturalism and multiracialism, are breaking Finland down. I did not previously consider that civil war could occur so quickly there, but if the material below is right, then civil war in the US is inevitable.

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People in the United States No Longer Agree on the Nation’s Purpose, Values, History, or Meaning. Is Reconciliation Possible? Of Course Not! By Chris Knight

The title, in part is from an article by George Parker in the July/august 2021 edition of The Atlantic. It gives a comprehensive overview of the conflicts and social movements working to pull the United States apart, but does not reach the conclusion I did, that the US has already fallen apart, and does not exist as anything more than a state held together by force, and that too will fail. The 1994 article by Robert Kaplan, also published in The Atlantic, “The Coming Anarchy,” is I think the near future.


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Good News! Good News! Some Legal Action on Covid at Last By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In Kentucky a judge has held that the Covid emergency orders of the governor are void, being unconstitutional. In effect, the closure amounted to violations of US citizens civil rights, as the ineffectual measures were attempts to control, set policy, and determine rights and duties of the citizenry.

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The Black Swan Event for the Demon-rats: Natural Selection Bites Back! By Brian Simpson

This is ironic; if the Covid vaccine critics are right, people like Dr Mercola and Mike Adams, if there will be high death rates from the vaccines, then this could have political ramifications, since Leftists love vaccines, conservatives, less so. Bingo, the magic of natural selection!

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The Covid Cover-Up Implodes By Chris Knight (Florida)

This Natural article, quoted below, gives a great summary of how, as has already been said, the Covid narrative re origins has collapsed.  But, embarrassingly enough, I can’t find the exact reference. I pasted it down, came back to write the article after quickly having a drink, and it was gone from my page! This has recently happened with emails too, just disappearing! Try searching with a slice of text in Google and you get nowhere. But, it is there somewhere, trust me. The spooks are obviously trying to gaslight me just before the drone attack upon my house, I suppose, or black helicopters that do frequent fly-overs in Florida.


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Brett Stevens on Why the Boomers Want White Genocide By Brian Simpson

This is a question that bothers me: why the Boomers have opted for white genocide, accepting policies that will destroy their ethnic group, Anglo Saxons? Here is a take on this by Brett Stevens, who sees the Boomers as a product of the post-war affluence which led to decadence, and now civilizational decay. I would add to this story that this culture was the perfect one for Leftist to flourish, on the illusion that resources were infinite and must be shared in a global equalitarian fashion. There is no way that the bs of the 1960s would have arisen without post World War II affluence and a consumer culture to push Leftist ideology, as in popular music and film etc. Yet, even beyond that there is probably a genetic component of white pathology, of misplaced promiscuous altruism, to use Garrett Hardin’s term, that various ethnic groups saw and could exploit. A tragic story of the rise and fall of a great people, who will not even be remembered in future history books, because such things were the creation of their sub-race, and books would have been used as kindling for fires in the post-apocalyptic wastelands of the future, if nothing is done to stop this by the good men.

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Obama Sees “Dark Spirits” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Obama has recently spoke about the “dark spirits” in the Republican Party, referring to the influence of Donald Trump. It is, of course, more Leftist propaganda and superstition, using the Trump imagine as a projection of their own communist demons, so that the Democrats can then double-down ever harder on the white population in their on-going race war. See more biting comments about this below.

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The Khilanani Race Hate Debate By Chris Knight (Florida)

This has been covered at the blog last week, but here is Professor Kevin MacDonald giving his take on the psychiatrist who has said that she has thoughts of shooting white people in the head with a revolver. Ok, but has anyone from the Left objected, not to killing white people, which is part of the Great Replacement now, but the method, since guns in the hands of the public, are evil, according to their paradigm. Surely she would have to resort to the use of more appropriate Leftist melee weapons, such as the good old communist hammer and sickle!

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How about Vaccinations by Mail? In Australia Too! By Brian Simpson

The satirical site, The, is a place I go to one a week, when feeling burnt out from covering all the political misery I cover, and I am one of the least hard working journalist’s in the bullpen, so I can only guess how the others cope. Well, James seeks comfort in the bottom of a bottle, but that is not the way to go. But, really, has any paper/blog had writers so open about their flaws, as metaphors of the frailty of the human condition, such as alcoholism, mental health issues (Uncle Len), and all the rest? Talk about open disclosure!


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Not Just a Liar, but a Villain Too! By Brian Simpson

Not only as Dr Fauci fallen from grace in much of the mainstream media now, but there is a trend to see him as a villain. I expect that he will be the fall guy, to take the blame for a vast Covid conspiracy that we have only yet seen the tip of the very dark ice berg. What follows is a neat summary of all one needs to know now to be up to speed on this:

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Fantastic Police Work! Fighting the Global Crime Connections By James Reed

This story has been well covered in the mainstream press, but from our perceptive, some remarks. First, it is grand to see old school police work to bring down the bad guys, after so much woke politically correct activities from the police over the Covid tyranny. Second, it is amazing how vast and globally interconnected the crime world is, with radical jihadists, bikies, Mafia, Asian Organized Crime, you name it, all in some way networking, primarily aided by the internet and Dark Web. Yet, the police managed to suck them all in and take them down, just using an app! I bet that the surviving crimes will be careful about their software in the future! No doubt there are plenty more scumbag drug lords where that came from, but it was fine effort, even more impressive than adventures in the past, like Eliot Ness and the “untouchables,” The Untouchables being my favourite TV show, which was last repeated in I think the late 1980s. I miss it. A really good movie could be made out of this present bust, and maybe I will start work on a script.

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Karma Harris Gets Treated as She Deserves in Guatemala By Chris Knight (Florida)

False vice president Harris is doing a South American tour to try and find out why, when Democrats invite the poor of the Third World to invade their country, they do. The conservative president of Guatemala can be seen in one funny footage, ordering Harris to put on her Covid mask as she wanders off from the podium, like a school girl. No leaders take her seriously, so when Biden drops off the perch, when the dementia drugs fail to work, she can celebrate being a woman president, but a president worse than even Biden, as the US makes its final nose dive into the mud of history.

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Suspicious Covid Circumstances? By Chris Knight

What do you think, was he knocked off, or what? They have killed for less, much less. The story follows.

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