Free Speech in an Age of Infinite Propaganda By Chris Knight (Florida)

We are seeing a major crackdown on free speech. It got into gear with the race/immigration issue, not debate, there is no debate, but Covid has moved everything up many levels. Professor Mark Crispin Miller, at New York University, is but one more dramatic example, where he ended up suing 19 of his department colleagues for libel! Ironically, Professor Miller is an expert on the social theory of propaganda, and sees plenty in the Covid narrative.

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The Origin of the Blood Clots By Brian Simpson

German researchers have found that the blood clots caused by various Covid-19 vaccines is due to the adenovirus vectors, mutant versions of the spike protein that are generated in the nucleus and then secreted outside of cells. In a nutshell, the problem is the spike proteins.

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Why People Hate the US Police By Charles Taylor

There is not a police race problem, there is a police problem, at least in the US. Here is one of many stories to illustrate their cowboy, if not thug attitudes. Sure, we need them, but cops that are sane and respectful of human rights. If BLM had focused upon the bad egg police instead of going on a anti-white rampage, a lot more people would support them. Blacks are not the only ones to be apprehensive with armed, trigger-happy cops approach them. Who has not been bated by tail-gating cops looking for easy revenue to collect? Covid, across the West, showed that the police were quite willing to engage in brutality to strike fear into the population. Here is another institution that has been corrupted.

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Statistics on Gender Changing, Changing By Mrs Vera West

The statistics are changing, if we believe the opinion polls. At present, 51 percent of Americans reject transgenderism, while 46 percent see it as morally acceptable, presumably accepting all the implications of this, such as with woman’s sport. I am old enough to remember when none of this was even spoken about in public, rather than being the star attraction of public debate. Give it a year or two, and transgender ideology will be accepted by the majority of the population, with all its social ramifications.


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The Apocalypse According to Mike Adams By Chris Knight (Florida)

Just in case readers of this blog think that we are black pill pessimists, here is good old Mike putting it in over-drive. While most of us here accept that some sort of collapse is coming, and in many respects, cultural collapse has already occurred, we hope that the big one, SHT, is a little way off, to give us more warning time. But, if not, well, we all have done our best. We will see. People have been predicting the end since Adam(s) was a boy. Say, anyone seen Adam? Oh, he is dead.

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The War on Protein: Green Terrorists? By James Reed

I have been raging against the insane Greenies who have targeted meat, especially red meat, tasty, delicious meat, as part of their fanatical climate change social control rampage. But, there is a deeper, more sinister attack upon meat, glorious meat, and it links up with cyberattacks, seen in the recent attack upon JBS meat. Could this be Green terrorists?

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Enter the Wuhan Bat Cave! By Brian Simpson

Contrary to Dr Daszak et al., evidence now is public, that the Wuhan Institute of Virology kept live bats in cages! Not only that, but there is a video of a bat hanging from one lab worker’s hat, my very favourite video. So, could someone have got infected and transferred the disease to the outside world? How could it not happen, given such slack safety standards?

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No One Cuts My Steak in Half to Save the Planet! By James Reed

On the road to the total elimination of meat, the agenda now is to first cut down on meat, then cut it out completely. It is part of the war on protein. But fight back. eat the biggest juiciest steaks you can afford. Enjoy it while you still can. Let the planet save itself; make mine, meat, red meat, marbled with fat!

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Global Government for Climate Change Fanaticism By James Reed

Nothing much new here, but it refreshes our mind that the agenda with climate change, like Covid-19, is the New World Order. In fact, everything that happens is assessed by the globalist elites to see how it could be used for their quest of total dominance of the human species. If global cooling occurred, they would use that. An extra-terrestrial invasion? We are one world against the aliens. You name it. People get good money for working on this stuff, 24/7.

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Now it’s Cancel the Queen in Woke Land! By Richard Miller (London)

I was wondering how long it would be before the crazy woke crowd at uni. cancelled the queen. And now it has happened:

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If Race is a Social Construct, then So Must be White Guilt! By James Reed

  1. D. Heyes at Natural, makes the logical point that if race is a social construct, then it is invalid to proclaim that the White race is responsible for all of the evils in the universe (evil being a social construct too), since from the Woke Folk’s own premises, if race does not exist, the White race does not exist. Who says that even “white” exists? What is colour anyway? Surely only sensations in the brain caused by the stimulation of electromagnetic radiation, a physical construct at the best of times!

“There is little today coming from the left that makes any sense at all, and that is especially true when it comes to identity — identity politics, that is.

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The Covid Vax Bribes of the White House! By Brian Simpson

If the Covid-19 vaccines are the best thing since freshly baked bread, with dollops of butter, strawberry jam, and oozing cream, truly healthy food, why bribe hospitals for positive reviews? And, why give them tasty hot bread treats, rather than brown papers bags overflowing with loot? I do not know.

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Useful Idiots for Beijing By James Reed

A great article, extracts below, details how the academic journals conspired to keep evidence of the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis from being considered. To my mind this shows what academia is all about nowadays, which has forsaken the pursuit of truth, for money from the corporates, and whoever else is funding research., such as communist China.  With Covid, this has had a cost, in terms of lives and damage to the economy and livelihoods.

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It is Just a Conspiracy That There is a Clinton Body Count … Nothing to See At All! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There they go again, the Right-wing conspiracy theorists on the internet, seeing the latest suicide of someone who had less than friendly interactions with the Clintons, as involving foul play, or is it fowl play? Thus, these people who dwell in the shadows raise issues about some guy who committed suicide by shooting himself multiple times in the back of the head, and we all know that this is quite possible, people do it all the time, sometimes more on Sundays! Some reliable reporting:


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G7 Boris Reaches into and Touches His Sensitive Feminine Side! By Richard Miller (London)

Yes, forget about Boris Johnson being in any way conservative, for at the G7, as Beijing Biden wanders around in a senile daze, he has bloomed into a full-blown woke flower, proclaiming that the Great Reset from Covid-19, the pandemic which has given so much to the globalists, should be in gender neutral or feminine terms, whatever that means. Did the Covid cops act in sensitive feminine terms Boris old son? And you really need a haircut, you look like a girl … wait, that is getting in touch with his feminine side!

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Dr Fauci Frankenstein By Brian Simpson

My favourite literary metaphor to depict runaway science and technology is Dr Frankenstein from Mary Shelley’s 19th century novel. Dr Frankenstein put together a monster from various body parts, and today, our equivalent scientists and supporting technocrats are doing the same in a more advanced way. Dr Fauci and gain of function viral research, is a contemporary example, with disastrous results. Breitbart has done a grand job in exploring this metaphor too, in much more detail than I have previously.


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Is This the Real Root of the Irish? By Patrick O’ Flanagan

Ancient bones discovered under an Irish pub are allegedly casting doubt on whether the Irish are Celtic at all, or so they say. This is all based upon DNA analysis of the three skeletons, plus a third Neolithic woman from Ballynahatty, supposedly indicating a Near East origin. Now that is possible, that a Near Eastern people may have come to Ireland 1,000 years before the Celts, or the skeletons of people that have been discovered could be a small sample of travellers who came to Ireland, then died out. But it is a long bow to pull to say that the Irish are not Celts, as there is a wealth of genetic analysis showing that they are quiet distinct from Near East populations. Anything for a headline.    


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The Great Biophysical Convergence: After the Great Reset (Thoughts on How It Ends) By Brian Simpson

The next step on from the great Reset, and the Covid New World Order is the great biophysical convergence, which aims to transform, if not eliminate the human species itself, merging genetic engineering, biotech and digital technology, to do what all the cool super-villains in the movies do, after one has conquered the world, many times over. Destroy it. The Corbett Report gives an excellent coverage of this. As well there is some material from mainstream sources below, but I will comment immediately, putting the material as an appendix.


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Lights Out! Facing Power Blackouts By John Steel

Power blackouts/outages are occurring across the globe, with potentially devastating effects. As argued in this blog a few days ago by Viv Forbes, a lot of this has to do with an ill-founded reliance upon so-called renewable energy resources, as part of the fanatic global warming scam.

Be that as it is, there is still the problem for little people affected by power-down. Small businesses relying upon power, such as the food industry will have problems, and perhaps back-up generators may be needed; seek professional electric advice. But most people will face some time without electricity. What to do? Natural has some great survival tips here, and I recommend reading the material below. Have a supply of batteries and torches, and pick up battery supplied lighting from your hardware store. References from Mr Forbes:

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Covid-19: Even if China Didn’t Do It, It Did It Anyway! By Brian Simpson

Breitbart is a bit ahead of the curve in arguing that even if the lab leak hypothesis on Covid-19’s origin is not proven, China still did much to facilitate the pandemic, and is still legally responsible for numerous acts that led to the spread. In some respects, the lab release, if accidental, is only a small part of the issue, and the evidence for China’s negligence, is conclusive.  The entire world needs to gang up on China and make them pay. They cannot beat the rest of the world, no matter how tough they think they are, if the victims for once, show some guts, and unite against the school bully.

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