The Great BLM Shakedown … for Loot! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

You might find this one amusing, in a black pill kind of way. BLM radicals are now shaking down governments to get cash or they will burn down cities! The cucks will pay up too, being too scared to resist. But, it will be Democrat cities, so let them pay, or let them burn. Not my problem; not our tribe’s problem. My motto nowadays is: let the parasites eat each other!

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Le Pen on the Coming French Civil War By Richard Miller

Following up from the letter by the French generals warning of an impending civil war in France, if the same policy of mass immigration and radical Islamisation continues, Le Pen has agreed that the radical Islamist problem if not solved will push the nation into civil war. The scenario holds that the military will then save the day, but won’t the military also be divided along the fault lines of political correctness, so that a shooting match would occur within their ranks as well? Talk about a return to the wild, wild, West, like in the Man With No Name Clint Eastwood movies.

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Biden Protects His Masters! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Why would the Biden administration, just when Covid guru Fauci has admitted that the lab leak hypothesis cannot be ruled out, shut down an inquiry into this? One has to ask, why? One YouTube commentator, who I will not cite as he uses F-bombs which might upset some readers, argues that the Obama administration was involved in helping set up the Wuhan research, and that Biden was vice president sat the time. This would discredit Biden and may lead to the need to resign. Then it will be the first woman of colour president, elected all on her own outstanding politically correct qualities, like Obama, causing libtards everywhere to waddle their flab with joy!

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Impaled on the Covid Spike! By Brian Simpson

Here is some more material from the ever-wise Dr Mercola on the Covid-19 vaccines. First, is background to the blood clotting issue, which appears to be more widespread than just localised to one vaccine, as the mainstream media reports. The issue in Dr Mercola’s opinion seems to be the spiked proteins of the virus, which can be sharp and nasty in themselves, even without a time bomb virus attached, having supposed prion-like disease causing capacities. Secondly, there is the issue that Covid-19 seems to be increasing in mass vaccinated populations, with even some mainstream media sources admitting that there has been a surge on Covid cases in 4 out of 5 of the most vaccinated countries. Again, in Dr Mercola’s opinion, the spike proteins are the problem, and some of the vaccines make the body into spike protein producing factories. That is why many of us here at this blog, are using the I am Legend scenario, where in the movie, a mass vaccination program turned most people into zombies. Well, today, most people are zombies, so the potential harms could possibly be worse.

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Evangelical Christians, All Racists! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Academics are coming out attacking evangelical Christians with a fury not previously seen, no doubt inspired by the Demon-rats war upon white America. I wonder how long will it take, for my peer group to wake up? I am somewhat optimistic here, since our kind have apocalyptic believes anyway, see most liberals as going to hell, so it is not hard to take the next step and see the present nation as ruled by a hostile liberal elite, Satan’s legions, straight from the deepest pits of Hades. That is how this evangelical southern Florida Christian thinks, nursing my AR -15, and Glock .45, with a trusty oil cloth, since guns rust up quickly in the humidity of southern Florida.

Anyway, today is Saturday, and after a hard week’s work, it is off to the gun range, to exercise my fleeting American rights, to blaze away. Then I do voluntary work at the local gun shop, just to push my brand of politics to newies. Later in the day, sword training. Sunday, off to church, and an afternoon Bible study group of Christian survivalists, who are well-prepared for end times. Then back to church for the evening, home to a big roast of red meat off the bone.

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China’s Propaganda Wing of Useful Idiots in the West By James Reed

A recent piece from the most excellent free press newspaper The Epoch Times has commented on the herd of elephants in most Western rooms, of a massive number of traitors to their nation, but loyal to Chinese communist money. Academics, but arguably entire governments of former Western countries, led by socialist feminists, are examples. Clearly, once the dust settles, if ever, there needs to be treason trials. Not kangaroo courts, as in the former USSR, but fair trials, modelled after say, the Nuremburg Trials. That would be good, yes please!

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Diversity and Disintegration By Brian Simpson

Here are some thoughts by former US presidential candidate, Patrick J. Buchanan, on the destructive impact of diversity. This is not yet at the Brett Stevens, level, but it is good to see, even at this 11th hour traditional conservatives starting to wake up. But, there is a fair way to go yet.

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Stop Press: Covid-19 as a Chinese Bioweapon! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

General Michael Flynn, who should have been used by cuck Trump to roll in martial law to save America from Demon-rat destruction, has said that Covid-19 is a Chinese bioweapon. The only problem I have with this view, is that Covid-19 is not a great bioweapon. So, it may be an incomplete development that accidentally got out, or was not designed to be a new Black Death - which by the way came from China and killed off a quarter of Europe - but perhaps to disrupt health care systems and the economies. And, in that respect Covid was successful. Yet, the gusto of the Western governments in embracing totalitarianism leads me to think that there is a global conspiracy here, that they were all in on it, as part of the Great Reset to the Covid New World Order. Climate change failed to do this, but the final ace is always fear of disease and death.

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Vaccine Passports in Once Merry Old England By Richard Miller (London)

Australians beware, for England, very much a social experiment in the Covid New World order, is swiftly moving to adopt vaccine passports for large events, which is the obvious thin edge of the wedge.

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Discrimination Against White Americans By Chris Knight (Florida)

This issue has even been discussed by Ferfal who is South American, but aware of the woke culture which is targeting white Americans especially under the Biden regime. He has a weekly YouTube video with Matt Bracken, author of Enemies both Foreign and Domestic, which is always insightful. Matt has certainly educated the younger Ferfal.

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Sometimes 2 + 2 = 5, in the Land of Woke! By Brian Simpson

Why are the Left attacking mathematics? Well, there has been an assault by the Left upon science at least since the 1960s and that was mainly theoretical. Now that the theory critique has been canvassed, they move to putting into place policies, and here is a sample of this:

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Cementing for Eternity, Electoral Tyranny and Corruption By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Democrats have wasted no time cementing their power for, they think all eternity, such as with the H.R.1 bill. The Republicans never sought to define their opponents out of existence, but the Left leave no stone unturned, and will deliver the poison icing on the top with their stacking of the Supreme Court. Within months, America has been transformed into a country that dwarfs the corruption of the worst South American banana republics.

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The New Dark Green Age By James Reed

A great article appeared a little while back at, attacking Biden’s version of the green new deal, and showing what a disaster it will be, basically deindustrialising and impoverishing America, and any other country foolish enough to embrace it. All the while China is free to change ahead with coal stations and emit more greenhouse gases than the entire developed world combined.  Not that emitting gas is a bad thing in my opinion, as I do it all the time!

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Great Jabbing Troops By Chris Knight (Florida)

The fanatical cult of Covid has been ramped up a level, with National Guard troops administering Covid-19 vaccines in bars and 7-elevens. This is beyond odd. The next step will be Biden’s troops moving door-to-door, spreading the joy. Maybe Chinese troops will be recruited to deliver the final jab to America?

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All About the Good Covid Dr Guru By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Dr Fauci, according to Senator Rand Paul, lied when he said no NIH money went to the Wuhan Institute for gain of function research. I hope Senator Paul pursues this to the ends of the earth, or to China, maybe Wuhan.

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The Mystery of Blood Clots, No More? By Brian Simpson

Are you concerned about the blood clot issue and the Covid-19 vaccines? Here is some more great material from Natural explaining how the blood clot issue arises.

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The Secret about Covid Vaccines According to the Connecticut Government By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is something that you do not hear every day: the Connecticut government secretly admitted that the Covid-19 vaccines, are, well, not friendly like cuck traitor Donald “Vaccine” Trump proclaims.

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Trump’s Vaccine Mania, Good Vaccine, Tasty! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Donald Trump is true believer in the Covid vaccines, and he sees his greatest achievement being Operation Warp speed to roll out the “good” vaccine. I wondered how long it would be, if ever, before critics of the Covid world, like Mike Adams, turned to address this aspect of Trump, being also a strong supporter of him. Surely it must discredit Trump in the eyes of the faithful?

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Remembering Dr Fauci’s AIDS Adventures By Brian Simpson

I wondered, when Dr Fauci was appearing with Trump, pushing the dope around, where I remembered him from. I know it was not a good memory. Then, by the magic of the internet, I came across his AIDS adventures. It makes interesting reading, as it was fear then, and fear now. And, boy, this guy knows how to change his position! Slick Fauci!

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On Liquefying the Dead … A Coming Trend By James Reed

Wow, in Wisconsin, dead bodies will soon be dissolved in a chemical bath and used as biosludge on food crops! That is only one step away from harvesting the dead for food, making smoothies out of them, as has been the theme of some sci fi movies. Who thinks this stuff up? Each day there is a scheme more absurd, and revolting than the next.

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