Trump Speaking Out on the West’s Great Replacement, By Richard Miller (London)
The Dangerous Obsession of Climate Change, By James Reed
If True, This is Terrifying, By Brian Simpson
US Senators Attack World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty at 11th Hour, By Brian Simpson
Faking Evidence in the New Rule of Leftist Anarchy, By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Lab Rats Fight Back! By Brian Simpson
Will the Pension Age be Raised to 100 + Years? By James Reed
Professor Salvatore Babones: Australia’s International Student Marketing is a “Scam,” By James Reed
Trump’s Glorious Plan to Deport 20 Million Illegal Invaders, By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Covid Vaxxes: The Greatest Medical Scandal in History; UK MP Andrew Bridgen, By Richard Miller (London)
States Opposing the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations, By Chris Knight (Florida)
George Christensen’s Brisbane Speech Against the Digital ID Bill, By James Reed
UN “Planetary Emergency” and "Pact for the Future": More Globalist Tyranny! By James Reed
Once a Liberal Leftist, Always a Liberal Leftist? By Charles Taylor (Florida)
The “New York Times” Breaking the Covid Vax Injury Taboo? By Brian Simpson
Having a Cardiac Arrest in Victoria, By Brian Simpson
Admission: Jab did Not Prevent Transmission, By Richard Miller (London)
Overseas Commentary on Australia’s Move to Internet Censorship, By James Reed
The Woke Tyrants Fall (but are Replaced), By Tom North
Tried to Infect with Covid, but Failed, Tried Again, Failed Again, Gave Up, By Brian Simpson