George Christensen’s Brisbane Speech Against the Digital ID Bill, By James Reed

Across Australia on Sunday, the weather was great for a fantastic turn out of loyal Aussies opposing the Albo government's misadventure in totalitarian tyranny, the Digital ID Bill. From the video I watched, the same common theme was pursued by speakers, that this Bill is one of the greatest restrictions of free speech seen in modern times and is so vaguely drafted that almost anything the government wants to censor, can and will be. Witness the present situation where Albo was pleased that memes of a satirical nature about him, were pulled by social media, even though satire is part of the rough and tumble of politics. Even Julia Gillard did not do that, and she perhaps had more reason to be upset by cartoons that circulated about her.

True to form, George Christensen of Nation First gave a great speech, see here: with a transcript below. The message in a nutshell is that the Bill if made law will hand over even more power to Big Brother (or is it now Sister?), further eroding our God-given freedoms. Stirring patriotic stuff from George; we must resist submitting to digital tyranny!

"Ladies and gentlemen, patriots, freedom lovers, Australians… welcome to the frontline of the most critical battle for freedom Australia has ever faced! I stand before you as a fellow Australian who refuses to be shackled by a digital dictatorship! Today, we rise against the Digital Identity Bill of 2023—a monstrous scheme hatched in the corridors of power to chain every one of us to an omnipresent digital eye!

This bill was rammed through our Senate with brazen disregard for debate, a blatant slap in the face to democracy itself. But let me make one thing clear: this fight is far from over! The bill still has to go through the House of Representatives. So what are we going to do about it? What are you going to do about it? Are you going to quietly consent as your freedoms are auctioned off to the highest bidder? NO!

This legislation binds your most private details—your identity itself—into a single digital profile directly under the puppet strings of Big Brother. They sell this Orwellian nightmare as convenience, as safety—lies packaged in the garb of security! Imagine that… government protecting us. Where have we heard that before? Remember, a government big enough to give you everything is a government big enough to take everything you have! What safety is there in a world where every facet of your identity can be accessed, not just by the government but by shadowy figures with motives as dark as the data mines they operate from? We've seen the chilling previews of this story in places like China, where digital IDs and social credit scores clamp down on every citizen's freedom like a vice. Do we want a future where our worth is measured by compliance, where dissent is suffocated by digital shackles?

Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't just about privacy; it's about preserving the essence of what it means to live free from the invasive tentacles of a surveillance state. It's time to raise our voices louder than ever! Join us as we mobilise against this digital invasion. Join us as we battle against a government agenda that seeks to normalise control and extinguish liberty.

I want to ask each of you today, will you stand idle? Or will you fight back? Well, will you? Together, let's send a thunderous message to those who dare to dream of controlling us: We are Australians, not digital codes to be scanned and sorted! Thank you, brave souls!

Together, we will defend our liberty and ensure that Australia remains a land of the free, not the monitored. Stand strong, stand defiant, and let freedom ring across this great nation!

Brothers and sisters of freedom, this is no time for apathy. This bill, if left unchecked, could become the most coercive tool in the arsenal of any government that seeks to control rather than serve. Imagine a world where your every move, your every transaction, your every login is monitored and recorded. Not by your choice, but by mandate. This is not progress; this is madness!

The proponents of this Digital ID bill sell it as a pathway to modernisation, as a solution to bureaucratic inefficiency. But ask yourselves, at what cost? Efficiency at the expense of freedom is tyranny by another name. We must look beyond the surface, question the narratives being sold to us, and demand transparency and accountability from those in power.

This digital ID system is billed as a tool for convenience, a way to streamline government services. But let's be clear: it's a double-edged sword. With every swipe, click, and entry, we would be voluntarily handing over the keys to our privacy, allowing the government—and indeed, any hacker savvy enough to break the digital vaults—a peek into the intimate details of our lives. We must not be blinded by the digital dazzle. Countries around the world where similar systems have been implemented now grapple with the monsters they unwittingly unleashed. From surveillance to social control, the implications are far-reaching and frightening. Is this the legacy we wish to leave for our children?

Moreover, we are already seeing the stirrings of resistance across the globe—people standing up for their right to privacy, their right to live without undue interference. Let us draw inspiration from these movements. Let us join hands with global allies who understand that true freedom means keeping government out of our private affairs.

I urge you today, as Australians, to take a stand. We are spearheading efforts to ensure our voices are heard, our rights respected, and our lives remain ours to govern. In the spirit of those who fought at Eureka, let us pledge that we will not lay down our freedoms. We will not be digitally branded cattle herded by governmental whim! This bill is not a checkpoint to the future—it is a barrier to our liberties.

Let us rally together, shout from the rooftops, flood the mailboxes of our legislators, and show up at their offices. Make it clear that we will accept nothing less than the full preservation of our liberties, our rights and our freedom. Together, we will keep the flame of liberty alight in the winds of digital despotism!

We must confront this digital overreach with the ferocity of our forebears, who would not tolerate tyranny in any form. This is not just a fight for our privacy; it is a fight for the soul of our nation. Will we submit to digital domination, or will we stand as beacons of freedom in the digital age?

Let us take this message from coast to coast, from the cities to the outback: We demand the right to control our own digital destinies. We reject any government or entity that seeks to implement a system that could infringe upon our basic human rights under the guise of administrative convenience.

Let's educate our communities about the risks and realities of this bill. Hold workshops, write articles, use every platform available to us to spread the word. The power of an informed populace is the greatest defense against tyranny.

And remember, this isn't just a national issue; it's a personal one. Each individual's decision to resist this bill sends a powerful message about the values we cherish. It's about preserving the very essence of individual autonomy and resisting the urge to conform to convenience at the expense of our freedoms.

So, let us not falter in our resolve. We will not trade our liberty for chains, even if they are digital. We will oppose, we will fight, and we will prevail. The history of Australia is rich with stories of resistance and resilience. Let this be another chapter where Australians stood strong against overreach and preserved their rights for future generations.

Stand for freedom, and let us together ensure that our digital future is one of liberty, not oppression. For Australia, for freedom, we stand united! Thank you all for your courage and commitment. Together, we are unstoppable!" 



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