September, 2024
Ricardo Duchesne: The War on Whites, By Brian Simpson
The Mobile Abortion Clinic: Satanic Democrat Gathering, By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)
Germany is No Longer Safe! Police Union Boss, By Richard Miller (Not in Germany)
Notting Hill Carnival Carnage, By Richard Miller (Not in Notting Hill)
Kamala Harris: Gaslighter Extraordinary! By Charles Taylor (Florida)
One Man’s Story of the Covid Lockdown Harms, By Mrs Vera West
Sylvester Stallone was an Abortion Survivor! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)
Will Trump Jail Mark Zuckerberg if He Engages in Illegal Electoral Interference? By Chris Knight (Florida)
Atheism Leads to Wokeness! By James Reed
The Covid Vax Compensation Scheme: Devised to Help the Authorities Avoid Political and Financial Accountability, By Brian Simpson
Brazil Supreme Court Orders Shutdown of Elon Musk’s X, By Charles Taylor (Florida)
On Eating Bugs: The Globalist Agenda to Control Food, By James Reed
The Sheer Insanity of Woke, By Richard Miller (Not in Germany)
Migrant Gangs Raid and Take Over Buildings; Entire Country Next! By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Dutton is Fine with Census Sexuality Question, By Mrs Vera West
The Australian Government Wants to Destroy the Nuclear Family; Have a Country Fully Migrant Based, By James Reed
It is Enough to Make Anyone Want to Revolt: £8.5 Billion Per Year for Unemployed Foreigners! By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)
The Globalists are Gunning for Elon Musk Now, Big Time, By James Reed
Kamala Harris Declares War on Elon Musk! By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Falsifying History; the Elimination of Anglo-Saxons, By Richard Miller (London)