September, 2024
Their Aim is to Destroy Constitutions, By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Martin Armstrong on Robert Kennedy Jr.’ Drive for Health, By Mrs Vera West
What Real Freedoms do Australians have if a Government Can Force Inject Us with Experimental, Vaxxes, of Untested Safety? By Brian Simpson
Ultra-Leftist Tim Walz: Simply Unfit for Office! By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Gina Rinehart on Australian Education and Immigration, By James Reed
E-Safety Just a Façade for E-Censorship By James Reed
“Green” Hydrogen More “Polluting” than the Environmentalist’s Dreaded Carbon Dioxide! By James Reed
What is Behind the Crackdown on Free Speech? By Richard Miller (Spain, today)
The Economic Slavery of Globalism, By James Reed
Immigration, the Accommodation Crisis and the Universities, By James Reed
Will the Globalists Create World War III Before the US Election? By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Labor Hoisted by its Own Petard: Disinformation Campaign, By James Reed
The UN Summit of the Future: Formalising the New World Order, By James Reed
Anti-Globalist Good News from Germany, By Richard Miller (Not in Germany)
Rapist, Cannibal Warlords Put the “Die” Back into “Diversity”! By Chris Knight (Florida)
Singing in the PAIN! By Richard Miller (Not in Berlin)
Climate Change Spreads Brain Disease, Or is Climate Change a Brain Disease? By James Reed
The Digital “god” of the Great Reset, By Brian Simpson
On the Road to Global Tyranny of the New World Order, By James Reed
The Covid Lab Leak Hypothesis at "War" By Brian Simpson