September, 2024
UN: Some Cheek to Speak about the Risk of a Dystopian Future! By James Reed
The Dogmatism and Oppression of “Science,” By Brian Simpson
The Covid Lab Leak, and China’s Power, By Brian Simpson
Banning Social Media for Kids: What is the Real Agenda? By Mrs. Vera West
The Globalist Elites Will Not Permit Trump, Even if He Wins, to Become President Again, By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Armed Venezuelan Gangs Attacking Oil Fields Now, By Chris Knight (Florida)
Here Comes the (Angry) Sun! By Brian Simpson
Elle MacPherson and Cancer: The Beauty of a Fighting Spirit, By Mrs Vera West
CIA and M16: The World Order is “Under Threat in a Way We Haven't Seen Since the Cold War.” By James Reed
The Atlantic Slave Trade All About Agriculture; the Arab Slave Trade was all About Sex, By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Before the Fall: The Trump versus Kamala Harris Debate, By Charles Taylor
Aussie Buildings Falling Down. Like London Bridge. Like London, By James Reed
The Leak of a “Highly Evolved” Strain of Polio from the Chinese Lab, By Brian Simpson
A Woke, Anti-White Show of Force, By Richard Miller (London)
The “Welcome to Country” Animist Metaphysical Theology, By James Reed
Undermining the Jury System, By James Reed
Who Wants More Communist Chinese Law Enforcement Officers … Here? By Paul Walker
The Covid Test Run for the New World Order, By Brian Simpson
The Aftermath of the Trump-Harris Debate, By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Did Kamala Harris Cheat (More than Usual)? By Chris Knight (Florida)