China Does Not Like Claims of a Covid-19 Lab Leak By Brian Simpson
World Bank: It May be Worse than a Recession By James Reed
Gun Violence Inconvenient Truths By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Deadly Food Shortages By Chris Knight (Florida)
Brazil: Where the “Misinformation” Ideology leads By Charles Taylor (Florida)
A Sign of the Times: No Fuel for Cops to Chase Crooks! By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda By Mrs Vera West
Developmental Disorders in Babies Born to Vaccinated Mothers: Pfizer Wants Babies to be Exposed to SIX Vaccine Shots! By Mrs Vera West
Evidence Suggests the Covid Vaccines are Causing a Spike in Disability and a Potential Catastrophe! By Brian Simpson
Renewable Energy or Reliable Energy - but Not Both By Viv Forbes
Covid Vax Gunk By Brian Simpson
Strange Sounds By James Reed
Uvalde School Mass Shooting; Could Police be this Stupid? By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Collapsing US Currency By Chris Knight (Florida)
The Deaths from the Lockdowns Exceeded That of Covid-19 By Chris Knight (Florida)
Burning Food Processing Plants; It’s All a Big Coincidence? By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Geert Vanden Bossche’s Predictions on the Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 By Brian Simpson
World Economic Forum Tracking via the Internet of Things By Brian Simpson
A Covid Vax Injured Australian Scientist Speaks Out! By Mrs Vera West
Pro-Abortion Arsonists; A Murderous Philosophy Produces Murders By Charles Taylor (Florida)