Is NATO Ready to Begin World War III, and Lose? By James Reed

The alternative media is reporting on the significance of NATO calling up hundreds of thousands of troops, claiming that this is a sure sign that World War III is beginning. Perhaps … wars are always a good time for the elites to cull out the white race … look at what the last two did. Still, I think a more certain sign would be conscription. Maybe if it was done right this could all be for the best. Feminists should be conscripted to show that women can do everything just as well as men, including, be blown to pieces. Western armies should be full of Left-wing academics; don’t worry nothing will happen, bad, as bullets and bombs are social constructions.

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Referee Whistle Syndrome, the Killer, not the Covid Vax! By Chris Knight (Florida)

I had not heard of this latest piece of bs until reading the Natural article about Referee Whistle Syndrome (RWS) which the mainstream media is advancing as a way of explaining peak athletes collapsing on the field. It seems that noise has something to do with it. But, this is testable, for there may well be cases of athlete collapse not involving bells and whistles. Still this is only substituting one mystery for another, for why would whistle noise, that has been common in sports for at least 100 years, now suddenly cause heart attacks? A more likely explanation is that it is the Covid vaxxes. Bells and whistles are just extras!

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Edward Dowd, Formerly of Wall Street, on the Covid Fraud By Chris Knight (Florida)

When former elites from the outer circle of the great spiral of elites, speak out about the Covid plandemic, we should take note. This has occurred with former Wall Street financial guru Edward Dowd speaking out on the Covid agenda. Dowd is no Dissent Righter, as he used to manage portfolios for the multinational investment firm BlackRock, which is as close to the centre of action as we would see. Dowd is particularly concerned about young people dropping like flies, more than 61,000 excess deaths between March 2021 and February 2022, which is, to change the metaphor, a Vietnam War event. He does not see any way of accounting for this excess mortality other than from the Covid vaccines. He wants to see a public debate about this, but, as predicted, the establishment is silent.

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Many Americans Not Afraid of Nuclear War By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is some news from the pro-Russian site, just for the sake of balance. I did not see this in my usual sources, so it was worth setting off numerous alarms, and getting black helicopters circling over the valley, just to read this. It seems that the majority of American see the Ukrainian conflict as a threat to US interests. However, more than a third would support US intervention, even if it led to a full-scale nuclear war. Did these brain death think about the possibility that they might become targets, or die from fallout? No, by definition they are brain dead, probably from vax overload. I would have been more concerned if the majority felt this way.

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The Transgender Swimmer Controversy By Mrs Vera West

First, it was weight lifters, now it is swimmers that are causing controversies in women’s sport, or what was formerly women’s sport. Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, has been smashing women’s swimming contests across America. Only Lia was a man a few years ago, and still has a penis, but presumably is taking androgen supressing drugs. Still, I have seen videos of women swimmers saying that this is unfair competition, since Thomas still has natural advantages from male bone structure and muscle development. I agree, but in the short term there seems to be nothing to stop this. We will see the end of women’s sports if the present social construction of gender thing is taken to its bitter conclusion. Biological men could in principle wake up one day, and just define themselves as women and go out and conquer. My grandson trained at a gym which had monthly contests. A transgender person objected to having separate male and female contests. Thus, to prove a point, my grandson contested the once female contest, and smashed everything up on the board. After that the monthly contests were abandoned.

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Trump on the Latest in the Hunter Biden Email Revelations By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Former president Donald Trump has, as expected, waded into the controversy over the New York times admitting that the emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop are authentic, seeing it as a grand cover-up. During the 2020 election the mainstream media, Democrats, and the so-called intelligence community called it all Russian misinformation.  Of course, this was part of the Great Electoral Fraud, to disguise any corruption that would have damaged Joe Biden. It shows the depth of evil of the system and I suspect that this is the same right across the West.

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Pat Buchanan: Only Globalist Interests Served by the Ukraine War By James Reed

I have been pursuing the position that the Ukraine War is a globalist front, pushing their interests, concealed under facades of pseudo-nationalism. So, I am naturally interested in big names who have thought along this line, like leading US conservative thinker, Pat Buchanan. Ukrainian president comedian Zelenskyy is not joking about wanting a no-fly zone over his small unimportant country, even if it leads to a nuclear World War III.

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Russia and the Great Reset By James Reed

Many of us who are not vaxxed out of our minds and still acquire the capacity to think, do not see the Ukraine War in black and white terms, but more, 50 shades of grey. There is a bigger agenda at foot, this event coming immediately as the next act in the Great Reset drama, which had the Covid plandemic as the first act. Some see a cyber attack coming soon, which will take down the internet and banking system. Others see the Ukraine situation getting out of hand, and today’s blog has one discussion of that. But, what is clear, is that Russia, despite some conservative anti-woke speeches given by Putin, is as firmly in the net of the globalist Great Reset, as is the Ukrainian former comedian PM, who still remains a clown.  Klaus Schwab has listed Vladimir Putin among Young Global Leaders, as with Zelenskyy, on multiple occasions, so Putin is one of the boys too, and Zelenskyy as well. The present dispute is simply a battle to decide whether global technocratic tyranny includes liberal agendas, such as transgenders, or keeps a few bits of traditional society as Russia and China want, with the stakes being the survival of humanity, just to give the super-elites a cheap thrill or two.


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Dr Robert Malone: Hopes for a Great Awaking Against the Great Reset By Chris Knight (Florida)

While the globalist elite of the World Economic Forum Great Reset are aiming for a worldwide technocracy, Dr Robert Malone proposes that a counter-revolution of resistance be undertaken. People across the political spectrum will need to come together to oppose the agenda, in any lawful way possible. Educating other people, even those who are fully vaxxed up will be central to this process, and he has well demonstrated what one voice can do. Others need to follow the lead. It is not going to be easy since the population, the majority now fully vaxxed up, may become vaccine addicts, requiring ever-more jabs just to keep going.

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The Latest US Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Effects By Brian Simpson

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data released  shows  a total of 1,183,495 reports of adverse events following Covid-19 vaccines,  submitted between December. 14, 2020, and March 11, 2022. The data included a total of 25,641 reports of deaths, an increase of 483 over the last week, and 208,209 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time. This was  up 4,321 compared with last week.

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Chris Hedges on the Road to Oblivion By James Reed

Chris Hedges, dissent US journalist, sees the present brain-dead culture as waltzing towards Armageddon. I would say instead that the pace is not so graceful as a waltz, but more like the frantic zombie apocalyptic moves seen I movies such World War Z (2013), high energy self-destruction. As Hedges details, all the factors are present for the crisis to spiral out of control, leading to global war, which many elites are itching for. “History, as well as all the conflicts I covered as a war correspondent, have demonstrated that when military posturing begins, it often takes little to set the funeral pyre alight. One mistake. One overreach. One military gamble too many. One too many provocations. One act of desperation.” Even in a world of endless conspiracy, mistakes and black swam events occur.

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Will the Deep State Assassinate Biden? Probably Not! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is a conspiracy theory, still warm and wriggling on the internet, that the US Deep State will arrange for the assassination of Joe Biden so that World War III occurs and I guess the same Deep Staters get blown to atoms, or have to live like moles underground until their supplies run out, which all supplies will. It seems a lot of bother to get up and running for a terminal war which only needs a stray US aircraft to get shot down. And, worse of all, it is elder abuse, for old Joe now has no idea what is going on. He needs to be in a high care nursing home, eating ice cream every day. If he is a good boy and does not undo his nappy.

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From Abortion to Infanticide By Mrs Vera West

God help the US state of Maryland, which is a land not so merry. There babies could be killed up to 28 days after birth, classical infanticide. It is not clear to me what the possible reason for this could be, and it is not clear to the writers of the article commentary below. It must be the movement of the Left to put in place legislation permitting them to kill whoever they want. Abortion gets redefined to cover people of any  age.

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Private School Animals! By James Reed

In our socially constructed world, nothing is objectively real except Covid and syringes. Gender is of course a social construct, as is being human, but Covid viruses are real. Hence, we are seeing the results of a world at the mercy of screwball Left-wing sociology, with private school girls identifying as animals, even with pretend tails. Will lids of kitty litter have to be put in classrooms now?

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VAIDS: The Next Big Problem By Brian Simpson

VAIDS is not yet a scientifically accepted name by the mainstream, since the establishment is in denial about this ill-effect of the Covid vaccines. Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a decline in the body’s immune system, begins with the first Covid vax jab, and gets worse with each jab. Ultimately people have minimal immune protection, after these jabs to most infections, just as happens with AIDS. If that is not a knock down argument against the Covid vaxxes, nothing is, as if correct, and it looks like it is, the vaccines are self-defeating. Some see this as part of a conspiracy to depopulate the world, also in line with standard New World Order environmentalism of the Great Reset.

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The Coming of Systems Collapse By James Reed

Being a bit of an outsider, even among my fellow Dissent righters, I have seen systems collapse, in my nightmares, and now in what seems to be reality, during the daylight hours. Looking at the signs of the times, I see the West, and the world in a much graver situation than ancient Rome faced, although their collapse, from imperial overshoot, excess taxation, general corruption, mass immigration, and the final barbarian invasions of Germanic warriors, took much longer than we have. All the factors for civilisation collapse are present in our modern world, in overdose proportions.

Then there is the Christian eschatological aspect, that the Bible says that goal of human life is not to live in a materialistic consumer paradise, forever, as this Earthly world will pass away and there will be a Great Judgment of both the living and the dead. So, as my time is coming to an end being in ill health now, I ponder the meaning of life and death, before nodding off to sleep. Any day it could be the final sleep.

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Punishing Italians for Covid Mandate Disobedience By Richard Miller (London)

Public attention has now been focused upon the Ukraine War, and the latest panic porn of a nuclear World War III, all having the desired effects of terrifying the general public and making them more compliant, if that is possible. But the Covid tyranny, even if not spoken about as much in the mainstream media, goes on. Just ask the Italians who are unvaxxed.


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Vax Caused Ringing in the Ears By Mrs Vera West

I saw a friend who works as a psychologist, who had just received her third jab of the mRNA goo. The first two stabs, sorry, jabs, were fine, but this time she was experiencing adverse effects, no longer having mental focus, or adequate memory. She would repeat things she said about five minutes ago, not aware of it. No, perhaps not dawning senility, which an old duck like me has. She is about 37. And, now that the memory juices are flowing, I have personally heard of other cases of this mental loss. Of course, if one goes to one’s local quack, and how GPs deserve that title now with their pathetic vaccine compliance, you will be told that it is all in your head. And, indeed it is. Just like this following case of tinnitus.

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UK: Around 90 Percent of Covid Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths were in People Who were Vaccinated! By Richard Miller (London)

Recently released UK government statistics indicate that approximately 80 to 90 percent of Covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths were in people who were vaccinated, making the present situation a pandemic of the vaccinated. Further, the all-cause mortalities statistic gives another warning; the death rate in 2021 is 32 to 54 percent higher in 2021 than in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, and that was largely before people received multiple jabs through boosters. Thus, we have not seen anything yet, and the worst is before us.


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The Conspiracy to Monopolise Health Systems By Chris Knight (Florida)

One of the key things coming from the Covid plandemic was the drive for centralisation of power characteristic of the New World Order. While this move has been going on for decades, some say centuries, Covid was an acceleration, and now war is moving things too the next level. One aspect of this centralisation is the worldwide monopolisation of healthcare systems through an international pandemic treaty that makes the World Health Organization the sole decision maker on pandemic issues, telling nation states how to behave, like obedient school kids in their masks. And, it will not stop there, as WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has stated that his “central priority” as head of the WHO is to push the world toward universal health coverage, which translates as nations doing what the elites in WHO dictate. This loss of national sovereignty over health care is another aspect of the world Economic forum Great reset.


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