The Mark of the Beast, Today! By James Reed

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, a name which I would swap any day of the week for my boring old one, has made the insightful comment that the Mark of the Beast from the Bible can be seen in various “isms” that begin with the prefix “multi.” The best know example is multiculturalism, which alone is toxic at nuclear levels to social sustainability and threatens to destroy the West even without the impact of any other multis. But there is much more, unfortunately, creating a situation of destructive over-determination, like being shot by multiple assassins. I agree with those Christians who see us in the end times. Sure, people in other generations, such as the class of 999 AD, thought the same, but today, the world is facing global catastrophes, and the very concept of being human is under threat. Humanity is being reduced to mere animal mechanisms, denying the soul and all that is divinely created by technocrats who aim to create a dystopia.

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Russia and the Financing of Crazed Western Environmentalism By James Reed

Drieu Godefridi has made an interesting point, that Western environmentalism could be viewed as a political weapon, since it is anti-growth for the West, but pro-growth for Russia, China and all the rest. Godefridi shows that Russia has had an interest in funding and promoting environmentalism in the West as a form of psycho-political warfare.


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Dr Malone Reflects on the Safety of the Small Pox Vaccine as an Illustration that No Vax is Completely Safe By Chris Knight (Florida)

The small pox vaccine is the poster child of the vaccine establishment, with the claim that the vaccine eliminated small pox. However, I have read papers arguing that this is not so, and that small pox was in decline before the vaccine. But, leave that debate to one side. Dr Malone, who while being a strong Covid vax critic, is not a vaccine sceptic, raises some seldom discussed issues about the safety of the small pox vaccine, from the CDC website. While the CDC say that the small pox vaccine is safe, they exclude a large segment from the population from its use, such as people with diabetes, heart disease and pregnant and breast-feeding women, and many other categories. The Mayo Clinic says: “No cure or treatment for smallpox exists. A vaccine can prevent smallpox, but the risk of the vaccine's side effects is too high to justify routine vaccination for people at low risk of exposure to the smallpox virus.”


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Phase Two of the Great Reset: War in the Ukraine By James Reed

There are usually great articles in the that give a strong critique of the mainstream. The allusion in the name provably is to the Left Guardian. Anyway, consistent with the theme pursued by many bloggers here, with but an occasional pause to consider alternative positions for journalistic objectivity, which we have plenty of, kept in 44-gallon drums in the bullpen office, here is an extended case that the Ukraine War is the second phase of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.

The Covid mandates have already got Western populations used to tyrannical measures, such as home solitary confinement, and if the elites could succeed in doing this, they can do anything. The Ukraine War is now leading to a vast disruption of supply chains of goods, and even Covid is striking back, with China going into yet another lockdown, further decreasing supply of goods. There is a perfect storm of compounding crisis, if not emerging catastrophes, such as fuel and fertilizer shortages, leading to a global food crisis, which will also be intensified by the war. Economically, the effects will be a strong recession, if not a new Great Depression, although if the Ukraine War spreads, this will be complicated. The endgame will be, if anything survives the plan of the global demons’ great experiment, the creation of a techno-feudalism order, with a small number of super-rich, pursuing the transhuman agenda to become like gods, while the majority of humanity, will own nothing, and be unhappy, until dying off in the great depopulation agenda, discussed at this blog. Unpleasant stuff, indeed.

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What are the Odds that Vlad Drops the Big One? By James Reed

I am following material, even from the sensible Left, about the possibility of Putin going nuclear. As a card holding conspiracy theorist from the extreme fringe dwelling Right, I see the Ukraine business as, well, yet another New World Order conspiracy. How could I not, for that is ingrained in my genetics as much as mRNA spike proteins is now ingrained in the genome of the majority of the human race. But, unlike most of my colleagues, I admit that I could be wrong. Hence, here are some thoughts on how things could go pear-shaped in the Ukraine, and beyond. After all, conspiracies are plans by the powerful, but as the Dark Lords are not omnipotent, there could still be errors, chance and black swan events.

“Tactical nuclear weapons

The other mass destruction threat relevant here is nuclear weapons, both tactical and strategic. It’s estimated Russia has the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, with a total of 4,477 nuclear weapons (of which 1,912 are thought to be tactical nuclear weapons).

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VAIDS, AIDS and the Covid Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Igor Chudov is another interesting Covid vax critic with a strong science background that we are now looking at daily, and reporting on the most significant posts. He has examined the issue of the relationship between AIDS and the emerging crisis of immunity problems generated by the covid Vaxxes. VAIDS, vaccine acquires immune deficiency syndrome is not the same as AIDS, for AIDS is caused by the HIV virus. However, SARS-CoV-2 has genetic sequences called “HIV motifs,” such as Gp120 and gp41, that some argue are lifted off the HIV virus, indicating that the Covid virus was lab constructed, as Gp120 is a genetic sequence that is expressed into the “spike protein” of the Covid virus.

“Immunity is a highly complex topic and I am not trying to cover it fully — only to shed some light on the links mentioned above and no more.

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Pathological Totalitarianism By James Reed

It all happened so quickly. Who, and I mean normal people, not the conspiring elites, would have thought that a virus which was basically a bad flu would lead to cities like Melbourne being locked down, until the vast majority of the population received an experimental mRNA vaccine, the ill-effects of which were not disclosed, and are still covered up by the lame stream media? The frightening thing is just how many people have gone along with all of this. I know our side likes to see the majority of the population as “good guys,” but as a Biblical Christian, I would like to see where in the Bible it says that the majority are wise. Consider that the moderns now accept things that even the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed by God (Genesis 19:24), would blush at.  Now we live under the regime of pathologized totalitarianism.


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The Cult of Hating Russians By Richard Miller (London)

The present cult of hating Russians, allowed by the system in times of war to keep the population stirred up, has taken a new low, with a German hospital refusing to treat Russian patients. This trend began during the Covid plandemic, where medicine became more politically correct and woke than usual. Now, medicine is fully political, right down the line. I, for one, personally dread the thought of having to go to hospital.

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Here Cometh Bird Flu By Chris Knight (Florida)

For the interest of Australians, here is information about the outbreak of bird flu here in the US, which is knocking over our chooks. There has been some talk that the virus could mutate, as viruses like to do, and create a human pandemic, but as yet, this has not happened. Hopefully, the spread will be contained and mopped up, then business as usual, with tasty chicken burgers, dripping with cheese.


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Adverse Covid Vax Effects in China By Brian Simpson

I have often wondered about the issue of adverse vax effects in  China, which wisely has its own vaccine. According to the conspiracy theory line, that Covid-19 is a CCP bioweapon, a line taken by some of the bloggers here and certainly by alternative media such as the Epoche, that always refers to the “CCP virus,” the question is of interest. Of course, information from the CCP is almost impossible to get, and trust. But there is a story that the Chinese Covid vax is giving children in China leukemia. So, the story is probably more complicated.


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A Dissent Chinese View on the Ukraine War By James Reed

Hu Wei is the Vice Chairman of the Public Policy Research Center of the Counsellor's Office of the Chinese State Council and the President of the Shanghai Public Policy Research Association. The article first appeared in English at Affirmative It gives an alternative position to the line taken by bloggers here, and for balance is worth reviewing. In a nutshell, “the United States will regain leadership in the western world, and the West will be more united and unified.” I don’t see that happening, but what do I know?


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China Rattles its Chinese War Sword By James Reed

Get ready for Taiwan to be invaded now that the Russians have done their dummy run in the Ukraine. I predict that the West will do nothing, China will take over the chip industry, and be instantly number one, as planned. US elites, who have been documented in the best-selling book, Red Handed, to have been paid of for treason, will be getting their secret Swiss bank accounts injected with even more loot.

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Myocarditis-Induced Sudden Death after mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea By Brian Simpson

The media is ignoring the sky rocketing numbers of myocarditis-induced sudden deaths after the experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. However, some academic attention is being devoted to this, and some papers are getting published. Here is the abstract from one documenting this problem in the South Korean population.


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Study Launched on Covid Vaccine Safety By Mrs Vera West

At long last, an official study has been launched into the safety of  the Covid vaxxes by UCSF Professor Aditi Bhargava. Concerned people should help by filling out the survey, which is linked below. Every little bit helps.

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The US Bioweapons Controversy Continues: Blame the Russkies! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

At present the Biden administration is admitting that there are, or maybe were, biological labs in the Ukraine, but these were not to make weapons that could not be made back in the USA, but rather to secure nasty stuff left over from the USSR. "The US State Department says that the public mission of the biolabs in Ukraine is about securing Cold War era Soviet bioweapons", says former Pentagon analyst and retired US Air Force Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski. "The companies that operate and have constructed these labs competed far more recently for contracts awarded by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), so the Cold war or Soviet era weapons disposal rings hollow. In fact, the successful 2014 US colour revolution in Ukraine opened the door for fresh DTRA contracts, and these facilities appear to be relatively modern. What they are working on is not strictly defensive, and Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland publicly stated as much before the US Congress a few days ago".


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Proof of Media Corruption By Chris Knight (Florida)

After the 2020 stolen election, and total censorship of all evidence of fraud, even by former president Trump, then the Covid plandemic, what further proof is need of the total corruption of the mainstream media? Why, getting paid for their foul deeds! The Biden administration made direct payments to nearly all major corporate media outlets using a $1 billion taxpayer-funded outreach campaign designed to push only positive coverage about Covid-19 vaccines and to censor any negative coverage. And the media swallowed up the money, and did just that, totally abandoning any pretence of objectivity in reporting. I hope one day there will be justice for all of these crimes against humanity.

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Sky Rocketing Vaccine Injuries By Brian Simpson

The populations across the West are largely all vaxxed up, and the drive by the Dark Lords of Mordor is to keep the boosters being pumped into their lab rats. But vaccine injuries are now starting to sky rocket, although the mainstream media says: nothing to see here! Even if people were collapsing on the streets, instead of athletes on the sports field, it would be the same narrative, to cover for Big pHARMa, rulers of their universe. Actually, it is not so conspiratorial, since the existing paradigm is that vaccines are techno-medical magic, the secular equivalent of divine power, so nothing could count as an objection to them. This is, as Dr Robert Malone postulated, mass formation psychosis on action, where a population becomes virtually hypothesed, like members of some doomsday cult, ever-ready to drink the Kool AIDS.

As a personal example, a friend used to give me a lift into the Melbourne CBD, but stopped, as his wife took objection to me giving him an article about how on the most recent Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data, the number of myocarditis and pericarditis reports in the first two months of 2022 is already almost half as many as the total number of cases in 2021, a per below. This woman thought that even thinking about this was dangerous and might offend the government. She is South East Asian, and thus used to being under the thumb, but why live in the West if that is how one is going to live? (Hint: more consumption.)  Postscript; I wrote this article a few days ago, and have just heard since that this double mRNA vaxxed family got Omicron! Oh, my RAT test, involving a ritual with a plastic rat up my nose, was negative.

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Now Get Ready for War in the Middle East By Charles Taylor (Florida)

War in Europe will be dwarfed by the coming of war in the Middle East. Going down the same path that Obama took, the Biden administration will allow Iran access to $90 billion in foreign currency reserves, plus $50-55 billion annually in oil export earnings. And, to show that the US is an entirely defeated and corrupt nation, it will also give the ayatollahs $7 billion in ransom for American captives, and it will remove sanctions from some of the world’s worst terrorists, including the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps. This will guarantee new waves of terrorism across the West. It is a policy of national suicide.


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Hunter Biden and the Ukraine Biolabs By Richard Miller (London)

The dirty plot thickens. The latest revelation about the US biolabs in the Ukraine is that Hunter Biden, who had been doing a multitude of deals in the Ukraine, his own firm Rosemont Seneca provided capital for the firms behind the creation of Biolabs in Ukraine!  The Gateway has done some great investigative journalism about this:


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Covid Now Less Deadly than the Flu in UK at Least By Richard Miller (London)

This is significant; the UK government is now taking the line that Covid is now less deadly than the flu, due to the low mortality of Covid Omicron, killing merely one in every 3,300 people who get infected, having about the same mortality of the seasonal flu, which is between 0.01 and 0.05 percent. The thing is, Covid has always been about as deadly as a bad flu, and there was little reason for the over-the-top lockdowns. Sweden did fine without engaging in this freak-out. As we know, the reasons have never been epidemiological, but in terms of political control.

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