In a real statement of positivity, the Pope has lamented about the Demographic decline of Europe, with Italy in particular heading down the road to extinction, with Italy hitting a record low of just 1.17 births per woman. The Pope says some sensible things about the importance of the family, but being woke does not go to far. The real problems lie in the cultural wars that began in the 1960s with feminism, and continue their cultural terrorism today, abortion being one such demographic leveller, the UK figure now being over 10 million dead babies. Of course, then there is the attack upon the standard of living, so that a family working wage, that would enable mum to stay home, no longer exists, if men have work at all. This is not to even mention replacement level migration. Overall, the demographic war of the Great Replacement is going according to plan.
There is a new film coming out, endorsed enthusiastically by former president Trump by conservative film maker, Dinesh D’Souza, entitled, 2,000 Mules. The film documents the mass use of mail ballots and ballot harvesting in an illegal fashion to fraudulently benefit the Democrats. This is precisely the sort of thing that Biden’s new 1984 Ministry of Truth is devised to shut down. And, they would not want the truth getting out, would they ?
Will Jones reports on the UK Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART) reports this week, of the unusual number of heart attacks that have occurred in England since the end of May, 2021. The data is based upon a weekly report from the ten ambulance trusts in England and shows the number of emergency calls for cardiac or respiratory arrests. As HART points out: “The expected number of daily arrest calls rose suddenly in March by about 50 per day – around 30% higher than before.” Once more, the key suspect here is the vaxxes, the only real common cause trod all of the attacks. But, we should not hold our breathe, and have our own cardio attack, waiting for an official explanation of this, because just like the phenomenon of peek athletes collapsing on the field, nothing to see here.
I have mentioned this issue a number of times myself, but virologist Dr Geert Vanden Bossche is the expert. The mainstream Covid narrative proceeds with seeming ignorance of the basic facts of evolution, that mass vaccination campaigns put evolutionary pressure upon the virus to survive, so that new variants are produced by selective pressures. “Very clearly the endpoint of the clinical studies was protection against disease. So what I call these mass vaccinations are ‘symptomatic mass vaccinations.’ And as you pointed out correctly, if you cannot stop the infection of the virus and the transmission of the virus, all you will do is give variants that are able to overcome this immune pressure — you will give them a competitive advantage.”
“And as the transmission continues, these variants will just be enriched in the population, up until the point where they become dominant.”
This is from a now long-deleted post by Dr Mercola, but still a great and relevant one. He says that what happened in Canada with the cancellation of the truckers should be a wake-up call to everyone, once one sees what went on behind the scenes. Justin Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act in response to the peaceful trucker protest against vaccine mandates, was to enable the banks to seize the personal assets of anyone connected to the protests. The aim was to cover crowdfunding platforms and their payment service providers, requiring all digital transactions, including cryptocurrencies, to be reported to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Canada (FINTRAC). So, those who worship cryptocurrencies as an escape from the globalist totalitarian net, need to think again. At some point, when crypto enters the “real world” they will get you. In the short term, cash is still king, but gold and silver also figure in the equation. For the longer term, go physical things, such as grub.
This claim was argued through in a detailed article in The Daily, with some nice summaries elsewhere, such as Natural, but nothing in Australia, as far as I would see. In a nutshell, since the Covid vaccine rollout, according to the government of New South Wales (NSW) data, that throughout March 2022, vaccinated people made up 84 percent of coronavirus deaths in the state. So, if the vaxxes are “working,” how exactly is “working” defined?
Before it was simply speculation that taking away milk and meat from us ordinary folk, would “save the planet,” or whatever nonsense, even though at every climate change talkfest, the stars are flying in in their private jets, and at meal time, gorge themselves on the choicest meats, such as smoked salmon, while having delivered sermons saying that the peasants need to eat bugs. Of course, the endgame is for there to be none of us, in the depopulation agenda of the Great Transhuman Replacement. In the end, we become the bugs, as has been depicted in sci fi movies since the 1960s.
Electoral comment authorised by K. W. Grundy, 13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.
Well, it is going to happen, all this and more. A stealth carbon tax from Labor? Well, if they have to form government with the Greens, who knows what absurdities will become the law of the land. And things we worried about in the past will be back, such as the Aboriginal constitution referendum, and a new hyper-race vilification legislation that was tried under Gillard, may get warmed up. Labor will be truly horrible, worse than under Liberal, and that is possible. Misery is actually infinite, with no bottom.
Dr Byram Bridle gives his take on the Fisman et al. paper, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. That paper allegedly established that unvaccinated people are a risk to the vaccinated. Really? Whatever was the vaccination for, as it was supposed to produce immunity to disease, at least, that is how things were thought of before the age of the Covid vaxxes/ gene therapy, which turned everything on its head? Dr Bridle details the methodological flaws, and there are many, in the study.
This is something right out of 1984, with its Ministry of Truth: the Biden administration has formed a Disinformation Governance Board, part of Homeland Security, to control conservative views on anything which the Left/Democrats do not like. It is as simple as that, and Tucker Carlson does a tremendous job hitting this hard. “It can only be assumed that the sole purpose of this new Disinformation Governance Board will be to marshal the power of the federal government to censor conservative and dissenting speech,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said in a statement. “This is dangerous and un-American. The board should be immediately dissolved.” Of course, it is all getting ready to protect the grand election steal that the Democrats will undertake in November, bigger than the election steal of 2020.
The Professor John Mearsheimer take on why the West is responsible for the Ukraine crisis has been around, but at last I have found a version not protected by a paywall, but now have. The problem has all begun by the Ukraine wanting to be a part of NATO. Putin sees that as an existential threat, since nothing prevents nuclear missiles being lined right up to the Russian border. It is simply repeat of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
St George’s Day, 23 April is always met here in once merry England by the claim that oh, he was Turkish and a migrant worker. It is the same thing now being done to the Vikings, which no doubt we will also address. And, it is not just the Left doing this, but some so-called “Right” sites which have more in common with the Left than the Right. But, as detailed in a great article by, the multicultural claims are all false. Yes, George was not English, but a Greek, but he has a backstory that the multicultural Left shy from: “The fact St George was not English was no secret to the medieval English who adopted him as national patron — or to the Russians, Georgians, Genoese, and others who have also adopted him — with the military saint instead being chosen because he reputedly appeared to Crusaders attempting to win back the Holy Land from its Muslim conquerors in the 11th century.
This is generally not mentioned by leftists keen to recast him as a multicultural icon in the present day.”
A peer reviewed study of over 23 million people in the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, has been published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). They identified 1,077 “incident myocarditis events” and 1,149 “incident pericarditis events” among 23,122,522 Nordic residents (81% of whom were vaccinated by the end of the study; 50.2% of whom were female). “Within the 28-day period, for males and females 12 years or older combined who received a homologous schedule, the second dose was associated with higher risk of myocarditis.”
“This cohort study of 23.1 million residents across 4 Nordic countries showed higher rates of myocarditis and pericarditis within 28 days after being vaccinated with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines compared with being unvaccinated,” the study says. “The risks of myocarditis and pericarditis were highest within the first 7 days of being vaccinated, were increased for all combinations of mRNA vaccines, and were more pronounced after the second dose. A second dose of mRNA-1273 had the highest risk of myocarditis and pericarditis, with young males aged 16 to 24 years having the highest risk.”
Not only is war in space an emerging problem, but one aspect of this, electromagnetic pulse attacks exploits a clear vulnerability in existing defence policy. Australia is, of course, totally unprepared, with no discussion of this issue. Emp strikes by high altitude nuclear explosions have the capacity to take down the entire modern electronic infrastructure, including the internet and that new holy of holies, crypto-currencies. China already has super-EMP weapons, ready to use, and it is highly likely to use them as lead attacks in any war.
How likely is nuclear war developing in the Ukraine? One line has it that it is a great New World Order play, and that both NATO and Russia are simply play actors. That could be true, but may not be; certainly time will tell. However, on the face of it, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said, “If NATO essentially engages in war with Russia through a proxy and is arming that proxy, war means war.” Putin has already made a big show of nuclear sabre rattling, so it is possible that things devolve into nuclear chaos.
Sure, this may well be Russian propaganda, but is this dirty war of misinformation, it is necessary to consider all viewpoints. The present Russian line is the Ukraine is a bioweapons outsourcing nation for NATO, not just the US, but Germany too, may have had a hand in it. If that is true, then Russia has a justification for taking the place down, as they argue that these weapons are sitting right next door. But, it may not be true; who knows?
There is now a mysterious hepatitis that is spreading around the world, and has now reached Asia and Japan. Across the world, 190 cases of acute hepatitis in children have been reported, with 140 of them in Europe, mostly in the UK (110 cases). Other cases have been found in Israel and in the United States. Seventeen children became so sick they needed liver transplants. There have yet to be any scientific investigations definitively linking this to the vax, but it will not be surprising.
Joining up the dots of the present world crises, there is is one common cause, the World Economic Forum, which seems to have been coming a clearing house for all the chaos that is unfolding. Dr Robert Malone goes into the full details for those who have come in late, but the short of the long is that this is the organisation is set up for Davos globalist man to rule the world.
This issue is not much mentioned, that among the fully vaccinated, many people are going blind. Scary indeed, because one’s eye sight is precious. So how is is happening? Take the UK for example. The UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Yellow Card system currently shows 163 cases of total blindness among people who got jabbed with the Pfizer injection, along with an additional six cases of central vision loss and four cases of sudden visual loss. The causes have yet to be detailed, but once more, it is likely to be due to the spiked protein’s effects upon the cardiovascular system, and the eyes are very vulnerable to such harm.
Such is the title of a recently published paper, in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ). The paper alleges that the unvaccinated pose a danger to the vaccinated, but not vice versa. This conclusion flies in the face of observations across the globe that sees highly jabbed populations facing Covid surges. There have been a number of critiques of the paper going into technical details about the limits of the study. Bhaskaran Raman, in the faculty in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Bombay, gives a detailed account of the flaws of the study.