Kirsch Survey Shows Over 500,000 in US Killed by the Covid Vaccines So Far! By Brian Simpson

This is interesting an deserves to be reported, showing high creativity with statistical methodology. Steve Kirsch had the idea of a survey to compare the all-cause mortality (ACM) death rates just PRIOR to a vaccine dose to the ACM death rates immediately AFTER the dose, based upon his readers to his popular blog. This gave him a population sample of 400. He then, in the survey, essentially ascertained that there was a report by each person based on what they knew from personal experience, of more deaths of people they knew after vaccination than the number of deaths right before they were going to be vaccinated. If the vaccines were safe, that is impossible. As well, if the vaccines are perfectly safe:

  1. “The death rates immediately prior to any dose should be exactly the same as the death rate immediately after the dose.
  2. The death rate should not be dose dependent. It should be 1:1 on every single dose (for the death rate before: after).”

These conditions were also violated, by a factor of 5 to 8 times. With some statistical work, Kirsch came up with a figure for the US, of 500,000 killed by the vax!

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Meeting the Pro-Abortion “Famous Violinist” Arguments Head-to-Head By Mrs Vera West

Philosophy professor Andrew Sneddon has given a modified version of the famous “violin” argument for abortion. “I’m going to agree for the sake of argument that the embryo is a human person with the same right to life as all of us. But abortion is justified in the following manner -- imagine this analogy. You are a parent. You have a born child, and you love your child. Your child suddenly gets sick with kidney disease and is going to die unless your child gets a kidney transplant. Imagine that you’re the only person in the world with the right body type so as to be able to donate one of your kidneys and in doing so, save your child’s life. Now, would it be nice of you as a parent to give one of your kidneys to your child? Yes, it would. Would it save your child’s life? Yes. Would it kill you? No, you have two kidneys. But should the law force a parent to give their kidney to their child? No. Just as a parent should not have a legal obligation to give their born child their kidney, the mother has no legal obligation to give her pre-born child her uterus.”

There is one response by a pro-lifer below, and a mighty fine one too, but my take is as follows. Of course, most parents would be willing to donate a kidney to save their child. However, the case against compulsion is, that the donation of a kidney is a permanent thing. The donor will still live, but kidney disease could develop, and then if there is no donation, death; unlike the case of a pregnancy, back up has gone. The uterus is only occupied for nine months, from an act, excluding rape, that involved the active participation of the woman, with the woman if you like, acting in such a way to allow occupation. So, this is quite unlike the kidney example. And, as argued below, the womb has a biological purpose to be occupied by a new human being for the purpose of continuation of the human species. Thus, like most of the arguments by professional philosophers, this one fails as well.

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Military Decimated by Covid Vax By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is but another example of the devastating effects the Covid vaxxes are having upon the West. The US military was forced to the fully vaxxed up, and the effects are now being seen, as covered below. Lt. Col. Peter Chambers was a Green Beret Commander having served in the Special Forces, and was a military doctor. He himself suffered neurological issues following mandatory Covid-19 vaccines, and he saw similar vaccine injuries in other soldiers, including: strokes, blood clots, cerebral bleeding, and various neurological injuries. In his deployment as a task-force surgeon near the Texas-Mexico border, he provided patients with information about the vax, and gave alternative treatments. For this he was first sacked, then replaced by the vaccine thirsty military establishment, and his case was part of a lawsuit filed by Attorney Thomas Renz against the U.S. Military’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccination program. Apart from that, he observed so much sickness in soldiers that he came to doubt whether the US military are healthy enough to defend the country. Could this be part of the communist Chinese strategy to undermine the defence forces from within?


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A Midwest Doctor Speaks of Systematic Corruption in the Covid Response By Brian Simpson


The Mid-West doctor writes about the cause of the systematic corruption seen right throughout the Covid response, such as the lack of evidence for major policies such as lockdowns and manic mask wearing, and the suppression of effective treatments. This is a continuation of trends that were already occurring in medicine, such as the suppression of cheap treatments in favour of more expensive ones from Big Pharma. The free thinking doctor hypotheses trhat the fact can be best explained by seeing Covid and the mandates as part of a eugenic program, for human depopulation. “Developing an effective method of population control has been a fixation of the Western rulership for decades and many different methods have been forcefully administered to unwilling test subjects.  Developing an effectively sterilizing vaccination has been a holy grail for these programs due to the ease of mass administering the agent and the unquestioning faith the public has in vaccination, and there have been many horrendous test runs of those vaccines.  This is relevant because there is some circumstantial evidence the COVID vaccines were part of that population control program.”

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Communist China Harvesting Organs on an Industrial Scale By James Reed

Our great trading partner, whom the Australian Left go down to on bended knee, is harvesting organs from its people on an industrial scale. Ethan Gutmann, a senior research fellow in China studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, believes the Communist Party may be “harvesting” as many as 50,000 concentration camp victims a year, killing them to sell their organs. Gutmann testified with other experts at a hearing organized by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), the chair of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, on Thursday titled “Forced Organ Harvesting in China: Examining the Evidence.” It is incredible that communist China can get away with open genocide, but given its military power, which Western consumers and out-sourcing capitalists foolishly built, who can tell them to stop?


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Fixing Flood Damage with . . . NET ZERO By Viv Forbes

La Nina Floods have mangled the roads of eastern Australia with pot-holes, gully wash, mud and silt.

Have the Green Teams in the leafy suburbs worked out how real workers can repair roads, fences, culverts and bridges without diesel-powered dozers, graders, rollers and trucks, and lots of high-emission plants producing cement, steel, gravel and hot bitumen?

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The Weekly US Covid Vaxx Deaths and Adverse Effects Report By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the principle government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data shows a total of 1,261,149 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and May 6, 2022. The data had a total of 27,968 reports of deaths — an increase of 210 over last week, and 228,477 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period, an increase of 1,774 compared with the previous week. There were 5,794 additional total adverse events reported to VAERS over the past week.

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Rapid Decline in Omicron-Specific Serum Neutralizing Antibody Titers Only a Few Weeks After the Second and Third Doses of Pfizer Goo By Brian Simpson

This should come as no surprise, as an article in leading journal JAMA found a rapid decline in Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibody titers only a few weeks after the second and third doses of the Pfizer jab. So, what did they conclude? If it fails, just keep on doing the same thing, with the findings: “support rolling out additional booster shots to vulnerable people as the variant drives an uptick in new cases across the country.” It is not specified how many boosters will be needed to produce protection, with three failing, why should four of more succeed?

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Covid Vax Harm Update By Brian Simpson

Even working 12 hours a day, I am struggling to keep up on the Covid controversy, let alone the civilizational collapse material I used to write about, which seems somewhat pointless now in the face of the bulk of humanity, acting like proverbial lemmings and do a dive from the vax cliff. Actually, it is a myth that lemmings commit mass suicide, being something that humans shine at, and with Covid, has evolved into a high art form. With the vax culture we see something of a suicide cult, as this following tour of misery indicates. But, I am not surprised it has come to this, as the majority of people have passively allowed the globalists to push their agendas from the 1960s on, each one being more radical than the last.

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Trolling Black Lives Matter By Charles Taylor

Here is a bit of entertainment, as comedian Cassady Campbell trolls the Frisco City Council dressed as a Black Lives Matter activist. He proposes a George Floyd bill demanding reparations and other utterly absurd “woke” policies for schools, completely over the top. Amazingly, only one official seemed to cotton on that they were having their legs pulled, and asked, do we have to hear this. But, hear it they did.

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Mike Adams Uses Computer Wizardry to Decode Buffalo Shooter Manifesto By Charles Taylor (Florida)

When I heard of the white guy killing people in a mass shooting, the Buffalo food store shooting, I thought, is this another  false flag? Abortion and gun control, and white male control; how could the Democrats lose the mid-terms! It seemed not to be, but as with every nut job, there was a manifesto left. It is quite revealing, and in fact gives the game away as Mike Adams shows:

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Mad Max in Sydney By Bruce Bennett

Sydney is experiencing a vast wave of excitement, vibrancy, even vibrations, a bit like our version of France and Sweden, but there is still a way to go to catch up, with Sweden having hand grenade tossing. But, we can do anything. However, this excitement will come to a sudden end following the communist Chinese invasion and conquest of Australia, a little way down the track. It will be interesting to see how the CCP deals with this. With what? Read on and feel the vibrations … from the gangland executions in our streets!

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Election 2022: The Multicult Rides Again! By James Reed

All electoral comments written and authorised by by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

The media are pushing the non-Anglo-Saxon name of Albo as some sort of multicult selling point. 'Members of the Italian community are saying to me that they are going to vote Labor for the first time in their life because they want an Australia that reflects modern Australia,' Mr Albanese said.

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Paying Off Biden, Big Time By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Proof has rolled in, by newly released bank records, that that payments were made to President Joe Biden’s son from a Chinese Communist Party-linked company. One showed a wire payment of $100,000 to Owasco, one of Hunter Biden’s firms, from CEFC China Energy. Another showed a wire transfer of $5 million to Hudson West, a company Hunter Biden invested in and managed, from Northern International Capital. There are thus undeniable links with the Biden family and the CCP. Things thus move closer to nailing Joe Biden for the part he has played.

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Covid Vax Crimes Against Humanity By James Reed

Former Pfizer insider Michael Yeadon, head of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer from 1995 to 2011, has said that given the low fatality of covid-19, there was no justification for the Covid lockdowns. “The worst flu season over the last decade is worse than [the threat] posed by this new virus,” Yeadon said.

“And what do we do in response to seasonal influenza? Well, nothing really, beyond offering—and not mandating—vaccines which aren’t much use.” And Covid is no different. Thus, crimes against humanity have been committed: “Having selected spike protein to be expressed, a protein which causes blood clotting to be initiated, a risk of thromboembolic adverse events was burned into the design. Nothing at all limits the amount of spike protein to be made in response to a given dose. Some individuals make a little and only briefly. The other end of a normal range results in synthesis of copious amounts of spike protein for a prolonged period. The locations in which this pathological event occurred, as well as where on the spectrum, in my view played a pivotal role in whether the victim experienced adverse events including death,” Yeadon said.

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Profiting from Every Crisis By Mrs Vera West

Candace Owens tweeted, “Doesn’t Bill Gates just have the best luck? Just like with the COVID vaccine— he makes an investment, and then suddenly there is a pandemic or shortage and everyone must line up for his product. Of course he’s invested in lab produced breast milk!” That’s right, just as the latest crisis rolls off the production line, the lack of baby food, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and other billionaires invested in a new startup company to produce artificial breast milk from cultured human mammary epithelial. Now, why would they be doing this, just as the baby food crisis unfolds? They must be clairvoyants! Amazing how these elites seem to ride to the top of every crisis, almost as if …it was their doing! But, of course not, that is just wild speculation.

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The WHO Death Trap for National Health Sovereignty By Brian Simpson

Peter Hoekstra was US Ambassador to the Netherlands during the Trump administration. He is alarmed at the present drive for health decisions to be given by the nations of the West to the tyrannical World Health Organization, not only because of the erosion of national sovereignty, as many critics have already argued, but because it is one step further for communist China to defeat the West via biological warfare. It is thought that the next pathogen to be released by the CCP is just around the corner, according to multiple credible reports from the U.S. Department of State, to the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Peter Jennings.  China has been preparing for bio-warfare using pathogens for more than six years, and is ready to go with the follow up to Covid. And the WHO has shown that it is a CCP controlled entity. The West is thus going down the pathway of destruction. China expert Gordon Chang has recently warned that the next pandemic will be ethnically specific, targeting people other than ethnic Han Chinese. That includes the white liberals and Left CCP useful idiots.

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The Bottomless Black Hole in the Great Barrier Reef By Viv Forbes

In 2012 Malcolm Turnbull snitched $440 million from taxpayers to “save the Great Barrier Reef”.

In 2022 Scott Morrison promised to pour another billion into the Barrier Reef Black Hole.

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New UK Government Data Shows the Covid Vaccines Kill More People Than They Save! By Richard Miller (London)

Covid critic Steve Kirsch has had a look at the UK government all-cause mortality data. He argues that a risk/benefit determination from the UK data shows that for all ages, the vaccines kill more people than they save! “What this means is that if you are 25 years old, the vaccine kills 15 people for every person it saves from dying from COVID,” he concludes. Utterly incredible when the Covid narrative is how rare deaths and adverse effects are from the vaxxes!  Given this, I definitely am pleased to be unvaxxed, and will remain so. I had Covid, and it was not a bad as influenzas I have had in the past. During the illness, my deadlift (done in my luxurious home gym) went down 20 kg, which was sad, but firing on all cylinders now.

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Fleeing a Stinking, Sinking Ship By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is a sign of the times. Record numbers of wealthy American are applying for citizenship or residency in foreign countries to escape the US, when it comes tumbling down. There were stories a couple of years ago about Silicon Valley billionaires getting bolt hole survival retreats in New Zealand and Chile, but now the “bugging out” plan B strategy of the elites has moved down to a slightly lower level. These present deals are “golden passport: arrangements, where some required level of investment in the new home country is required. Overall, this elite bugging out phenomenon shows how bad things might get, and why we ordinary people would be foolish to ignore the signs of the times. There will be no “golden passports” for us.

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