This is interesting an deserves to be reported, showing high creativity with statistical methodology. Steve Kirsch had the idea of a survey to compare the all-cause mortality (ACM) death rates just PRIOR to a vaccine dose to the ACM death rates immediately AFTER the dose, based upon his readers to his popular blog. This gave him a population sample of 400. He then, in the survey, essentially ascertained that there was a report by each person based on what they knew from personal experience, of more deaths of people they knew after vaccination than the number of deaths right before they were going to be vaccinated. If the vaccines were safe, that is impossible. As well, if the vaccines are perfectly safe:
- “The death rates immediately prior to any dose should be exactly the same as the death rate immediately after the dose.
- The death rate should not be dose dependent. It should be 1:1 on every single dose (for the death rate before: after).”
These conditions were also violated, by a factor of 5 to 8 times. With some statistical work, Kirsch came up with a figure for the US, of 500,000 killed by the vax!