Died Suddenly … Conspiracy No More By Mrs Vera West

For those who don’t read the science … well, see the movie! The documentary Died Suddenly will be released on November 21 in the US, and should be readily accessible. This summarises in a nutshell all that the hard-working bloggers at Alor.org have been relentlessly reporting on over the pass months, namely, the endgame of 5 billion people being Covid vaxxed, a regime which is still continuing, although running out of steam, somewhat. Google “died suddenly,” to get information about these alarming number of deaths of young people, and how the vax is never implicated by the mainstream media, who say that SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) is an utter mystery, even though heart issues are key.


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Quiet Genocide By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola, at a now deleted bombshell piece, puts the case that the reason why former state and federal crimes, are now legal, is that organisations such as the Food and Drug Administration, Health and Human Services, the Defense Department, the Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and World Health Organization, have been involved with Big Pharma, have been engaged in a bioweapons program. Quoting one legal authority: “The basic goal of the architects, which has been achieved, was to set up legal conditions in which all governing power in the United States could be automatically transferred from the citizens and the three Constitutional branches into the two hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary, effective at the moment the HHS Secretary himself declared a public health emergency, legally transforming free citizens into enslaved subjects ...

Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary and Secretary of Defense on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers.”

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People Being Made into a Genetically Modified Organism, Owned by Big Pharma? By James Reed

Mike Adams raises an intriguing question from synthetic biology, which as we have seen from the Covid plandemic, has become a major game changer. The issue is that the great bulk of humanity, who have had multiple mRNA jabs. The question, at least for US law, is that if people are made into synthetic beings, will one then, in principle become part of the intellectual property of the corporation? Something like this has happened with changes that have occurred to cell lines, so the idea merely generalises on this. I do not know the answer, but this will be told to us in the future, in no uncertain terms.


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The Hammering of Paul Pelosi By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Numerous sites have listed the highly odd circumstance surrounding the attempted murder of Paul Pelosi, husband of Nancy Pelosi, third in line to the American throne, so to speak. We know that the attacker, a communist nudist in his underwear, was able to break into the house of such a person. There was seemingly less security than most ordinary home owners have. Not even a security alarm went off, and not one of the multiple cameras recorded anything of interest, if they were on, and who knows what the security guards were up to, if they were there. It reminds me of the circumstances around the supposed “suicide” of Jeff Epstein. The big question is how is this possible? And, the mainstream media said that the hammer was used to break a window, but the glass was on the outside, not the inside, as physics would have required. So, while the attempted murder certainly occurred, the circumstances are well open to scrutiny, which I guess we will not see. 


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Geert Vanden Bossche: Covid Vax Immune Failure Armageddon By Brian Simpson

Virologist Geert Vanden Bossche is perhaps the most pessimistic of the leading Covid critics. He believes that the mass vaccination program with a vaccine which does not stop transmission will be the ideal grounds for viral evolution, he thinks into more lethal forms. As I understand this, others disagree with the last point. Still, it means at a minimum that Covid will be with us for the foreseeable future, which means the Covid state will try once more the tricks it got up to previously. If we allow it next time round.


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Europe’s Supply Chain Collapse By Richard Miller (London)

This is a really bad turn of events for Europe. BASF, the largest chemical company in the world has announced they are partially shuttering operations in Germany and moving capacity to China, to avoid al the nonsense caused by the environmentalists, not that they had to say it, for it is obvious. According the The Financial Times “The European chemical market has been growing only weakly for about a decade [and] the significant increase in natural gas and power prices over the course of this year is putting pressure on chemical value chains,” chief executive Martin Brudermüller said on Wednesday. Brudermüller said the European gas crisis, coupled with stricter industry regulations in the EU, was forcing the company to cut costs in the region “as quickly as possible and also permanently”. This is the sort of gutting of Western industrialism that the Great Reset has wanted, complete with a movement to china. It feeds into the pereftect storm of resource limitations due to the Ukraine War, and globalists strategies of industrial deconstruction.


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Cats and Dogs also to be Sacrificed to the Globalist Demons of Climate Change By James Reed

You will have nothing, not even a pet to comfort you in your misery if the climate change totalitarians get their way. Next on the list of cancellations are dogs and cats, which have a greenhouse footprint. The start to banning pets is to restrict their natural diets, and insects are being suggested as being on the menu. Clearly, this is getting worse by the way, and the need for a movement to counter this is desperate. Start local and the snow ball will get bigger as it rolls down the mountain.


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Just Stop, “Just Stop Oil,” Shock Troops for the Globalists By James Reed

The group, Just Stop Oil, has been making news by throwing carbon products on oil paintings, and gluing themselves with carbon-based glues to whatever is around. Paul Joseph Watson has a must-see video ripping into them, showing how the system, such as police, bend over backwards for them, while on the other hand, beating up Covid lockdown protesters. It is one of the best critiques I have seen. Incredible stuff where these rich kids block a street and the police ask them if they will let an ambulance go by! That says it all. Oh, and read on to see what globalist supports them; a family having something to do with oil, at least in the past.


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Now its Climate Change Reparations: World Economic Forum By James Reed

An article has just appeared at the World Economic Forum website giving us a warning of where the climate change tyranny is set to go. Recall that the cancellation of meat and the substitution of an insect diet was made by them early in the game. Now it is proposed that the West should pay reparations to the Third World for climate change. This will be a theme of the coming COP27 conference and be sure that the compliant politicians will obediently take this up. Of course, there is no thought that most of the Third World would not be here today without Western technology for food production and medicine, but that is discounted. So, get ready for the next Big Thing. It is a full-out plan to end Western civilisation.


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British Parliament Says No Evidence Anyone has Died from Covid Vaxxes! By Richard Miller (London)

While the US Senate has made great progress in the covid-19 truth stakes, holding in its recent report that Covid was a lab creation, the British parliament debate on a petition relating to the safety of the Covid vaxxes has led to the conclusion that no-one has died from the vaxxes, and in fact that they have saved lives! But we should not be surprised.  Dr. Aseem Malhotra testified in Parliament about the dangers of the Covid vaccine on October 20, and only five MPs attended his talk to parliament where he said, that as a cardiologist, the Covid vaxxes are dangerous and should be stopped. He, and all other critics were ignored. The MPs simply do what they are told by Big Pharma, and that’s that!


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US Senate Report says Covid Most Likely from Lab Leak By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is something which from an internet check, I believe has not been reported in Australia. An interim report from Minority Oversight Staff on the US Senate Committee on Health Education, Labor and Pensions analysed the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, and extensively examined the evidence for the two hypotheses on the origin of Covid-19. The mainstream pushed until recently the idea that the virus arose by jumping species. The other hypothesis is that the virus was a lab creation, coming from the Wuhan Institute of virology. The Senate Report rejected the bat soup hypothesis, primarily on lack of supporting biological evidence, since specie-jumping viruses usually have a  precedence, and do not have the radical molecular changes that are observed in the Covid-19 virus. Thus, the lab origin hypothesis is the most likely one, something that even many mainstream scientists have now concluded.

There is no recommendation about what to do next. There is no discussion of the hotter political question of whether of not China used this as a bioweapon, or whether it was a mistake. But, that is another debate.









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The Harms to School Students from the Covid Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

It is almost a statement of the obvious, but one which the Australian state and federal government did not want to think about.  A report into Australia’s Covid-19 response by former secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Peter Shergold, Jillian Broadbent, former diplomat Peter Varghese and 2021 Young Australian of the Year Isobel Marshall, has concluded that the strict lockdowns that shut down schools was unjustified since schools were not hot spots for Covid transmission. “For children and parents [particularly women], we failed to get the balance right between protecting health and imposing long-term costs on education, mental health, the economy and workforce outcomes,” the report stated. “The same applies to closing universities and vocational education and training centres.”

Nevertheless, the governments went ahead and did this. The public needs to aim now for accountability, which I hope will come once the ramifications of Covid vaxxes are felt by the general population.

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Creeping Nuclear War By James Reed

Two YouTube prepper sites, hosted by high IQ individuals, Canadian Prepper, and Full Spectrum Survival are running the line today that Russia is about to declare war on Britain. The reasoning is that Lis Truss’ email had been compromised by a hack, and the Russians got first hand information that Britain was involved in the Nord Steam pipeline attack, and now Russia blames Britain for the attack, as documented below:


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“How many more children are we going to put at risk for a shot they don’t need for a virus that no longer exists.” By Mrs Vera West

The title here is the conclusion reached by a distinguished panel of Covid vax critics, including Ryan Cole MD, an American, Mayo Clinic trained pathologist; John O’Looney, a U.K.-based funeral home director and early whistle-blower; Kirk A. Milhoan MD, Ph.D., a paediatric cardiologist with a specialty in cardiac inflammation. Dr Cole has been quoted at this blog many times, and hew is even more deeply concerned now about the long-term effects of the Covid vaxxes: “As a clinical pathologist, we are the quality control of medicine; we see when patterns change in tissues as well as blood,” he says. “So I’ve been trying to sound the alarm throughout the pandemic. Not only for covid, obviously, we knew it was harmful. But at the same time, once the shots rolled out, we started seeing all sorts of conditions that increased, and now recently, we’ve seen a big increase in the youth of sudden death since the rollout of not just the shots but the boosters as well. Folks, we have a problem.” And that is an understatement, as Richard Hirschman is a U.S. embalmer has observed an actual change in human blood, which he believes has been caused by the Covid vaxxes: “What started happening is the blood started to look different; something was wrong with the way the blood looked. We started noticing it in 2021, early on, and the clotting just seemed to get worse and worse in the first few months,” he explains. “We were finding clots in the arteries as well as in the veins. The veins are typically where we find clots. But we would hardly ever see a clot in the artery itself.”

This would explain what is being observed, and not explained, such as athletes collapsing on the field and dying, something which was not observed before the vax rollout. To say that this is not a mater of concern is to put one’s head in the sand, and butt in the air, an invitation for a kick.

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The Slippery Slope to Nuclear War By James Reed

Over the time of the Ukraine War, the rhetoric of nuclear warfare has intensified. Although Russia said, in the face of the controversy over some dirty bomb set to explode at some point in the Ukraine as a false flag, that they would not use nukes in this war, they also said that it was Russian policy to defend mother Russia if facing some sorts of existential threats, by all means available. Further, the Pentagon has raised the stakes in its new  “National Defense Strategy.” Here, nukes could be used in the Ukrainian war even if Putin does not use them first. Nukes could be used in response to a non-nuclear strategic threat either to the “homeland” or to U.S. military forces and their allies abroad, which could mean anything. The Deep State, as Mike Adams correctly argues, has moved to a first strike policy. While he does not mention it, Russia and China have a similar policy, with an escalate to de-escalate policy. This sets the stage for a nuclear exchange, something can could be simply fallen into.

It is amazing that conservatives are not alarmed at this prospect and it is business as usual, with everyone going about doing their usual thing. But, things could change … radically.

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The Covid Empire Strikes Back! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Covid issue is not yet dead, although most of us are suffering from Covid fatigue, and are switching of, but not those who are assembling the bio-control state. Dr Mercola states that another round of Covid tyranny is in the pipeline, with the mainstream media such as the BBC expressing alarm at an alleged rise in Covid cases which just might this time collapse the hospital system. I would like to think that there is now enough critical material out there to sink the proposals such as comprehensive lockdowns that were imposed upon the population. Yet, the same tyrants are still in office, and will do it all again if given half a chance. Hence the need to keep getting critical material out in the hope that it will be a good reference for future battles for freedom.


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The Mysterious Deaths on Dead Mountain By James Reed

This story may be on interest to readers as a bit of a break from the hard news. It is a mystery; nine Soviet trekkers died in the northern Ural Mountains between February 1 and 2, 1959, in uncertain circumstances. Their bodies were found some distant from their tents, with only bed clothes on, and the tents had been cut from the inside, in a hurry. There was radioactivity found on their clothes. The official USSR inquiry said death by avalanche, but as detailed below, there was little evidence of that. Over the years all sorts of explanations have been given, from a UFO attack, to being killed by Soviet soldiers. But, as the evidence was locked away, we shall never know. But it is fascinating to think about as the rain falls, and the cold wind blows.


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The Cancellation of Cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough By Brian Simpson

For those who think that the Covid tyranny is over, think again, for the technocrats have merely taken a breather, but are now fully back in the game. For a start, despite scientific articles confirming all he has said, leading cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough is being cancelled from editorial positions. What comes next will be the cancellation of qualifications, I suppose. Those such as Dr McCullough are true heroes because they fight with everything to lose. That is the definition of a sincere truth seeker.


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Is there a Covid Vax Angle to the South Korea Halloween Horror? By Richard Miller (London)

In South Korea 151 people, and counting, died in a crowd crush; a terrible tragedy. The original BBC report said that dozens of young people were treated for cardiac arrest, but then that headline was dropped, perhaps because it might get people thinking about the vax, as unlikely as that is, that is, getting people thinking. But, elevated heart inflammation is one thing found in young Covid vaccinated, and South Korea is one of the most highly covid vaccinated nations on the planet, with about 86.4 percent of the population fully vaccinated. It is not an unreasonable hypothesis to suppose that some people did experience cardiac arrests, primarily because of the vax, with the crush being the ultimate cause. But, most cardiac arrests could also occur from the stress of the crush alone, so we do not know, but if the vax played a part, however small, we can expect silence on this issue from the vax-compliant South Korean government. Whatever, it is a terrible tragedy, regardless of the causes. As well some Australian died I think, making this extra sad, if it was not bad enough. The videos are shocking, like from a horror movie.


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Halloween is Satanic! By Pastor Pete

Today is Halloween, and it is a “celebration” that we did not have when I was a kid in the 1950s. It suddenly seemed to spring up like toads on the lawn, as evil does, and now the neighbourhood is full of cobwebs, withes and warlocks, tricking or treating. Get away from my house, Satan, I scream!


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