Preparing for the Food and Energy Crisis By John Steele

Here are more personal survival tips from Dr Mercola, at now deleted site about how to survive the fast approaching food and energy crises. It would be good to stop all of this by political actions, just as it would have been good for the Covid lockdowns to have been stopped before they stated, but they were not. Hence Plan B. Dr Mercola is right in saying that one of the most important foods to stockpile is meat protein, and he suggests getting an alternative power source, as the grid, at some point will probably go down. That puts one on the energy dilemma horn. It is probably better to stockpile tin protein such a tin fish, canned meats and the likes, which will not need electric cooling to be preserved. In general, get foods that you regularly eat, not needing refrigeration, such as dried good, rice and lentils, tined and packaged foods. The Americans like to recommend companies selling freeze-dried meals, but it is expensive and not so easy to get in Australia. Although the link to the video is gone, the text below is still of value for its common sense recommendations.

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Uvalde Cop Response Collapsing By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The back story to the Uvalde school shooting fiasco gets crazier, with it being reported that not only did the cops, who were fully armed, wait an incredible 77 minutes before tackling the gunman, but there were almost 400 cops there! And, there were issues such as trying to find a key to a room, where children were dying, only the room was unlocked. With that many cops, they could have broken the door down. I have felt from the beginning that this was a conspiracy, coming at the convenient time of a national gun banning drive. It is hard to believe that cops could possibly be that incompetent.


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German Birth Data and the Vax By Richard Miller (Florida)

Igor Chudov, another Covid vax critic who is being censored, asked his loyal subscribers to post his article on the German birth data. He has examined more recent data indicating a radical drop in fertility. Even abortions have declined, another indication of the drop in fertility. It is difficult to give a cause for this fertility drop, other than the vaxxes, assuming that it is real. This will be confirmed if the decline continues in the months to come. If so, the Covid vax depopulation hypothesis gets further confirmation.


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National Approach to Abortion Australia By Mrs Vera West

The US SCOTUS decision over-turning Roe v. Wade, has stirred up the abortion lobby in Australia, which is seemingly all-powerful, to aim for national abortion law reform, unifying the laws. This is being worked out this week by a meeting of women ministers in Adelaide. Where will this all go? At present most states limit abortion to under 24 weeks. Changes will  likely go along the lines of South Australia, which saw  previously abortions being  done in a few hospitals, with the approval of two doctors on the grounds that the patient’s physical or mental health would be at risk without an abortion or that the child would be born “severely handicapped.” Now, however, abortion will be on demand up to 23 weeks, performed in the case of medical terminations, by  any doctor or nurse. Abortions can also be completed at home via “telehealth consultations with interstate providers.” It is hard to see any movement to the spirit of Christian conservativism as seen in the US; Australia is a much more liberal humanist society now, and getting worse.


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Biden Shakes the Hand of Mr Nobody By Charles Taylor (Florida)

What I find the most interesting about Biden’s massive cognitive decline is how well the minders cover up for him, as well as the professional ideologs and bs artists. For example, the latest comes from his trip to Israel, where after a speech, which he was barely able to make, he extends his hand to his right, for a handshake … but there is nobody there! Quickly he is pointed to a seat. The defenders say he was pointing at a seat, but the video clip shows an extended hand, which is not pointing. He obviously was expecting someone to be standing on his right, and mechanically extended his hand, even though he did fist bumps in Saudi Arabia.

Biden reminds me of Mr Magoo, but a malevolent version, or the gremlins from the movie of the same name, when wet.

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On Surgical Mistakes By Brian Simpson

Here is a disturbing article by Mike Adams on the most common surgical mistakes, in US operating theatres. All of these could cause great anxiety and nightmares, such as having the wrong organ removed, such as a testicle or breast, then having to have the bad one out anyway. Instruments are sometimes left inside, but in Australia there is a checklist that is scrutinised, so maybe all is well. But I had a nurse girlfriend, back in the day (1970s) who told me that during one operation she was assisting in, the surgeon suddenly took ill and vomited in the patient’s open body cavity! I suppose it went through the mask, or the mask went with it! They cleaned the mess it up, and gave antibiotics. I don’t recall whether or not the incident was reported or just covered up. The nurses would never rat on the all-mighty surgeons, her included.


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The Dangers of Alcohol By Mrs Vera West

I have been proclaiming for a long time the dangers of alcohol, part of the influence of my mother who was strong in the Temperance League. The main critique, back in the day, was a moral one, that alcohol diminished restraint and hence moral responsibility, especially sexual. But, apart from that, from time-to-time medical authorities dare to say that alcohol has mainly negatives effects, and few, if any positive effects, as was done by French health authorities a few years ago, to a vast outcry by vested interests.

Here is the latest debate, fuelled by research from the  Global Burden of Disease, a scientific effort led by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, showing that for adults aged 15 to 39, there were no health benefits from drinking alcohol, but plenty of risks. This claim has stirred up a hornet’s nest too, perhaps a drunk hornet’s nest!

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The Plight of Australia’s Growing Homeless By Mrs Vera West

In Moscow, the homeless can only survive by taking shelter close to vast industrial hot water pipes. If they get too close, serious burns could occur. At least Australia does not have that sort of freezing weather, but it is cold enough on the street to die of hyperthermia. And this is a danger that homeless families are facing, as documented in the stories below, given the present rental and housing crisis. The solution is for governments to do something about it, even allocating land where quickly assembled, but warm shelter could be put up, a great advance upon the tent cities that are emerging. Notice how neither party in the federal election, or state parties in previous recent state elections (such as in South Australia), made no mention of this housing crisis. It is easy to forget when not a lot of votes ride on it.


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Covid Vaxxes Alter Women’s Periods By Mrs Vera West

The mainstream medical profession denied for some time that the Covid vaxxes had any impact upon women’s menstruation, despite women reporting many odd things occurring with their periods. This, though, is more a matter of lack of research, or a refusal to investigate reports such as included haemorrhagic bleeding lasting more than a month; heavy intermittent bleeding for four months; passing golf-ball size clots of blood and extreme cramping. If this was occurring for anything other than the sacred woke Covid vaxxes, there would be an outcry, but the matter is conveniently swept under the carpet, as with all other adverse effects from the vaxxes. Nothing to see here ladies. Disgraceful!

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Fruit, A Delicious Way to Fight Depression By Mrs Vera West

All Big Pharma drugs for dealing with clinically diagnosed depression have side-effects; that is admitted by the drug companies in the information leaflets going with the drugs. Nothing sinister in itself about that. But imagine there being something which you can take which helps with depression, and tastes delicious, coming along with important micro-nutrients and vitamins. Research has show that fruit eaters, compared to those who snacked on processed foods such as chips and biscuits, had an overall better sense of wellbeing. It could be because of the healthy benefits coming from a nutritious diet. It seems a matter of common sense, although there is not much of that around nowadays.

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When the Covid Plandemic is Just Not enough By Brian Simpson

One of the tasks of reading vast numbers of articles and reports each day is to get a feel where things are going. My view is that the Covid plandemic has not run out of steam, and that if the latest variants do lead to the socialist PM of New Zealand locking up her country again in Covid mandate hysteria, and throwing away the key, beware! Labor Party governments are everywhere, and they all think the same, coming from the same Leftist swamp. The statements by the vaccine elites, such as Fauci and Gates (see below) indicate that here are plagues to come, monkeypox perhaps being a fizzer. It is possible that the next Big Disease Thing will be as real killer, thrown out the back of some bioweapon’s lab. Marburg and Nipah ae two top candidates.

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Natural Immunity or … Nothing! By Brian Simpson

The reason for the fourth Covid vax jab, and no doubt soon a fifth, to be fully vaccinated, is that vaccine effectiveness rapidly declines. That this occurs at all should have raised fundamental methodological doubts about the vaccines in the first place; but Big pHARMa calls the shots, not the politicians who are the slaves of the corporates.

For those who have remained pure bloods it is pleasing to note that researchers in Qatar examining data from the Qatari National digital-health information platform, which covers the country’s entire population, have found that everyone in the country who tested “positive” for Covid and later recovered, still has the same amount of immunity to the disease. There was no decline in natural immunity at all. And, if there was, getting another dose of Covid will reset natural immunity anyway. But for the vaccinated, there is the prospect of VAIDS, Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, a waning of over-all immune system effectiveness. Not a great deal, by any means.

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Michael Hudson: The Collapse of Modern Civilisation and the Future of Humanity By James Reed

US writer Michael Hudson has published many books on the fate of nations, especially due to economic and financial mismanagement, which is one of the principal causes of collapse. In a recent paper at, he gives a detailed historical argument, going back to the falls of ancient Greece and Rome, documenting the role placed by debt-based economics and oligarchical control. America epitomises both of these ills, and thus is following in the path of ancient Rome, with inevitable collapse, especially as countries move away from subservience to the US dollar. However, Hudson seems to think that China is immune to these financial diseases, when in fact Chinese financial institutions are just as fragile as their Western counter-parts. In any case, more solid food for thought.


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Trump Voters Want Secession, and So Do I! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I am very pleased with the  results of a recent Yahoo/YouGov poll, which showed that Trump voters are in favour of secession, the breakup of America with a Great Divorce from the Democrat/Left. Around 33 percent of Trump voters in red states said that they would personally fare better if their state “became an independent country;” 29 percent who believed that they would be “worse off” after secession and the remaining 38 percent were either unsure or saw themselves faring “about the same” in a newly independent state. It is early days yet, and no doubt after the next round of electoral fraud, the numbers supporting secession will grow. It is a pity that the wheels turn so quickly, but it is what it is.

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Dangerously Teetering on the Brink of an Open Nuclear Confrontation By James Reed

I am paying close attention to statements being made by Russia that may indicate an escalation of the Ukraine war into a larger, open NATO vs Russia war. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has a few days ago, turned up the heat: “After provoking an escalation of the Ukrainian crisis and unleashing a violent hybrid confrontation with Russia, Washington and its allies are dangerously teetering on the brink of an open military confrontation with our country, which means a direct armed conflict between nuclear powers. Clearly, such a confrontation would be fraught with nuclear escalation.” I do not think that this is all just nuclear bluff, since as nuclear war expert Dr Peter Pry has pointed out, Russia does not have any more the Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) doctrine as part of its strategy, but instead believes that with its nuclear superiority, a nuclear war is winnable. It may also launch a limited number of nukes to escalate to de-escalate, to show that it means business. See where this is going to?

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$ 40,000 Grant to Investigate Why Children “Favor Whiteness and Maleness Over Other Identities.” By Abigail Knight (Florida)

This sort of pointless woke research that wastes taxpayers’ money, no doubt goes on right throughout the university system of the West. Much work in the Humanities and Social Sciences, so called, is now geared around politically correct themes, that serves the purpose of justification of the present multicult regime. Thus, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) granted New York University (NYU) over $40,000 to conduct a three-year research project on why children “favour Whiteness and maleness over other identities.” Does this research even need to be done, since it is pretty clear that the results are going to confirm the leading question, which states that it is a fact that children favour whiteness and maleness; initial questions set the agenda of research. And is it? In the age of the gender agenda, that is surely an open question. It may be a case of garbage in, garbage out.

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The Weekly US Covid Vax Death and Adverse Events Report By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S., but has an under-reporting factor between 41 and 100, according to various authorities. New data shows a total of 1,341,608 reports of adverse events following Covid-19 vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and July 8, 2022. The data included a total of 29,460 reports of deaths — an increase of 187 over last week — and 243,466 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — an increase of 1,566 compared with last week. Of the 29,460 reported deaths, 19,066 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, 7,770 cases to Moderna and 2,563 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J). The numbers go up steadily each week with no end in sight.


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Covid Mask Fetish By Mr Vera West

I have been saying for some time that the masks are ineffective protection against Covid, well-supported by evidence summarised in numerous articles at the blog, and by a research bibliography published by he Brownstone Institute, that we re-published a few weeks ago. However, beyond all of this, masks have come to serve a social psychological purpose, of distinguishing at sight the in-group of the Covid cult, from the out-group of Covid vax dissents. Of course, that has broken down now with the mask mandate being dropped, no doubt to be put in place again at the drop of a hat, as seems to be unfolding in New Zealand now. As well, there has been psychological research from Japan that indicates that people come to be dependent upon masks, and continue to wear masks because of anxiety. There has, indeed, been no shortage of anxiety associated with the Covid plandemic.


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Early Signs of the New Class Worrying about the Brain of Sleepy Joe Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Apparently, the public only gets to see some of the bloopers made by President Joe Biden on a good day, as a team of aids work tirelessly on damage control. Speeches are limited, as old Joe is having problems with the teleprompter now, even reading out the stage directions. Still, he can still read, which is something. Even The New York Times, as summarised below is starting to get worried about their golden boy. We should recall that the Left wanted to use the 25th Amendment against Donald Trump, who looks like a Sir Isaac Newton compared to Biden.

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Destructive Dilemma: UK Covid Data either Garbage or Covid Vaxxes for Ages 10 to 14 Must be Halted Immediately! By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch has developed an analysis published by the Covid critical site, Expose. Either the UK Covid vax stats are “garbage,” or the vaccines for ages 10 to 14 need to be stopped immediately. First, Kirsch points out a statistical/mathematical problem in the data: “We see that the all-cause mortality (ACM) rate for ages 20-24 is reduced by a factor of 2 (compare G21 vs. G28). That’s impossible! The vaccine isn’t a fountain of youth. It is only claimed to reduce death from COVID, not eliminate deaths from all known diseases.

According to the unvaccinated Row 21, only (43/378) = 8.3% of the deaths are from COVID. So, if you have a PERFECT vaccine, ACM can only go down by 8.3%. It cannot go down by 50%.” Hence it is most likely that here is a problem with the data set, and the data is flawed.

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