The Battle for the Soul of the West By James Reed

George Christensen has a great piece which addresses a theme which Christian conservatives are often a bit shy to openly discuss: the influence of Satan, prince of darkness upon the world. The liberal Christians today go so far as the reject the existence of Satan, even though the Bible is clear that this being exists, and acts to cause evil. "Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8. And, Matthew 4:1-11 ESV:

“Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. And the tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.” But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Then the devil took him to the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple ...”

There are dozens of Biblical passages like this. But philosophically, if light exists, then so would darkness. The real question is to what extend does the devil grip the modern world? George is quite right to see a Satanic grip upon the whole of Western civilisation, destroying us from within. There are too many evil agendas to just believe what Eric Butler called the “idiot theory’ of history, that it is all just happening. I would go further, and see many of the elites as not “lizard people,” as one famous critic who is anti-Royal family proclaims, but as with Mike Adams, seeing demonic possession. Not so much in the Hollywood style of some evil spirit taking over the body, but rather the person becoming corrupted by accepting evil, and fully knowing what they are doing.

Anyway, a great post by George, indicating that this war is primarily a spiritual one, which is sure to ruffle more than a few feathers!


“The spiritual battle for Western civilisation

Nation First issues a Christian warning: a satanic influence now grips our culture, collapsing us from within!

Satan is the hero and patron ‘saint’ of modern culture.

He is the architect of a way of life that celebrates chaos, revels in self-indulgence, and flaunts its defiance of the natural order.

Things that were once unthinkable – taboos – are now pervasive in today’s society, weakening us from the inside like a cancer killing its host. 

Family ties are broken, church attendance is on the decline, people, indifferent to injustice and the suffering of others, and lost of purpose, immerse themselves in self-defeating nihilism and hedonism. 

Worship of God has been replaced with the worship of power, the worship of government or the worship of money with people admired by society, not for their deeds and contribution to their fellow kindred but merely for their perceived status, their perceived influence or for how much money they makeregardless of how they make it.

These are all signs of a civilisation on the verge of collapse, brought about by a satanic influence. 

Unless we take action, the West as we know it will cease to exist, well within our lifetime.

Worse still, if the West is doomed to collapse, what replaces it may be worse than the status quo if we do nothing.

Satanic Influence in Politics and Culture

As an avid reader of history and philosophy, I have come to find a universal theme within our reality – a constant struggle between forces of order (God) and the forces of chaos (Satan). 

In the Bible, in the first letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians, we are told, “God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” 

It was God who gave order to this universe he created, He formed the iron laws which govern it, and gave guidance to His greatest creation, us humans, on how to live a just and peaceful life.

And as the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Saint John tells us: “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.”

Jesus Christ is the Logos: a philosophical-cum-spiritual term understood by the Hellenists of the time as being the central point of all things, the ultimate rationality of the universe, the natural order of things.

This is order:

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him and for him, And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.

— Colossians 1:16-17

All that has existed and will exist is only a reflection of God’s divine will with His presence sustaining harmony and order in all things.

And it is in this context, that we must say that the one opposing God’s will — SatanLucifer or the Devil but also the AntiChrist, or an anti-Christ (that is, anyone opposing Christ) — is an agent of chaos, attempting to disrupt peace and corrupting people’s minds with their foul version of reality.

This is why we have wars, death, hunger, pestilence, confusion, and injustice; the result of men led astray from the divine truth. 

They have been made to worship the objects of their own creation and see their fellow men as not brothers under Christ but as potential enemies to be either abused or conquered.

It was the revolutionary Marxist Saul Alinsky who wrote in his book Rules for Radicals:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

Throughout history, Satan and his followers have constantly tried to disrupt and harm God’s natural order. 

But right now just look at how pervasive Satan’s vile influence has become!

We can see it everywhere the creeping normalisation of immorality. 

Children are being exposed to pornography, people are confused about their gender, homosexuality and same-sex marriage are being promoted, particularly to our youth, which is simultaneously being fed falsehood after falsehood by the media and university academia to hate their own heritage and identity. 

And faith.

Our highest political and cultural offices have become occupied by vacuous individuals, with no moorings, swaying with the woke breeze, as a result we have these attacks on our traditional values and beliefs.

Our churches, holy places, are being vandalised and set ablaze, and the ones that aren’t may as well be because they’ve merely become glorified temples to modernity, with a tinge of therapeutic deism and perhaps some historical ritualism about them.

And the popular culture via the media and Big Tech constantly attempts to corrupt particularly young minds with celebrations of hedonism and narcissism.

This corruption of our youth has led to an unprecedented rise in suicide, depression, and other mental issues. 

Teens and young adults today suffer the highest rate of depression of any age cohort and among the leading cause of their death… is suicide and drugs. 

Never before in a time of peace and plenty, have so many fathers and mothers been made to bury their sons and daughters.

In January, the Freedom Center reported that figures from the Center for Disease Control in the USA show that if you’re 50 or younger you are more likely to die from an overdose than any other cause of death.

Coinciding with this breakdown of mental health has been the breakdown of the family structure as evidenced by a rapid increase in divorce rates and single-parent households. 

In Australia and the United Kingdom, nearly 1 in 6 households are run by single parents. 

In the US and Canada, the figure is nearly 1 in 4 households. 

Households without a father or a mother are statistically associated with a range of negative outcomes for children, including increased risk of poverty, poor academic performance, behavioural problems, and susceptibility to criminal activity. 

With a greater portion of our future generation growing up in such households, I cannot emphasize enough how damaging it is to our continuity as a civilisation.

Today, abortion — that is the killing of innocent human beings, an act affronting against the natural law and the sanctity of life — is celebrated. 

Vile practices that go against the natural law and the divine plan for humanity are preached as ‘empowering.’ 

They tell us it’s all about pride which is the greatest of sins!

All the while what is sacred, such as motherhood, a strong family bond, and monogamy is criticized.

And if you, as a God-fearing individual, dare speak against this evil, you are mocked, hated, and declared an extremist or, worse still, a domestic terrorist!

Such is the state of our current society, abounding with moral decay, social fragmentation, and political instability and a loss of demographic vitality.

All of this is disorder and chaos.

The Soviet Union used to be our boogieman – — an atheist dictatorship that suppressed religion, kept its citizens under surveillance, and sought to eradicate the family unit, local identities, and heritage. 

We rejoiced when this evil empire collapsed but little did we know that within a single generation, godless Marxists would do the same in our society, but dare I say much more successfully.

And who could imagine that we would now have the leader of Russia lecturing us on:

… the destruction of families, of cultural and national identities, and the perversion that is child abuse all the way up to paedophilia are advertised as the norm... and priests... forced to bless same-sex marriages.

Once — and I don’t have to go very far back, it’s well within the lifetime of many of us — the West used to mean something different than disorder and chaos: people saw the West as a beacon of liberty, morality, democracy, and all that is just. 

Can the same be said today? 

This satanic influence in our culture is so prevalent, our society is fragmented, our socio-political institutions are in disarray, and our people lost of meaning and purpose, are, ultimately, in a nihilistic state of despair.

The West isn’t collapsing as a result of an invasion or a threat from without – either by Islamists, Communist China or Russia; it isn’t collapsing from a violent revolution from within, from domestic terrorists, but rather it is collapsing as a result of its own internal rot: its loss of faith in itself and its values; its loss of demographic vitality; its dependence on alien immigration for sustaining its population; its multicultural self-abnegation; its destruction of family and community bonds; its embrace of hedonism and narcissism; its addiction to debt and entitlements; its ignorance and contempt for history.

In other words: disorder and chaos; the opposite of order, natural order, the LogosChristGod.

But am I right to say that this is due to a satanic influence?

No matter what you think of them, the Roman Catholic Church quite clearly has a claim on expertise around satanic possession and exorcism more so than any other denomination.

In 2018, I attended a symposium on exorcism and deliverance in Rome, where I distinctly recall a senior cleric at the Vatican give a treatise on how the culture in the West was satanically influenced and, one could say, possessed.

Just three years before that, the Roman Catholic Church performed an exorcism on the entire nation of Mexico because they believed Mexican culture to be demonically possessed.

Oh yes, civilisations and cultures can be possessed.

By their fruits shall ye know them, we are told. I put it to you that the fruit of the West that we harvest today is rotten before it is even put in the basket.

Western Civilisation is Coming to an End

It is true, no civilisation lasts forever, and universally, the collapse of a civilisation always comes from decadence. 

That is when a society has come to forsake morality, and traditional values, and belief in a higher power to indulge themselves in material pleasure and the comfort of luxury. 

Time and time again, we have witnessed this in history; in Rome, in China, in India, and now we are seeing it happen in the West.

That the West is in a rapid state of decline cannot be denied and lo, what a tragedy it is!

This is the West that gave the world democracy, human rights, science, and the industrial revolution. 

The West that ended slavery, ended human sacrifices, was the first to give women and minorities equal rights. 

The West that invented the steam engine, electricity, the internet, and West that propelled the world into the Space age.  

The West is a civilisation unique in history for its emphasis on individual liberty and rejection of authoritarianism. 

It is what enabled it to rise, innovate, and succeed where others could not.

And this is exactly why the satanic forces seek to destroy it for as long as the idea of the West exists, so will hope of resistance to a corrupt New World Order.

Evident in every metric is the fact we are in decline. 

Our birth rates are falling and are now well below replacement level. 

By 2050, some Western countries are expected to have their population decline by as much as 40%.

Culturally, we have become alien to our own heritage. 

The Christian faith is increasingly being rejected for the embrace of secularism; a worldview that reduces human beings into mere commodities and rejects the notion of objective moral values. 

In our academia and intelligentsia, the notion of universal truth has been replaced with so-called post-modernism, which seeks all values and all creeds to be subjective.  

Any and all vestige of national culture and tradition are being replaced by globalism. 

Our modern arts and architecture lacks soul and is completely alienating to the common man. 

Cultural Marxism, identity politics, and political correctness have eroded trust and the loss of shared cultural values.

Economically, a constant push by the powers that be to outsource our industry, and take on unnecessary debt had led to a sharp decline in our living standards. 

Our wages have stagnated even as prices for all essentials have risen. 

Whereas once hard work and education guaranteed a man a good life, today the majority of our people are struggling. 

Even in Australia, which is among the richest and most prosperous Western countries, an estimated 3.6 million people are now food insecure.

Politically, we stand more divided than ever just as our distrust of our leaders and political institutions has grown. 

No longer is our part of our world a true democracy. 

Rather, our governments have become the very enemies of the citizens: governments are no longer our servants but rather, they’re our rulers.

In a previous Nation First newsletter, one of my writers opined about the fall of the West.

He pointed out that:

(Oswald) Spengler hypothesised that by around the year 2000, the West would enter the period of its pre-death (which he, in direct comparison to Rome, called the age of Caesars).

Just as a living being panics and seeks to undo or delay its impending death, he predicted that the West, too, would enter a state of emergency, trading its liberty for perceived security.

Thus, the age of Caesars, with an increasingly authoritarian government and militarism.

Thus, the fall of Western civilisation comes with the rise of the ‘last man’.

According to the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, the ‘last man’ is one enslaved to his passion — an archetypical passive nihilist who shuns risks and seeks only comfort and security.

Armed with this Nietzchean concept, everything starts making sense.

It is the emergence of the ‘last man’ that has led to the tyrannical governments proliferating in the West, for, far more than freedom, the last man holds his own pleasures and safety as dearer.

The globalist ‘elites’ may have pushed on us a decadent consumerist lifestyle devoid of tradition and community, but it is the ‘last man’ that sustains and defends it.

The ‘last man’ strives for nothing greater than to earn a living and keep warm.

He is a man afraid of risk, and thus a man afraid of freedom, for such a state begets uncertainty.

The ‘last man’ is a slave and he knows it, but openly welcomes the cage he is imprisoned within.

The ‘last man’ will cheer for restrictions on free speech and defend government surveillance; he will define his identity not by his heritage but by his habits of consumption or by the latest sexual fad.

Does that sound familiar? 

Our Response to the Crisis

As the situation grows more and more dire, we should not lose faith.

We must remember that opposing Jesus Christ was the entire Roman Empire, the superpower of ancient times.

Yet, in the end, it was His teachings that prevailed and the descendants of those who once opposed Jesus Christ and his word came to spread his message to the wider corners of the world.

We share a responsibility to respond to this crisis.

We cannot stand idly by and watch our civilisation crumble or be replaced by something worse allowing Satan a temporary victory in the grand struggle.

We must be prepared to engage in the political, cultural, and social spheres.

Be a prophetic voice, preaching the Divine truth and defending all that is holy: the sanctity of life, the family, and traditional values.

Be the salt and light in the world, as Jesus commanded us.

Work for justice, compassion, and the common good.

Work for the betterment of our society and our own hereafter. 

The need for spiritual revival is essential if we are to overcome the satanic influence that pervades our society.

Let us renew in the hearts and minds of the people the grace of God’s presence and power.

This revival must come both in the form of worship and deed.

Worship, first and foremost, includes prayer and Bible study.

We must pray for our leaders, our nation, and our world.

We must pray for spiritual revival and for the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts and in the hearts of those around us.

And we must continually remind ourselves of God’s words so we can remain in His Holy Light and not go astray.

And if or rather when we do stray we must repent and, like moths to a flame, come back to that Holy Light.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

By deed, we must be willing to spread the love of Jesus Christ.

This can be achieved through our own conduct, standing up for what is true and righteous, and delivering the gospel to the world.

We must also become more involved in our local communities, helping the needy, and working for the common good.

We also have as our duty to remain informed and engaged in the political process.

We must support candidates who share our values and beliefs and vote in every election.

But the democratic process doesn’t end at the ballot.

We must support organisations making efforts to safeguard the values we cherish: our local church, pro-life movements, and Christian charities.

Without spiritual revival, we cannot hope to combat the forces of darkness that are at work in our society.

Our hearts must be free of trouble and our minds free of doubt.

Let our faith be our shield and our righteousness our sword.  

Final Thoughts

The great American historian, Will Durant was right when he said: “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.”

Today, we are living through a time where satanic forces are spreading hate, division, and immorality and destroying the West from within.

Will Western civilisation fall?

Will it be replaced by something worse?

Who can tell?

When thinking such deep thoughts, such dark thoughts, sometimes I turn to Middle Earth for inspiration:

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.

“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

Let us today pledge to fight — in the time that is given us — for a just order, God’s order, in our lives, in our families, in our society.




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