Geert Vanden Bossche on the Unvaccinated Squaring Off Against Covid-19 By Brian Simpson

Geert Vanden Bossche, a virologist, and Covid critic, responds to the question, of what would be your prediction for those who are both unvaccinated against Covid-19 and never previously infected? It seems that the unvaccinated will face the new variants and have their immune system fight against these new bugs, but not having had the dreaded vaxxes, there will not be immune system compromise, of VAIDS, Vaccine Immunodeficiency Syndrome, or ADE, antibody dependent enhancement, so, as with Covid 1.0, they will generally do fine.

Extended question:

What would be your prediction for those who are both unvaccinated against COVID-19 and never previously infected? Let's say those of working age(20 - 55) in fairly good health.
Should they be worried about Avian Flu and Monkeypox, since they have not experienced an infection by SARS-CoV-2?
Are they at risk for serious illness from these more infectious (and future more virulent) SARS-CoV-2 mutants?

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Chinese Communist Party Takes Time Out from Persecution of their Minorities to Set the US Right on the Racism Question, Our Achilles Heel By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The commo China mouth pieces, like the Global Times, have continued their ideological war against the US, as commos naturally do, in the tradition of Chairman Mao, chanting that the US is racist, racist, and more racist. The Left have moved since the 1960s to engager in race war over class war, since capitalism had produced enough goods for the proletarian not to want to make revolution. Consequently, contrary to Karl Marx’s failed prediction of the immiseration of the working class, the working class got consumer goods, and obese from an affluent life style only dreamt about in the Victorian era.. Naturally the left moved to find some new army to fight their ideological war, with race and diversity filling the bill.

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New Zealanders are Dying from Covid at Record Rates By Bruce Bennett

Not that I would wish ill upon anyone, but New Zealand had lockdowns nasty enough to rival communist China, and had high Covid vaccination rates. But, as detailed in a mainstream media report, New Zealand now has a Covid-19 death rate at record levels. I believe, that it is the vax at work, doing what it does best.

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WHO Monkeying Around with New Viral Emergencies By Brian Simpson

There has not been much of a moral panic and freak out by the mainstream media over monkeypox one it had disappeared into a particular community. Still, that has not stopped the World Health Organization (WHO) to officially declare monkeypox a global emergency. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made the decision to issue the declaration himself as there was a lack of consensus among the WHO emergency committee. The big question here is: why, given that only five people have died, and medical studies have shown that the present outbreak is driven by sex between men:

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Us Now More Totalitarian than Former Soviet Union: Chomsky By James Reed

Leftist Noam Chomsky had some extra-nasty things to say during the Covid freak out, as Leftist did. However, sometimes he says things that hit the mark. He recently pointed out that at present there are less freedoms in many respects, such as accessing information about the Russian position on the present Ukrainian conflict, then were existing during the USSR regime. I would not want to exactly see the US as worse that the USSR, but it is certainly moving down that road disturbingly fast.


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The Globalist UN Agenda 2030 Behind Global Energy/Food Crisis By James Reed

Across the globe there seems to be a concentrated effort to break down food and energy resources. There have been a greater than normal number of fires and “accidents” at food depots, not only in the United States, but Europe, and now Asia, and we seldom hear that the guilty have been captured. It is anyone’s guess when these “accidents” will “accidentally” happen in Australia. And, of course, there are openly deliberate acts to eradicate traditional farming, most brutally in the Neverlands, but the UK is offering lump sum payments for farmers to sell out their farms; we are not told who is buying these once British farms, but my guess would be commo Chinese buyers, and/or Bill Gates style globalists, as Gates himself is doing with US farmland. There is a clear pattern here fitting past announcements of the UN Agenda 2030, to deal with some alleged climate/environment crisis by “sustainable development,” which in more recent times has also been pushed by members of the elite World Economic forum. The common pattern is to strip away all that makes life even moderately bearable for the ordinary person, such as meat, adequate food, and a car fuelled by reliable petrol or diesel to get to work. It is easy to see, as Mike Adams has often argued, that such measures will collapse, if not crash societies, but that is the goal. The globalist elites hope to rebuild from the rubble and ruins that remains, but it is a gamble. If they do succeed in pulling down the foundations of our world, there are no guarantees that they can succeed in their transhumanist agenda, let alone on exotic goals such as space colonies as Elon Musk seems obsessed with. But, worry about failure is something these monsters never do. There is no Plan B, it is all or nothing, and the planet can otherwise burn.

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Work from Home Ye Covid Slaves! By Brian Simpson

Slowly, but steadily, the Covid mandates are being put back in place, with the BA.4 and BA. 5 variants. Masks are recommended but are likely to become mandatory, and work from home “suggestions” are being made. Then it is just a heartbeat to lockdowns and all we have experienced with Covid in the past. Never mind that the journal Nature reports that “Catching an earlier version of SARS-CoV-2 — particularly Omicron — provides some immunity against the two fast-spreading lineages.”

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Windschuttle on the Less than Hidden Agendas of the Aboriginal Voice Referendum By Paul Walker M.A.

One of the leading intellectuals who, we hope will continue his fine work in deconstructing and critiquing the central claims behind the Aboriginal voice referendum is Keith Windschuttle, who has already written a book on the real agenda here, namely the breakup of Australia, detailed   in his book, The Break-up of Australia (Quadrant books, 2016). His July Quadrant article, addresses in condensed, but highly readable form, the main ideological myths standing as a foundation for the referendum drive. In a nutshell the aim is for what are now called “first nations,” to become real nations by treaties. But, the Aboriginal groups in history were never nations, but tribes that often went to war against one and other. There was never the unity of common purpose that the idea of a nation depicts. Yet, the lobby presses ahead with this agenda, which can be perceived as one more aspect of the cultural wars. As I see it, the intellectual battles can be won, but what needs to be overcome is the massive guilt trip that the media will roll out, making anyone going for a “NO” vote, a racist. I hope people can get beyond that old worn-out slur, and think about the real issues, detailed by Windschuttle in his important works.

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The Contradictions of Aboriginalism By Paul Walker M.A.

Conor Ross has a challenging article at the ever-interesting, part of a series beginning a wide-ranging critique of the coming referendum on the so-called Aboriginal voice in parliament, essentially creating a third chamber. The main point made in the quotes below is that the ideology of Aboriginal culture being the oldest continuous culture on Earth is false, with the southern African San people being at least 150,000 years. But the more fundamental issue is that this is a conservative/traditional claim, yet the Left championing multiculturalism and diversity, are all into progressivism, singing the virtues of globalism, cosmopolitanism, and racial and cultural change, unending. So, if the Great Replacement is so good for whites, having trashed and eliminated Anglo-Saxon race and culture, why should any culture be preserved at all? If so, why bother with the referendum, since in the end, all races and cultures must be melted down, and maybe the human race itself replaced in the transhumanist agenda of the World Economic Forum?

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The Weekly Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Events Report By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data released for this week, shows a total of 1,350,950 reports of adverse events following Covid-19 vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and July 15, 2022. A total of 29,635 reports of deaths — an increase of 175 over last week — and 246,676 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time — an increase of 3,210 compared with lastweek. Of the 29,635 reported deaths, 19,150 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, 7,850 cases to Moderna and 2,577 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J). The numbers increase each week.

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“No Time to Die” Scenario: DNA Specific Bioweapons By Brian Simpson

The 2021 woke James Bond movie, No Time to Die, where Bond actually finds time to die, perhaps to make way for a black female replacement, as was played out in the movie, was close to reality in more ways than just the Great Replacement of white males. The movie dealt with a bioweapon that could target individual DNA, which in the end becomes Bond’s undoing. It seems that commo China is well along the lines of such bioweapons, explaining its interest in acquiring  the DNA of non-Han Chinese.


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The Covid Vaxxes and the Depopulation Agenda By Brian Simpson

Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Children’s Health Defense have released a film, Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda, which details how the World Health Organization aimed to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation. This agenda was imposed upon people in Africa since the 1990s, where African women thought that they were being vaccinated against tetanus, but were being sterilised, without their consent. In the West, the Covid vaxxes have been seen to have impacts upon the fertility system, sperm quantity and quality, as well as menstruation issues. "No one has ever sought to determine whether they remain at the site of injection or not, or whether they disseminate throughout the body, which of course they do," Wakefield says. "So, it's a naive and completely inappropriate assumption.

The other assumption that was completely inappropriate was making any assumption at all. You're going to give this [shot] to seven billion people ... and you're going to assume something about its safety? Then you discover, after giving it to the majority of that seven billion population, that you were completely wrong.

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A Recipe for Social Collapse By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is a radical piece from Fox News host, Tucker Carlson on the open Us southern border, which the Biden administration is allowing open for the Great Replacement of white Americans. All this has been said before many times, at places like, but Tucker reaches millions, and they deserve to hear what dark fate the elites have in store for them.

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A Guide for the Perplexed to the New World Order By James Reed

Beau Albrecht over at, has presented a tremendous article, as Eric Butler used to say, giving new people an over-view of the New world order sand its agenda. There are two more parts at, but this one is a great start.

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Merriam-Webster Changes Definition of “Female” for Trans Lobby By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, has moved to keep the trans agenda happy by changing its definition of “female.” Now one definition is “having a gender identity that is the opposite of male.” I am not sure whether the trans lobby will see this as going far enough, but the definition is useless, being logically circular. Because, when we look at the definition of “male,” the corresponding definition is that “male” is having a “gender identity the opposite of female.” Talk about 1984 Doublethink! As Orwell put it in 1984: “To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.”

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Spotlight on Novavax Now By Brian Simpson

With a  large number of the unvaccinated pure bloods being sceptical about the mRNA vaccines, the Covid regime has moved to meet consumer demand for a more conventional, non-mRNA vaccine, and here comes the new Novavax, featuring recombinant moth-cell-based nanoparticle technology, surfactant polysorbate 80  and a never-before-approved nanoparticulate adjuvant called Matrix-M, supposedly “free of side effects.”


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The Issue of Excess Deaths By Richard Miller (London)

The UK health authorities are puzzled by the undeniable statistics of excess deaths that have emerged since the vaccine roll-outs. As detailed from the mainstream material below, a variety of explanations have been offered, including the cost of living, weaknesses in the immune system due to Covid, and even long Covid, something the vax in any case should have prevented. Anything is said other than to consider that the vaccines, which have a phone-book length of adverse effects, could be at fault. We can see where this will go, as deaths and adverse events pile up, the Covid regime will double-up even harder, with their buddies in the media, slaves of big pHARMa, covering things up, or not reporting at all.

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The Indiana Mall Shooter: An Embarrassment for the Anti-Gunners By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Just before this story disappears down the memory hole, a 22-year-old man, who was legally armed, engaged a mall shooter who was beginning a mass shooting. Unfortunately, the shooter killed three people and injured two others before the defender took him down. Police praised the quick actions of 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken. Nothing was said about this shooting by sleepy Joe Biden, as it did not fit into the standard Leftist gun-banning narrative. In this case, a gun in the hand of an armed citizen did save lives. The gun banners may argue in reply, well, yes, but if there were no guns at all, this would not happen. No, the assassination in Japan of an ex-PM by someone who made a gun in a home workshop shows otherwise. The genie is out of the bottle now, and has to be dealt with by realistic measures rather than Leftist day-dreams.

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Menstrual Bleeding and the Covid Vaxxes By Mrs Vera West

Studies of menstrual bleeding following the covid vaxxes is continuing, and delivering concerning results. A recent study published in Science Advances, found that 42 percent of women surveyed reported unusual break through bleeding after receiving a covid-19 vaccine, including non-mRNA vaxxes. Among women who typically do not menstruate, 71 percent of women on long-acting contraceptives, 39 percent of women on gender-affirming hormones and 66 percent of post-menopausal women reported breakthrough bleeding. “We found that increased/breakthrough bleeding was significantly associated with age, systemic vaccine side effects (fever and/or fatigue), history of pregnancy or birth and ethnicity,” the report noticed. One wonders what the longer-term effects of this will be, especially given the Covid New World Order requires endless jabs as a type of in-group loyalty requirement.

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The Moon is China’s: Keep Out or Be Shot! By James Reed

According to some NASA authorities, communist China is claiming the Moon as its territory. I suppose the aim is to set up commo space stations there, perhaps to seek out mining, or as a base for communist endeavours to bring Chinese communism to the universe by step-by-step colonialisation of the solar system, then the Milky Way galaxy, and finally the universe. It will be a Chinese communist universe, and Australia and the West all made it possible by free trade, and deracination. And, that this colonisation is contrary to international law, does not bother communist China one jot, because as we have seen with the Left, law is what they make it.

It is probably bet to fight a dragon before it becomes unstoppable.

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