Pat Buchanan on the Gathering War Clouds By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Former US presidential candidate Pat Buchanan is always good measure on the present geo-political conflicts. Like us, he sees war between the US and China as a question of when, not if. China is getting powerful enough to throw its weight around, much like a school yard bully, while the US is in terminal decline, so given that conflict is inevitable, better sooner than later, so there is at least a chance before the dragon becomes unstoppable. There is nothing better for a bully than a good old-fashioned punch in the nose. But the problem is the nukes. Blame the globalists, it should never have got to this point, as Buchanan touches on.

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Hungary PM Viktor Orban Rejects Euro-Miscegenation By Richard Miller (London)

Whoa! And whoa again! Opposing one of the original ideologies of the post-World War II Older world order, Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban has said “We [Hungarians] are not a mixed race… and we do not want to become a mixed race.” Naturally this was like waving a red cloth, or is it white (?) in front of a bull, and the Leftist chattering class went for him, big time. But really, if he was in China, no-one would have batted an eye lid, so to speak. But, such is the cult of diversity in the West. Presumably it is racist for Euro-whites to want self-preservation, and to exist. If so, let all of the biodiversity on the planet perish; why bother?

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US Medicine Goes Woke, as We Go Broke By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Like many people, I have lost what little faith I have had in the medical profession, right down from the institution to the local GP. At the top end of the system we have the Association of American Medical Colleges, releasing teaching standards that students to achieve “competencies” in “white privilege,” “anti-colonialism,” and “race as a social construct,” all from Critical Race Theory. And, like many, I think that these institutions and the medical   profession itself have blotted their copy book with their totalitarian endorsement of all that came with the Covid mandates. Thus, while endorsing Critical Race Theory, it is only the thin edge of a very thick wedge. What is needed now is the sort of deconstruction of medicine that was begun by people like Ivan Illich in Medical Nemesis (1974).

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On Keeling Over the Jab By Richard Miller (London)

Across the West, young and otherwise “healthy” presumably fully vaxxed up people have been collapsing, including sportspersons, journalists and TV folk, like Kate McCann, who collapsed in a recent tory leadership TV debate. The coverage of these events is suspicious, as the cause is never speculated about, nor is there follow up. You can bet your wisdom teeth, that it is the vax. We have not seen anything yet.

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On Eating Bugs: Our New World Order Meals! By James Reed

Marie Hawthorne over at the Organic, gives a good critique of the present push by the globalist elites for insect eating, to replace meat, all to “save the planet.” While we have covered the New World Order Great Reset agenda behind this, some interesting points are made about the possible health consequences of insect eating, since the little blighters like to wallow in filth, and collect all matter of parasites. The elites tell us that insect farms will be oh so clean, but expect the insect food to be mass produced in China, with the insects being fed sewerage! Clearly, we are being prepared for the Great Replacement, and insects are just our prison food! Execution via the vax and/or starvation via global famine to follow. Unless there is resistance!

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Novavax: What’s in This One? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Meryl Nass makes some observations about the contents of Novavax. Critics have focussed upon the mysterious sounding Matrix-M novel adjuvant, but there is the first issue about “1 mcg of insect (the fall armyworm) and baculovirus proteins and a bit of their DNA too.” I am not sure those scared of mRNA would find their fears stilled by armyworms, however friendly, not to forget the  baculovirus proteins.

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Crossing the Borders: If Only Australia Followed the Rest of the “Cool Countries” By James Reed

The following material has been circulating as an email, but I have not found the author, so my apologies. But I think he/her would want this message to get out, so we do our bit. All telling points about what a sucker Australia is re illegal aliens, called by the Left, “refugees.” Here is the message as I got it:

“The information below should be read by everyone, whether you agree to its contents, or not !!! 

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Electric Cars: Running on “Hot Air” By James Reed

To address the perennial problem of electric cars, of having small batteries and being short-range vehicles, manufactures have moved to producing large-battery, long-range vehicles. But, as detailed recently by The Wall Street Journal, this strategy falls a foul of the climate change ideology, failing to compensate for the emissions with respect to battery and manufacturing carbon emissions. But, it will not matter much, because it is all about making the lower-level elites, such as university professors who preach about climate change catastrophes, and the need for people to eat bugs, while enjoying high carbon-producing life styles, to feel morally superior, intellectual pigs wallowing in their own ideological night soil.

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Big Al Gore Wants to Gut Democracy for Climate Crisis, Blah, Blah By James Reed

Big Al Gore, and he is big compared to the man that lost to Bush in the 2000 presidential election, has said that “democracy is broken.” Conservatives have their own take on this, but that differs from Gore, who sees corporate interests acting against environmentalists, in the Left’s own conspiracy theory. As we see it, the higher-level elites are very much in favour of using the so-called climate crisis to their own use, and that is regardless of any merits in any arguments. It would not even matter if global cooling was occurring, for the Great Reset monster, global cooling would be the big crisis. Anything that can serve their malevolent purposes will do. In this respect, Gore is a mere sideline issue, not really in the main game now. Things have moved far beyond, An Inconvenient Truth (2006).

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What is a Woman? By Mrs Vera West

Matt Walsh has a film, called What is a Woman (2022)? It consists of him dead pan interviewing far Left gender agenda advocates where he asks the simple question: what is a woman? No-one gives a straight answer, because that is not what the deconstruction game is about; it is about destroying the concept, not clarifying it. It is amusing to watch how the woke wiggle under cross examination, which these critters do not get enough of. If you can’t find the movie, then watch Dr Steve give a great overview. Oh, and Joe Rogan gave a full-approving review.

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The Scam of Universities By James Reed

Chris Knight, former Aussie now living in Florida as one of our two US correspondents, would know more about Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk than me. But, relevant to my concerns is Kirk’s new book, The College Scam (2022). It seems to be a well-rounded critique of the worthlessness of almost all university degrees, outside of professions like medicine. Even here, woke has invaded medicine and STEM, so probably all is hopeless with the universities. It is particularly relevant to US students with the heavy-duty fee structure. For individuals, the student debt and the amount of bs that young people need to put up with is not worth the effort Kirk argues. I have been making the same case here in Australia for at least a decade, the time Kirk has been working on his book.


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Pauline Hanson Calls Out Welcome to Country Sham By James Reed

Good to see Pauline calling out the Welcome to Country acknowledgment. I always have puzzled about the hypocrisy of this chest-thumping over-moralisation. If these woke folk are so guilt-ridden about having this country, how about giving up all of their stuff to the Aborigines, and going back to Europe? They could do it as refugees, being extra cool and woke then. Go by boats to be authentic. Yes, do it! But, of course these hypocrites will not; the system is too cozy.

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There Goes Australia Day; How about the Elimination of Melbourne City Council Too? By James Reed

So, the Melbourne City Council, to be woke, intends to scrap Australia Day celebrations. This is to produce “unity, rather than division,” presumably because the Left hates Australia Day. Ok, now I do not particularly like the Council which chews up an enormous quantity of rates each year. How about the Council gets cancelled? We can tend to disposing of our own rubbish, and patching up roads as best we can. As for libraries, well, who cares? We can go to other councils. Official decisions could be handled by citizen’s organisations. It is worth a thought. Otherwise, just give the City of Melbourne back to the Aborigines, after all the buildings have been pulled down; you know recreate the past again. Traditional life styles once more. And, Aussies will still celebrate Australia Day anyway whatever the New Class say.

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Professor Edward J. Steele: Vaccines Can’t Work By Brian Simpson

Professor Edward J. Steele, Australian molecular and cellular immunologist, geneticist and microbiologist, has said that Covid-19 vaccines will not work because the disease that they are addressing is a “common cold virus.” “I’ve got to stress: this is a common cold virus, 99.9% of people get rid of it … How can a jab in the arm vaccine possibly protect you against getting infected with Covid-19? … None of the vaccines put into the arms can possibly activate that immunity.  They don’t, they just can’t work just on first principles … They know that they know the vaccine can’t work.”  The PCR test cannot differentiate between the common cold and SARS-CoV-2, Steele believes, because there is nothing to differentiate between. Thus, there is no reason, on immunological grounds, why an experimental mRNA vaccine needed to be pumped into millions, if not billions of people. Apart from the now less than hidden NOW Great Reset agenda, of course.


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Volcanoes, Oceans and Weather By Viv Forbes

Despite Green/ABC propaganda, recent Australian floods were not caused by coal, cattle or cars. Weather is driven by winds; solar energy powers the winds and draws moisture for them from the oceans. These eternal natural rain-making processes have been aided recently by two extra factors.Firstly a big La Nina weather event in the Pacific Ocean has left warmer water closer to Australia.

Secondly, there is increased underwater volcanism in this region as evidenced by the volcanic eruptions near Vanuatu.

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UK: If You Can’t Beat Them … By Richard Miller (London)

The former UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak has a good chance of becoming the next prime minister of Britain, which will be the first time a person of colour takes that office. Oh well, diversity and all that. But, will he do anything about immigration? Old Boris did not, having promised it, and Sunak has also promised to get immigration under control. Maybe he might, given that the race card will be a difficult one to play against him. I guess we will have to wait and see. Britain is sinking into the swamp, so at the end of the day, try anything!


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It’s the Fault of the Spike Proteins! By Brian Simpson

Today at the blog some of us have been dealing with the issue of Covid being a pandemic of the vaccinated. So, why is this? One hypothesis has been offered by Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiology professor at the Yale School of Public Health. The spike proteins in the Pfizer and Moderna vaxxes are based upon the original SARS-CoV-2, but things have moved on in the viral world, with BA.4 and BA. 5 now dominating. And, here is the problem: “The problem with that is, of course, that when the spike protein changes because of new strains of the virus, that the ability of the immune system to make antibodies that correlate to the new strains becomes reduced to the point where it may be almost ineffective over longer periods of time. “What that means is they become interfering antibodies, instead of neutralizing antibodies,” Risch said. “And that’s the reason I believe that we’ve seen what’s called negative benefit—negative vaccine efficacy over longer time—over four to six to eight months after the last vaccine dose, that one sees the benefit of the vaccines turn negative.”

What this implies, I believe, is that the vaxxes therefore necessarily will do more harm than good, contrary to the mainstream Big Pharma narrative.

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Immune Destroying Vaxxes By Chris Knight (Florida)

Many of us at this blog have been covering the issue of the Covid vaxxes having an immune supressing, if not destroying effect, as best explanations of the fact that across the world there is a pandemic of the vaccinated. However, Kenji Yamamoto, cardiovascular surgeon at Okamura Memorial Hospital’s Center for Varicose Veins (Japan), has published a paper in the Virology Journal showing, based upon other studies published in The Lancet, that eight months after the second Covid-19 vax, that person’s immune system is weaker than a non-vaccinated person. “The decrease in immunity can be caused by several factors such as N1-methylpseudouridine, the spike protein, lipid nanoparticles, antibody-dependent enhancement, and the original antigenic stimulus,” Yamamoto concluded. So, what exact purpose do the vaxxes serve? One would have thought it had something to vaguely deal with disease prevention, and protection.

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More Vaxxed; the Sicker One Could Be! By Mrs Vera West

Indeed, as Pam Geller says, this is something that the mainstream media is not talking about, even as reports of celebrities keeling over come across the newsroom desks, and with reports of young people dying in their sleep. The latest surveillance report from New South Wales (NSW)  has shown that people are 37 times more likely to be hospitalized with Covid-19, notably the BA.4 and BA.5 variants,  if they are vaccinated than if they are not. The health authorities are engaging in a bit of statistical sophistry, arguing that since the vast majority of the population is vaccinated, of course the majority of Covid infected people will be vaccinated. But, this is fallacious, since if the vaccines worked, the vaccinated would not be getting infected at all, it would still be the residual population of the unvaccinated. Vaccines are supposed to produce immunity, not merely be pumped into people, like vast sinks, to make profits for Big Pharma. Otherwise, just tip it down the sink. It is a medical problem that cannot be waved away, that there is a pandemic now of the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated.

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Naomi Wolf on Stalking Commo Bears and the Covid Vax By Mrs Vera West

For many years I particularly disliked the work of feminist Naomi Wolf. Then something changed: the Covid plandemic. Wolf from the Left took a stand and came to conclusion similar to those reached by the likes of Mike Adams and Dr Robert Malone, that there was a globalist plandemic. In her most recent post she outlines the complex corporate links of Big pHARMa, which is tied up with commo China, who is able to control the plandemic narrative through the corporates, creating the biggest crime in history. As she says in conclusion: “So take all of the above, and map it against the 150,000 plus adverse events in the Pfizer documents, the deadly harms to reproduction, the Western baby die-off, the babies in seizures; map it against the population drop, the rise in disabilities, map it against the rigid, cruel vaccine mandates aimed at Western defense forces (Canada’s, and Australia’s and all of Western Europe’s, as well as at the most powerful military in the world, that of the United States) — map it against the vaccine mandates aimed at our police, our health care workers, our firefighters, our pilots, our first responders, our kids, our babies — all this done by a White House captive, via Hunter Biden’s laptop, to the CCP.

How better to cripple the world’s other superpower than by destroying our American front lines and our American next generation, with tainted, murderous vaccines, flowed easily enough into the West via (not even that many) shell companies and cutouts? How easy to do the same to Western Europe, to Canada and Australia, as a whole?

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