UK: If the Vaxxes Fail, Just Keep Hoping and Trying By Richard Miller (London)

In the UK, as Igor reports (below), over one in 15 Brits is infected with Covid, with the BA.5 variants running through the population, with the vaccinated falling as if nothing had happened. Health authorities are worried, and the hospital system is under strain, mainly from health care workers getting infected and staying home, so that there are staff shortages. The medical technocrats have nothing better to offer than to get yet another jab, as is being proposed in Australia as well, with round 4 now up. Let us see how useless that is.

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Free Speech Bites Back! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Some good news, with a US federal court granted a request by Missouri and Louisiana officials for information and documents in the Biden administration over its alleged collusion with social media giants in an effort to censor and suppress free speech. This will be interesting, since who knows what dirt will be revealed. It will furnish material that will hopefully lead to a thousand beautiful law suits. Let it bloom!


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The Latest Threat: Climate Emergencies By James Reed

Biden is moving to by pass the US Congress and make an Executive Order for a climate change emergency. At present it is not know exactly what he will do, or rather be told to do, but there is speculation that it will be more of what we are seeing in other countries such as the Netherlands, with attacks upon farming and energy. That would fit in with the Great Rest, World Economic Forum agenda, as well as the UN Agenda 2030, those who call the shots. It will also probably involve a further dismantling of the US energy infrastructure, already under threat. What we are seeing is a civil war being played out against the people and their resources by the globalist elites, the endgame of it all. Either we, the people win, or we perish now.

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The Way of Wuhan Disinformation By Brian Simpson

Here is very insightful material which has quotes of emails that the author had from a reliable, senior European intelligence source on the origins of Covid. It is stated that the virus escaped from National Bio-safety Laboratory, in Wuhan, which is BSL-4 lab, through a laboratory technician who had access this new corona virus, and that Chinese communist official moved immediately to cover it up.

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Vaccines Driving the Covid Omicron Wave By Brian Sampson

Here is an insightful article (abstract) from mainstream science that suggests that the vaccines may have given the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, a selective advantage over other variants. That, to put it mildly is ironic, and just as well Omicron is a pussy cat.

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Farmer Bill and the War on Farms By James Reed

Across the world the attack upon the very foundation of farming continues, with the Dutch government’s proposal to cut the size of livestock herds by 30 percent, to meet EU carbon reduction demands, being perhaps the most overt. But, there is also the strategy of Bill Gates, who is buying up vast areas of US farmland to consider. Gates says that he intends to rent it back to farmers, but it is most likely going to be used for his anti-meat farming, probably for vast bug farms. It is no coincidence in my opinion that there is at present a convergence of catastrophes, including the burning out of food depots, the fuel and fertiliser crisis, and a radical fall across the world in food production, all at a time that the elites of organisations such as the UN, EU and World Economic Forum have discovered a so-called climate crisis, which requires, surprise, surprise, a radical change in transportation (no cars for us) and diet (no meat for us too).

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World Economic Forum Wants to Stop Climate Change by Blocking Out the Sun! By James Reed

I have been waiting for this one, given all of the crazy, but tyrannical things we have seen coming from the World Economic Forum. Now, they want to use space bubbles to block out the sun to control climate change. What could possibly go wrong with such experiments? Perhaps it just works too well and triggers another Ice Age? Then I imagine the climate narrative would go back to what was popularised in the early 1970s of a coming Ice Age, and the need to heat the place up by increased carbon emissions! The entire climate change narrative could be reworked using global cooling as well, maybe even more dramatically.


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Armed Citizen Prevents Mass Shooting By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With the mass shootings being used by the anti-gunners for gun banning, so that only the bad guys will have, illegal guns, it is good to see a clear case where an armed citizen stopped a mass shotting in progress with his marksmanship, as 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken did to stop the Indiana mall mass shooter. Police praised his completely legal response. If people were to rely upon police coming, and there was a repeat of the Uvalde Texas fiasco, then they would still be waiting for a police response, and the mall would be full of bodies stacked 10 high!

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Proof of Fake News By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This one might seem to be a light and fluffy item, but there is still a deeper point to be made. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), were led away by police at a pro-abortion protest. They held their hands behind their backs to give the impression of being handcuffed, but were not, as at one point AOC gives the raised fist Black Power salute. So, she was not cuffed. Yet ABC News photographed this to give the impression of the two radical Leftists being cuffed. It shows very clearly that the media will manipulate data to produce the political effects it wants for its Leftist narrative. If they are dishonest about this, they can be dishonest about even more important things … and they are.

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Musk Twitters Away from Twitter, Maybe By James Reed

Musk is trying to back out of the Twitter buy up deal, citing the fact that he does not know how many bots are running around in the system. This is now in court, and a judge has rejected his application for a delay, so to trial it goes. Yet, maybe that is his plan, to raise a stink about Twitter, and cause share prices to drop, then re-negotiate an even better deal. In the long run, it does not matter much, since the globalist elites are turning upon Musk, and he may not survive in the long term. The have cut down to size other capitalists who have gone against the flow, and their power today is even greater than in those times.

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Biden, Anti-Guns and the Assassination of Shinzo Abe By Chris Knight (Florida)

This story is dating a bit now, but still worth covering. So much goes on with Biden’s mental decline that critical focus is upon his mistakes. Yet, it was no mistake to use the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as an occasion to denounce “gun violence,” for political mileage for the Democrat push for total civilian gun elimination. The problem is that Japan is exactly the sort of society that the
Democrats are aiming for, but the assassin’s gun was a home workshop one. It would then be necessary to ban chemicals, and steel, and power tools too. In other words, ban everything. I suppose the Left are mas enough to do that too!

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Fully Digitized, Monetized and Scrutinized By James Reed

Rite-On has a very nice informative piece, July 2022, “Are you ready to be fully digitized, monetized and scrutinized under the New World Order the Davos elites have planned?” It outlines in detail the impacts of the Great reset, and its end goal of creating a New World Order. A good summary piece, and worth subscribing to the site.


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Everyone’s Getting Covid … and Many have had Four Vaxxes Too! (How about Fourteen?) By James Reed

Sleepy Joe Biden has Covid, as well as many of Australia’s health technocrats. And, they have all been fully vaxxed up. Such a situation, at the time of the vaccine rollout, was not even spoken about as a remote possibility, but, here it is. All that the elites can now say, is well, the vaxxes do not prevent transmission, but lessen the effects of Covid, when you get it, even multiple times. If it kills you, if your immune system has crashed from VAIDS, well, the vax still is great as even if you die, it could be worse. How, I am not sure.

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The Subterfuge of Deborah Birx By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Talk about open confessions of corruption! Dr. Deborah Birx, who served as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President Donald Trump, has published in her book, Silent Invasion, the claim that she manipulated data and altered CDC guidance without authorization, openly depicted by her as “subterfuge.” Such fraud and deceit were used to bring in the Covid mandate madness, and misery for millions. Let us hope that the Republicans, or at worst good honest citizens, go after her now that the confession, which she thinks is a merit, is out in the open for all to see.

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The Abortion-Medical Industrial Complex By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

What is often not appreciated about the abortion issue, is that there is a big business in the medical research establishment for foetal tissue for experimentation. A great article at American, by Karen Hunt, goes into the full shocking details. She warns that such details may be too horrific for some readers, and I agree. Still, this is the reality we face. It is all a long way from “women’s choice,” and all that.

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The Covid mRNA Vax and Menstrual Cycle Symptoms By Mrs Vera West

Long past menstruation as a great grandmother now, I am still concerned about the relationship between the Covid vaxxes, particularly the mRNA vaxxes for my daughters, and all women of child-bearing age.  Thus, we should note with interest a peer-reviewed article in the journal, International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. The article described a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study, assessing menstrual pattern and changes of women who completed the Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine three months before and after receiving the vaccine. Of the total of 219 women, 23.3 percent (n=51) experienced irregular bleeding following the vaccine, and almost 40 percent (n=83) reported menstrual changes following vaccination. Thus, there are in fact, contrary to the standard Covid narrative, relatively high rates of irregular bleeding and menstrual changes after receiving the Pfizer mRNA Covid vax.


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The “Joy” of Covid Anti-Virals: Not for the Reproducing Though By Mrs Vera West

The Fin Review has material on how Covid antivirals can affect reproductive health in both men and women. The two drugs approved in Australia, Lagevrio and Paxlovid, each have their own effects, with Lagevrio affecting sperm, and Paxlovid having possible drug interactions. Covid critics have argued that costs outweigh any benefits.

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Cold Fusion Rides Again! By James Reed

If this pans out it could be the end of the energy crisis. It has long been the dream to get cold fusion working, a nuclear reaction in a test tube, so to speak, with none of the radiation problems of conventional nuclear power. It seems possible that the Brillouin Energy Corp’s breakthrough Hydrogen Hot Tube (HHT) Boiler System which uses solid-state low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) to produce controlled excess heat through the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium, could be just what the doctor asked for. Nuclear fingers, crossed.

From the Brillouin press release:

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The EU’s Newly Appointed Ambassador to Beijing: It Is “Essential” that Communist China “Rules the World”! By Richard Miller (London)

No doubt about Euro-whites, they have no sense of racial loyalty. Could one even imagine an Asian, let alone a Han Chinese ambassador, celebrating the US control of the world? But, in an interview with the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia, Spain’s former ambassador to Japan, Jorge Toledo Albiñana, now the EU’s newly appointed ambassador to Beijing, proclaimed that it is “essential” that Communist China “rules the world,” and that the bloc would support the “reunification” of the independent island of Taiwan with mainland China. Is this an ambassador, or just another CCP subject, as there does not seem to be any difference? One would have thought that there would have been at least some pretence of neutrality.

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The German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) on Admitted 1 of Every 5,000 Covid-19 Vaccinations Cause “Serious Side Effects” By Richard Miller (London)

As clearly indicated by the title of the article, the German Federal Ministry of  Health has recently posted a tweet stating that 1 of every 5,000 covid-19 vaccines had “serious side effects.” The translated tweet is: “One in 5000 people is affected by a serious side effect after a COVID19 vaccination. If you suspect an adverse reaction, get medical attention and report your symptoms to @PEI_Germany.” That means that almost 300,000 Americans and Europeans have experienced a severe adverse event after receiving the mRNA shots, a figure which Covid critics regard as a vast under-estimation. Yet, this is greater honesty that we see from the vax-bewitched UK and Australian governments.


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