Is there scientific proof that organic foods are healthier than Big Agri foods produced using masses of herbicides such as Roundup? Dr Robert Malone takes a break from work on the Cod vaxxes to detail the scientific case for organic food. Consumption of organic food is associated with a reduced risk of cancers, primarily because cancer-causing agents, such as pesticide residuals are removed, but also because organic food typically is fresher, being obtained usually from famers’ markets, rather than being stored for months in refrigeration in commercial supermarket settings. Most importantly, glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides exhibit cytotoxic and genotoxic effects, so they are to be avoided. I recall a friend who did spraying for a local council who swore by glyphosate herbicides and said to me that he did not feel right unless he was spraying, and that it was all so safe one could drink it! And, he ended up dying of cancer.