Getting Fatter All the Time! By Mrs Vera West

Alarming statistics have appeared, indicating that over half of the world’s population, the bulk being in the US, Europe and East Asia, will be overweight by 2035, according to a report by the appropriately named, World Obesity Federation. In numerical terms, that is over four billion people. The medical evidence links obesity with a wide variety of diseases of living, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  Further, obesity make pregnancy more difficult, and lowers male testosterone levels ands sperm counts, which are already crashing.

Yet the response of radical feminism has not to be to promote health in women, by proper diet and exercise, but to see fat as a feminist issue, and tell women to maintain a “comfortable” body weight, which means, just eat what you like and be fat. As I am an overweight woman, I feel that this is an issue woman need to speak up about, as our health is not some Left-wing social construction. Women of colour are particularly vulnerable, and the feminists are not helping them.


 I recall passing by a feminist talkfest at the university near here and the catering staff had prepared the most decadent cakes with jam and cream, as in your face to health and body image.

“More than half of the world's population will be overweight or obese by 2035, a new report has warned.

The World Obesity Federation has warned that 51% of the world, or more than 4 billion people, will be obese or overweight within the next 12 years if governments do not take significant action to curb it.

Currently, about 2.6 billion people globally, 38% of the world population, are overweight or obese.

According to the report, rates of obesity are rising particularly quickly among children and in low or middle-income countries in Asia and Africa.

Rachel Jackson Leach, the federation’s director of science, said:

The greatest increases will be seen in low- and middle-income countries where scarce resources and lack of preparedness will create a perfect storm that will negatively impact people living with obesity the most.

By 2035, childhood obesity is expected to be at least double the rate seen in 2020, with a 100% rise - around 208 million - among boys under 18, and a 125% rise - around 175 million - among girls the same age.

Per the BBC, Prof Louise Baur, the federation’s president, said:

It is particularly worrying to see obesity rates rising fastest among children and adolescents, Governments and policymakers around the world need to do all they can to avoid passing health, social and economic costs on to the younger generation.

The report uses body mass index (BMI) for its assessments. A BMI score over 25 is overweight and over 30 is obese.

The federation predicts that the economic impact of overweight and obesity will reach $4.32 trillion, around 3% of global GDP, annually by 2035.

The report acknowledges the impact of climate change, COVID-19 restrictions, chemical pollutants, as well as the promotion of unhealthy foods and the behaviour of the food industry as factors that contribute to the rising obesity.”



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