Satanic Temple; Open Abortion and its Friends By Mrs Vera West

At first, I thought this was a joke, but no, it checks out. Here we have a group called the Satanic Temple championing abortion rights, there with their friends from the Left. Upon reflection, it does make sense.

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Big Tech’s Evil Money Trail By Chris Knight

Little by little, perhaps at the 11th hour, the 2020 election black money trail is being exposed. It is like lifting a rock, and seeing masses of filthy cockroaches, who will scamper away from the light.

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UK Police Turn Blind Eye to Rape Gangs … Anti-Racism More Important! By Mrs Vera West

Here is more news from the decaying disUnited Kingdom about the rape grooming gangs, where police once more have been found to turn a blind eye to the rape of white girls because of political correctness, and fear of stereotypes. But, oh how eager they are to police and punish the slightest violation of the Covid-New World Order, with lots of horror stories even in the mainstream press. Perhaps defunding the police, in the contexts of re-arming citizens is not a bad idea. Better than the powerlessness we have. Community self-defence, as in ancient times is preferable to the mess we have now.

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Hey Covaxxers, What if it Mutates … Again? By Brian Simpson

Remember the story of the boy who cried wolf? What if there really was a nasty virus that really did kill, and, as I will document in another article, was racist to boot? That would really screw up the New World Order, if there did have to be real lockdowns, the end of migration, and all the chaos that the likes of Beijing Biden would have to deal with. And, maybe China faced what we faced, maybe globalism was destroyed. Then there would be something to socially isolate from, and indeed bug out from, for it would be, the zombie apocalypse.

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China, Free to Pollute: Climate Change Hoax By James Reed

One of the great sacred cows of the Left is that just as antifa protesters did not spread Covid-19, but it was spread through legitimate voting (hence the open window for massive US Democrat electoral fraud), China is exempt from the mania of carbon emission control, since it is a developing country, maybe forever. Actually, what the Left should be saying is that it is non-white, and since we want to destroy our own kind, we will do everything for them. As communists they want them to rule anyway, and non-white communists really gets the Left going.

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Electoral College Digs its Own Grave, Like SCOTUS By Chris Knight (Florida)

“I don’t like what the world is! I’m white. When’s it gonna be our turn?” Peter Griffin, Family Guy

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Commo China’s Unrestricted Warfare By James Reed

Given the racial suicide of the West, pushed since a least the 1960s, China is moving to take us out in the endgame, on all fronts. Like buying up farm land because, obsessed with capitalism, our leaders cannot for one moment think of the future, only short-term profits. I imagine our leaders would they would sell bullets to a psycho killer, who then moved to polish them off, if they could hold a profit, even for a second; pig iron Bob style. It is that crass, and pathetic.

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Intelligent Fine Molecular Tuning By Brian Simpson

A paper has been published which goes against the present rule that there shall be no criticisms of evolutionism. The paper supports intelligent design, but that is my interpretation.

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Putting the Heat on Harris By Chris Knight

Attention has been naturally focussed upon Beijing Biden, with Harris just sneaking in, if old Joe crashes, which he will, but there is still dirt on her, and plenty. She needs to be taken down too, legally.

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Ok, the Corrupt Electoral College Goes for Beijing Biden, Now What? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The ruling elites are racing to get their senile puppet Joe Biden in as pseudo-president. Republicans are already fast retreating back to their ethno-masochistic cucked positions, held in the Obama era, soft-faced traitors. It is to be expected. So, what now? SCOTUS will fail as sure as God made little green apples, or did not make Dominion voting machines. When in the dumps, I always go to Mike Adams to get a lift, even if it is only like a boost of caffeine, that lifts for a while, then drops. Anyway:


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Two Million Communists have Infiltrated the West … Only Two Million? By James Reed


This explains to some degree the Chinese-communisation of the West, as two million active Chinese communists work as spies. I believe that is only the tip of the ice berg, since China has a law requiring all Chinese to be loyal to the fatherland, so basically the number must be hundreds of times greater, but that would panic the sheep, wouldn’t it, to contemplate that whole societies have been taken over, in principle.?

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How is This for Conflict of Interest! By Charles Taylor

Whoaha! Here is something that would have been used to roast Trump if these business connections existed, but it does not seem to matter for Beijing Biden. Hell, we have the whole China scandal, and the mainstream media just supports it, being equally as evil and corrupt.

“Valerie Biden Owens (Joe Biden’s sister) is married to John Owens. His brother, R. Kevin Owens, is founder of Staple Street Investors, which owns Dominion Voting. Staple Street Capital is a private equity firm founded in 2009 based in New York. The co-founders are Stephen D. Owens and Hootan Yaghoobzadeh.”

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Abortions Up to Birth; Why Stop There? By Mrs Vera West

Democrats in Massachusetts have passed an amendment that allows abortions up until birth. It will not end here, because the corrupt courts will redefine birth to be any time up until death, even if one is a conservative Christian, and 100 years old.

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Abortions Up to Birth; Why Stop There? By Mrs Vera West

Democrats in Massachusetts have passed an amendment that allows abortions up until birth. It will not end here, because the corrupt courts will redefine birth to be any time up until death, even if one is a conservative Christian, and 100 years old.

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Mrs Gates Against Vaccine Nationalism! By Mrs Vera West

Melinda Gates has come out firing against vaccine nationalism for Covid-19, wanting to push globalism even here. This disorder exists, even among the vaccine cult, fighting over how best to jab everybody:

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Amerika has Got it Wrong! By Brian Simpson

Brett Stevens, at, a site many of us love, has unfortunately got it wrong in his faith in Trump. Consider his latest:

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China Boycott? Sounds Good, but Can We Boycott Everything? By James Reed

This is a good idea, but really it has been left too late, since China owns everything now, doesn’t it? So, can we boycott everything? Maybe not.

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Texas Secession By Charles Taylor

Texas is taking electoral fraud hard, and has influential people talking about breaking away from the corrupt Disunited States of America. Good work, keep going Texas.

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China Runs the US Universities By James Reed

The US election has unleashed interest in the extent to which China interferes in the running of most important aspects of society. The debate has been quiet in Australia, with few mainstream politicians taking hold of this hot potato, but in the US there have been major figures grasping it, especially on the China role in the universities. Here in Australia, Chinese students are a sacred cash cow, so we are not seeing the needed debate. Yet, in the cities, near the evil universities, the student residential buildings still go up.

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Ice Age in Canberra By Michael Ferguson

No, it is not the cold weather, just what one would expect from global WARMING, eh! … but the proposal to legalise a whole heap of hard drugs. No, decriminalise is the word, but in the long term it will achieve the same result. It is important to have as many fronts of social decay covered as possible:

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