The Encyclopedia of Country Living By Mrs Vera West

The Encyclopedia of Country Living (2012), by Carla Emery, is one of those classic books, that one should get to have a copy and pass on, because nobody today is going to put in the body and soul effort to write such a book again. The book is the female mind’s complement to  John Seymour The New Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency, (2009),  and it begun its life at roughly the same time, going through numerous versions. It started as a series of sheets at the beginning of the US back to the land movement, and grew over the decades from there. Emery put her life into the book, and by the time of her death the book consisted of a large format three columns of 922 pages in print a bit hard for old timers like me to read, but I use a magnifying glass. The back story and life is fascinating including her marriage, and sad divorce, it is all in there. It is the story of a life of an extraordinary, ordinary lady.

We are presented with a comprehensive guide to all aspects of food production on a self-reliant farm. But there is much more in this towering narrative. There are fascinating discussions of giving birth by oneself, caring for the dead, making quilts and candlesticks and thousands of other things that women used to know about, but in the age of so-called liberation, do not.

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The Magnificent John Seymour’s Approach to Self-Sufficiency By Mrs Vera West

This is one book everyone should have in hard copy, because the illustrations are works of art in themselves: John Seymour, The New Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency, (2009). The text of the book was first written in the 1970s going through various permutations until its present form. There is a foreword to the 1976 edition by the Small is Beautiful author, E. F. Schumacher, putting the book in that context as an alternative to the industrial way of living and its unsustainability. Seymour in the main body of the text says the same. Self-sufficiency is about turning away from that dying world. It requires a small holding for the transition to be complete, but as he details, a lot can be done with just a few acres. But even in urban areas, a backyard can be rid of largely useless lawn, and transformed into an edible landscape, using what he depicted as traditional growing practices, but which can be supplemented with permaculture today.

Covered in this book are chapters on growing food, considering all aspects such as natural weed control, keeping animals especially convenient packages of meat such as meat-line chickens and rabbits, kitchen science and skills, including basking and brewing beer and other drinks, sustainable energy, crafts and skills including those that are being loss such as blacksmithing. As an example, Seymour suggests using a scythe over mechanical cutters, being exercise in use, no fumes to breathe in and efficient. That may seem surprising, but today there are European contests on YouTube, where the guy with the scythe cuts faster than the guy with the hand-held whipper snipper. These things also seem to endlessly break down and get clogged up. As well, on hillsides, especially with lots of rocks in the grass, the mechanical cutters can be dangerous. The scythe’s blade could be damaged too, but the trusty low-tech machete comes to the rescue, not that I ever used one, but my father did all the time.

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The Self-Sufficiency Bible By Mrs Vera West


John Steele is apparently going through yet another book crisis, and reviewing his limited supply of books before passing them on to the next generation of paranoids. That is most excellent. To compliment that worthy task, some reviews of books that I have been meaning to do, but the issue of the collapse of Western civilisation, and emerging Covid1984-totalitarianism just got in the way, but I am sure that you understand.

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The Modern Military Survival Manuals By John Steele


There are numerous, cheap Kindle books which deal with wilderness and collapse survival, largely re-writing the US Army’s FM 21-76 Survival Manual. These cheap knock-offs are not worth purchasing. However, in recent years there have been many good survival books published by ex-SAS and military dudes, who talk the talk and have walked the walk. Here are some for your interest, those of us nervous enough to entertain the possibility of social collapse, or at least widespread chaos.

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Notes of Eric D. Butler's paper at the Fourth Social Credit Seminar: "The New Times," vol.24. no.21. November 8, 1958. In spite of the fact that it can be easily demonstrated that it is possible for a small and decreasing number of people in a modern industrial society to produce all the physical requirements for the whole community, and that the most important potential of the semi-automatic production system is increasing leisure time for all, any suggestion of a policy which would enable the individual to obtain a financial income, however small for a start, without first being compelled to engage in economic activities, or in filling in forms of some description in the growing Government bureaucracies, meets with widespread opposition.

Both Communist and non-Communist Governments are in complete agreement on a policy of "Full Employment" as the only means through which the individual is entitled to life. And as every policy must derive from a philosophy, it is clear, as a number of outstanding Western thinkers have pointed out that although the West is referred to as the free world, it is progressively retreating from freedom. Lip service is still paid to freedom in the Western world, but in fact the individual is being increasingly subjected to centralised direction of all aspects of his life. Many express concern at the effects of this centralised direction but at the same time endorse the policy of "Full Employment" which makes these effects inevitable.

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The 5 Biggest Lies of Global Capitalism Guy Standing



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Meet the Precariat By Guy Standing


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Defund the ANZ! By Viv Forbes

Mining is the backbone of Australia but ANZ bank has announced that it will no longer finance our coal industry. So, we should not fund them. Yesterday, Judy and I withdrew all money we had invested with ANZ.


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There Will be Blood By Charles Taylor

“Fight to the last gasp.” Shakespeare, Henry VI, part I. Civil war is coming, but as I have said, if all this election bs had happened even 60 years ago, it might have been sooner.


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Climate Agenda about Breaking the Will By James Reed


The elites are coming right out in the open and socking us in the chin. Or, at least breaking our will.

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Proof of a Conspiracy: Elites Confession Times By Charles Taylor

Here is a mainstream article that says that there was a conspiracy between big business and the Left to make sure that Trump conceded. It is incredible and utterly nauseating to think we are ruled by these Dark Lords.

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Germany Could Freeze to Death Thanks to Green Power! By James Reed


I would not like to be in a cold place like Europe, old and frail as I am, depending upon politically correct energy to keep me from freezing. But that is what Germany faces, and even the mighty migrant rocket scientists have not solved the problem. The answer is coal and oil, and plenty of it, beautiful greenhouse gasses.

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Time for the Universities to Fail By James Reed

I was pleased to see this article over at the Australian Financial Review, February 8, 2021, reporting on the trouble that globalism has brought to the universities. These rotten institutions deserve everything that is coming to them.

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How Soon Before this One Escapes? By Brian Simpson


I suppose that if Trump was not a cuck and had fought on, something like this would suddenly appear on the scene and we will go through the whole cycle of 2020 over again. The year 2020, the year the West began its nose dive down.

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And Guess What the US Supreme Court Will Do? By Charles Taylor

This is coming up soon … the US supreme court is set to consider election challenge lawsuits. There will be no surprises what this court will conclude. No matter what evidence is presented, it will be downgraded, rejected, and the conclusion will be no stolen election. How could it be otherwise, with a court that decided that Texas did not have standing! This result will be used to legitimise Biden. So, it is really pointless  now to think that any good will come from this.


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Covid-19 vaccine: Why you should not take it! Graham Lyons M Public Health PhD


1. SARS Cov-2 (the supposed cause of Covid-19) has neither been isolated nor characterised, therefore how can it be genuinely tested for, and how can a vaccine be produced for it?

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Maybe the UN Needs Chook Raffles? By Richard Miller


All the UN wants is just $ 100 million to bring rocket scientists to the European Union. How good is that?

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Beijing Biden’s Great White Replacement Program By Chris Knight


Eliminating white Americans, dispossessing them even further, is the Democrat agenda, and this boy is going for it, big time. Early days yet, but it is all over for the America we knew. Will white conservatives wake up, that Trump betrayed them? Will they do anything? Anything to save themselves? My guess is no, they will go the way of civilisations that collapsed in the past, for no-one is so weak today as modern whites.

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Once was Germany By Richard Miller


Germany is gone, and the good German men who do nothing, have let it all happen, choosing to enjoy the dubious comforts of the consumer society. Here is an update on the Great Replacement in Germany, to be replicated across the West:

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Her Name is Marjorie Taylor Greene By Chris Knight


This Republican congresswoman has more guts in her little finger than Trump has in his entire traitorous  body, and while she has said some silly things, and endorsed some silly conspiracies, if one plugs for enough , one is bound to hit the truth which will upset the elites.

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