African Eve Loses Her Mitochondria Fig Leaf! By Brian Simpson

Standing behind the African Eve hypothesis -  the globalist mainstream view that humans evolved in Africa, which then became the mother continent – is the idea that there is only maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA. This is DNA in the mitochondria, not the chromosomes. The received position is that mitochondrial in human sperm, in the tail, gets excluded, a view held even in leading genetics journals.

But, it is not correct, as shown in the paper by F. Ankel-Simons and J. M. Cummins, “Misconceptions about Mitochondrial and mammalian Fertilization: Implications for Theories of human Evolution,” Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, vol. 93, 1996, pp. 13859-13863. They state: “The “missing mitochondria” story seems to have survive – and proliferated – unchallenged in a time of contention, between hypotheses of human origins, because it supports the “African Eve” model of recent radiation of Homo sapiens out of Africa.” (p. 13859)

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Traitor Coward Cuck Trump Says Farewell By Charles Taylor and Chris Knight

The rotten ship Trump now sinks into the toxic waste of the swamp, with no martial law or anything false flag QAnon, the nonsense conspiracy, predicted. Trump fails at the last monument, something someone like Obama, even Clinton would never have done. And, the disgusting coward in his departing speech again slams his supporters. That people have not turned on this scum bag, shows how degenerate America has become. For the fate of the West depended upon an obese, low T actor, is disgraceful, shameful, sad. Talk about not with a bang but a whimper. And, we maintain that the entire Trump Washington DC gathering was a setup, since what purpose could it have served, only to anger people, when Pence’s treason was revealed? A Pence betrayal was almost certain, and don’t tell us Trump was not advised about it, by his own traitors? No, Trump was in on it; it was his agreed upon exit. If he and his disgusting family do get away we can conclude that it was a mutual conspiracy with the Democrats. But, there is still the likelihood of a double cross, which we hope occurs. It is the best thing Trump can do for patriots now is to be imprisoned. Go for it Nancy, don’t let us down!

Trump has loaded Washington DC with troops, special New World Order types, ready for the Biden anarcho-tyranny regime. There are 26,000 troops as a show of force for the new communist regime, more than in US war zones, using the laughable Capitol Building protest as an excuse for assembling the largest military presence in its history. It shows what is about to come. Curse you Trump, you will go to Hell for your betrayal! Far worse than Pence or any Demon-crat! You have stirred up a hornet’s nest, and it is the supporters who will be persecuted.

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Foreign Interference in the US Election By Chris Knight

Trump could have acted on the massive foreign interference in the US election, but has done nothing, allowing the most tragic defeat of the US; what exist now is but the ruins, like Rome after the fall. He has allowed evil to flourish. We must condemn him first as a necessary road to the next level of resistance. No more traitors, we need leaders with honour!

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Even People Like Angela Merkel are Concerned about the Death of US Liberty By James Reed

You know how bad things have got when people like Angela Merkel, who has been roundly condemned for her destruction of German freedom, are alarmed about what is happening in the US. That is how bad things are:

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The Failure of Lockdowns By Brian Simpson


An on-line academic paper by Bendavid (et al.), published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, entitled, “Assessing Mandatory Stay-at-Home and Business Closure Effects on the Spread of Covid-19,” concludes that there were no substantial benefits, from the lockdowns. Yet Beijing Biden now intends to lockdown the US economy for 100 days, no doubt a direct order from his masters to finally economically destroy the US.

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The UN and World Government By Peter Ewer

The UN is moving to be the world government by 2030. Hopefully, global economic/ecological collapse may save us, since nationalist movements are failing, or just crawling around in circles, like insects nailed to the floor. The UN hopes to achieve this global tyranny using sustainable development. But, by the lights of their own ecological documents, this will fail anyway, as how long has the planet got now … eight years I think, so they miss own date of 2030. Ha!


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The Amazing Economic Benefits of Refugees! By James Reed


This goes back a bit, but the claim is made that boosting refugee numbers will boost the economy by $5 billion.  

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Secessionism, on the Ballot By Charles Taylor

This is more like it, moving beyond the pathetic ending of Trump, who could not follow through, having seen into the abyss and wet himself. Texas is moving to a referendum on breaking away from the putrid USA, and if it does, other red (hate that terminology, who came up with that, a communist?) states will too.

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Georgia Voter Fraud, Democracy Doomed By Chris Knight

We will find news of electoral fraud disappearing under the Biden regime, as the victorious rewrite history. Maybe print all the articles off for what future lies ahead. If any grandchildren survive it may amuse them.

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Now Covid Suffocation Chambers! By Brian Simpson

India is pushing ahead with 300 million people being vaccinated. Say, any truth to the claim that the Gates vaccination program blew up in India? No, false news according to the mainstream. Ok, over to Brazil:

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China Strikes Back! By James Reed

I keep warning Australia to keep its head down and be a grey man because the West has ended and China now rules the world. Get used to it.


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The Covid-1984 Tyranny Really Gets Going By Mrs Vera West

The system is getting ready to make people who refuse the Covid jab, non- persons. No jab, no life. Ok, but let’s have all politicians vaccinated first while we sit back and observe, first.

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Even Italy had a Role in Stealing the US Election By Charles Taylor

If he had the guts, Trump could have called out foreign interference in the 2020 election.

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Troop Build Ups in Washington DC: To Control Trumpers by Their Boy Trump By Chris Knight


Washington DC has been filled with troops, walls and barbed wire, the sort of things that America could not send to its borders. Who gave the order for this? Trump? Or the people who have always run the World? I am surprised that Chinese troops were not showing their faces, but it will come. Anything is now possible from the communist rulers.

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Sure, Impeach Trump 10,000 Times By Charles Taylor


Time is running out to impeach the pathetic Trump, but don’t worry, the Demon-crats will press on even after the presidency ends. This is like digging up a corpse and killing it all over again.

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Amazing Covid Tradie Cops! By Brian Simpson

Well how about this, our friendly neighbourhoods’ boys and girls in blue are out there dressed as tradies. Hey, better than dressing up in …  well … you know…

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China on the War Path as Biden America Deflates like Stabbed Basket Ball By Chris knight

China has now openly proclaimed that America is an enemy. I don’t know how this will change now their boy Biden is up front as the puppet, but, who knows what the Deep State and neo conmen want? Without wars, they get migraine headaches, so blood must flow soon.

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Full-On Covid Tyranny By Brian Simpson

Covid-19 has exposed the system for the viciousness that lies within, with journalists across the world being arrested for coverage of this New World Order freak out.

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While the West wages war on coal, hydro-carbons power China’s industrial and military might.

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Go for it! Take Down Traitor Trump! By Charles Taylor

Unlike most other conservatives, except Ann Coulter, I see Trump as a great betrayer, someone who failed at the last moment at the most crucial point in Western history. We will face the collapse of the US and the West and the Trump- triumph of communist China, something Trump could have put off. Instead, the enemy now destroys his supporters, while he hopes to go back to his filthy money and business. I join with the Democrats in hoping to see him go down, but, unlike them, for full accelerationist reasons. It is a fitting end to a loser.

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