Some Kickback from the Left on Covid “Panic Porn” By Chris Knight

Left wing comedian Bill Maher, a strong critic of Trump and the Right, is one of the few high profile lefties to criticise the politicisation of medicine over the Covid issue, and how the media has fuelled the panic. This is good stuff to quote to those who see criticism of the Covid plandemic as just a Right wing conspiracy. His words now follow.

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The Cities will Burn because that’s Just What the Left Does By Chris Knight


The Left, BLM and antifa have had members say that if white former cop Chauvin, who is on trial for the death of gentle giant George Floyd, that cities will burn. But cities are already burning, all Democrat cesspools, so I don’t really care. However, after the stolen election, and the failure of the courts to deliver justice, I would be surprised if Chauvin is not lynched. In fact, how is it that he has not been murdered in jail yet a la Epstein? Anyway, it is a good reason to put troops in the streets, something that excites Democrats, a kind of political aphrodisiac of the Left. You know, the communist military parades and sabre rattling.

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Why are Polar Bears So Racist? By James Reed

As we know, anything white is white supremacist, such as white people, even dairy products. But, the worst offender is polar bears. Yes, polar bears, deceptively clinging to pieces of ice to try and convince us that global warming is real and that they are drowning, when in fact, they are partying. The following article puts the matter of polar bear racism on the front page. The Left must act, now! For the sake of social justice!


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The Threat of the Digital Vaccine Passport By Mrs Vera West

Sky New has a good piece on the vaccine passport, which is compared to the failed Australia Card. The prime minister is fielding the idea of a digital vaccine passport. The video details the threat to freedom this will pose, as it places society on a slippery slope to totalitarianism. It is noted that the police quickly become “fascists.” Nothing we have not seen, but it is good to see MSM saying this. The vaccine passport is a Chinese social credit system. The vid even ends with Mick Jagger’s new song attacking all of this.


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Populism as Corporate Fascism By James Reed


The corporate elites are dead worried about the rise of populism. Apart from the racism bs, there is the claim that populism is anti-capitalism. But, “capitalism,” for them is defined as corporatism, the world of Big Tech, Big business and Big Government, to back them all up using tax payers’ money. Corporate fascism is quite distinct from Adam Smith style real free market capitalism, based upon competition, not monopoly. Here is a sample of the thought defending ther corporates:

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China Attacks! By James Reed

China is now baiting the US, having a weak pseudo-leader, senile Joe Biden. Still, the US, like Australia is run by the Deep State, so it will not be Biden giving the go-to for a retaliation. It is a dangerous game because someone is going to make a mistake, then, war!


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Covid Vaccinated, but Still Infected Anyway????? By Uncle Len, Isolated and Confused (More than Normal, but What is “Normal” Now)?

I do not understand how it can be that the Covid vaccine will set us free to return to “normal,” but there are thousands of people who have been vaccinated against Covid, but get the disease anyway? Please explain why I need a vaccine? Couldn’t I just get the disease and wait it out under lock and key? Or, just sit here alone in isolation in my tin shed, shivering and dying from malnutrition at some indeterminate point? Wouldn’t that be cheaper for society, making room for a migrant? And what about my pet hermaphrodite rat, named, “Hyperspace”? Well, what about it? From the MSM:

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Freedom, Social Ethics and Vaccine Passports By Brian Simpson

The main argument, and it is a knock down one in my opinion, against vaccine passports is that it undermines fundamental freedoms, such as autonomy over one’s body. Dr Mercola has given an excellent account. I would add that the situation is even worse, since given the adverse effects; there is a probability, however small, of death from a vaccine. Yes, there are risks crossing the road, but that is still voluntary. Vaccine passports force one to play vaccine roulette, like Russian roulette, only with a syringe.

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Chris Pyne (Remember Him?) Sees China War Coming By James Reed

Chris Pyne was the former Defence Minister, and he is alarmed about China’s present aggression re Taiwan and the South China Sea. China war is now more likely than five years ago. But, the Australian population has yet to take this in, still dealing with Covid-1984, which some see, as we have extensively covered, as a first biological volley in the war.

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Defund the Police because They are All White Supremacist, including the Black and Asian Ones! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Hollywood is well known for its double standards, such as leading morons advocating gun control, but having armed guards. The Democrat politicians are just like that too, since it is one law for me, another for thee. At present it is popular to go for a defund the police line arguing that the police are intrinsically white supremacist, even though more Whites are shot by cops than Blacks, often by Black cops. Never mind. I say, start by eliminating all police around Hollywood. See what happens then. Then all the rich homes. Like around Silly Con Valley.

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South Korea Fights Back Against Eco-Vandal, Japan By Bruce “Radio-Active” Bennett

I thought China might be leading the charge against Japan’s plan to dump 1.25 million tons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. But South Korea looks like hitting Japan with an international law suit.

Go South Korea, go! I am over the moon about President Moon taking action.

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Yet Another White Supremacist Attack by Someone Not Even White! By Chris Knight

The mistake being made by our side is to assume that if an attacker is not white, then an attack upon an Asian, to fit the present narrative, is therefore not white supremacist. But it is! Anything the Left depict as “white supremacist” is by postmodern definition, because everything is a social construction, made of pure words and texts. The entire universe is just one big sociology pigpen, made of words, of course.

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Pope’s Most Woke Endorsement of Communism Yet! By Peter West

We are not wrong in depicting the present Pope as a full-on communist. First up is his most recent criticism of populism, which as a globalist creature of the New World Order, he naturally opposes. He depicts populism as “political paternalism,” which is a joke considering that his fellow globalist communists are working to take away most basic freedoms, as we have already seen with the Covid plandemic, another big thing with him, for his Covid Communist Chinese New World Order definitely is based upon the Great Reset. His following remarks more accurately describe globalism, rather than populism, which aims to empower those who have been dispossessed. Pure ideology.

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A Slap on the Wrist to Google with a Feather By Brian Simpson

The Federal Court of Australia has found that Google has misled some mobile phone users over its collection location history data. There could be a penalty of “many million.” Well, these laws were constructed to deal with normal companies, not King Kong monsters like Google, and a few million would mean nothing. If it was many billions, then they might get worried, and they should face such stiff penalties. That would teach them a lesson, one these arrogant masters of the universe dearly need.

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Is This a Problem for the Magic Preferred Vax? By Mrs Vera West

I don’t know, I am just the cleaner, chief cook and bottle washer. How the South African variant of Coviddy is showing up, if the Tel Aviv University research is correct, in people who have been jabbed with the mRNA vaccines is a mystery, to me, but many things about the Black Death are as well.

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Systematic Racism is Big Business! By James Reed

The multiculturalism race industry is probably where most taxpayers’ money goes in the West. One brave attempt to work out the cost of multiculturalism for Australia in the 1990s put it at $20 billion, but that was a vast under-estimate, not including the Aboriginal stuff, let alone the universities woke mania. And individuals have done well. Enjoy it while it lasts, because it will not, as resources and social capital are depleted.

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Sure, Race Trumps Sex By Michael Ferguson

Following the shooting over in America of the Black guy by white woman cop who mistook her gun for her taser, there has been deep thinking by the new race class. It has been concluded that while all women are oppressed, the feminist line, white women are still oppressors of Blacks, so race trumps sex in the politically correct great chain of being. It could be explained by set theoretical modelling, by why break out a cognitive sweat when we have this gem from Cosmo mag:

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Climate Change is Sexist! By James Reed

I have seen plenty of article about climate change being racist, by disproportionately affecting coloured people. Now we have it that climate change is sexist as well, having a disproportionate impact upon women and girls. Gasp! Better block out the sun as quick as possible! Billy at the Gates, get those chalk rockets going! Sexist, racist sun, bad! Being an alleged existential threat to polar bears and cuddly creatures is one thing, but racism and sexism …shheeeeeeeesh!

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Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair By James Reed

This is the one we have been waiting for; a BLM activist enlightens us into why burning and looting is justified … eh …racist state bad. It is, she alleges, a legitimate response to state violence, all against Blacks. But, even if BLM were right about the state being evil, and I think it is, but not for their reasons, but because it attacks and dispossesses Whites, who I see in much the same way BLM sees Blacks, how does that justify destroying Black businesses?

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Stating the Obvious on the Great Replacement By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Although Republicans have not yet dared speak of the race aspect of the Great Replacement, some are seeing the elephant in the room, that ethno-racial replacement is going to mean that the republican party will cease to exist. That is so even if all immigration stops, just due to differential birth-rates.

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