Covid-1984 Immunity Passports By Richard Miller

Totalitarianism is here, all given to us by the magic of the Wuhan flu, the gift to globalism that just keeps on giving. Look at all the goodies we have in the UK, home of 1984, with Covid-immunity passports, and right out of those UK zombie apocalypse movies, all involving the number “28,” police questioning drivers leaving virus zones, and getting a buzz out of it too. Strange desires indeed; strange times too.

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Mathematicians Go on the Attack! By Brian Simpson

This is interesting regarding electoral fraud, insofar as a mathematician has worked out what the three-digit multipliers used in the fraud computer programs are.

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UK Covid-1984 Tyranny By Richard Miller

Beware my Australian friends, the UK is definitely testing ground for medical fascism, even further down the road to hell than the US, with coming likely mandatory Covid-1984 vaccinations or alternatively, no access to public life, vaccination status on passports, and mass surveillance. The foul wind will blow your way.

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Disputing Toxic Masculinity By James Reed

The attack upon traditional manhood, obviously done to destroy resistance to the tyranny that globalism is rolling out, is in full swing, like the mania of anti-racism. To oppose it, is to face punishment, but some will dare, and take a stand. Good for them.

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Under the Arizona Skies By Chris Knight

The title is from memory, an early John Wayne film, made back when America was not the cesspool it is today. For example, Sidney Powell has sued Arizona official over the dominion software stealing 412,000 illegal votes.

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Antifa’s Problems with Trains By Chris Knight

How can a fanatical communist terrorist group bring down Western civilisation if they cannot do a simple thing like de-rail a train, not that I in any way want them to, on the contrary, I am very pleased in their continual failure. But, as a point of argument, in the old cowboys and Indian movies, trains get derailed all the time, so I imagine that it would only take an odd banana peel, and oops, train wreck. So, put your banana peels in the bin, don’t litter, or it might give antifa terrorists ideas.

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What the Camera Saw By Chris Knight

This item is listed as disputed by Twitter, even though there is a video showing secret votes being counted! Check out the link, and what it for yourself, and judge if the Twits are right. It sure looks like the rats have come out, after hours, to steal the cheese.


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Asian American Votes, Securing Democrats, Forever. By Brian Simpson

Ironically, this story is quoted without comment in American Renaissance, supposedly pro-white, but also championing the East Asian IQ/everything superiority thesis. Should they then worry that Asian migration to the US will secure Democrat power forever, along with open corruption and electoral fraud? Surely not given their fetishism about IQ, which I have argued in earlier posts, is not justified anyway, but more of this in other papers.

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The Wages of Defunding the Police By Chris Knight

So how is the Left ideal of defunding the police going, after the Floyd frenzy that led to cities being burnt, looting and murders? Why, it looks like the world of John Lemons’ Imagine is here … not!

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Here Comes Chaos and Civil War By John Steele

Why should our American friends have all the fun covering the inevitable breakdown of America, and by a kick on effect, Australia as well, as economies unravel. Even Biden’s proposed lock down of the entire US country will result in a global recession, if not depression. At least we have been warned, of the storm that is coming.

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Seeing the Miracle of Voter Fraud, with My Own Eyes! By Charles Taylor

What is it like to see voter fraud with your own eyes? It must be in some ways like seeing a violation of the laws of nature, since most normies assume that the system is not corrupt, but here it is, clear proof that evil is real.

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Seeing Double; Voting Double By Chris Knight

Every day now the amount of information coming out about voting fraud is almost overwhelming. But, at this momentum time we have a duty to report what we can, so people in Australia are not censored. One blog,, covered the main points, win or lose.

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Electoral Fraud: Here, There and Everywhere By James Reed

Let us see if Australia’s mainstream media will report on this now, with to date to a man/woman/transgendered person, they have said nothing to see here. Arizona samples 100 votes, found 3 percent fraud, so larger audit been officially granted.

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Asking Embarrassing Questions about the Covid Vaccine By Brian Simpson

The has some great articles, that are clear, and often hit right to the heart of things. I found this merit in the following piece that raises the real question that should be asked about the Covid-19 vaccine, but, as usual the mainstream media are silent on, of course.

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The Eve of Western Destruction By Brian Simpson

Paul Craig Roberts is a mutual mind with many of us here on this blog, we who have a Spenglerian dread about the fate of the West. A recent sample:

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I Don’t Believe Them! By James Reed

We are always told, like for decades, that the fruit industry needs overseas labour to pick fruit because Australians will not do it. Has anyone ever tested this claim? I would like to be given the funds to see how many unemployed I could recruit, and I would like to audit employment agencies to see if they are really looking to supply work for Australians. It always struck me as immigration bs. Cheaper labour, less conditions etc. Offer decent pay, for hot boring work,  and see the positions filled by eager locals.

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Face Masks are Ineffective, but Great for Social Control! By Mrs Vera West

According to our most noble editor over in Adelaide, people now need to wear face masks to enter stores like chemists, shops and soon shopping centres. It is insane since the masks people wear are totally inadequate for viral protection, and most people do not know how to use masks anyway. The same mask is used day after day, for example, where in hospitals, masks are changed frequently over one day. And N95 masks are used, not cheap tissue paper, which does little. I have tested these sorts of cheap masks to see if they stop dust, while dusting, and they do not. Dust particles’ much bigger than viruses.

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But…Is It Safe for Baby? By Mrs Vera West

I know that you, like me, are waiting with baited breath for the new Covid-1984 vaccine, to inject up like junkies do in alley ways, perhaps four or five shots a day. While that may be utterly excellent for our health, what about pregnant women, is the vaccine going to be just as sexy for them too?

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Incredible Climate Change Fraud! By James Reed

With the extent of US electoral fraud, and as raised by the editor in a fascinating article in this week’s On Target, electoral fraud, probably in Australia too, it is not surprising to learn of fraud, fraud, and more fraud, in the climate change circus, naturally enough, manmade!

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Life without China? By James Reed

I have been saying this for years, but really Australia could live well if the rest of the world disappeared, magically. Just follow the thought experiment, if some Cartesian demon eliminated the people of the rest of the world, we would have food, water, resources to live as high, or higher, than now. Some bs tech we would not need because its aim is for globalism, but if we thought localist, and nationalist, we would never be globally humiliated by the likes of China. We would know freedom and national pride, instead of being worms.


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