For those of us who slave away at computers all day, here is something to think about: your eyes.
The Pope has certainly embraced every embarrassing Leftist environmental craze that passes by him. Now he is onto the idea of ecological debt, that the West owes the Third World because of environmental destruction. But, that is the cost of civilisation, and if the West did not pursue this industrialised road, humanity would still be back in more primitive conditions. The Third World wants Western lifestyles, so this whole idea of ecological debt is incoherent, since they too help pollute the environment, in following a pathway of development.
Biden’s gun control executive order is chipping away at American gun rights. The real move will come from the stacking of the Supreme Court with millions of Leftist judges, who will find that the reference to bearing arms in the Second Amendment, was merely about wearing short-sleeved shirts. “Arms” does not mean that common sense thinks, only what leftist judges say it does!
This would be amusing if it was not a wee bit scary, in a woke way, when a book, with a prayer calling on God to help the author hate white people, is selling at the big-name stores. What is super scary, is why there is a need for heavenly intervention to hate whites, when the supply of anti-white hate juice is near infinite? Would it be possible to fuel industrial society on this hatred of a people’s skin colour, thus eliminating greenhouse gasses and saving the polar bear, and even Yogi Bear?
THe title and material is from the great Dissent Right writer, Jim Goad. He has summed up London better than anyone I know. The city has simply ceased to be part of the traditional West.
When there is racial conflict, and the MSM are in hyper-drive, someone always likes to have a good white supremacist hoax, just to stir up conflicts even more. The media get the story of racism, racism, and more racism, out quick before the truth outs, just so more damage is done. Like this one.
You know things are bad, real bad, when Russia is calling out the US for its oppression of Whites. And, if Russia can see it, why do the great unwashed not act? I know that they have an obsession with law and order, like obedient conservative bees, but not even lawful protests? Trump sure hosed things down as part of his, no doubt, “art of the deal.”
This is one of the legacies of Trump, for failing to secure judges on the Supreme Court like Black Justice Thomas, instead, trying to appease the politically correct with his appointments. It cost him the election, and now America goes down. Trump, the traitor and orange buffoon, with no capacity to think, only tweet, and now out to pasture to be forgotten by the deplorables within a year.
Just in case the readers think that the reports that are being made each day here on this blog on the cultural revolution in America have no relevance to us here in quiet little OZ, consider this one:
Here is an update on what could be an adverse reaction to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. Authorities say that it is too early to judge, but we will know all about this in, maybe … a couple of years. In the end, it all comes out in the wash, my mother used to say.
Honey is great, a natural sweetener. But the best honey of all is radioactive honey, and there may be plenty of that around former US nuclear test sites, a legacy from decades ago. Clearly a new export industry!
Clearly, 1.5 metres is not enough, if we are to believe how deadly Covid-19 is. So, how about 15 metres social distance, or even 15 kilometres? That should be enough, but too bad about civil society.
What is it with Musk, and other elites who warn of the coming destruction of earth, and seek to colonise Mars? Could it be an early warning sign of what the elites have in store? Once Mars is colonised there is no reason for them to preserve the earth, and you can be sure that this will be when nuclear exchanges freely occur. Too bad if Mars fails, though.
I am proud to be one of the many thousand who gathered in central London to protest about the Covid-1984 lockdowns and coming vaccine passport. The MSM downplayed this, some not reporting at all, but there was easily over 10,000 people there. At least that is what I could count before falling asleep.
The Biden regime has proposed a radical climate agenda, which will virtually de-industrialise America, and have other effects, such as eliminate red meat from the US diet. You can be sure that when the Labor Party gets in here, the same agenda will be pursued. So, it is worthwhile studying what the US climate insanity is. Actually, it is all for nothing, since leading gurus say that there is now less than 10 years to save the planet, so if this bs is right, none of these measures would be sufficient anyway. Really, given that China is exempt from everything, all this is just a white guilt thing, the program is clearly about cementing China as number 1. They don’t call him Beijing Biden for nothing!
People are now exploring the idea that the present rise of the Left is as form of fanatical religion. If so, there are sure to be priests, like Obama, and high priestesses, like Pelosi. This explains the high energy level of madness we have seen. It is really the tribe who lost its head. Pity about civilisation; it seemed as good idea at the time.
I think that dentists in Australia today have moved away from the amalgam fillings discussed below by Dr Mercola. In that respect, Australia may be ahead of the US in this area of health. Certainly, patients can request to have alternative fillings to amalgam, nice white ones rather than the ugly black amalgam, that just looks bad. The bigger issues now relate to root canal treatments. My one personal view, and this is not medical health advice, is that I never had root canal irrespective of the hypothesis that infections could still linger on, because of the cost. I got my infected teeth pulled, leaving for the great bulk of my life, big gaps in my mouth. But, I just got by with less teeth. In my opinion, teeth are greatly over-rated. Just my view, not having many left, at my long in the tooth age.
Here is an informative discussion by the great Dr Mercola, of Naomi Wolf’s view that the West has fallen into biofascism, with the Covid-19894 freak-out. She is from the Left, which makes the position even more interesting. But we live in strange times, and at least some from the Left may soon start to panic as the old world falls apart. Wolf sees this being the end of America, but the same argument applies to the West, in general.
I have examined some Dissent Right sites, with their comments on the aftermath of the predictable Chauvin trial, and it is heartening to see some movement to secession, the breakup of America. I covered the Texit movement in another article. Greg Johnson, first:
I am pleased to see the Texas session movement gathering momentum, something I hope will happen to all red states now that the media have generated a race war, which continues daily. For background, here is material on the Texas break up, a model for other states. In fact, this is part of a post-nation movement, which sees the old nation states as dysfunctional and harmful, if not pathological now.