Executing Dominion By Charles Taylor

I have found that the entire area of computers and IT, involving some technicalities, is a place whee all sorts of gaslighting charlatans can dwell. The use of the dominion software is proving this, but the question has to be asked, why team Trump, who could easily afford their own computer charlatans, did not investigate the matter and do due diligence.


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Dead Men Tell No Tales, but Still Vote! By Charles Taylor

According to Obama, Trump claiming electoral fraud is just an attempt to delegitimise democracy, just like, I suppose his birth certificate issue. Only on this one, the evidence is growing so fast, one person cannot keep up with it. Here I will focus upon dead people voting to refute Obamarama:


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Satire of the Week: Amerika.org By James Reed


“Two-Million Year Old Human Ancestor Found, Voted For Biden

by Brett Stevens on November 10, 2020

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Blatant Media Censorship By Charles Taylor

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson went on the attack against his own network, when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto refused to cover a Trump press conference on the electoral fraud issue. He said:
"You can't just cut away from coverage you don't like. Force doesn't work in a democracy. That's a dictatorship. Telling voters to shut up is never enough."

The Monday press conference featuring Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany and GOP Chairperson Ronna McDaniel, was cut by Cavuto who decided that the American people should not hear what the Trump administration position was:
“I can't in good countenance continue to show you this."

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Let a Thousand Law Suits Bloom! By Ian Wilson LL.B

I am pleased that Chris and Charles are covering the US electoral fraud issue, perhaps the greatest open conspiracy the world has ever seen. Law suits are now flowing like rain in a storm, with so many allegations that it is difficult to see how the Electoral College could make a decision in Mid-December, 2020. Why, to sort out the issue of every fraudulent vote may take years! We have seen the dead voting in the thousands, and now this little beauty:


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On Blondes By Brian Simpson

Blonde jokes were once the go, all with the punchline that blondes are idiots, along the stereotype of Marilyn Monroe and later sex toys. But, that stereotype conflicts somewhat with the evil blonde stereotype seen in action movies, where the blonde men are the bad guys. Not really credible if blondes are dumb; the blonde bad guys had blonde mothers. But, blondes are not dumb, and anyway, that thesis contradicts the Leftist mantra of no intelligence difference for races/sub-races, and has a genocidal undertone to it.


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A Bedside Reader’s Guide to White Genocide By Brian Simpson

Just in case your term paper is on the theme of White Genocide, taking the con case of course, here is another of my delightful reading guides.


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UK: Covid-1984 Police State By Richard Miller

It looks like the entire US under Biden will be morphing into the UK which has become a Covid-obsessed police state. The terms are from Chris Sweeney:


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Diversity is Not a Strength, But a Weakness: A Reading Guide By Brian Simpson

The woke multiculturalists proclaim, as something of self-fulfilling thesis, that diversity is “our” greatest strength. This claim is never argued for, but is asserted with religious fervour. However, there is an overwhelming case against it. I am not going to argue first hand against the diversity myth here, but for education purposes, for any students wandering our way, provide an introductory reading guide.

  1. T. Dinesen (et al.), “Ethnic Diversity and Social Trust: A Narrative and Meta-Analytical Review,” Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 23, 2020:

“Does ethnic diversity erode social trust? Continued immigration and corresponding growing ethnic diversity have prompted this essential question for modern societies, but few clear answers have been reached in the sprawling literature. This article reviews the literature on the relationship between ethnic diversity and social trust through a narrative review and a meta-analysis of 1,001 estimates from 87 studies. The review clarifies the core concepts, highlights pertinent debates, and tests core claims from the literature on the relationship between ethnic diversity and social trust. Several results stand out from the meta-analysis. We find a statistically significant negative relationship between ethnic diversity and social trust across all studies. The relationship is stronger for trust in neighbors and when ethnic diversity is measured more locally. Covariate conditioning generally changes the relationship only slightly. The review concludes by discussing avenues for future research.”

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Covid-Locking Down the Country By Charles Taylor

Senile old Joe Biden really means it, and is going to lock down the country, and he already has a panel up and going, without officially being called president yet by the Electoral College, only the mainstream media, prostitutes of the Deep State:


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Covid-Locking Down the Country By Charles Taylor

Senile old Joe Biden really means it, and is going to lock down the country, and he already has a panel up and going, without officially being called president yet by the Electoral College, only the mainstream media, prostitutes of the Deep State:


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The Numbers Just Don’t Add Up! By Chris Knight

While world leaders, so-called, are ringing sleepy Joe, when he is awake and the drugs are no doubt active, voter fraud issues are surfacing everywhere, indicating that the numbers just don’t add up. You can’t argue with cold hard mathematics:


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The Big Cover-Up Begins By Charles Taylor

US Attorney General William Barr is someone Trump should have sacked long ago. But did not. The Obama spying scandal should have been a warning. What will happen now is yet another Trump foul up, as Barr will no doubt find no irregularity at all, and this will be instantly used by the Democrats. Oh, for some double digit IQ!


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Rabbi Mayer Schiller on Secession and Separation By Chris Knight


I have been researching secessionism, the breakup of nations, something proposed on a universal scale by Leopold Kohr, in The Breakdown of Nations (1957). Kohr came at this thesis as a “philosophical anarchist,” rejecting the “cult of bigness.” This led him to see nations as vastly too big to be sustainable, and he thought that a breakup into smaller units would be desrirable. However, while I do not have the book, I recall that he had a chapter assessing the likelihood of this happening by voluntary action, and in a chapter with a sentence length reply said: it is not going to happen short of a total collapse. Men will go on destroying each other right until the end. He influenced less pessimistic “small is beautiful” thinkers, such as the ever-readable E. F. Schumacher, author of Small is Beautiful (1973), and Kirkpatrick Sale, all who argued for the need to return to human scale. I consider this the sensible wing of environmentalism.

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CIA Vote Altering Software By Brian Simpson

To help people in Australia, who have crashed into the brick wall of mainstream media censorship of the US electoral fraud, the greatest scam in our lifetimes, here are some up-to-date references, most dealing with the CIA vote altering software, which enabled the electronic votes to be hacked. This is an inevitable defect in our gee-whiz computer society, where if it can be done by a computer, it must be. Comments along these lines are to be found below.


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A Declaration of Insurrection? By Charles Taylor

This might be amusing if one was not here in America in the hot seat, but all sorts of things are now flying given that Trump has fired Deep State Defense Secretary Mark Esper, replaced by Christopher Miller, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center. I imagined that this was a move to protect himself from a coming military coup, which the Demoncrats will likely try soon. Here is Mike Adams on this:


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Rapidly Fading Covid-19 Antibodies By Mrs Vera West

It flashed across my laptop screen, in the corner, I saw it, but could not catch it, like a fast fly, something about a 90 percent effective Covid-19 vaccine. But maybe there is something else:


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Secession USA By Chris Knight

The breakup of America has been proposed ever since the Civil War, but more so in our present, Uncivil War. First it came from the Left, mainly wanting California to become a nation in its own, which would have been excellent, if all the Left went there. Now, the idea is coming up in the Dissent Right, and it is a grand idea too, to carve up the country along red and blue lines. Divorce is needed when people get to the stage that they just want to kill each other, and that is the US today. The stolen election will be a major step for most Trump voters, as even if Trump fails in the corrupt courts, at least the dirt on Democrat election fraud will be out there, fuelling the anger. So, if this happens, a Trump loss may be for the best in the long term, since if he was elected, he would not have done much anyway, always being neutralised by the decadent Democrats.


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Bad “Social Credit” By James Reed

The Douglas social credit movement now faces a major problem, as the very term, “social credit,” has been taken over by the Chinese commos, for a diabolic technocratic system of Maoist style punishments and social control, but this bad “social credit” is now being applied in the West to, against the Dissent Right, and soon alternative finance folk:


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Getting Philosophical about the Collapse of America By James Reed

With Beijing Biden, the neo-con war mongers, the ugliest face of part of the Deep State, are besides themselves, eager to throw the US into endless wars, while tearing down the little bit of the Wall Trump built, thus allowing the Great Replacement of Euro-America to proceed as normal, with a non-white majority in a few years, and Democrat dictatorship forever. Yes, the stakes were high in the 2020 election, and the great tragedy is not the fraud, which even proverbial blind Freddy could have seen coming, but that Trump just did not get it. He did not see that this is the end of what he represents, and it will mean his own personal demise.


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