Getting Philosophical about the Collapse of America By James Reed

With Beijing Biden, the neo-con war mongers, the ugliest face of part of the Deep State, are besides themselves, eager to throw the US into endless wars, while tearing down the little bit of the Wall Trump built, thus allowing the Great Replacement of Euro-America to proceed as normal, with a non-white majority in a few years, and Democrat dictatorship forever. Yes, the stakes were high in the 2020 election, and the great tragedy is not the fraud, which even proverbial blind Freddy could have seen coming, but that Trump just did not get it. He did not see that this is the end of what he represents, and it will mean his own personal demise.


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Message in a Bottle to the Left By Charles Taylor

Did our blogging and messages  to the White House pay off? At long last Trump seems willing to put down his golf clubs, like a fat spoilt boy, and get out there and lead the MAGA protests! It is, he said, a message to the Left. Three cheers, what took you so long, son?

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Raciology by Vladimir Avdeyev By Brian Simpson


I have begun reading a fascinating, politically incorrect book by Russian writer, Vladimir Avdeyev, Raciology (2015). As this is by a Russian, it is essentially fearless, rejecting the cultural determinism of Boas and modern sociology and anthropology, in favour of a revived race science, resurrecting material that the politically correct had sought to bury, from the 18th century, to the 21st. The core thesis is that race is “the nerve center of world history,; which mimics the famous quote by British Prime Minister Disraeli "No man will treat with indifference the principle of race. It is the key of history, and why history is often so confused is that it has been written by men who were ignorant of this principle and all the knowledge it involves." - Benjamin Disraeli, Endymion (London: Longmans & Green, 1880), Chapter LVI, p. 248.

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Peter Frost on Nordic Hair and Eye Colour Diversity By Brian Simpson

Europeans are the exception to the rule of humans having one hair and eye colour, not only having black hair, but all shades right down to white blonde. Why? Peter Frost addressed this issue, and I will take issue with him:


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The Golfing, Goofing President By Charles Taylor

The election is technically not over until the fat lady sings, well, maybe not fat, but when the   Electoral College decides in early December. The media therefore do not decide the election, whatever they say. So, what has Trump been doing? Why, he has been relaxing playing golf at one of his clubs for the past two days:


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No Colour Please, We are English! By Richard Miller


According to a study by the British future and Centre for English Identity and Politics, only 10 percent of people believe that ethnicity is a determining factor in being “English”:

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Nordic Eye Colour and Disagreeableness By Brian Simpson


The discussion relates to this interesting paper, on a topic I did not expect to see: E. Gardiner & C. J. Jackson, “Eye Color Predicts Disagreeableness in North Europeans: Support in Favor of Frost (2006),” Current Psychology, vol. 29, 2010.

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Common Enemies and the Dark Side of Friendship By James Reed

Continuing our “war” on the New York Times, our next piece of deconstruction relates to this, another one of their “shocking” revelations:

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Trump Accountability Project: A Classic USSR-Style Purge By Chris Knight


Democrat followers, and Hispanic socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and many others, are busy making lists of Trump supporters, and that includes judges, to punish them, we presume, for why else bother?

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President Harris, First Indian Hindu President By Charles Taylor

While the media are going crazy with the idea that there is now a Black woman, soon to replace senile Joe Beijing Biden, which was the transparent plan all along, hence a senile candidate was perfect, we should ask; who is Harris? Well, racially and culturally Kamala Harris is Indian, and was raised as a Hindu, so she is not African American at all, but they did not tell Black folks that.

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The US Left Now Eat Each Other! By Chris Knight

Naturally, it does not take long for the Left to turn on each other, as attack and destroy is the nature of the beast:

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Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccines; First the US, then Here By Mrs Vera West

Trump, while supporting a Codid-19 vaccine for the people, did not want it to be mandatory. It is unclear what Biden/Harris will do, but some indications are, given their mania with masks and lockdowns, is that it will be compulsory, and they may use a bad “social credit” system, as that unfortunate term for us is now used. No jab, no existence in society, especial if you were one of the 70 million who voted for Donald Trump, who will be hunted, like that TV show already warned of. Leftists really like to gloat.


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Today’s US Electoral Fraud News By Charles Taylor

No need for a comment now, this stuff piles up by the hour, there is so much of it, the Democrats must have spent all of their Satanic X-mas shopping money getting this racket up and running:

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Today’s US Electoral Fraud News By Charles Taylor

No need for a comment now, this stuff piles up by the hour, there is so much of it, the Democrats must have spent all of their Satanic X-mas shopping money getting this racket up and running:

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Is This Really a Globalist 4-D Chess Manoeuvre? By James Reed

I have taken an interest in the American chaos, which is more illuminating that lockdowns here in Melbourne. Mike Adams has run the line that the globalist monsters want Trump to win in the courts, and deliberately left fraud trails, so that there will be a kinetic war when Dumocrats go mad, believing that the false victory declared by the mainstream media, completely illegal, has gone. At first ear, it sounds plausible to an old time master of conspiracies, like me.

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Sociology: The Manic Religion of Leftism By James Reed

From the very beginning, in the foundation works of Marx, Durkheim and Weber, sociology has been enmeshed in Leftist politics, something which is inevitable give its metascientific orientation. Above all else, even with Marxist historical materialism, sociology is based on the view that humans are primarily socio-cultural entities, and biology does not intervene. This is seen most clearly in the work of Durkheim, where in addressing phenomenon like suicide and the division of labour, he explicitly rejects any bio-social explanation, all that is relevant is social facts. Immersed in social bs, where else can one go? The development into a religious attitude, rather than science, would be inevitable. Christian Smith, The Sacred Project of American Sociology, (2014), explores this theme.


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Are White Males a Cancer? Sure, and Proud of it Too! By Peter Ewer

Going through my articles/photocopies during this slow news period, as the elite celebrate stealing the US election and moving the New World Order agenda right along, I came across his one which was so over the top, I thought it was fake news, and am still not certain:


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Nordics and the Issue of Blame By Brian Simpson

The paper by S. Potthoff (et al.), “Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Psychopathology Arcos Cultures: A Comparison between Six European Countries,” Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 98, 2016, found that Northern Europeans are less likely to blame other people for what happened to themselves than Southern Europeans. Further, they present other evidence indicating that Northern Europeans are more egalitarian than Southern Europeans. There is thus a north/south divide on the issues of individualism and egalitarianism. The problem with this in a ruthlessly competitive multicultural society is that Northern European people are at a strategic disadvantage:

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Religious Belief and Cooperation By James Reed

This was passed my way by our Brian Simpson: B. Raffield (et al.), “Religious Belief and Cooperation: A View from the Viking Age,” Religion, Brain and Behavior, vol. 9, 2019. The issue is whether socio-political complexity arose from one of two hypotheses. First, is the idea that moralizing high gods who engage in supernatural monitoring, observing and punishing humans for transgressions fostered cooperation and socio-political complexity. The second hypothesis is that of the supernatural punishment hypothesis, that the fear of punishment by  non-moralizing high gods, aided the development of socio-political complexity.

These hypotheses were tested by examining pre-Christian Viking society (750-1050 CE). It was found that while the Vikings did believe that they were monitored by supernatural entities, the Norse Gods were not moralizing high gods. They thus conclude that non-moralizing high gods foster socio-political complexity.

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Shocking Racial “Stereotypes” By Brian Simpson

This story goes back only to 2019:


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